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About This Game

This game will use the original 1974 edition of the D&D rules. It will start out dungeon delving but move on to utilize wilderness rules.

Game System

OD&D (Chainmail)

Detailed Description

Four hundred years ago a vile priest named Vexilis rose to dominate the forces of Chaos. He gathered evil men and hideous monsters into his legions and cut a blood soaked swath across the civilized lands. His forces paused at the edge of the Rolling Plains at the foot of the Dragonspire Mountains. There he constructed an unholy fortress call the Temple of Evil Chaos. He intended to create a stronghold to guard against defeat but the pause gave the civilized lands and the Church of Law time to regroup and organize. The Grand Army of Law slammed like a hammer into the dark stone of the Temple and it gave way under the pressure. When the forces of Law were done every stone had been scattered and every man and monster who could be found that fought under the flag of Chaos was brought down. So complete was victory that peace reigned for generations after, but Chaos is insidious. It has crawled back into the world, haunting dark places and making borderland roads unsafe to travel. The nations of the Rolling Plains have troubled each other with wars that have left even more land barren and open for the darkness to slither in.

The Village of Downhaven sits on the crossroads between nations. It has enjoyed the protection of Castle Wolfsburr that looks down on the village from the highest hill. House Valcourd has been able keep the area neutral in the recent troubles and out of harm's way as armies shift around the borders of Valcourd lands so that trade is not disrupted. The fields remain productive and the water clean. The few refugees that have come this way have not been burdensome. Everyone in the village had begun to believe that Downhaven was untouchable.

This assumption has been proven flawed over the last fortnight. Bandits attacked peddler train on the West Road. A refugee family disappeared from a camp a couple miles east of town. Strange baying sounds have been heard coming from the Brambles, a small marsh a short walk to the north. All of this was tolerable until Marna Goodspring, the town wise woman, disappeared and the strange hobnail tracks led straight to the Washnoran Falls. The folk of Downhaven have always known there were caves behind the falls, but there was never much reason to worry about them. Now they are worried.

We just suffered some catastrophic bad luck with dice and are restarting this adventure. Currently have four players and are looking for 2 to 4 more to join us. This game uses the '74 version of D&D with most of Supplement 1: Greyhawk plus a few house rules.


