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Prelates can be members of the Creed or other religious professions holding a key position, respect, or power. Still, they became Knaves for their own personal or secret purpose. Their titles can be the most various: abbots, abbesses, vicars, archimandrites, scabbots, priors, and chaplains, and up to the top of the respective hierarchy, such as ordinals and horoscopals. There's no particular distinction between men and women concerning high prelatures, even if specific orders are composed of specific genders and races. Even age or vocation is not discriminatory for a prelate: some designations are assigned to school-age children, others are offered to commanders, fighters, alchemists, scholars, hermits, and travelers for the most disparate merits, provided obviously that the recipients are declared believers and are committed to pursuing the purposes and dictates of their religion.

Skill Proficiencies:Β Persuasion, Religion
Languages:Β Draconian, unknown language
Equipment:Β A golden holy symbol, a book of prayers,Β vestments, a pouch containing 25 sp.

Feature: Deference and Influence
Thanks to their prominent position, the prelate is held in high regard by the worshippers of their own religion, as well as welcomed in high society and places of worship, and generically recognized as a notable or even a big shot by the common folk. The prelate and his fellow Knaves can expect to receive hospitality in churches, sanctuaries, and monasteries. They can also ask for the help of followers of the same religion, as long as that help does not involve dangers and the prelate enjoys a good reputation among them.

Suggested Characteristics
The prelate can be the commanding chaplain of a knightly order, the abbess of a convent of fighting nuns, a tireless evangelizer who travels up and down the Kingdom's ruts trying to convert brigands, an ordinal that dedicated her life to the search for sacred relics, a holy hermit who seems to preach like a madman, a dressed-for-success astrologer that dedicates themself to Knave-jobs to show they can get their hands dirty, the prior or the patriarch of who knows what currently lapsed religious tradition, looking for new followers... the fact that formally they are bigwigs shouldn't represent a problem for anyone: after all, in the Kingdom, we are all ragamuffins anyway, and in the end, the difference between glory and mud is just a matter of one good or bad day!


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