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Timeline of Events

Malkavian Grin

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The current year is 17 BBY. The Clone Wars have been over for 2 years and are a very fresh memory for the galaxy. The Imperial Period is in full effect, also known as The Dark Times. The Great Jedi Purge is underway, with the Empire going so far as to pay bounty hunters and professional solders for bringing in a Jedi. The Purge also begins extending into other Force Traditions.

The vast majority of the galaxy is under Imperial control, spanning easily 90 to 95% of planets and inhabitable places. The Empire is desperate to quell all forces that stand against them. Vader's Fist, the 501st Legion of Imperial stormtroopers became widely known and feared for being the ones sent in to bring people under heel, with their namesake coming from hushed rumors and stories told in hyperspace lanes, or Imperial propoganda on the holonot, about the subjugation of Naboo and the death of the Queen just one year ago.

The one-year anniversary of the Ghorman Massacre has just been recognized all across the galaxy. Events are not widely shared for fear of Imperial interference and punishment.

Most stormtroopers are still clones of Jango Fett, though repurposed and outfitted, to the chagrin of a few. The Empire has begun filtering new blood into the ranks, both to fill gaps and also to ween off dependency on Kaminoan clones.

A few clones rebel and disappear, and most Jedi and other Force-using people's are hunted down and executed. Xenophobic-racism becomes rampant within the galaxy due to Imperial influence.

The Rebellion is 17 years away. Its voice is not even a whisper at this time.

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