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Captain Roken Shock - Militia Commander (Ready for Review)


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Game Stuff

Class: Investigator

Archetype: Alchemist and Marshal

Background: Field Medic

Alignment: LN

Party Roll: Skills; Support; Face

Preferred Charter: Expansion

Preferred Heartlands: Mountain or Ruin

Preferred Government: Republic

Preferred Leadership Roll: General





In the heart of the forbidding Branthlend Mountains where Brevoy, Numeria, and the River Kingdoms meet, where relentless winds sculpt the mountain sides, there rose the hobgoblin Roken Shock.


Roken's lineage was one steeped in the traditions of warfare. His sire was a decorated general who perished in battle, his name echoing with reverence in the great halls of the Granite Fortress, his clan's home. His mother was a master smith who forged weapons that sang songs of death on the battlefield. It was this lineage that shaped Roken into a living, breathing testament to the hobgoblin spirit of relentless determination and martial skill. From a tender age, Roken demonstrated a mind as sharp as the swords that hung in his mother's smithy. While other sprogs engaged in petty squabbles, Roken would immerse himself in the war tomes of old, absorbing the strategies of the legendary generals of yore. Under the strict guidance of his mother and the elders of his clan, he underwent grueling training regimes, his body adapting, growing stronger, faster, a manifestation of martial might.


At the age of twelve, a young age for his kind, Roken stood tall as he entered the merciless world of military leadership. He proved himself a master tactician, his strategies weaving a deadly dance on the battlefield as his troops moved with a precision and discipline that was poetic in its deadly grace. Roken's name began to resonate with respect, echoing across the lands as he first followed as a soldier, then led as he quickly rose to the rank of captain. But Roken was not merely a soldier; he was a leader, a visionary with a soul forged from iron and a heart beating with the fierce flame of ambition. His leadership bore the mark of honor and integrity. He uplifted the low, cared for the wounded, and nurtured the young, creating a fellowship forged in the furnace of camaraderie and mutual respect.


In the years that followed, Captain Shock also began gaining a name for himself in political circles amongst his tribesmen. Years of battling the same ogre, troll, goblin, and hobgoblin tribes had dulled his desire for military conquest. He had sent countless loyal hobgoblins to their death to secure a baren mountaintop that would be lost by next spring. He could see the futility of continuing the conflicts, and he grew to resent the endless campaigns against his neighbors, the campaigns that more and more reminded him of the senseless, petty squabbling amongst his peers as a child. He saw a better way forward for hobgoblins: unity and cooperation.


On the barren Branthlend Mountains, dreams are fragile and easily shattered by the cold hammer of reality. His attempts to turn the tribe towards diplomacy were futile. Endless generations of hobgoblins had been born and bred to support the endless wars against their kin, and no one was interested in changing the status quo. The status quo did not appreciate his attempts to change things. Captain Shock, once heralded as an ideal for hobgoblin children to aspire to was quietly bundled off to the most remote and dead reaches of his clan's territory to be forgotten. But he was not willing to wait quietly for a bugbear assassin to gut him in his sleep. On his exodus to the edge of his family's lands, he reached the border... and kept walking.


He landed in the sodden River Kingdoms, along the northeastern edge of the untamed lands that share a border with Brevoy. He quickly found a job of sorts that put his skills to good use. The near-feral folk of the River Kingdoms - mostly humans - had built small settlements that dotted the countryside. Their natural obstinance seemingly forbade them from greater organization, which left them vulnerable to bandits, mischievous fey, or even a more-intelligent-than-average bear. Roken was able to keep his belly full and good leather on his feet by training basic militia at these hardy little hamlets. A few spears and steady nerves - the latter of which the River folk had in abundance - would turn away most bandits and all but the hungriest bear without the need to actually shed any blood.


But much like he saw the futility in his kind's endless wars against each other, he also saw the futility in this false dream the humans of the River Kingdoms had in their far-flung settlements that hardly ever communicated with each other, never mind working together. As the fortunes of the settlers grew, so too would grow the fangs of the predators. With no form of central organization, the settlers were setting themselves up to be victims, perhaps even victims of his own people, should the deign to leave their mountain holds for more fertile lands. If he could not convince others to build his ideal, community-focused civilization, why not found his own? This thought was timely met with an invitation by a 'Swordlord', who's attention to him had been presumably drawn by his actions helping the settlers. It seems Roken Shock is not the only one who wishes to see the wildlands tamed.


"You will overcome this trial through discipline."


Roken Shock embodies the essence of a born leader, a visionary with an unyielding will and a spirit forged in the fires of determination and ambition. He harbors a deep respect for tradition and honor, guiding principles that shape his actions and decisions. His strategies in both war and governance are a testament to a mind sharp as the finest blade, able to dissect complex situations and carve a path to victory with meticulous precision.

Yet, beneath the hardened exterior of the military genius lies a heart that beats for his people, a leader who sees the potential for greatness in each individual, nurturing talent and fostering a spirit of camaraderie and unity. He is a father figure to his troops, a guiding hand that leads not with fear and tyranny but with respect and understanding, forging bonds of loyalty that are unbreakable.

