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Chapter 1: From the Darkness


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Chapter 1: From the Darkness


"Troubling thing whatever happened to Pat. Best I can figure it was some sort of dire cat that got 'em, but can't find no tracks to it. Troubling that." -Macran Flint

-Ambient Music-


The morning comes, and with it the breaking of the frigid chill in the air.

For Sheshi, VIktor departed with few other words while she resigned herself to her fate, taking the first few steps to leaving Hearth. As much as she can think of other excuses to why the other priest is at Crier's Cross, she knows deep down it's for her. She knows his arrival is inevitable.

For Akakzi it's a much more uplifting night, catching up to her sister and her mother halfway back to their home. The slightly embarassed, not-so-slightly happy glances bakc and forth with Joe... it feels like the start of something special. Of course, with family about the two friends and now kissers have to settle for a brief hug and smile before he heads back home.

For Hektor it's a much more restless night. His investigation found much, and all of it troubling. Whatever killed his birds did not feed on the birds, or at least not much, leading him to the conclusion it was a kill for sport, territory, or some other purpose than hunger. That eliminated most the local predators. The lock to the door wasn't just broken or unlocked, but missing entirely. There may have been doubts to whether he'd forgotten to secure it, but not to have it gone entirely. Someone else removed it.

There are a couple gashes that look like claw marks, and where the claws hit wood there's the slightest greyish discoloration. There's slightest hint of something strange in the air, a little metallic, a bit acrid, and just a little bit of burning sourness to it. Finally, one partial footprint, though he can't make out any details, seems to be roughly a man-sized foot pressed in hard as if moving violently. Someone was involved with this. Though he's ruffled some feathers, and some of the town aren't above some petty rivalries... this is entirely different. Who could be behind such a thing?

And Bellamy too can only wonder what's becoming of Hearth? His sister's news that she's leaving, and now such trouble brewing... the village can't help but feel a bit colder and not because of the weather.


The dawn has come though. And with a new day. The sky is a light, cloudy grey comes with the smell of coming rain. With all the excitement, all seems still now, calm, the world continuing to spin as it always has.


First, off, welcome to the game proper!

Let me know what your characters are doing first thing in the morning. I will say for this first post don't take too many liberties of which NPCs are where. Point me in the direction you're going, who you plan to meet, and we'll get everything kicked off!


A Roll
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Hektor Redgrove


The stiff wooden chair that Hektor found himself mirrored the rigidity in his bones. He recalled sitting down to remove his boots and ponder the details of his investigation but the memory became fuzzy beyond the removal of the leather. It seemed he'd worked himself into such a frenzy that he had no defense against his exhaustion and had fallen asleep there in the chair. His body ached and bones lamented the time spent sitting upright and on such hardened furniture.

Hektor allowed himself a simple, half-hearted curse sent in his own general direction. He should have been better about self care, even in the face of such devastation. It would do him no good to pursue leads if his body simply could not keep up with his mind. He leaned over to put his boots back on and thought better of it. He would need more than a few moments to rectify last night's mistakes, and what better way to handle such things than to do busy work that could also lend itself to better self preservation. Hektor stood and made his way toward a tall, lean armoire. Inside, he found clothes that had been cleaned and put away pressed. His disheveled, muddy outfit was discarded into a basket nearby and already his muscles were slowly coming back to him. It would be hours before he felt completely loose again, but it was a start.

He returned to the chair that held some blame for his morning pain and went about putting the boots back on. All the while, he thought of his next course of action. He had information but not a ton of people to share it with, at least not in the way a group of intellectuals may gather in a keep's salon and discuss. He would have to be decisive and direct with his search for answers and that meant being open and honest with the authorities first. He wasn't sure he needed them in his way, but he certainly didn't want them slowing him down later if and when they found out and wanted to be caught up. Hektor thought to control the information as best he could, and by reason informing them early felt like something that future Hektor would appreciate avoiding.


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spacer.pngAkakzi Sriro

Her night was a whirl, the lecture from mom was relatively mild when Joe escorted Akakzi all the way home as well and Akakzi fell asleep pretty quickly.


