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Ilian Drakar - Variant Human Soldier War Magic Wizard


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Ilian Drakar

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Basic Information

Race: Variant Human  Sex: Male   Age: 28 Height: 5' 10" Weight: 175 lbs.
Alignment: Chaotic Good  Background: Soldier Class: Wizard 1 Subclass: War Magic



I'm haunted by memories of war. I can't get the images of violence out of my mind.


When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny.


I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.


My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.

Character Concept

A scarred soldier, seeking refuge from the hellscape he has been thrust into, fights for not only his life but for those around him who cannot fight for themselves.


Proficiency Bonus +2 | checked-shield.svg AC: 11 | health-normal.svg Max HP: 8 | walking-boot.svg Speed: 30 ft | awareness.svg PP: 10 | sprint.svg Init: +1


13 (+1)

12 (+1)

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
+1 Str Save +1 Dex Save +2 Con Save +4 Int Save +2 Wis Save +1 Cha Save
+3 Athletics +1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Stealth
  +4 Arcana
+4 History
+2 Investigation
+2 Nature
+2 Religion
+0 A. Handling
+2 Insight
+0 Medicine
+0 Perception
+0 Survival
+1 Deception
+3 Intimidation
+1 Performance
+1 Persuasion



mounted-knight.svg Class Features

  • Spell Casting
  • Arcane Recovery

stone-crafting.svg Tools
Dice Sets

vitruvian-man.svg Feats & Other

  • Elemental Adept (Fire)

ages.svg Racial & Background Features

  • Military Rank

lips.svg Languages
Common, Elvish


  • Clothes, Common
  • Dagger
  • Spellbook
  • Scholars's pack
  • Broken Blade
  • Dice Set

orb-wand.svg Magic Items

  • None



Appearance & Personality

Ilian Drakar stands tall at 5 feet 10 inches, his frame both sturdy and lean, a testament to years spent honing his physical and mental faculties. His raven-black hair is cropped short, practical for the battlefield, though a few unruly locks often fall across his forehead. His piercing blue eyes exude a mixture of determination and hidden vulnerability, their intensity softened only by the faint shadows that linger beneath them. He carries himself with a soldier's discipline, his clothes are well-maintained despite their modesty, adorned with subtle insignias that hint at his past service. Though his countenance may appear stern at first glance, a closer look reveals a certain wariness that speaks of a life shaped by trials both mundane and otherworldly.

At 28 years old, Ilian Drakar embodies a rare blend of discipline and curiosity. His soldier's upbringing instilled in him a sense of order and strategy, a penchant for calculated actions rather than impulsive decisions. This determination has not wavered despite his sudden displacement to the enigmatic realm of Falkovnia. A quiet intensity underscores his interactions, the result of his training. His personality is a guarded one, revealing only fragments of his history to those around him. Ilian's desire to return home and his thirst for understanding Ravenloft drive him to delve into the occult and the arcane, but his heart carries the weight of unfinished battles and unanswered questions.


Ilian Drakar was born into a realm perpetually embroiled in conflict. Raised in the shadow of an ongoing war, he quickly learned the art of discipline and strategy, traits that would serve him well in his later life. As a young soldier, he rose through the ranks due to his exceptional tactical skills and magical prowess, which he honed tirelessly.

During a pivotal battle, as Ilian stood poised to unleash a decisive spell against one of his enemies, a mysterious mist materialized around him. In an instant, he was transported to the realm of Falkovnia, leaving behind his allies and the familiar cries of war. Confused and determined to find a way back to his war-torn homeland, Ilian redirected his strategic mind toward understanding the dark magic that had brought him to this eerie new world. Yet, alongside his drive to return home, he felt the call to action as he witnessed firsthand the horrors of this new land...


