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Tysh Mountainheart - Hill Dwarf Acolyte Twilight Domain Cleric


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Tysh Mountainheart



Name: Tysh Mountainheart


   Character Concept: A Chaotic Good cleric of Selûne whose goals are to liberate the common people from their tyrannical government's bonds and protect them from the threats that lie within the Mists.


   Lineage, Background, Planned-Subclass Class: Hill Dwarf Acolyte Twilight Domain Cleric


   Description: Tysh is 4'2", 175 pounds, and 125 years old. She has reddish-brown skin and light gray eyes. The mountain of thick black hair atop her head reaches down to her mid-back. She wears chain mail in the colors of Selûne: silver and blue. She wears a lightweight white cloak over her armor. If asked the meaning of the colors, she simply says she likes them. Her warhammer and shield were inherited from her father and show signs of extensive use, but are still in great working condition. Tysh takes her duties seriously and that shows in her demeanor. Those who know her well speak of her incredible warmth, generosity, and fortitude. Her quiet confidence inspires loyalty and puts others at ease. While she believes in doing the right thing, she understands that following the Falkovnian laws will not bring about the change she believes Selûne wants to see. Sometimes the ends do justify the means - within reason, of course.


   Your Character’s Plothook: Tysh wandered the realm searching for her father, joining up with a series of adventuring parties along the way. She’d been all over Faerûn, but was never able to find the mysterious mist. That is, until it found her. Tysh and her fellow adventurers were camped at the edge of the Neverwinter Wood, resting after a long day’s travel. Silently, stealthily, the mist crept through the trees towards their sleeping bodies. The man on watch raised the alarm, but he saw it too late. The mist swept over Tysh and two of her friends, while the others managed to escape. When Tysh and her friends could see again, she was in a desolate foreign land: Falkovnia.



Tysh Mountainheart was born in Waterdeep to Baern and Vanna Mountainheart. Her father, a cleric of Selûne, lived an adventurer’s life committed to driving back darkness and honoring the laws of the land. Raised primarily under the loving care of her mother, Tysh grew up worshipping Selûne and had a happy childhood. Still, she lived for the days her father spent at home with them. The stories of adventure, triumph of good over evil, and far-off lands stirred her imagination and fed her wanderlust. She was 14 when one of her father’s party members, Alain Teklum, showed up at her door with his shield and battleaxe. Tysh could tell Alain was holding something back when he described how her father simply disappeared into a wall of mist. Try as she might, she couldn’t convince him to elaborate. It was then she determined to find her father. She took up his battleaxe and shield, took a vow to Selûne, and started to train. Years passed. While she had a sense of urgency to find her father, she never felt ready to leave. She had a dream on her 35th birthday where Selûne told her that it was time to go. And so, at 35, her search for the mysterious mists that stole her father began. It took 88 years, but she finally found it - or rather, it found her (see plothook).

Tysh found her father after a year in Falkovnia. Although missing a leg and an eye, he made himself useful at Lekar by performing healing services alongside a local doctor. Their reunion was a happy one, but Baern privately mourned the fact that his daughter suffered the same fate as he did. He warned Tysh to keep her religious views private, and advised her and her friends to keep a low profile as much as possible. Lekar’s daily executions reinforced her father’s warnings.

It’s now been two years since Tysh and her friends arrived in Falkovnia. Her bond with Selûne is stronger than ever. She feels a sense of responsibility to help overcome the dark threats of the Mist and the tyrannical Falkovnian government.

  Fears, & Failures: 


  1. Losing her father again.
  2. Losing contact with Selûne.
  3. Being lost in the mist.


  1. She once left a soldier to die when she could have helped him.
  2. She caused a man to leave his wife and young children.
  3. She once brewed some beer that tasted like rotten eggs.




Include at least two of the following in your application:


   Deity: Tysh worships Selûne, goddess of the moon. The center of Tysh's shield bears the symbol of Selûne: a pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars. She shares a Chaotic Good alignment with Selûne, which was much to her parents' (Lawful Good) chagrin. Tysh prioritizes Good over Chaos: protecting the innocent is of the utmost importance. After arriving in Falkovnia and seeing the horrors that exist there, she believed that Selûne sent her here as a test of her faith. Her goals are to liberate the common people from their tyrannical government's bonds and protect them from the threats that lie within the Mists. She is willing to bend or break the rules in order to do so. She regularly experiences Selûne's presence through omens, signs, and feelings.


   Music: Tell me what your character sounds like, musically. You can give me a specific composer, band, style of music, or motifs, but music plays a large part in the games I run. No one’s judging your taste in music here, and I’d be more than happy to help you if you want suggestions.



  • Living family member: Baern Mountainheart, her father. He lives in Lekar and works with a local physician as a healer.
  • Former adventuring party members:
    • Elaine Wainwright: Human barbarian who joined the Talons to protect Lekar. She uses her wagon-making skills to help maintain the wagons for the army. Out of respect and loyalty, she keeps Tysh's religious beliefs a secret.
    • Malaak Liadon: Elf ranger who wanders Falkovnia and visits Tysh's father when she's away. During their time adventuring together, he taught Tysh Elvish and she taught him Dwarvish.
  • Enemy: Asha Firkan from Lekar, a human woman who believes that Tysh caused her husband to abandon her and their children.



Maria: Polite girl who has likely experienced recent trauma. She seems sweet, although troubled, and in need of security. Tysh worries her need for security may lead her to make rash decisions, such as agreeing to leave with Rak'i'th in the morning.

Rak'i'th: Seemingly earnest, honorable man with a poet's soul and an eagerness to help. She is skeptical about his intent with Maria, as his offer to leave with her in the morning was extended very quickly. People who are so willing to take children soon after meeting them do not normally have the best of intentions.

Edwin: A shallow man whose cavalier attitude may put them all at risk in an emergency. Still, first impressions are not always correct. She's giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Ardir: A kind, somber man whose light is dimmed by grief from a trauma of great magnitude. He is competent and battle-tested, as evidenced by the shard of undead bone and viscera that pepper his garb. Despite his serious disposition, the glimpses of humor and his agreement to aid her reassure Tysh that he is not wholly lost to the darkness.


Edited by jrsey
Added former adventuring party members to Connections. (see edit history)
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@Anthr4xus I've been wrangling with my default actions, since they can be pretty situational. Hoping you can clarify something for me that will help: Since Tysh has been here for 2 years, does she know undead aren't truly dead unless hit with radiant damage?

Edited by jrsey (see edit history)
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That is very dependent on the type of undead. For skeletons and zombies that is not true, although if the bodies/bones are not fully destroyed (i.e. by being burned) they will eventually rise again. Just outside of Lekar there are regular massive body fires to clear the spikes of the punishment fields and to keep the city clear of the dead. Tysh may have a belief that radiant damage will also do the same effect as total destruction, but she has not seen firm evidence of it.

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Thank you for the clarification! It helped clear things up for me, in general. I may adjust these down the road, but here are my default actions:


  • DM's discretion:
    • Melee strike with warhammer (1h) on currently-engaged hostile or hostile with lowest HP.
      • Bonus Action: If an ally has fallen, then cast Healing Word on them.
    • Sacred Flame on currently-engaged hostile or hostile with lowest HP.
    • If an ally has fallen and it makes sense to heal more than it does to cast Sacred Flame, then cast Cure Wounds or Healing Word on said ally.


  • Opportunity attack: Melee strike with warhammer (1h).
Edited by jrsey (see edit history)
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