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Act 2, Part 1: Trouble at Oleg's


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Loading up into Sija Bhatyani's wooden wagon, you begin your journey.

The wagon, though large enough to accommodate as many as a dozen people comfortably, grows stifling and cramped by the end of the first day. The sun has just set when you arrive at the village of Nivatka's Crossing, the tiny bastion of civilization clinging to Brevoy's southwestern border and serving as the gateway into the Stolen Lands.

You spend the night there in a comfortable little inn called the Muddy Bridge, and enjoy it as best you can; it is likely the last time any of you will sleep in an actual bed for a long time to come. In the morning, you leave the town headed west, into the sparsely populated borderlands that rest in the not-completely-delineated divide between Brevoy and the unclaimed wilds. Only a few hundred yards out from Nivatka's Crossing, the ancient cobblestones give way to muddy tracks carved by decades of explorers, settlers, and ne'er-do-wells.

When you make camp that second night, your body is almost as sore as if you had simply walked the distance; Sija's wagon is well-maintained, but a wagon without a proper road to drive on is not a pleasant experience. As the sun sets, all you can see in any direction are rolling hills of tall grass, just beginning to return to verdant life as winter's chill fades.

Early into the third day, you leave behind even the well-worn paths trod by so many others. What you follow now is a narrow track, simply a pair of grooves made by a handful of wagons (including this one) flattening down the grass and churning up the dirt. Towards midday, a cold front blows in; by the time you stop for the night, a gentle snowfall is drifting down, coating the land in a soft, white blanket.

The fourth day sees a bit more snow; winter here clearly isn't quite ready to give up its hold. Far to the southwest, you can see dark clouds and flashes of lightning, but the sound of thunder never manages to reach you. The gentle snowfall fades as the day rolls on, and by late afternoon, the sky above you is clear.

On the fifth day, about two hours after noon, you arrive at your destination.


Oleg's Trading Post is a humble affair. Once a small border fort maintained by the kingdom of Rostland, a talented carpenter and woodworker named Oleg Leveton and his wife Svetlana were able to claim the old fort several years ago via a charter issued by Lord Mayor Sellemius, an old friend of Svetlana's, who empathized with the couple's desire to escape the pressures of city life and build a home and a life for themselves on their own terms.

The trading post consists of three main buildings surrounded by a 10' high wooden palisade and four wooden towers. Standing alone on the snow-blanketed plain, it is the only landmark visible for miles in any direction. Four plain, red banners dance in the chill afternoon breeze, but as you near, the wind shifts to bring you the comforting smell of freshly baked bread. Smoke rises from a chimney somewhere behind the walls, and you can hear the steady thunk of an axe chopping wood.

As your SvetlanaLeveton.png.e216ed535132e3d76021673e722ae375.pngwagon nears the gates, a woman appears in one of the towers and calls down to you. In her late 20's or early 30's, with sandy blonde hair and striking blue eyes, she clearly fits the description you were given of Svetlana Leveton. Her face lights up as she recognizes the wagon and its driver. "Sija!" she calls. "They didn't tell us they were sending you!"

She beams at the Vudrani woman for a second before turning to look down into the courtyard. "Oleg! Our guests are here!"

OlegLeveton.png.285fab1b5a3a98673223c4dbfe424f64.pngAbout a minute later, there's a heavy thud as the gates are unbarred and swing gently inward. Standing there in a sawdust-caked apron and sackcloth tunic is a man of about Svetlana's age but with none of her natural charm. Oleg Leveton eyes you all with a doubtful expression. "You're it?"

"Oh, hush," Svetlana scolds him gently. "Come in, please. I'm Svetlana Leveton, and this is my husband, Oleg. Sija, get down from there so I can give you a hug. You're the folks Lady Jamandi said would be coming?"

"We asked for a unit of guardsmen," Oleg says, crossing his arms.

"They have a bear, Oleg," Svetlana chides him. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. Over to your left are the stables--Sija, poor Claptrap has been a nervous wreck since the last time you visited--and this building on the right is the guest house. Straight ahead is the storage pen, and in the main building there you'll find everything else. Including," she adds with a dramatic pause, "the kitchen! Come on over once you're situated, I've just taken some bread out."

Oleg, meanwhile, silently sets about undoing the horses' harnesses and leading them to the stables, moving with all the enthusiasm of a condemned inmate walking towards his grave.