The pre-dawn light greeted Akakzi she started her morning chores out in the swampy area the Sriro's maintain for the crawfish. Just because her love life had a wild revolution and dramatic change doesn't mean the ponds don't need to be mucked out and checked for predators or leaks.


Her mind drifted as she hummed a happy little tune doing the routine checks and chores that come with running a crawfish 'empire'. Breakfast would be soon, and then maybe town for shopping or selling. Maybe a stroll through the woods to 'practice'. Finding what Joe and Olly were up to was high on her list of to-dos for the day as she slapped brave crawfishes back into the ponds.


Definitely change clothes after breakfast.

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Bellamy "Ames" Woodcock

The morning found Bellamy awake already, smoke curling up from a pipe long gone dark. His arm had been an irritant all night, pushing deep sleep further and further away until he had eventually resigned himself to staring at his ceiling. He had decided that he'd make his way around some of his closer clients, see if any one else had had any odd encounters, or had seen anything.

Bellamy was not quite able to believe his recollection of the scene. He passed by Hektor's place on his way into town, but his neighbour had already left. The rookery was as they had seen it the previous night - the morning light did little to reveal the contents of the shed. The interior seemed to cling onto the darkness. He caught a whiff of the smell, which also had not lessened. Forfar kept his distance, waiting for the old dwarf by the roadside, whining gently.

Scratching at his arm and shaking his head, Bellamy finally turned away. Though Forfar was keen to be on his way, Bellamy looked back more than once. Something about the rookery disturbed him, but he couldn't put a finger on what it was.


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In the morning, Sheshi was writing in a new book that she had purchased a few months back after the letters had first started coming but, until just now, had remained blank and tucked away. If she was going to have to leave these people, these friends, this... family... that she had found or forged or fallen into, then whoever was going to replace her was going to get the best set of knowledge that she could provide about each of them.


She paused to read the last passage she had written.


Lucredda and her family will likely be the most challenging element to your life here. She is, and I wish to stress this strongly, not a bad woman. Her children are not bad children, although they have made their share of problems in the past. Lucredda is, in my estimation, extremely stubborn, and a little scared. She still holds true to the Old Religions of this part of the world, a mix of small gods and broad animism that once held much larger sway across these woods. She does her sacrifices, performs her rituals, keeps to her superstitions and loves her community. Yet it is a hard love. She sees the villagers as having grown soft, as having forgotten the lessons that the Woods taught for the lessons of the City and, in particular, the lessons of Leaf. She will antagonize you. She will seek to disrupt your life here. She may even, as she did me, seek to annoy you to the point that you will leave. Do not allow her to win. Her heart is, strange as it may seem at times and just as infuriating, in the right place and she will be there for the village if the village needs her.


"Perhaps a bit more charitable than she actually deserves..." the Cleric of Leaf murmered to herself with a small smile, setting her pen down and scraping back her chair before leaving her small home and heading across the 'courtyard' for the Church proper. Services weren't going to be until that afternoon, but there were things she could do to get ahead of schedule. One never knew when someone might come seeking counsel and derail one's afternoon plans, after all!


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Within Hearth, "authorities" was a loose term at best. There were few with any official or even unofficial designation. Still, there were a few. Of course, there's the Mayor, Hammus Quill, who is officially the one to settle disputes and make rulings, but it's rarely put to use. Sheshi is the Cleric for Lear, whereas Lucredda Zan is the de facto spiritual leader to those who lean towards the old spirits. Jeremus Barsly deals with legal matters. Hektor himself runs most the education. The man he wants though is Macran Flint, and there's one of two places he can be found.

And he's in the first place Hektor looks. Back at the inn.


He sits in his usual spot, the soft spoken, stern, introspective man who most believe to be a former soldier, but of what kingdom or conflict could be anyone's guess. He also has a good eye for knowing when there's a problem around. "Morning, Hektor." A gruff voice for an even gruffer man. "What's the trouble?" For the moment they're the only two people in the main room save for Jillian Pine sleepily standing behind the counter in case anyone wants food or drink.



