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Morgants are commonly considered β€œdemi-giants”, though whether they truly descend from giants remains a mystery, given that such legendary beings have not been seen around the Kingdom for at least five hundred years, during which morgants have remained unchanged. What’s more, numerous folktales and legends speak of ancient kingdoms and communities of millenary morgants from which the current specimens are said to descend, indicating that these beings are probably another human species that evolved alongside common humans and sylvans.

Typically 7-8 feet tall, morgants are large and massive, famous for their binging, drinking and brawling and for their feisty habits. As with humans, morgants seen around the Kingdom can have the most disparate physical traits, complexions of any color, from milky to dark, and hair ranging from curly red locks to thick and wiry black manes. Their cultures and societies are also variegated, having evolved in parallel with those of humans.

Fun Nicknames: whales, bruisers, juggernauts, fatsos, pachyderms.

Typical Male Names: Balugante, Ferrautto, Fracasso, Gosto, Isoliero, Mandricardo, Marcolfo, Orrilo, Rodomonte, Rubicante, Serpentino, Zibaldone.

Typical Female Names: Argaliffa, Badebecca, Gargamella, Marfisa, Mattalista, Megara, Morgetia, Olimpia, Spinella.

Surnames and Assorted Titles: name of the father or mother; name of city of origin.

How Other Races See Them
The custom of enlisting morgants in armies and mercenary companies as champions and stormtroopers, and of arming and training them to commit slaughter has meant that these beings are generally considered formidable fighters and raiders. Owing to their enormous (and proportionate) appetite and to their equally proverbial propensity for brawls, morgants are seen as brawly dealers of slaps and punches, not to mention insatiable consumers of troughs of beans and omelets and numberless carafes of wine.

Truth be told, they are meek and accommodating, their natural disposition being more like that of cattle and pachyderms than of bloodthirsty predators. But of course, β€œInferno knows no fury like a good person turned bad!”

Morgant Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 2.

Age. The life expectancy of a morgant is identical to that of a human, or slightly lower.

Size. Morgants are between 7 and 9 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Gargantuan. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Sturdy as a Rock. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Cast-Iron Stomach. Given your pantagruelic bulk, you have to consume double the rations needed to feed a human. However, thanks to your natural resistance to overindulging, you have advantage on all ability checks concerning the consumption of food and drinks.

Towering Brawler. In a brawl, you can collect epic props as a bonus action.

Edited by jokomaisu (see edit history)


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