Edited by Kavonde (see edit history)
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Sija Bhatyani - Half-Elf Ranger 2

HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1

Perception: +8 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +7 | Will: +6 

Conditions-None| ResourcesInfused Items:
-2x Lesser Antidote
-2x Minor Elixir of Life

-1 PC affixed to dandpatta


| AbilitiesFocus Spells:
-Gravity Weapon

-Monster Hunter

-Hunt Prey
-Twin Takedown
-Battle Medicine
| Skills*Acrobatics: +5
*Arcana: +5
*Athletics: +8
Crafting: +1
Deception: +0
Diplomacy: +0
*Herbalism Lore: +5
Intimidate: +0
*Medicine: +6
**Nature: +8
*Occultism: +5
Performance: +0
*Religion: +6
Society: +1
*Stealth: +5
*Survival: +6
Thievery: +1

*Trained | **Expert | ***Master

"Listen up now! I want everyone to behave, no fighting, no spitting. If you get wagon-sick sit at the back. Don't make a mess on my seats. Wipe you feet at the back and don't track in mud." She says, as the group starts to file into her wagon. The benches are lightly upholstered with simply canvas for batting and padding. Generally she transports goods more than people, but this won't be her first time with passengers. Some nearby can hear her mutter "won't get the bear-hair out for weeks..." under her breath, though she seem accepting that if she can care for her horses as much as she does, maybe others can be a little odd about their pets too. "Stops to rest the horses every few hours. If anyone knows their way around horses, I welcome the help tending them. We'll be stopping at the Muddy Bridge Inn tonight, then out into the wilds."

She takes her seat, smoothly handling the large knife and cudgel on her belt as she climbs up to the bench. The she takes up the reins and "tuts" softy, and they're off.

Arriving at Oleg's she clambers down off the wagon and gives Svetlana a warm hug, handing her a small bag. "Someone had to get these people out here, but I'll be heading back in a day or two. Oh, that's just some tea I thought you'd like from the city in this cold weather. There's a crate of supplies in the wagon too. It's been too long dear, how are you?" She steps back and looks around at the palisade.


Hearing Oleg she asks, "What do you need guardsmen for? It's been a good long while since I've been here; is there some kind of trouble?" She wants to ask about the new kitchen, and if she can take a look at Claptrap, but there will be time for those questions later, she's sure.



Action 1: buy 1sp worth of tea leaves before leaving town, and 1sp of fancy soap, given to Svetlana

Action 2: buy 1 Potency crystal (4g) before leaving

Action 3: 

Reaction: None, yet


Exploration Activity: 


-Elf Atavism (Darkvision)

-Monster Hunter

-Battle Medicine

-Natural Medicine

-Herbalist Dedication

--Advanced Alchemy

--Alchemical Crafting

-Twin Takedown

-Gravity Weapon


Sija looks like a typical Vudran woman, often dressing in the more traditional fabric wrap of her homeland and often a headscarf or shawl. She often wears some form of ornamentation or jewelry on hands, ears, neck, and brow. She is older than most, though as a half-elf she wears her six decades with dignity and grace, with few signs of the decrepitude often seen in similarly aged humans. She is tall, and stands with a straight back and good posture. Her arm is strong and well-corded with sinew and muscle, perhaps appearing a touch wiry, and her skin a bit weathered from years outside. Her hair was once a glossy black, though now it is streaked with gray; more with each passing day.


She can often be found with a cudgel, a wicked-looking curved dagger, and a whip hanging from her belt. She wears these, and warm outer clothes or a cloak to protect her from the elements, when she travels. When expecting trouble she throws a bandolier on that's filled with flasks of healing ointments and poultices.



-Clothing (Winter)



-Belt Pouch

-Healer's tools





-Corset Knife

-2x Dandpatta (PC)


-5x Darts






-Climbing Kit

-Rations (2 weeks)

-5x Sacks

-5x Torches




-4x Flasks Oil



-10x Chalk


-Flint and Steel


-2x Candles

-2gp 4sp 6cp


Edited by Kistler (see edit history)
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Zakon Malheur

HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 | Perception: +7
Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +9
Hero Points: OX | Focus Points: O

As our heroes set out on their quest, some of the party might not have recognized Zakon the next morning. His formal robes of office had been packed away and he now wore red and black comfortable clothing that was more suited to several days of travel. Without his hood, they could see his aging face and graying hair more clearly. He looked as though he had already been up for hours. As he loaded his luggage onto the wagon, it was obvious he had picked up a few more supplies. His new equipment included a dark wooden staff and a shield, with a black and red emblem like a ritual circle. A sturdy secure personal lockbox, with black leather straps to make it easier to transport, was loaded onto the wagon, as well as a leather explorer's pack containing an assortment of typical necessities for travel, including rations, bedrolls, and a large tent.

