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Act 2, Part 1: Trouble at Oleg's


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"South," the bandit says quickly. "An' it usually took her four or five days to get there an' back in the wagon. That's all I know, I swear! I really don't know nothin' else about the fort! But... " he adds, looking nervously at Sija and her blades, "I know somethin' else what might help! I know where you can find yourselves a powerful magic weapon, y'see. Promise me you won't let her gut me, an' I'll tell ya where to find it. I swears on me poor mother's grave, I won't cause no trouble for no one ever again. I'll turn over a new leaf, I will. Be a totally changed man. An' you'll be richer a magic weapon! Win-win, yeah?"

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Thomas of Nowhere | checked-shield.svgAC: 18 | health-normal.svg HP: 30/30 | awareness.svg Per: +5 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +8 | Will: +7 | FP: 2

Æthelflæd | checked-shield.svgAC: 19 | awareness.svg Per: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +8 | Will: +6

Thomas attends to Sija, helping as needed--holding things, mostly--with sympathetic winces. "All peelie-wallie a'the thought o'recitin' his crimes, he is. I'll nae give my word, like, nor sussie meself wi' preservin' his life. A tauchie fleece tae scoor, gettin' this weapon must be, or they'd hae it in hand awready."

But he nudges Æthelflæd, and with a sigh, the fey steps forward, drawing themself up. "Very well. Speak truth, and I give you my word: so long as it is in my power, I will not let you come to harm."

Thomas groans and fusses and makes sounds of protest, acting for all the world like Æthelflæd is the lord and he--a humble
servant with no power to sway them. It's no promise at all, of course: bound to Thomas' bidding, the fey can simply be dismissed.







1d20+8 11
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Sija Bhatyani - Half-Elf Ranger 2

HP: 27/32 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1

Perception: +8 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +7 | Will: +6 

Conditions| Resources | Abilities | Skills

Sija's sword hand quivers with the effort of restraint. Retribution will not be stayed with bribes, Sardevi demands it. But these companions... They have an interest beyond hers, and she can always hunt him down later. She lets out a growl and stalks away before she does something the others regret.



Action 1: 

Action 2: 

Action 3: 



Exploration Activity: 


-Elf Atavism (Darkvision)

-Monster Hunter

-Battle Medicine

-Natural Medicine

-Herbalist Dedication

--Advanced Alchemy

--Alchemical Crafting

-Twin Takedown

-Gravity Weapon


Sija looks like a typical Vudran woman, often dressing in the more traditional fabric wrap of her homeland and often a headscarf or shawl. She often wears some form of ornamentation or jewelry on hands, ears, neck, and brow. She is older than most, though as a half-elf she wears her six decades with dignity and grace, with few signs of the decrepitude often seen in similarly aged humans. She is tall, and stands with a straight back and good posture. Her arm is strong and well-corded with sinew and muscle, perhaps appearing a touch wiry, and her skin a bit weathered from years outside. Her hair was once a glossy black, though now it is streaked with gray; more with each passing day.


She can often be found with a cudgel, a wicked-looking curved dagger, and a whip hanging from her belt. She wears these, and warm outer clothes or a cloak to protect her from the elements, when she travels. When expecting trouble she throws a bandolier on that's filled with flasks of healing ointments and poultices.



-Clothing (Winter)



-Belt Pouch

-Healer's tools





-Corset Knife

-2x Dandpatta (PC)


-5x Darts






-Climbing Kit

-Rations (2 weeks)

-5x Sacks

-5x Torches




-4x Flasks Oil



-10x Chalk


-Flint and Steel


-2x Candles

-2gp 4sp 6cp


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Zakon Malheur

HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 | Perception: +7image.png.ee2050fec237379a2949f7b183fe1591.png
Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +9
Hero Points: O | Focus Points: O

After Sija stomps off, seemingly after Æthelflæd's pledge of protection, Zakon gives the Eidolon an impressed nod of respect. Zakon, something of a summoner himself, however, feels that he understands the game that Thomas was playing at - or, at least, his own conniving mind quickly identifies the loophole - and the Judge finds it a dangerous precedent to set. "Acquiring a magical weapon could serve our cause, but one must tread carefully when dealing with the fey."