Ilian Drakar was born in the midst of conflict, his first cries echoing against a backdrop of war-torn landscapes. His parents were soldiers, and as the flames of battle raged on, they instilled in him a deep sense of discipline and the importance of strategy. Growing up, Ilian's playtime was spent studying battle formations and practicing the art of warfare rather than indulging in the typical pastimes of childhood. By the age of ten, he could recite tactical treatises with the same ease that other children spoke nursery rhymes.

As he entered his teenage years, Ilian's natural aptitude for magic emerged. Drawn to the arcane arts, he began to experiment with harnessing magic to manipulate the very forces of the world. Combining his inherited discipline with this newfound power, Ilian quickly gained a grasp for fire magic. Most waking moments were spent with either his parents drilling physical discipline into him or Ilian pondering the tomes that he could get his hands on.

Ilian's reputation as a formidable soldier and mage continued to grow as he entered adulthood. His tactical brilliance and control over fire magic made him a beacon of hope for a realm that seemed perpetually consumed by conflict. Yet, fate had a different plan in store. During a battle that held the potential to change the course of the war, Ilian found himself enveloped in an otherworldly mist. The familiar cries of war faded, replaced by an eerie silence. When the mist dissipated, he stood alone in a new unsettling realm. Determined to return to his homeland, Ilian's disciplined mind shifted toward comprehending the strange magic of this new world.

Fears and Failures


  • Isolation: Having spent much of his life in the company of comrades and allies, Ilian's greatest fear is now being utterly alone. The isolation he experienced when he was abruptly transported to Ravenloft left a deep scar on his psyche. The idea of being cut off from any form of human connection, trapped in a desolate realm without friends or allies, strikes a chord of primal dread within him. It's a fear that drives him to seek companionship and forge bonds wherever he can, even in the midst of Ravenloft's mysteries.

  • Powerlessness: Ilian's mastery over fire magic has always been a source of empowerment, allowing him to control the elements and shape the outcome of battles. The prospect of losing that power, whether through an arcane curse or some unforeseen force, terrifies him to his core. The notion of being rendered powerless in the face of danger, unable to protect himself or others, represents a vulnerability that he struggles to accept. This fear drives him to continuously push the boundaries of his magical abilities, seeking to ensure that he will never again be at the mercy of external forces.


  • Cursed Catalyst: Whispers in the shadows speak of Ilian being the catalyst for the war that consumed his homeland. The rumor suggests that his extraordinary magical abilities were harnessed in ways that triggered a series of events leading to bloodshed and turmoil. The rumor's insinuation that he inadvertently caused the suffering he sought to end haunts Ilian, making him question whether he's truly a hero or a harbinger of destruction.

  • Haunted Legacy: Another rumor claims that Ilian's family is cursed, a legacy that has followed them for generations. The curse, it's said, twists the path of any Drakar who achieves great power, leading them to tragic fates. This unsettling rumor only adds to Ilian's fear of losing control over his magic and the potential consequences of his actions. The idea that his pursuit of mastery might come at the cost of his own downfall gnaws at his mind, fueling his determination to overcome adversity.

Is Might Right?:

Ilian Drakar's personal philosophy on power and authority is a nuanced one, shaped by his experiences on the battlefield and his journey through the mystic arts. He believes that power itself isn't inherently right or wrong; rather, it's the intentions and actions behind its use that determine its morality. Growing up in a realm defined by conflict, he saw firsthand the impact of power wielded recklessly, causing suffering and chaos. This led him to believe that the responsible and strategic use of power can indeed be right, but only when it serves the greater good and is tempered by a sense of duty and empathy.


In essence, Ilian's beliefs revolve around a balance between the pragmatic discipline of his soldier's past and an open-minded reverence for the mysteries of the universe. He doesn't reject the existence of the gods but rather finds his own path in understanding the intricate relationships between all things. This worldview guides him to make choices based on empathy, wisdom, and a deep respect for the intricate harmony of existence, all while acknowledging the divine without being bound to the dogmas of traditional worship.

Edited by Bulldog (see edit history)
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