Zakon spent much of the journey with his nose stuck in a book or scroll, occasionally transcribing notes into his personal journal. He engaged in conversation but seemed more attentive when it related to politics, law, or magic. He seemed particularly keen to discuss political matters with the group, to get a better sense of where they stood on various issues well ahead of the founding of their settlement. Along the route he used his spells to help in small ways, as well - joining Æthelflæd in cleaning things with magic, conjuring books out of thin air to look up some fact, and bestowing guidance on any who would consent while performing important tasks. Throughout the journey Zakon also conjured a number of creatures to aid in their travels - a raven spirit of some sort named Raum, a wisp of elemental air one day and fire the next. The following day, he called forth some sort of small blue elephant creature that he claimed would bring them good fortune and, sure enough, the day passed without incident. Once he even called forth a gremlin of some sort to perform some menial labor he didn't want to get his own hands dirty with. Sometimes they were used to scout ahead, other times seemingly only to provide light by which the judge would read.

When they camped, Zakon conjured up an invisible spirit to make camp and prepare his large tent. Afterwards, he was happy to have it help prepare camp for the others, as well, performing simple tasks such as brushing away stones and twigs or gathering wood for the fire. Over the campfire, he shared stories of his travels and seemed genuinely interested to hear the stories of the other adventurers. As each day brought them closer to their destination, Zakon seemed to grow more anxious as if expecting bandit-trouble along the road. Luckily, they arrived without incident.

Once they reached Oleg's Trading Post, Zakon disembarked the wagon and was eager to spend some time indoors, assessing their situation before formulating a plan of action, but first the judge introduced himself to their hosts. "Zakon Malhuer, at your service." At the mention of the request for additional guards, Zakon asked "If I may inspect a copy of your requisition form...? We were, unfortunately, not provided with one when we were dispatched." It seemed unlikely that a man like Oleg retained copies of important request forms but it would not hurt to ask. Perhaps, if nothing else, this would serve as a gentle reminder to do so in the future. As if in response to Sina's question, Zakon added, "We have been informed of your recent trouble with bandits, however, and we are here to help, however we can." 

Edited by BlackHat (see edit history)
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Svetlana wraps Sija in a hug that carries a surprising amount of strength for an average-sized woman. She gives the bag of tea leaves a big sniff, enjoying their odor, and smiles. "It smells wonderful, Sija. You're entirely too sweet. I'm doing well enough, but... "

"Bandits," Oleg says, punctuating the word by spitting. "Calling themselves 'tax collectors.' Started coming around here three months ago, saying we owed some 'Stag Lord' for protection. Been here on the second Starday of each month since, demanding more and more of what little we make."

"Yes, that," Svetlana adds with a sigh. "We know their leader, too. Happs Bydon. He used to sell us beaver furs he'd trap along the Thorn River in the Narlmarches. Never the friendliest man, but he wasn't a bandit."

"I never trusted him," Oleg notes, crossing his arms.

At Zakon's question, Oleg looks confused. "A... requisition form? We didn't have any forms. We just asked anyone going to Restov to relay word. Is there supposed to be a form?" He thinks about it a moment longer. "Wait, that's stupid. Why would we need to fill out a form? How are we even supposed to get one? Why wouldn't they be able to fill it out there? Or send it along with whoever they send to help, and have us fill it out once they arrive? That's a stupid system, sir. It's stupid, it's inefficient, and I'm not going to stand for it. We moved out here to get away from mindless bureaucracy!"

"We're glad you're here to help, though," Svetlana chimes in, trying to defuse her husband's growing tirade before it can build up too much steam.

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Zakon Malheur

HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 | Perception: +7
Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +9
Hero Points: OX | Focus Points: O

"... I understand your frustration, Oleg." Zakon put one hand reassuringly on the other man's shoulder. "I assure you that these processes are in place for a reason and, while they may seem daunting and complex, they help to ensure that policies are implemented fairly and consistently, reducing the risk of corruption and favoritism." Zakon disagreed that a simple step like 'writing your request down and actually getting it to the person you are asking for aid' was stupider or less efficient than 'offhandedly mentioning it to a fur trapper who was passing through and hoping for the best' but he managed to hold his tongue. Oleg was, in theory, the king of this little wooden castle and it seemed that word of the bandit troubles had made its way to Lady Jamandi Aldori. It was not too late to correct the error. "Your suggestion - to formally file the request, now that we've arrived - is more than reasonable, given the circumstances. Once we get settled, I will begin preparing the paperwork capturing the details - as well as auditing your records for 'tax' purposes. The second Starday of the month is only two days away and we have much to prepare."

Zakon turned to Sija, "If you are still planning to return to Restov, shortly, it would be wise to get on the road before these bandits become your problem, as well. Lady Aldori was nonspecific about the details of your involvement, of course. If you do not have other commitments, and are interested in helping, perhaps we could extend your contract, a little longer...."