"Should no one voice objection," he looked around his companions, sure that at least a couple of them wouldn't be interested in a plea bargain. "... I can formalize this accord, fortified with a binding magical oath to hold both parties to its terms." Zakon redirects his attention to their captive, maintaining his poise. "In return for your candid admission of guilt, your cooperation in the pursuit of a greater evil's demise – including pivotal intelligence such as the location of a magical weapon – we consider the offer of 'clemency', a lesser sentence. Its specific terms can be outlined in the agreement - an agreement which isn't worth the parchment it would be written on if we are not a nation governed by laws."

Turning, once again, to his companions, "Here lies an opportunity not only to secure information and a potential asset, but also to test our collective commitment to the principles we aim to establish - tenets yet to be formally defined, let alone assured. Therefore, before we forge any compacts, I suggest that we, as leaders, assemble and deliberate the values and rudimentary laws we intend to use when we rule this land... and then pledge to hold ourselves to them, as if we did." His gaze scrutinizes his companion's reactions. He expects some resistance, despite it being a completely reasonable expectation.

"This exercise, whether we concur or diverge in this captive's case, shapes the foundation of our future. Initial guidelines that need not be exhaustive, but may serve as a starting point to anchor us as our new country takes shape. I have drafted several frameworks for us to consider, which I believe offer enough common ground that we can find unanimous support...." Zakon was clearly showing more enthusiasm about this exercise than the entire rest of the party, combined.

Edited by BlackHat (see edit history)
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Antonia.png.1c894b2d47bceebd582721c66eea058b.png Antonia Rullianus

Swashbuckler Fencer 2


checked-shield.svgAC: 19 | health-normal.svgHP: 30/30 | awareness.svgPer: +5 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 | Hero: 2/3 | Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

Panache:  | Conditions: None

With her face reflected in the mirror of her makeup kit, a twinkle in Antonia's eye might give the most perceptive of the group a hint towards her annoyance with this whole debacle, and how long it was drawing out. The woman beneath the mask would just as quickly turn and, with a graceful flick of her wrist, bury the blade hidden between her breasts into the worthless bandit's eye. Its point would sink into the mans brain with little effort and kill him instantly. Or at least almost instantly. There might be a few twitches; perhaps a bit of groaning or gurgling before he expired. But at least the matter would be settled. As a bonus, there would be one less rapist in Golarion.

Alas, that is not who she is playing. She is Antonia Rullianus, wannabe-noble of Brevoy and woman of honor -- at least most of the time -- and this man was technically unarmed, no matter his crime. And so, she is left having to listen to the Judge drone on about something she cares very, very little for: the law. As Zakon finishes his speech, Antonia snaps her handheld mirror shut and lets out a an exaggerated yawn along with a boisterous stretch. "Oh, pardon me, Judge. I suppose my pre-murder nap was not as restful as I had originally thought. I did not mean to interrupt. What were you saying about holding ourselves up to our code of ethics -- or was it law? Honor? Ah, we are lucky to have you along. I'm quite certain none of us would have ever thought of such a brilliant idea." If there is sarcasm in her voice, it is well hidden. "You'll hear no objection from me, darling. I think the Judge has the right of it. We aim to establish a foothold in this land -- bring order as we know it from the lands of the civil and bless these savages with our ideologies. So, then. Let's be done with it, shall we? We have a schedule to keep, after all!" The Fencer tucks her makeup kit away back into her bag and slides the pack over her shoulders, preparing to move. "If there is something for this man to sign, I imagine he will want to take the easy route -- maybe just a large 'X'. I doubt literacy is his strong suit." She looks to the bandit with big eyes, as if talking to a small child, or perhaps a dog, and places her hands on her knees as she leans forward. "Isn't that right, dear? Big bandit man not write so good?" She seems to be enjoying herself at least.



Action 1 - Mock a bandit :D

Action 2 -

Action 3 -


Edited by Spektor (see edit history)
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The bandit has been staring open-mouthed between the members of the group, utterly baffled as to what is going on and regarding Zakon as if he's speaking the Infernal tongue rather than Taldan. He finally swallows and nods. "I'll sign whatever you'd like, I will. Sure. Just don't kill me."

When all is said and done, night has fallen completely, the slain bandits have been stripped of their valuables, the survivor huddles quietly nearby while Zakon finishes his contract, and it seems that the rest of the night will pass uneventfully. Eventually, everyone prepares for bed or the first watch. After all, there's a perfectly good camp right here (if slightly used), so why not occupy it for the evening rather than picking your way through the darkened forest for hours to reach Sija's wagon?

Come morning, a new chapter of your adventure begins...

Edited by Kavonde (see edit history)
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