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Life on a farm, any kind of farm, means early mornings. It's a cold, cold morning, but by the time the sun starts to rise, the air starts to warm with it. At breakfast her whole family is present. Her father Sskrin is a massive gator-man, full of a deep sense of humor. Viktor PInesbane is known as the strongest man in town, though Akakzi can't shake the feeling that her father let's the other man have the title. Her mother Asege puts her heart and soul into all of the children, with tough lessons, and big expectations. Doing things only partially is never good enough. Do the job right, and all have learned to do it.

Iniqi who'd just lost her first cooking competition seems to be in decent spirits regardless of it. There's a fierceness to her, if any of her family were to live up to the Lizardfolk reputation of savagery it would be her. Big Ruxl is nigh as big as his father, but has a gentle heart and a simple mind to go with it. Srah is the clever one, the one who's already started her own weaver business in the village. And Beko the runt aspires to be a shaman, is the one to try to find the two spirits in area and gain their blessing since he's a bit clumsy and easily confused for other things.

And they're her family.

"So what's everyone's business today." Sskrin is always one to ask his family to know where everyone is and keep up with their lives. "Akakzi, you first." It's hard to tell when he's smiling or not since his lips rest upward.



It wasn't a dream. He stops by Hektor's place, but the schoolteacher is already gone. The doors been closed, but the lock is still missing and a quick look inside, it's been left as it was. After all, it wouldn't do to clean it up before others have a chance to see it.

Could it have happened elsewhere? Most the village has turned to Bellamy to help out at one point or another, though a handful use his services regularly. With the way the homes are spread out, there's not necessarily one path that saves time more than others, and so he starts with his sister who was missing the night before.


Belluin Lowbeard is a strong-looking woman who's always deserved better than she's gotten. Bellamy can't shake the feeling that her news to him not too long ago is for the best, a chance for her to go somewhere new, and yet he also can't shake what that might mean for him. Yet more family, close family, gone.

He has but to look through her open window to see her making breakfast. "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise? Come to tell me about Ollivarth's news, or something else on your mind this morning? The door's unlocked, come and take a seat." There's a strength to her voice, a heartiness that's affirming.


Sheshi readies her day, despite the distractions in her life, committing to her service offers her a reprieve. Indeed, two separate villagers do arrive early to speak with her.


The first is Tildra Mudderlin, the mother of the least-liked family in town. It's not that the Mudderlins are bad people, only that they're stuck in their ways, and their ways tends to run ignorant and a bit moody. They confuse easily, and when confused they get annoyed. "Morning Sheshi." Tildra is wrapped in an old blanket, matty hair rolling in front of it. In for the morning shopping, and wanted to let you know we'll miss service." The usually did miss service. "Tell me what your message is today, and I'll be sure to tell the others."

This one's also not an unusual request. Nevermind the work it takes to blend scripture into story, to make the wisdoms relevant to the villagers each in their own way. Tildra likes it straight and simple, no flourishes or fluff about it. She also seems to not know the different in tone between a polite request and a demand, her words sounding much more like the latter.


It is Olivia Barlow who comes running in as Tildra finishes. "Sheshi! Terrible news!" She's on the verge of tears, her wracked in some sort of deep trouble. She practically launches herself into Sheshi's arms with the intent to hug her so long as she allows it.



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Ah, the subject of my next passage...  Sheshi thought to herself, keeping any emotion that Tildra's demand/request brought from reaching her face. It was a very common request, and she was used to it.


"Tildra, blessings of the Way to you. I understand that you will not be able to attend today, but yes, I will happily tell you what I am preaching this afternoon. The selected passages for today are about change. Change in season, the birth of a child, the death of a parent, the turn of the wheel and our place within it. I will be drawing on Leaf's third letter to the Empress Florix to remind all of us that although there -"


Sheshi turns just in time to brace herself against the flung weight of Olivia, catching her in a big hug before, speaking over her head and allowing the woman to continue to hold onto her, she asked the most important question:


"Olivia! What happened? Tell me!"