Diplomacy to Make an Impression with Oleg
1d20+8 5
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Sija Bhatyani - Half-Elf Ranger 2

HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1

Perception: +8 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +7 | Will: +6 

Conditions-None| ResourcesInfused Items:
-2x Lesser Antidote
-2x Minor Elixir of Life

-1 PC affixed to dandpatta


| AbilitiesFocus Spells:
-Gravity Weapon

-Monster Hunter

-Hunt Prey
-Twin Takedown
-Battle Medicine
| Skills*Acrobatics: +5
*Arcana: +5
*Athletics: +8
Crafting: +1
Deception: +0
Diplomacy: +0
*Herbalism Lore: +5
Intimidate: +0
*Medicine: +6
**Nature: +8
*Occultism: +5
Performance: +0
*Religion: +6
Society: +1
*Stealth: +5
*Survival: +6
Thievery: +1

*Trained | **Expert | ***Master

"Now you tend to your business and I'll tend to mine. I haven't seen my friends in some time, and I don't need you rushing me out the door." She says with a patronizing smile at the officious judge.

She heads off with Oleg and the horses to make sure they're taken care of, and takes a moment to feed Claptrap an apple. She looks him over, touching him lightly and looking at his hooves and teeth. She tries to put him and ease and see if there's anything wrong with the animal.

She walks into the kitchen and looks around, admiring the new stove and breathing deeply of the smell of fresh bread. "It's wonderful Svetlana. I wish I'd brought my spices from back home so I could cook for you while I'm here." She pauses for second, "Though I may be here longer than I thought. If there's trouble with bandits I don't want to venture back all alone, you know. Maybe I can stay and help around here. From the looks of these folks an extra helping hand or two won't hurt."

She out the window, seeing Shardik and Verne in the yard, before asking Svetlana with a smile, "Does Oleg have any fishing gear I can borrow? There's that great big bear out there that will need feeding. Maybe I can try to make friends."



Action 1: Nature to assess the state of Claptrap

Action 2: 

Action 3: 

Reaction: None, yet


Exploration Activity: 


-Elf Atavism (Darkvision)

-Monster Hunter

-Battle Medicine

-Natural Medicine

-Herbalist Dedication

--Advanced Alchemy

--Alchemical Crafting

-Twin Takedown

-Gravity Weapon


Sija looks like a typical Vudran woman, often dressing in the more traditional fabric wrap of her homeland and often a headscarf or shawl. She often wears some form of ornamentation or jewelry on hands, ears, neck, and brow. She is older than most, though as a half-elf she wears her six decades with dignity and grace, with few signs of the decrepitude often seen in similarly aged humans. She is tall, and stands with a straight back and good posture. Her arm is strong and well-corded with sinew and muscle, perhaps appearing a touch wiry, and her skin a bit weathered from years outside. Her hair was once a glossy black, though now it is streaked with gray; more with each passing day.


She can often be found with a cudgel, a wicked-looking curved dagger, and a whip hanging from her belt. She wears these, and warm outer clothes or a cloak to protect her from the elements, when she travels. When expecting trouble she throws a bandolier on that's filled with flasks of healing ointments and poultices.



-Clothing (Winter)



-Belt Pouch

-Healer's tools





-Corset Knife

-2x Dandpatta (PC)


-5x Darts






-Climbing Kit

-Rations (2 weeks)

-5x Sacks

-5x Torches




-4x Flasks Oil



-10x Chalk


-Flint and Steel


-2x Candles

-2gp 4sp 6cp


Assessing the horsey
1d20+8 13
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Zakon Malheur

HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 | Perception: +7
Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +9
Hero Points: OX | Focus Points: O

"... It was not my intention to suggest you should return," Zakon says before Sija left. "Rather, the opposite." Having said that, he was not interested in following Svetlana and Sija to the stables. 

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Thomas of Nowhere | checked-shield.svgAC: 18 | health-normal.svg HP: 30/30 | awareness.svg Per: +5 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +8 | Will: +7 | FP: 2

Æthelflæd | checked-shield.svgAC: 19 | awareness.svg Per: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +8 | Will: +6

Thomas is by turns an amiable and silently brooding companion on the journey, quick to start a game of cards or tell fanciful stories in his brogue or to endure a black mood by staring aimlessly and leaning against Shardik as if the bear was a large cushion. Æthelflæd, too, is pleasant to have: they take up little space, their too-long limbs folding up neatly, and their prestidigitation expertly maintains a comfortable temperature, adds flavor to travel-food, and otherwise makes the ride more pleasant. They look down their long nose at Zakon at times, glaring bitterly at attempts to help clean, as though deeply offended.

