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weapon alignment upon sentience



The ability costs Good leaning Evil leaning Chaos leaning Law leaning God leaning Player leaning
  weapon armor weapon armor weapon armor weapon armor weapon armor weapon armor
  1. Allying.
  2. Benevolent,
  3. Courageous,
  4. Defending,
  5. Flaming,
  6. Guardian,
  7. Huntsman,
  8. Keen,
  9. Merciful,
  10. Valiant
  1. Cruel,
  2. Cunning,
  3. Deadly,
  4. Frost,
  5. heartseeker.
  6. menacing,
  7. ominous,
  8. viscous
  9. mighty cleaving,
  10. Thundering
  1. Glammered ,
  2. Corrosive,
  3. Grounding, ,
  4. Furious,
  5. Quenching,
  6. seaborne,
  7. spell storing,
  8. Thawing,
  9. throwing
  10. neutralizing
  1. Impervious,
  2. Called,
  3. Countering,
  4. Dispelling,
  5. Ghost Touch,
  6. Ki Focus,
  7. Limning,
  8. mimetic,
  9. shocking
  10. Jurist
  1. Conductive,
  2. Grayflame,
  3. Planar,
  4. Bane

1. Unaligned

  1. Holy
  2. Advancing
  1. Unholy
  1. Anarchic 
  1. Axiomatic



exceptions: Bane


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