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Alansi, Chained Wolf


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Need to write stats and stuff up. The basic summary is that she was born just after the Day of Darkness (presuming the mutant animals have normal human aging, I'm actually not sure) and lived mostly wild with just a few interactions with the native tribes, but was then captured by one of the many newly-emerging orders (haven't quite decided which one yet), trained, and used as an easily-disposable test subject for an experiment that was supposed to infuse her with ectoplasmic energy. Instead, her body fused with the experiment devices themselves and she broke free and escaped. Fast-forward a few years and she's learned to control the lab equipment and restraints that have become a part of her, allowing her to wrap herself in armour of brass and hissing steam valves, and lash out with heavy chains.

Stats, no formatting yet

Feral Wolf / Superhero

Wolf: Size 7, BIO-E 55 + 15 from feral background, +4 IQ, Brute Strength, +5 PS, +3 PP, +4 Spd
- (0 BIO-E for Advanced Vision)
- -5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
- -5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
- -10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
- 10 BIO-E to become Size 9 (length/height about 6'7", weight about 170lbs)
- 10 BIO-E for full bipedal
- (0 BIO-E for animal looks)
- 10 BIO-E for human voice
- 10 BIO-E for human hands
- 20 BIO-E for Leap: Rodent
- 5 BIO-E for 1d6+1 Running Claws
- 10 BIO-E for 2d6+4 teeth
- 10 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed (+2d6+15 Spd)
- 5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell

Cherokee and Blackfoot Affiliations
- 10% chance for each day of exploring of running into another feral 'buddy.'

Experiment (Radiation, deliberate but can't be duplicated, secret military sponsor, ran away)
- Swing Line - 250ft range, can hold 1000lbs, +1 init and +3 atk when aimed, +1 atk when not aimed
- APS Techno
- - Immune to mind-affecting powers, drugs, poisons, diseases, bio-manipulation etc, susceptible to machine-affecting effects (saves on 15+ even if no save normally allowed)
- - No sense of taste or smell, minimal sense of touch (-20 to all skills that require a delicate touch), perfect 20/20 colour vision, nightvision 2000ft, telescopic vision, hear a whisper up to 200ft away, automatic dodge against all attacks including surprise attacks.
- - +9 PS and PS is supernatural
- - Never gets fatigued
- - AR 13 (exception: AP bullets, explosive rounds, grenades, etc deal half damage on an AR negation), 400SDC, recovers at half normal rate but can consume metal to heal 4d6 per 10lbs.
- - Immune to gases, poisons, toxins, cold, vacuum.
- - (Vehicle Transformation exchanged to allow this to be compataible with APS Vines)
- APS Vines
- - Weight tripled, +1ft to height, +9 PS, PS is Extraordinary, fatigues at half normal rate
- - Can grow cutting thorns that deal 2d6 damage.
- - Can make a whip attack with a vine up to 12ft away that deals 4d6 damage.
- - Can swing on a vine up to 150ft away that can hold her weight plus 500lbs.
- - Can lasso up to 5 opponents up to 35ft away, 55% chance of pinning both arms to the body
- - Can cause vines to grow in a lattice 4ft wide and 10ft long per round spend concentrating which can hold her weight plus 3000lbs, grants +20% to climb.
- - Can create a vine netting that can catch falling people/objects or entangle a person
- - SDC 110, regenerates 2d6/hour, lost vine limbs regrow in 1d6 minutes, breaths Co2 and expels oxygen, breathes through her whole body

HtH Basic -> Martial Arts [5 atk/melee, +3 pull punch, +3 roll with punch, +3 parry/dodge, +2 strike, +1 init, karate kick 1d8/2d4, jump kick (critical strike), entangle +1]
Running +10 [+1 PE, +4d4(11) Spd, +1d6(4) SDC]
Climbing +10
Military Etiquette +10
Basic Radio +10
WP Rifle
Basic Electronics +10
Scrambler Radio +10
TV/Video +10
Cryptography +10
Boxing [automatic KO on natural 20, +1 atk/melee, +2 parry/dodge, +2 roll with punch, +1d4(2) PS, +3d6(13) SDC]
Gymnastics +5 [+2 roll with punch/fall, +2 PS, +1 PP, +2 PE, +2d6(8) SDC]
Wrestling [pin on 18-20, Crush 1d4, Body Block 1d4, +1 roll with punch, +2 PS, +1 PE, +4d6(14) SDC]
(Spent to increase HtH to Martial arts in conjunction with the spare HtH from animal skills)
Wilderness Survival
Escape Artist
Tracking -> Literacy
Hunting -> Herbal Medicine
2 more WPs (Revolver and Knife)
3 secondary skills, will do those later
8+2 secondary skills, will do those later
- Swimming
- Cooking
- Body Building [+2 PS, +10 SDC]
- Paramedical (counts as two)
- (3rd-level proficiency)
- (3rd-level proficiency)

(Basic Radio again)
(HtH Basic again, spent to boost HtH)

IQ 13 + 4 wolf = 17
ME 15 + 2 wolf = 17
MA 14 + 2 wolf = 16
PS 14 + 4 puma + 2 feral + 2 boxing + 2 gynmastics + 2 wrestling + 2 body building (+9 supernatural in tech form, +9 extraordinary in vine form) = 28/37e/46s [1d4+13/1d4+24/4d6+31 or 1d6x10+31 or 2d6x10+31 damage]
PP 13 + 2 wolf + 1 feral + 1 gymnastics = 17 [+1 parry/dodge, +1 strike]
PE 13 + 2 feral + 1 running + 2 gymnastics + 1 wrestling = 17 [5% vs coma/death, +1 vs magic/poison]
PB 14
Spd 15 + 8 wolf + 24 Extraordinary Speed + 11 running = 58 (about 60kph)

Init +1

HP 17 base + 15 levels = 32
SDC 40 base + 20 feral + 4 running + 13 boxing + 8 gymnastics + 14 wrestling + 10 body building

- Feral Wolf: 200 bucks, basic clothing, wilderness survival equipment, decent knife, axe, primary weapon
- Superhero: $5d6x100 + $4d6x10, lives alone in an 'apartment,' 84% chance of owning a car?, various personal possessions, costume, spare costume, knife, gun, two other weapons, police radio, assorted basic crime-fighting stuff (handcuffs, utility belt, flashlight, etc)

Attacks per melee: 5 (expert HtH) + 1 (boxing)


Edited by Llyarden (see edit history)
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