Thomas' conversations are often--quite one-sidedly--with Shardik, though he frowns a couple of times, like he expects to make out what the bear is grumbling about and, ironically, can't quite work it out because of a thick accent. On matters temporal, he's more sardonic than helpful, quick to mock a perceived flaw in an idea or proposed system.

On arrival, he seems entirely happy to be somewhere besides the wagon, wherever that is.

"Dinnae plague th'puir fella wi' forms sae soon, Zakon. Why, once we're through wi' the bandits, ye may have ta amend half of'em anyway. An' Master Oleg, dinnae ye worry. We're fresh off savin' the Lady Aldori's bahookie from assassins, suren we are, an' a frost giant tae boot. These only look tae be kindly lads an' lasses... well, an' His Orderly Honor. They're all flashin' blades an' darin' deeds, like."
He turns a winsome smile on Svetlana.
"An' as th' fair lady o'the house says--we've a bear. Meet my guid friend Shardik, a braw fella fer the brawlin'--an' his friend Verne."

Æthelflæd, by contrast, takes a slow look around the trading post--then another one, as if searching for the rest of it--and adjusts their collar, looking glum beyond measure.





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 spacer.pngVerne Greencloak| HP: 24/24 | AC: 19 | Fort: +5  Ref: +6  Will: +10  Perception: +8 | Hero Points: 3/3 | Spell SlotsDruid 1: 2/2

Shardik | HP: 26/26 | AC: 19 | Fort: +6  Ref: +6  Will: +5  Perception: +5spacer.png



Right on cue, Verne steps down out of the carriage.  Shardik, who has been looking out the window, jumps down after him. There is no sack, the pastries, that were eaten out of boredom and used to sweeten those who were less enthusiastic about having Shardik in the passenger compartment, were mysteriously missing this morning.  Verne has spent the journey regularly helping with the horses, and sitting up front with Sija when she would permit, wishing to enjoy the open air and less cramped travelling, while Shardik slept under the seat inside. 


Verne nods along with Thomas' declaration.  "It's true, he's very braw." He's been trying to work out the summoner's dialect on the journey, but still hasn't quite gotten there.  "What is it that we need to be brawling?  The Stag Lord?  Do you know where he is?"


He looks over at Sija, responding, "You know we hunt, right? Don't worry, we can feed ourselves.  Now that a certain someone ate up all the pastries." he glares at Shardik with mock anger.



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Out in the courtyard, Oleg scowls at Zakon. "So you don't even have the form! You have to write one up now that you're here! If the 'form' is just a written bloody request, I can manage that on my own. Is there some sort of template? What information do I need to provide?" He sticks his thumbs beneath the straps of his work apron. "I'm a small businessman, sir. I pride myself on my ledgers and attention to detail. I don't object to a little paperwork. What I object to is poor communication."

If the man, who seems almost as humorless and dour as the judge he faces, heard Thomas' quip, he makes no indication of it. Svetlana, however, smiles at him and extends a friendly hand to him and then, crouching a bit, offers it to Shardik, along with a few blackberries she produces from her own apron. "Why, between the three of you, I'm not sure which is more handsome. A pleasure to meet you, Shardik, Verne, and Name Not Provided." Her smile turns briefly teasing as she arches an eyebrow at Thomas.

"We don't know where the Stag Lord is, I'm sorry to say. The only 'representatives' we've seen were Happs and his men. I've heard them speak of the man, however. He is, apparently, eight feet tall and can lift an ox over his head with one hand. And perhaps even more distinctively, his head was replaced with that of a great stag crowned with a dozen antlers. One of them said he's Erastil's chosen champion, but I've met priests of Erastil before, and the only thing they abhor more than a bubble bath is a bandit."

She soon leaves the group to their own devices, heading to the kitchen to check on her bread. Meanwhile, Sija stops by the trading post's small stables to check on Claptrap. The horse jumps in surprise when her the wooden floor creaks under her foot; his eyes are wild and afraid for a moment before he recognizes the ranger. Claptrap seems well-fed and well cared for, with no signs of injury or illness; as far as Sija can tell, he is simply the most skittish horse to ever walk Golarion. Oddly enough, he's actually less nervous when put to work; it's as if the horse has an overactive imagination that runs away with him whenever he doesn't have something to distract him.

When Sija joins Svetlana in the kitchen, he finds her stacking loaves into a basket alongside a bundle of carrots, a few tomatoes, and a cloth sack filled with blackberries and raspberries. "Snacks to tide you all over until supper," she explains.

