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Look I don't have a problem with moderate post length but some of you .... you DO realize only so much can happen within the space of what your PC is doing right? There's only so much information to confer to THE GROUP. Maybe you haven't read comic books and experienced the fast-paced nature of communication.

IME players tend to gloss over GM info dumps so I try to condense as much info as possible in shorter posts leaving room for player questions. It's old-school and being a good GM. Please don't beat the group to death with 'substantial' posts that require everyone to absorb several layers of information that matter most to that PC.

TLDR: Respect the attention span of modern gamers 😉

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I apologize, I'll try to keep my posts succinct but Quentin's family is important to him, and I thought, g8ven the 24 hour time jump that it was suitable to devote some time to that aspect if the character that I enjoy. In comics like Invincible Superman: Son of Ka-El, significant parts of the story deal with the relationship of these heroes and their supporting cast. Now, I understand that I'm only one player in an ensemble cast, so I'll try to keep that in mind, but I'm not going to shy away from the aspect of the character I most enjoy.

However, I'll respect scene frameworks, and only respond to the current scene. I apologize if I've annoyed folks with post length.

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Apologies to all!

Last week has been unexpectedly "tech-limited" due to a last-minute road trip attend my Mother-In-Law's wedding. Last minute meant limited in funds and necessitated cheap motel with next to no wifi. However, overall it was worth it for the happiness seen.

@Jedaii - hope your vacation is most enjoyable, and I will be playing catch-up in the meantime. :)

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