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Cecil Brandybuck of the Shire


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Log Notes:

• +1 Travel Fatigue, failing an Athletic check to row the Anduin River.

• +2 Travel Fatigue, failing an Athletic check across the fields and foothills past the Anduin.

+3 Hope, End of Session

+4 Experience, End of Session

+2 AP, End of Session

• -1 Courage, Courtesy success with young boy in the bushes of Trader's Isle, Gladden Fields

•+2 Fatigue Travelling through the marshes.

•-1 Hope Skipping stones as a distraction in the marches.

• +2 Hope, +2 AP, (1+3) XP added

+7 XP, +1 Hope, +2 AP's at session's end






Culture: Hobbit of the Shire
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessing: Hobbit-sense
Callling: Wanderer
Shadow-weakness: Wandering-madness
Specialities: Gardner, Folk-lore, Herb-lore
Distinctive Features: Eager, Merry



  Standard Favored
Body: 3 4
Heart: 5 8
Wits: 6 8

Common Skills


Awe   Inspire   Persuade ••
Athletics Travel •• Stealth •••
Awareness •• Insight Search ••
Explore •• Healing   Hunting ••
Song ••• Courtesy ••• Riddle ••
Craft Battle   Lore

Weapon Skills


    Damage Edge Injury Enc
Short Sword •• 5 10 14 1
Bow ••• 5 10 14 1
Dagger 3 G 12 0


Armor: Leather Shirt 4   Armor Value: 1D
Headgear: None     Parry: 5
Shield: None     Damage: N/A

Valor / Wisdom


Valor: 3   Rewards: Bow of the North Downs
        Lucky Armor
Wisdom: 3   Virtues: Art of Disappearing
        Small Folk



Endurance: 22
Starting Score, Endurance: 22
Fatigue From Enc: 6
Fatigue from Travel: 5
Total Fatigue: 11


Hope: 23
Starting Score, Hope: 18
Temporary Shadow: 3
Permanent Shadow: 0
Total Shadow: 3



Fellowship: 0
Advancement: 12
Treasure: 0
Standing: 0
Courage: 2
Experience: 18


Gold Pieces: 0
Silver Pennies: 0
Copper Coins: 0





Edited by Modest_Proposal (see edit history)
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