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Rovers spend a large part of their lives in the free, natural manner traditional of feral communities and wolfcats, hermits, heretics, woodcutters, coalmen, shepherds, and the more isolated pagans. They are hunter-gatherers and their groups move with the seasons, drawing all their raw materials from the remains of animals or plants. The roversโ€™ cultures, skills, and knowledge are deeply influenced by their outdoor life, experience with wild territories, and communion with nature and its phenomena.

Skill Proficiencies:ย Animal Handling, Athletics
Tool Proficiencies:ย Herbalism kit
Languages:ย Petroglyph
Equipment:ย A staff, an animal bone pendant, colored pigments, a set of traveler clothes, and a pouch with 10 sp.

Feature: Wild Comfort
You know how to move with respect for the creatures inhabiting the wildlands. This awareness allows you to avoid unpleasant encounters. You and up to five other people can travel across any wild territory without encountering hostile beasts. This feature does not affect different kinds of encounters.

Suggested Characteristics
Rovers experience life among civilized peoples as a wolf would amidst domesticated dogs, and they often feel alien in a world made of cities, farmland, and โ€œcivilโ€ customs. Instinctively, they feel more akin to animals in chains or cages than to their owners. Far from living โ€œin the State of Natureโ€, rovers have a vast and complex culture that involves living in the wilderness, away from walls, roads, or stone houses โ€“ a life they constantly miss whenever they find themselves sleeping in a flea-ridden bed with a ceiling a mere few feet from their head.


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