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  • The Campaign(s) Notes

About this blog

This is going to be where I keep notes on the world, the going ons and goals in the campaigns, as well as specific custom magic items I have made, and a general Lore dump for the world that I think would be akin to a players handout.

Entries in this blog

Ogre's Magic Item Overhall; Flasks

In my world Magic is every where, more akin to just being more , and less akin to altering stuff already in existence. so here are some Items I used in the past, all related to flasks, potions and drinks.   You ever been in that fight in lower levels that feels oh so close, and your healing yourself, the cleric is healing you, but every one needs it just as bad, But its not enough to be comfortable to fight back? so you put the meat in meat shield, it was kind a cool that one time, No


OgreWattage in Ogre's Item Overhaul

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