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In a world where you can meet fairies, elves, turquoises, and all kinds of nonsense behind any corner, some mere mortals have reached a degree of awareness, confidence, and ability when it comes to dealing with these beings that allows them to use the best of both worlds to their advantage. Children exchanged by fairies for long or short periods, girls blessed by their godmothers, firstborns given to witches or elves as servants due to some pacts entered into by their parents, shepherdesses and cunning millers accustomed to living with funfellows, talking animals, and fairies, brave boys who have found access to Cuccaigne and went there to experience unforgettable adventures. all of these are often called โ€œLucignolo" (kindling), because they seem to retain a small amount of fairy sparkle in their eyes wherever they go.

Skill Proficiencies:ย Deception, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies:ย Two types of game sets
Languages:ย Racket
Equipment:ย A set of common clothes, a pouch containingย 15 sp, one additional Memorabilia.

Feature: My Dinner with Fairies
Accustomed to entering and exiting the Extravaganza's world without getting trapped in it by tricks or odd clauses, a lucignolo can find a meal and hospitality among the fairies when they want to, if they're in the right time and the right place. Moonlight banquets, boot-like or giant-snail-shaped houses, parties under the mushrooms, and little doors that appear and disappear along the slopes... Lucignolos know how to present themselves with the right attitude, how to ask respectfully for accommodation and help, and how to leave at the right time without being screwed for a thousand years in fairy-freakin-land. And that's quite impressive.

Suggested Characteristics
Lucignolos often have the sly gaze of those who have never had a hard time, the ways of those who have lived through so much that cannot be told anything, and the language of those who are accustomed to Extravaganza. Their familiarity with the fairy world's rulers and funny creatures may be innate, or it may derive from some childhood events, but they could also come out during adolescence or mature later as adults. Lucignolos appear as mortals among the fairy beings but are recognized as touched by the fairies among the commoners. For these reasons, they are often treated with caution and distrust by both worlds.


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