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Hektor Redgrove


The brisk walk across town had been enough time for Hektor to compose a far more coherent report, but as he opened the door to the tavern all of that was lost. Seeing Macran wiped him of any prepared mental notes. He hadn't a reason for it, but he decided very promptly as he crossed the wooden floor that it wasn't anything to do with Macran, but instead his position of need. The words escaped him and he had only a few brief moments to recover them.

The chair made quite the noise as he drew it out from beneath the table. The emptiness of the tavern not lost on Hektor. He offered Jillian Pine an apologetic look.

Once seated, he felt again the man's equal. They were wildly different men with savagely different upbringings and talents, but their equality came from their expertise in those skills. Their breadth of knowledge was the great battlefield.

"Macran, good morning." Hektor started, planting his elbows firmly on the top of the table and intertwining his fingers to create the sturdy triangle he would need to get through this conversation. "I don't mean to alarm -well, that is not accurate- what I mean to say is that my rookery was attacked last night. All of my birds; dead or gone. Someone," His emphasis on the word was thick, "destroyed the door, indiscriminately killed anything they could catch, and left nothing but gore behind."

He paused a moment as if to begin a wild tangent but then stopped himself. "I believe this to be a purposeful attack, their intentions were rather clear."


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"It's... it's... I heard that idiot Joesph kissed Akakzi!" And the tears come. There was a similar situation when Gregor Eastwind married Brunhild a few years ago, many of the young ladies were devastated. Now it was Joesph's turn to break hearts... and perhaps Akakzi's too as there was a young man or three in the village who looked at her with soft eyes. "I heard him talking to Ollie. It's... she's... she smells like crawfish and just acts hard to get! It's not fair!"

"Well, I'll leave you to the difficult work of the day, priestess." Tildra nods her head and can't help but smile a little at the drama of young people before starting to step away. The Mudderlins do enjoy the drama of others, but it's harmless enough. At least this time, Olivia is too distracted to see the older woman's amusement.

"I want Leaf to curse her. Curse them both!"



Macran Flint is known to be a skeptical man. After all, no few villagers have come to him in the past claiming something stolen when it was merely misplaced, claiming a large beast that turned out to be a normal, harmless wolf, or laying it on thick over some rivalary. Macran is also the kind of man to know who stretches the truth and who says it straight. Hektor may have a flourish for words, but the rugged man knows Hektor well enough to trust him. And it's hard to make up the tale he just told.

Macran stares at Hektor for almost ten-long seconds. This too is normal as Macran wants to know exactly what he's going to say before he says it. "I am sorry for your loss, Hektor." He's not a comforting man, but knows to at least go through the motions. "All right then. This is a serious problem. That's a thing for a violent, troubled mind to do. Now, I can round up all the village watch and we'll make a big thing of this, hopefully scare out the culprit with strength of numbers. Or I can grab just a couple of the best and we can play this a bit more quietly. I'll let you decide."

Hektor knows there's eight who officially belong on the watch. Besides Macran, there's Iniqi and Ruxl Sriro, Gregor and Brunhild Eastwind, Amise Zan, Viktor Pinesbane, and of course Ollivarth Pine is a member too. If Hektor had to guess, the two 'best' would likely be Viktor and one of the Eastwinds.

"But from what you say this wasn't subtle, so whoever did it will expect something. Either way, we'll get started as soon as everyone's collected. This is not a crime to handle alone." The implications in his voice are clear. He may be known as the toughest warrior in the village, but he has the common sense not to take it for granted.

The question also lingers on who it could be? Of course the Mudderlins are always top of mind when there's trouble, but their kind of trouble is simpler and comes from a bad attitude over any true malice. The Zans can be strange. Tervalio's been acting strange with his messages. Olivia holds a grudge. It's a bad feeling to consider who in the village might be capable of this.


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Olivia's face buried in her chest, Sheshi had the opportunity to meet Tildra's eyes and squint her amusement at this truly dramatic turn of events. The squint turned into a glare and a small shake of her head followed by a wink as Tildra began to leave, the meaning clear: - Don't you leave me alone with this, you coward! - But Tildra was already halfway to the door before Olivia pushed back from Sheshi and made her request/demand.


