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Last specimens of a race of hominids with traits more feral and rustic than those of the common human, sylvans have always lived alongside humans when the latter left the mountains and forests to found cities.

Compared to common humans, sylvans have much thicker body hair in specific places: on the menโ€™s chest and back, on womenโ€™s groin, and on the arms and legs of both; their head is often covered in a thick mane of hair. Their body is more agile and muscular, their features fiercer and their mettle tougher.

Apart from these characteristics, the difference between humans and sylvans is almost exclusively cultural: traditionally, sylvan tribes and families do not build shelters of brick or stone, nor do they work the land or raise livestock: they are hunter-gatherers and live exclusively in pristine natural environments.

Their lore is typically oral, and they know as many stories and songs by heart as those read or written in books by humans. Though very different from โ€œcivilโ€ culture, theirs is anything but primitive, having a wealth of rituals, beliefs, techniques, and traditions.

Fun Nicknames: animals, beasts, brutes, savages.

Typical Male Names: Guriut, Ircus, Irsat, Ospel, Pantogan, Picat, Ravat, Scrat, Selvan, Soran, Sur, Urcat.

Typical Female Names: Baguta, Bragola, Canenta, Cavatha, Deverra, Fana, Feronia, Ghera, Luperca, Menara, Selena, Uriah.

Surnames and Assorted Titles: sylvans donโ€™t have actual surnames, but often take on distinguishing nicknames or epithets, such as โ€œTall Tomโ€, โ€œBig Billโ€, โ€œWilfred the Wolfโ€, โ€œTitan Timโ€, โ€œWoody Willโ€.

How Other Races See Them
In the days of the Draconian Empire, sylvans were considered primitive, mindless troglodytes, or even human-animal hybrids or werebeasts. For this reason, they were often hunted and taken captive as monsters or circus phenomena. Over the last few centuries, however, tensions between surviving pockets of these people and common humans have eased off. These days, sylvans have integrated with ordinary Kingdom humanity, one way or another: whether as isolated communities, or as families that live in the wilds, or as individuals welcomed in villages or companies, or even as famous characters, these beings are no longer considered โ€œmonstersโ€, primitive beasts, freaks of nature, or myths, but simply people: a little hairy, unfriendly and grumpy, perhaps, but still people.

Sylvan Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, your Wisdom score increases by 1, and an ability score of your choice different from the previous ones increases by 1.

Age. The life expectancy of a sylvan is identical to that of a human, although sylvans remaining faithful to their communities' traditional lifestyle have a higher mortality rate and appear to age earlier.

Size. Sylvans are the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Raised in the Forest. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Primal Instinct. You have proficiency in the Perception and Survival skills.

Tough Guy. During a brawl, you ignore the side effects of the first two levels of Whack.

Edited by jokomaisu (see edit history)


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