She smiles at Sija's offer to stay. "I certainly won't object to your company. Oleg's a sweetheart--don't give me that look, he is--but he'd never speak a word aloud if given the choice. I don't mind the quiet, but it does feel good to have a proper conversation now and then. That said," she adds, adding the final bread loaf to the basket, "you had better not get yourself hurt, Sija. If I have to sew you up, the needlework will look terrible next to yours, and then I'll be embarrassed whenever I see the scar."

Sija's question about fishing gear elicits a nod. "Yes, of course. I'll fetch it; he won't mind. There's a small pond about thirty minutes southwest of here, and a creek running from there into the Narlmarshes. Mostly perch and bluegill, though Oleg swears he saw a pike as long as his leg there once. Don't go alone, though, dear. Happs isn't due for another couple of days, but you never know. Besides, we think there's a pack of thylacines roaming the area."

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image.png.4c4b77ae102cad34c4f41a5c079e932f.pngLerris Ninthborne

health-normal.svgHP: 32/32 |checked-shield.svg AC: 19 | awareness.svg Per: + 5 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +4 | Will: +8 | Hero: 0 | Languages: Common (Taldane), Hallit, Skald

Lerris jumped from the side of the cart with a small thud. Absentmindedly then he began to pull bags from the side. He tucked a sack underneath an arm, and lifted one onto his shoulder. Then he started into the trade post, picking up a few pieces of the conversations happening as he went. "Bandits are like coyote's. Give em' a piece a bread in pity or fear and they'll be back the next day with four times the number and demanding meat." 

"It's good we came along now then, can end things before the problem get's too big. I'm Lerris by the way, Lerris Ninthborne as people tend to call me." He said, stopping just before Oleg and the Judge as he moved along. He let one of the bags fall to the ground then, the clanging of metal sounding as it hit the dirt. "Apologies they couldn't muster the guard, but we're no slouches. Least compared to the average bandit that is. My friend Thomas there isn't lying when he says we put down a Frost Giant, though he is exaggerating a bit." Lerris gave a small laugh at that last part, the giant they'd felled had been fresh out of a battle with more than a dozen men. Even then it'd been a coinflip of a fight, only ending well because they had won so quick.

"As for all this and that about communication, I couldn't agree more. In that spirit... I've got a few questions to ask you about this Happs fellow when you have time. Bout him and his men." Lerris explained, then his eyes moved to the surrounding area. The outpost wasn't exactly a fortress, but any building was better than open air in a fight. And one with walls especially. "Along with your place here." 

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Sija Bhatyani - Half-Elf Ranger 2

HP: 32/32 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1

Perception: +8 | Fort: +8 | Ref: +7 | Will: +6 

Conditions-None| ResourcesInfused Items:
-2x Lesser Antidote
-2x Minor Elixir of Life

-1 PC affixed to dandpatta


| AbilitiesFocus Spells:
-Gravity Weapon

-Monster Hunter

-Hunt Prey
-Twin Takedown
-Battle Medicine
| Skills*Acrobatics: +5
*Arcana: +5
*Athletics: +8
Crafting: +1
Deception: +0
Diplomacy: +0
*Herbalism Lore: +5
Intimidate: +0
*Medicine: +6
**Nature: +8
*Occultism: +5
Performance: +0
*Religion: +6
Society: +1
*Stealth: +5
*Survival: +6
Thievery: +1

*Trained | **Expert | ***Master

"I've seen you these past days on the road, I know you're an excellent hunter, yes? But as we used to say back in my homeland, मुंह में मछली मत देखो" She says kindly to Verne. "I think you would say, 'free fish don't have teeth'. Tomorrow, maybe we can take a walk to this stream and catch dinner for everyone."

She's tries to recall the hazards of Thylacines that Svetlana warns them about before responding to Svetlana, "Ah yes, Tylasigns. My those big lizards are fast! My least favorite kind of 'signs."



Action 1: Nature to assess the state of Claptrap

Action 2: 

Action 3: 

Reaction: None, yet


Exploration Activity: 


-Elf Atavism (Darkvision)

-Monster Hunter

-Battle Medicine

-Natural Medicine

-Herbalist Dedication

--Advanced Alchemy

--Alchemical Crafting

-Twin Takedown

-Gravity Weapon


Sija looks like a typical Vudran woman, often dressing in the more traditional fabric wrap of her homeland and often a headscarf or shawl. She often wears some form of ornamentation or jewelry on hands, ears, neck, and brow. She is older than most, though as a half-elf she wears her six decades with dignity and grace, with few signs of the decrepitude often seen in similarly aged humans. She is tall, and stands with a straight back and good posture. Her arm is strong and well-corded with sinew and muscle, perhaps appearing a touch wiry, and her skin a bit weathered from years outside. Her hair was once a glossy black, though now it is streaked with gray; more with each passing day.


