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William Enskraft - History is Written


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spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

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The talk was getting very interesting, and Pekaku eagerly wished he could have more to brought to bear beyond his beliefs. He knew very well that he really had nothing to back him so far, but he eagerly played along the thinking game with Baba Qiyamət.

"(English) Now, I had never thought of it like that. Chaos on the fringes of the Abyss, caused by interaction between nothing and something... It is very intriguing, and interesting I must say. Do you know if that notion has been explored ?

I understand also the idea that the Abyss - being nothingness - can perhaps never cease to be. But perhaps then it can be contained, right ? ? what if the rift that occured eons ago during the Fall was just that, the Abyss, or the proto-Abyss perhaps, gaining an edge it had never had before, and expanding in areas that had previously been filled with Something. In that case, we just need to regain the areas we lost to restore the previous status quo... (/English)" If such a theory happened to be true, what would they find in the areas regained on the Abyss ? Just a new ground, blank of any previous influence or meaning ? or would they recover what had been there in the past ? Like Atlantis...

It was all merely a thought experiment, but it was not a direction in which Pekaku's thoughts had gone, and it was one more proof that he really needed to start studying the topic for real.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Well," Baba Qiyamət said slowly, obviously taking a moment to put together exactly how he wanted to respond, "The Abyss did manifest during the fall in the tear left behind when the Celestial Ladder fell. So it would make sense that if something similar to the Celestial Ladder could be reconstructed that it might resecure the Abyss, however how the Celestial Ladder was constructed, if it was at all, was a miracle of the absolute peak of Atlantean power and is knowledge long, long lost. Perhaps that would be something worth some research? But who would have time?"

Nepungan looks from Baba Qiyamət to Pekaku and back again, a half-smile on her lips.

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spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

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Whatever Baba Qiyamət had really on his mind with this half-smile, Pekaku could only guess. Perhaps later when they left his Master could spell it for him, but in the meantime, all he had were belief and ideas, that he tried to organize quickly. It was getting hard, after such a busy day, but he tried nonetheless. Focus now, get the job done, crash down later. He got silent for several seconds, trying to come up with something coherent.

"(English) I understand that it is a tall order of first magnitude, but certainly plenty of Mages before me have already worked on that issue. I am no fool to think I am spearheading a new venue to deal with the Abyss, but perhaps I can find a new use for what Knowledge is already available, or contribute to making progress in that direction. And I am young, I have plenty of time ahead of me if that's a good direction, obviously. I just have to trust my elders to give me proper education so that I wouldn't waste it. (/English)" and he bowed his head slowly, a mute request of endorsement toward the Moros.


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Baba Qiyamət smiled and nodded, "All true, and there is wisdom in trusting your mentors, at least to a point." Surprisingly, he actually winked at Nepungan, who looked momentarily surprised but gave him a small smile and nod in return. "Well, this has been a pleasant talk, Pekaku. I wish you well on your research. I'm sure we will meet again." He started gathering up his stuff again as Nepungan stood. She shook his hand and thanked him for his time, and moved to hold the door open.


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spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

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Whether he was deluding himself, or because he was used to dealing with old school people, Pekaku felt that he had dealt quite well with this meeting with Baba Qiyamət. Perhaps Nepungan will prove him wrong soon, but he certainly felt like he had scored points, and he smiled broadly as he tried to help the Necromancer gather his stuff.

"(English) I have been honored Sir, and I look forward to more guidance again at a next meeting. (/English)"

Then he watched him leave with Rejtély who had been waiting outside, and kept quiet. He had had a very very eventful day indeed. The stabbing in the subway, the elderly women with their box, the discovery of this Library, the training about the Prime Arcana, and next the meeting with Baba Qiyamət.... Now that it was all over, he felt downright cold and tired, and wished nothing more than to go back straight home and hit the sack. But he couldn't do that just yet.

Once the Moros and his Exemplum where safely away, he turned toward his own Mentor, and asked "(English) Well Ma'am, I think it went well, right ? (/English)" Appearances could be deceiving, and he didn't want to assume success unduly.

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Nepungan nodded in agreement as they made their way through the library. "Yes, I think it went quite well. What do you think of his suggestion?" she asked, cutting a side-eye at William to read his expression.

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spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

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Even though he was extremely tired, William still had enough energy to smile to his mentor, and so he did. It had gone well indeed, he had not been wrong.