"Olivia, I see that you are upset. It is hard to see people making choices that you disagree with, especially when that affects you in such a personal way. Now, I cannot curse him - Leaf does not give me that power - but what we can do is pray that Leaf guides Joseph to the path he is meant to be on. Would you like to do that with me?"

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Hektor Redgrove


There was something suspiciously calming about being in Macran's presence. His deliberateness all but demanded it from those around him that thought to be his peer. Hektor absolutely thought himself a peer and it benefitted him greatly.

Hektor took a moment to ponder the usual posse and their effectiveness in such an endeavor. Many of them were capable and no doubt it would be nice to have an army of people on his side. The idea was rather appetizing, in fact.

Then the realities began to set in, as they always did. Hektor thought of the whispers, the wild rumors, the misdirected attention and all that came with small town news. He himself had come to the inn just last eve to hear whatever rumors made their way down the king's road. The idea of it made his stomach churn.

"Keep it close to vest, Mr. Flint. No need to give the culprit any suspicions that I was able to parse out some clues." Hektor wipes a tickle from his nose, which gave him a bit of a juvenile look when he did it, "I do not know if it was done to hurt me or something else, and for now, we shall assume all things on the table."


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spacer.pngAkakzi Sriro

It was to be expected, she was the oldest after-all, that doesn't mean she always started but sometimes it certainly felt like it. Through the years Akakzi had equally rebelled and rejoiced the morning 'round-up' on what his children were doing, Now Akakzi had a deeper appreciation for her father's openness and desire to be involved. Putting down the roll she had just picked up to bite into the young woman looked up to her father and started.

"I checked the ponds, the netting was in good shape, the north-west ponds looked to have had some predators attempt to get in and fish. I think setting some more ground snares in that direction might be worth it. I was hoping to take some 'fish to market today, I think we might have some good sales following the cooking competition, even if we lost people still got the taste on their mind... and I might see Joe"

She muttered the last bit into the roll before she took a big bite, failing to hide the slight heat rising on her checks. Damn hot blooded nature betraying her.

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"Well, fine." Olivia is clearly not excited for the prospect, and also wanted Sheshi to take her side as opposed to playing it more neutral. Of course, that's just the girl's want, nothing Sheshi has said or done in all her time gave the impression she was one to say, 'Oh you're so right, she does indeed smell like a swamp' or whatever petty grievance there may be.

The priestess certainly wasn't going to start today.

"Ugh, I just... I'm really starting not to like Hearth very much. School teacher wants to change us, the good ones keep getting swiped up, I swear I just want to leave it all behind. And I don't mean Crier's Cross. Find happiness somewhere bigger, somewhere grander."

Of all the young people in the village, Olivia is likely one who could do all right in a city. She's sharp, strong-willed, but indeed she just falls short of what she wants because others are a bit stronger, a bit smarter, a bit more likeable. Still, not really something to read too much into as it's a perfectly normal reaction to the situation. What sort of broken heart wouldn't think about running away?



Macran nods in understanding. "Go find Brunhild. I imagine she should be home. I'll get Viktor and we'll meet you at your place. Tell Brunhild..." Macran pauses, thinking very, very hard on his next words. "Tell her the roots might just be poisoned on this one. She'll understand what I mean." Hektor's keen insight can tell immediately what Macran's talking about. It's code for a really serious problem. That Macran even had such a code is a little surprising since there's been little real trouble since Hearth's founding. It's likely a phrase not even all the town watch know, as at least a couple of them aren't known for keeping secret and Hektor's never heard of the phrase.

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It's a simple matter to find the Eastwinds. They live in the village proper, and one of the best liked families in town. Gregor is a fair-minded, handsome man, and Brunhild despite growing up in Crier's Cross fit right in when she came to settle down after she married Gregor. Their daughter, a bit spoiled, is no doubt because most think she'll grow up strong and beautiful like her parents.

He finds all three eating a late breakfast, the air filled with the scent of spiced eggs and pork sausage.

"Good morning, Hektor." Brunhild seems pleasantly surprised and amused to see Hektor as she steps out to greet him. "News on what you're teaching the children next?"