She can often be found with a cudgel, a wicked-looking curved dagger, and a whip hanging from her belt. She wears these, and warm outer clothes or a cloak to protect her from the elements, when she travels. When expecting trouble she throws a bandolier on that's filled with flasks of healing ointments and poultices.



-Clothing (Winter)



-Belt Pouch

-Healer's tools





-Corset Knife

-2x Dandpatta (PC)


-5x Darts






-Climbing Kit

-Rations (2 weeks)

-5x Sacks

-5x Torches




-4x Flasks Oil



-10x Chalk


-Flint and Steel


-2x Candles

-2gp 4sp 6cp


Edited by Kistler (see edit history)
ID Thyla's
1d20+8 2
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Zakon Malheur

HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 | Perception: +7
Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +9
Hero Points: OX | Focus Points: O

Zakon nodded at Oleg as he puffed out his chest and bragged about his dutiful records, "I am pleased to hear it. This small inconvenience should be no trouble to resolve, with your help." Zakon didn't push the issue that traditionally it was the duty of the party making the request to file the paperwork, not the party fulfilling the request. As he said, he was here to help. "I'll draft something, this evening, and we can fill in the details together - or, if you should find it tiresome, it would be my honor to go over your ledger and complete the request and all we would need from you is your signature."

At the moment, Zakon was more interested in getting the lay of the land and Lerris stepped up to begin asking about Happs and his gang. From the way he was eyeing the wooden palisade, he was already thinking about preparations they could make in the coming days.

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Antonia.png.446fd0f700762d828f60adffd3e4865b.pngAntonia Rullianus

Swashbuckler Fencer 2


checked-shield.svgAC: 19 | health-normal.svgHP: 30/30 | awareness.svgPer: +5 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 | Hero: 2 (+ 1)/3 | Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

Panache: ✖️ | Conditions: None

One would not be faulted for thinking Antonia was allergic to carriage rides. At every chance given, she elected to do whatever job was needed, so long as it meant getting out of the interior of the carriage or away from the group as a whole. She even offered to assist with the horses whenever it was needed, and surprisingly she seemed to have a decent amount of experience with them. Whenever they would stop to let the horses rest, Antonia would inevitably say something along the lines of "I'm going to use the Ladies' Roo-...Ladies'...hole in the woods. Be back shortly." or perhaps, "I've heard that the best berries are the wild kind. I bet there are all sorts around here. I'm going to go take a look. Be back shortly." She would always return, sometimes with berries, sometimes with other randomly-collected items from the woods that loosely made her absence seem vague and unworthy of much notice. Furthermore, constant and open displays of magic seemed to make the Fencer uncomfortable. More than once, she had fallen asleep in the carriage and was awoken with a start as magic was cast nearby. Oddly enough, her hand would immediately go to her side, ready to draw her weapon, before she realized what was happening. "Keep that magic nonsense over on that side of the carriage, won't you?" She would lecture the caster.

When they finally arrived, the sometimes-posh-sometimes-crass fencer nearly burst free from the carriage as if it were devoid of oxygen. "Oh, thank the gods -- especially the dead one. We've made it, at last! Whew..." Antonia made a dramatic and exaggerated gesture of wiping invisible sweat from her brow. "...At least we won't be doing that again any time soon." She said begrudgingly, knowing full well there would be days upon days of travel in their future. The Narlmarshes were vast, and the roads weren't exactly paved, so they would be traveling a lot and doing it at a slow pace. But that was an annoyance to deal with later. For now, they had the chance to stretch their legs and enjoy a little bit of civilization. Emphasis on 'little bit'.

"Antonia Rullianus, Ex-aspiring Swordlord, now aspiring God Queen. At your service." She made another dramatic display, this time a bow that was far too low given its intended recipients. "Did I say God Queen? I meant...advisor."  She feigns innocence, then chuckles at her own humor without the expectation that her joke would be humorous to the others. "Dear Lerris makes a fine point, although I would have added 'mangy' as a descriptor to the 'coyotes'. Alas, worry no longer. We are here -- in the place of meddlesome Guard who would, much like our dear Judge, deign to bog down the whole process with bureaucracy. No offense, your honor. Law certainly has a use, but not in the lawless lands. We like to get things done a bit more swiftly. It makes one wonder if these self-proclaimed 'tax collectors' have a last wish of meeting future legends? If so, we can fulfill that wish for them." She offered a wink towards Oleg and moved past him, straight into the trading post.