"(English) He seemed skeptical that I could find what I am looking for in the Abyss, and warned me of the inherent risks associated with that specific research. But he did not advise against it, nor forbade it. So I need to keep myself in check, not attempt foolish things or rush ahead of myself. But I can do it.

And will. (/English)"

Obviously, he did not really know of this object, the Abyss, and probably he would have to study increasingly more books on the topic, but what was new here ?

"(English) I am sorry, but I think I will have to further depend on you if I want to proceed surely and safely. (/English)" because he was coming to trust Nepungan, he knew he would have to rein in his temper sometimes. It would not be easy.



FYI, I have started some kind of Wish List, to give you (and me) a feel for where I think William is heading, mechanically speaking :



Edited by Thot (see edit history)
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Nepungan nodded thoughtfully and added, "This must have been a tiring day for you. Did you miss his suggestion of an abyss adjacent research topic for you? The origin of the Celestial Ladder?"

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 spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

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"(English) Ha ? That ? It seemed to me as a tangent idea on the concept of containing the Abyss, but not as a proper suggestion in itself... You think he would take umbrage if I did not follow through on that ? I have no real idea what it entails to begin with. I would have to get grounded in the concepts of that before I could even start evaluating this option...

certainly he doesn't expect anything from me based on just this talk ? (/English)"

And the last sentence was spoken with a creeping heat in the voice, as the young Mastigos temper was starting to rise up again against authority.

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Nepungan puts a reassuring hand on William's shoulder. "This was just a conversation Exemplum, not an assignment. Baba knows as much about the Abyss as any other mage I know, and given you interests, I thought he would be someone you would find useful to know and be known by. With that said, I've never known him to offer a specific topic that wasn't at least relevant to the larger area of concern. It may be that he is trying to point to look in one direction that will lead you to your real goal. Or maybe he is just hoping you will find something that will be useful for his own work. But, to answer your question directly, no, I don't think he would take offense to you not exploring that suggestion."

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spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So Baba Qiyamət liked to play the cryptic old wizard like in the legends... but at least he wasn't so old fashioned as to expect to be obeyed through just a talk. That mellowed William a little bit on his ideas, and he replied with a softer tone "(English) Is that so ? Good, good. (/English)" and while he didn't expend, it was clear from the look in his eyes that he was now actually thinking about the notion.

"(English) I guess I know now what I have to do in the next few months... Master the Rote I am studying, then learn about Space capabilities and the Abyss. And Fate. And perhaps get a look into the Celestial Ladder also... Do you also have such a feeling of thrill, knowing there are so many fascinating things to study out there ? (/English)".



I don't know what kind of Scene you want to do next ? Obviously William would try to study many things, but it may not make a very interesting playing material.

I could think of several things : further introducing him to the Consilium by Nepungan ? Some other field trip ? Some Scene related Powerup and the box ? Some Abyss experimentation / analysis ?

Probably you also have ideas of your own, and I would love the surprise !

Anyway, please just let me know what you may have in mind please.


Edited by Thot (see edit history)
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Nepungan laughed, the warming sound echoing off the walls of the Antheneaum. "Yes, my dear Pekaku. That is the main reason most mages I know continue to study and develop. Each hard-won bit of knowledge only adds more questions to be answered. I have no doubt your studies will return similar results." Placing an encouraging hand on William's shoulder, Nepungan led the way out of the Mysterium library and even offered to buy them both some food from a nearby foot cart outside.


I guess the next scene really depends on what you want to focus on. I could do any of those, so I will turn the question back on you, which of those plots would you like to advance? Study/Personal development, Dramatic growth with potential rivals, or abyssal experimentation?


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 spacer.pngWilliam H.Enskraft aka Pekaku | Health 7 / 7 | Willpower 3 / 6 | Mana 5 / 10

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Outside the library, it felt strange to feel the breeze of air and the warmth of the sunlight, but Pekaku was glad for it. A Lie it may be, at least in some respect, but he was used to it, and couldn't give it up just yet. The idea was too far-fetching for him to properly wrap his mind around it. Instead he savoured his Poke Bowl, with a spicy salmon perfectly cooked, and asked several questions to his Mentor - all purposefully perfectly mundane - like what it was like in her home country, why she had settled in NYC and not Chicago, Los Angeles or anywhere else, and so on.

Just a perfectly nice chat with a friend.



I think what I am interested the most is probably some Abyssal Experimentation / Study then, please :)


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