Despite his stern demeanor, Roken possesses a deep well of empathy, able to understand and relate to the pains and struggles of others. He is not blind to the sufferings of war and bears the weight of every life lost, every sacrifice made in the pursuit of his grand vision. This burden has cultivated in him a wisdom that values peace above mindless conquest, a leader who seeks to forge alliances and foster understanding in a world fraught with conflict and mistrust.

Shock is not without his flaws, a visionary burdened with the heavy weight of expectation and the impatience borne from a burning desire to see his dreams realized. His determination can sometimes border on stubbornness, a refusal to bend even in the face of changing tides. Yet, it is this very unyielding nature, this iron-clad resolve that has seen him through countless trials, a steadfast rock against the stormy seas of a chaotic world.

In personal interactions, Roken can be surprisingly gentle and thoughtful, his ruby eyes capable of peering into the soul, understanding and relating on a deep, personal level. He is a mentor to the young, a confidant to his peers, and a wise counselor, a beacon of strength and wisdom in a fractured world, a leader forged in the heart of the Branthlend Mountains, a true embodiment of hobgoblin spirit and determination.


Captain Roken Shock stands at an imposing six and a half feet tall, tall for a human or hobgoblin with a trim, athletic physique from years of relentless training battle. His skin bears the deep blue-gray hue of his people, a canvas of life and battle where scars of honor decorate his flesh, each telling a story of valor and might. His eyes are deep pools of molten ruby, burning with an unyielding determination and the wisdom accrued from years of leadership and strategy. These are eyes that have seen the horrors of war yet harbor the warmth of a leader caring deeply for his people, a beacon of strength and guidance for his comrades.

Roken's face is stern and stoic, and, as all hobgoblins are, he is completely bald. His jaw is wide and flat, his equally wide mouth a cave of glistening teeth.

In attire, Roken prefers the practicality of an officer, his body adorned in a fine military uniform. He forgoes armor, preferring to rely on alchemy and a small buckler to protect him. The lack of visible armor on the battlefield often intimidates or lulls opponents in to a false sense of security, thinking him mad or easy prey, only for their blades to be broken on the dragon's scales hidden beneath his uniform. His weapons of choice are rapier and whip.

HeroLab Statblock

Captain Roken Shock
Male hobgoblin investigator 1
Uncommon, LN, Medium, Goblin, Humanoid
Heritage elfbane hobgoblin
Background field medic
Perception +6; darkvision
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Jotun, Orcish
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7, Athletics +3, Crafting +7, Intimidation +4, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occultism +7, Religion +4, Society +7, Stealth +5, Warfare Lore +7
Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 18 (+4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
Items buckler, dagger, rapier, whip, alchemist's tools, backpack, bedroll, caltrops, flint and steel, Formula book, grappling hook, healer's tools, lesser drakeheart mutagen, rations (1 week), rope (foot) (50), signal whistle, waterskin (2), purse (1 gp, 10 sp, 5 cp)
AC 15 (16 with shield raised); Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +6
HP 17
Clue In [R] (concentrate, investigator) Frequency once per 10 minutes Trigger Another creature attempts a check to investigate a lead you’re pursuing. Effect You share information with the triggering creature. They gain a circumstance bonus to their check equal to your circumstance bonus to checks investigating your subject from Pursue a Lead. The GM can add any relevant traits to this reaction depending on the situation, such as auditory and linguistic if you’re conveying information verbally.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +8 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P +1d6 P/Prec
Melee [1] rapier +8 (disarm, deadly d8, finesse), Damage 1d6 P +1d6 P/Prec
Melee [1] shield bash +4, Damage 1d4 B
Melee [1] whip +8 (disarm, nonlethal, finesse, trip, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4 S +1d6 S/Prec
Ranged [1] dagger +8 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P +1d6 P/Prec
Devise A Stratagem [1] (concentrate, fortune, investigator) Frequency once per round Effect You assess a foe’s weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a plan of attack against your enemy. Choose a creature you can see and roll a d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later this round, you must use the result of the roll you made to Devise a Stratagem for your Strike’s attack roll instead of rolling. You make this substitution only for the first Strike you make against the creature this round, not any subsequent attacks.
When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it’s a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.
If you’re aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead you’re pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action.
Ancestry Feats Alchemical Scholar
Class Feats Known Weaknesses
Skill Feats Alchemical Crafting, Battle Medicine
Other Abilities alchemical sciences, quick tincture, resist elf magic

Edited by r0llcage (see edit history)
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I had to deal with a stolen and subsequently totalled car, so I sadly didn't have any time to work on this submission. I don't want to withdraw, since I've been wanting to play this guy since the APG dropped, so I'll say this is as complete as it's going to get (unless something comes up and I get time to work on it tomorrow) and is ready for review. Here is an example of the profile and posting template I normally use had I time to format this submission, if you're curious what that looks like.

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Alright! If it's not too late, I found time to do a better job on Roken's backstory and stuff, so that stuff's been updated. I tried to do a more cinematic description which, I think, makes him sound a little more grand than a level one PC but oh well. I have his tribe being from the mountains that border the northwestern edge of the Stolen Lands, so they could potentially be friends or enemies or frienemies if needed. Thought that would be a neat option to have.

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