As the others caught up and settled in with their hosts, Antonia took to presumptuously scouting the interior of the structure. One might call it snooping, but that was only part of the intention. She made no attempts to hide her search and ensured anyone who questioned her of her methods of her goals. If she did not have the chance to explain, she would eventually seek out Oleg or Svetlana and question them regarding the defenses. "This may seem odd to you but, trust me, I know what I am doing. From the tales we've heard, we seem to be pitted against an enemy that will not blink twice to using underhanded tricks to accomplish their goals. I need to know about every window, door, crack, and mouse hole you have in this building so that I can make sure they are covered -- perhaps even trapped. Where do you keep your valuables? You see, these bandits probably already know exactly where you keep them. Telling us about them means they are protected. Is there anyone else staying here or is it just the lovely couple? When trouble inevitably finds us, I want to make sure we can recognize who is friend and who is foe. I severely doubt the enemy will be wearing uniforms or even similar colors."

As with any good lie, most of it was true.



Antonia is going to scout the interior of the house, searching for all openings to the outside, weak spots that could cause the structure to collapse or burn, and good spots to set up a trap (even if its just to alert everyone within to intruders). She is also going to attempt to locate where the most valuable items are kept and get a head count how many allies are currently 'on-site' at the post.

Finally, even if she is successful, she wants to be certain that their hosts do not think she's being intrusive or suspicious, so she will explain to them what she is doing and why she is doing it. Antonia is going to technically be lying about the main reason she's doing it (I'll DM you, Kavonde, to explain what her real intentions are). So I'm going to roll a deception check to get that info from them.


Edited by Spektor (see edit history)
Perception (Check for Defensive Weaknesses)
1d20+6 13
1d20+10 15
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Oleg regards Lerris speculatively, eying him up and down and obviously taking note of his scars. "You look like you know your way around a fight," he says. "Maybe you'll do. I'll tell you what I can about Happs. He's a good shot with a bow. First time he came around, he had ten men with him and this woman. Carried a couple of hatchets and looked like she could use them. The second time, he only brought eight of his men. The last time, he brought six. I'm pretty sure they came from the southwest, probably somewhere in the Narlmarches." He shrugs. "Anything else?"

He gives Antonia a similarly appraising look, taking in the sword at her hip and the dangerous poise with which she carries it. He doesn't offer any words to her as she winks and brushes past him; instead, his brows furrow thoughtfully. He soon returns his attention to Zakon, however, and nods at his offer to assist him with the paperwork. "Fine. After dinner."

Inside the kitchen, Svetlana laughs. "Thylacines, Sija. Not... whatever tylasigns are. Something native to your homeland? Well, these are big cats. Not very big, mind you; a little bigger than a coyote. They've particularly large muzzles that can fit an unpleasant number of teeth. Noisy little devils, too. A lot of hissing and growling. They're usually nocturnal, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?"

When Antonia enters the kitchen during her examination of the trading post, Svetlana introduces herself and shakes her hand. "Oh, my! You are stunningHow on Golarion have you managed to emerge from a five-day wagon ride looking like that?"

She accepts Antonia's explanation for her activities without question and actually takes her on a tour of the building. "Nearly everything of value is in our stockroom," she says, guiding Antonia out into the central hall and indicating the middle door on the right. "What coin we have on hand, though, we keep in our bedroom." Second door on the left. "That's our storeroom," she points to the last door on the right, "where we store our personal supplies; lamps and oil, candles, firewood, dried food, that sort of thing. And finally we have Oleg's office," the first door on the right, "which will no doubt one day host dignitaries and famous merchants." There's just the barest hint of cheerful sarcasm in her voice.

"Across the way is the guest house, where you all will be staying," she continues, taking Antonia outside and pointing to the building to the south. "I'm afraid we only have four beds. We don't have many guests, you see. However, we do have a tent in the storeroom you can borrow while you're here. Should sleep two of you comfortably."

Antonia's scouting of the trading post, though extremely thorough, turns up few vulnerabilities. Oleg is clearly a competent carpenter; if there were any holes or gaps in the outpost's walls, he's sealed them so thoroughly that there's no trace of them being there. This is clearly the domain of a talented and perhaps slightly obsessive craftsman with far too much free time on his hands. That said, the walls themselves are no great obstacle; the wooden stakes that form the palisade aren't sharp enough to pose any danger to someone climbing over them. Additionally, the gates to the outpost are only secured by a simple wooden bar that could be easily and quietly removed by a decently strong infiltrator.

Meanwhile, back inside, Sija notices something missing from Svetlana's hand--her wedding ring. The ring, she remembers, was a humble thing: unadorned brass, set with a single pearl. It had represented half a year's earnings for Oleg, yet was scandalously plain by the standards of Restov's nobility--yet Svetlana treasured it as she treasured her taciturn woodworker. It's very, very odd that she's not wearing it.


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