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The finagler is a bit of a symbol of the Kingdom’s civil life and bureaucracy: a fixer, a notary, a pettifogger, and a hack, a fine connoisseur of laws and red tape, and therefore perfectly capable of circumventing them, infiltrating the system, and turning it inside out. Halfway between public and private, the finagler is the go-to official for Knaves confronting the law, the nobility, and justice because – while being Knaves themselves – they are perfectly integrated into the system and know how to interact with, persuade, and corrupt everyone else: guards, Royal Bounty agents, and big shots.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Forgery Kit
Languages: Macaronic
Equipment: A copy of your home region’s book of laws, a bottle of black ink and a pen, a parchment, a set of fine clothes, and a pouch containing 20 sp.

Feature: Trouble Solver
You have a comprehensive knowledge of the laws and the mechanisms related to the functioning (or malfunctioning) of the Kingdom’s Justice. You are the right Knave when it comes to "fixing" not-too-serious legal disputes. You can remove one of your Misdeeds or that of a member of your company. In order to do that, a cost equal to the Bounty value of the Misdeed you want to remove must be paid. This feature must be used before the Misdeed is added to a character's Bounty by the authorities.

Suggested Characteristics
Finaglers are colorful characters who often speak Macaronic or technical jargon, know all sorts of quibbles, codicils, and loopholes, and constantly come up with alternative and contradictory interpretations of laws and customs. They love precision and order, read and write perfectly, and are fond of pointing this out. They tend to act aloof and see themselves as superior to the more common Knaves, and in companies they typically cover the roles of accountants, notaries, scribes, and yeomen.


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