"Mm, very good." Sskrin, as much as he wants to know what his children are up to, is also one to allow them to do what they want, so long as they do their work as well. It's hard to imagine he doesn't catch the last bit, but if he's upset, concerned, or even pleased he doesn't show it. In some ways it's a little annoying, that in some ways the world hasn't suddenly changed not that her own has. He turns to the other children.

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Iniqi, still fuming over her loss, wants to find the 'fat boy', her name for Ollivarth, and see if she can't squeeze out of him what the Uphills have been requesting from his shopping trips. She wants to learn from her loss while it's still fresh in her mind, and show those 'warlocks' a thing or two next time. Of course, they all know the Halfling family aren't really warlocks, but it does sometimes feel like their meals must be the spawn of dark magic to taste so good... not that they'd admit as much outside the house.

Ruxl doesn't know what he plans to do. Probably just watch over the ponds and think about things. Maybe try his hand at hunting a rabbit or if he's lucky a deer if he gets bored. Of late, Ruxl's been more bored than often. Unlike the others, he's already built like a horse, not really much point he sees in getting even stronger, when he might even be a match for Viktor at this point.

Srah has to finish a shawl for Lucredda Zan she's been working on for a week. Then, assuming she finishes, has a cap to make for Ikkibrutch, a gift from the Blue Lady apparently. Her weaving is slowly but surely getting better, and so too is how fast she can get it done. For now, it's still only special requests, but everyone's confident she'll make it a proper business sooner than later.

And little Beko is out to do what he normally does. He wants to find Granny Crane and the Winterling. He feels he's getting closer, as if it's a puzzle to solve more than a couple old creatures of the woods to find. Despite any words that perhaps they don't want to be found, he's determined.

It's a pleasant meal, and soon Akakzi finds herself walking to the village proper to set up selling some of their goods. She almost immediately sees Joe walking about, but can't help but notice a troubled look on his face.



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Mmm... and there it was. The actual wound at the heart of it all - a feeling of not belonging, a feeling of not fitting in to the place that you have been born and lived your entire life, a feeling that somewhere else things would just be better. Sometimes that feeling was just that, though, a feeling. The proverbial grass on the other side of the wall that is just grass when you get over to it and stand in the middle of it.


But, sometimes, it wasn't. Sheshi knew that from personal experience. A different, opposite sort of experience to Olivia, who desperately wanted more when Sheshi had equally desperately wanted less, but the commonality was there. There would certainly be more opportunities in the big city for Olivia... perhaps it truly would be better.


A prayer, then. One not to change the heart of Joseph, but to guide Olivia onto the path she is meant to be on, a prayer that Sheshi knew that Leaf was much more likely to listen to.


"All right, Olivia. Come sit down with me and let us begin. I will light a candle to center us."


She led Olivia to the front pew and left her there before stepping up to the altar and lighting one of the candles that was there, feeling the words of her prayer starting to bubble to the surface as she prepared to give them voice.




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Hektor Redgrove


The short walk between the tavern and the Eastwinds' home was enough time for Hektor to collect himself again. It was concerning that he had become so practiced in the art of hiding his true feelings, but it had been at a heavy price those many years ago. The true nature of it only needed remembering for it to return so easily.

Hektor gave Brunhild's husband and daughter a passing smile and nod before the door between them was closed. He recalled the girl having more clout than she knew what to do with, but it hadn't become a crutch yet. She was her parent's child, and yet she had slowly become her own person. The quick recollection was a nice respite from the burdens that waylaid him in this moment.

"There's been a disturbance up at my home, Brunhild. Macran suggested I collect you and meet him up there." Hektor stopped, mulling over if he had any intentions of voicing the code that Macran had suggested. "It's to be expected you have a moment to gather your things. I believe the act was over well before I returned to my home after the cryer's call last eve. But say no word of it to anyone." Hektor swallowed hard then finished with the code he'd not intended to say, "The roots might be poisoned." After all the internal turmoil he'd held about being privy to such things again in his life, letting it out into the world had come to naturally to him.

History was doomed to repeat itself, it seemed. Sweat ran down Hektor's head and fell behind his ear.


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