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Size Modifier On 3.5e Sheets.


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I use 3.5e Dungeons and Dragons sheets on Myth-Weavers and have been doing so for a few year. When I moved over to Baldr though, I noticed something that is not working as it used to when it comes to Size Category.

Previously: When you added the size of the character to the sheet it would add their size modifier to the AC, as well as to the Melee Attack, Grapple, and the Ranged Attack, in the correct boxes.

On Baldr: I have come across a problem when building a sheet that the Size modifier doesn't transfer over to the Grapple size modifier box correctly anymore. It transfers over as (Small or Large), this in itself is not too troublesome to me. When I tried to manually put the size modifier in I noticed it didn't add or subtract from the Total Attack Bonus as it did before. I tried it on a couple different 3.5e Dungeons and Dragons Sheets and it was the same on all through Baldr Site.

I really appreciate this site and all those who help maintain and/or add to it. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into this!


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Thanks! Quick turnaround time!

But no list of old bugs? Maybe from posts on the old forum? I'd be happy to help debug what fixes are needed.

I have a few things that I'm going to add to the sheet, such as support for dodge bonuses (such that they add to TouchAC but not FF), and I may look into the ability to choose a class from a drop down list for the purposes of setting the class/cross-class skill list. (I'm playing a gestalt char right now and tracking skill points is difficult; any support there would be helpful.) I also noticed that fractional weights in the Weapon section (and probably Armor/Special?) are not adding into the total equipment weight shown on page two correctly (the fractions seem to be dropped). There's no specific spot for SR, so I've got mine in the DR field. I may also add a calculator for doing Craft checks; haven't decided yet.

My additions would be done using something akin to GreaseMonkey, so they'd only be available to me.

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7 hours ago, Eric said:

We do have the list. Its completeness is in question 😃 So feel free to re-report anything you see! Like fractional weights, I know I fixed that in the dark times …

How do you want them reported? Separate threads here, or do you have a bug tracker, or something else?

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