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Pasted Text Stacking Formating


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So, I noticed the extra 'div class' lines a while ago, but I thought it was part of the post. After a few more appeared, I began to think something is up. I believe it comes from pasting text in, without removing the formatting. The strange thing, deleting the pasted text, doesn't remove the formatting.
The 'Paste without formatting' option after posting doesn't always appear to work, sometimes just reverting the text.
Using the right-click version of 'Paste without formatting' appears to work as expected and does not add the below extra formatting.



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Confirmed the 'Paste without formatting' option is unaltered out-of-the-box functionality, so reporting to Invision. As for removing the text not removing the enclosing tags, that's also expected--since none of those divs have any classes that would provide a visible demarkation, the only way to select them is to get the next higher element, which would mean undesirably removing the spoiler. The flip side is, there's no harm in them since they have no effect...

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