  1. What's new in this game
  2. The cleric looks at his religious texts "Raise dead... Raise dead... I know it says something about that here somewhere.."
  3. thenn once we get some pieces of eight we each buy a bunch of hirelings to throw at the bad guys/use as fodder if one of the mages can learnn animate dead
  4. Looks like, me, you, Scary wizard, jarg, diggersby, do not fear, dts, fritz, and mho. So 9...
  5. Kalevere the Conjurer Kalevere treks along with the others, making notes of places behind which foes could hide and yet also keeping her eyes on the horizon. "It would have been nice if we'd been told what to expect..." Her staff taps along the ground as she walks. Kalevere sought work adventuring, in order to fund her magical studies. While past such endeavors proved fruitful, and involved ancient tombs and other resting places, her money was given to a bandit in exchange for her life. But, perhaps helping the common folks of the world was just as good as self-justified treasure hunting. Kalevere keeps watch for danger while Oswald and any other prospective scouts, scout. Kalevere Human Conjurer
  6. Just a reminder, the party is at the base of the falls. It is great to give some background, but please end your posts with how you are going to proceed from the base of the falls.
  7. Trap effectiveness is decided by die rolls. Traps are set off on a 1-2 on a d6. Depending on the description of the trap and on the description the player gives me on precautions his character is taking I may modify rolls but that is all behind the scenes. If you don't see it in the racial descriptions in the Of Men & Magic thread it isn't safe to assume it. As far as racial thief skills, they are part of Greyhawk, however I decided to not use them, instead I boosted all thief skills by four levels for everyone. So your character's current hide in shadows as a Burglar is 55%. If we were using the racial modifiers instead of the boosts it would be 35%. All your skills using my method are about 20% better. With hiding, If you are in natural surroundings I will generally roll the 1-3 on d6 first then the percent chance for thief if the racial ability is not successful. Basically giving you two chances to hide.
  8. I guess because elves aren't religious per se, I think there's no churches or temples (I read that once but also half recall the destruction of one somewhere in the Silmarillion.). Yet men being able to go full classics, allowed for that mix in. Excior, nice that you said Hobbit rather than halfling.
  9. Questions about Halflings, Traps, and hiding can we assume that blade-style traps are set to go off at what would be the waist of a human ( inches above a halflings head) in regards to hiding do most human-sized creatures with average intelligence look for things at what would be their eye level? are halflings light enough not to trigger pressure plates that would open a pit trap?
  10. “Not only is Miss, Goodspring our only Apothecary she is also very wise and provides Downhaven with wisdom and advice when needed.” The little hobbit, Oswald Cobbelpot, who was currently munching on a pastry that he had purchased from the local communal gathering spot known as the Hearthside Bakery, spoke to his companions in general and Talon specifically. He was dressed as a typical hobbit in earthy tones his long brown overcoat hung down to his little stubby knees it was thick and combined with his leather waste coast and linen white shirt provided him with more than enough protection from any accidental arrow or blade that might come his way. He reached into one of the small sacks he carried, pulled out another Danish, and began to munch on it as they made their way to the Washnoran Falls, which was a short walk away. “I can be hard to see when I want to be, perhaps once we get closer I could move ahead of the group and possibly spot any danger before they spot us.” He says with all the eagerness of a child about to go on a pony ride.
  11. Dahlia didn't like the idea of possibly walking directly into an ambush but was concerned for Marna Goodsprings safety, she must have been a remarkable woman if everyone is going through all this trouble to rescue her. The Elf followed along, hoping her heavy armour wouldn't cause her to slow the group down too much. "As Do I" She replied to Telperion. "It would be a shame if we were to meet the same fate as her first attempted rescuers." OOC: Dahlia has read magic and sleep prepared for this adventure.
  12. Just realised I had forgotten to roll to see which spells I know. With a 15 int I have a min of 6 and max of 10 with a 75% chance. I also saw in another thread that we don't need to roll for read magic so I'll only roll for the other 17 spells. Spells Known: Read Magic, Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Floating Discs, Magic Missile, Protection From evil, Sleep, Read Languages, Spider Climb, Unseen Servant Spells not known: Affect Normal Fires, Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Light Spells rolled in the order listed in the spell section
  13. Telperion smiled as he clunked along. This was what he'd trained for. "Thank you for your help. I pray we can all return safely soon with Marna Goodspring." He extends a hand, pats Torn Ironwood on the shoulder and advances, knowing he would be the one to slow them down if any.
  14. Talon arrives in town with his axe ready and no money left. He hears about this job and offers assistance. He sees others are also hired as well. All this for one woman the reward must be nice
  15. It is funny. Gygax always claimed that Tolkien wasn't much of an influence on him, yet the good professor's work always appears to be the primary source. I am pretty active in game history discussions, especially in 0e, but I have never heard any theories on the half-elf and why they were initially allowed to be clerics/fighter/magic-users. Equally funny, I always say I never play clerics. Only a couple in all my years as a player, since late in 1980. But the half-elf Clc/Ftr/M-U is probably the combination I play the most. It just never dawns on me that they are clerics. Below is the actual text from Greyhawk which I somewhat clumsily translated from Gygaxian. I added a set of [] in the Men & Magic thread to help accentuate that Cleric is a choice that can only be added to the base Ftr/M-U. Also of note, the ability to, with a high wisdom, climb above Vicar is a house rule. "There are no half-elf clerics, for in this regard their human side prevails. However, half-elves with a basic wisdom score of 13 or more may also become clerics. If they so opt all experience will be divided in equal proportions between fighting, magic use. and clericism. Half-elves may work up as high as the 4th level (Vicar) clerically. Note that half-elf clerics may not themselves act chaotically, nor may they associate with chaotic characters or creatures." Supplement I: Greyhawk, Page 6.
  16. Remember the minimum hit point rule. She should have 10 hp. The 1 counts as a 3.
  17. I realized I hadn't filled her up with blood, equipped her, or even described her! Here we are, Black Wyvern, and... oops! Had to improvise with the staff, though.
  18. Oh, hell yeah! It's always sort of struck me as being like Elrond and Elros... between the worlds of Men and Elves, just with a more pronounced magical bent. The Cleric/Fighter/Magic-Users would be the "Elros", in this case, likely having lived among humans who are more willing to let their priests and healers adventure; while the Fighter/Magic-Users could be the "Elrond", who take to elven methods moreso than human. The Thieves could be the "...and The Rest!" of the bunch, the wanderlusting adventurers, anyone from a castoff who became an urchin to survive to a noble heir who wants to have a little bit of fun.
  19. You are the second group to answered the call of the village elders to find Marna Goodspring. The remains of the first were found in the river yesterday, only a few hours after leaving for the falls. The walk to the Washnoran Falls was a relatively short one. You now stand around the base of the falls looking up through the mist created by the crashing water. The village's elderly tracker, Thorn Ironwood told you how to find the trail that leads up to the falls. "A steep climb but simple enough. Just work your way through the rabbit brush on the left of the falls and you will find the path. Be wary, times have changed since I was last up there. If something is causing trouble they will have a good lookout spot well above you. Good place for an ambush." The grey-bearded huntsman warned. The wise woman's time is limited. Those who followed the trail were certain that it the tracks were not human. More likely the missing elder was kidnapped for eating rather than ransoming.
  20. I just wonder what the original line of thought was when it was designed
  21. It is odd. Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User sounds like an interesting mix, though. Can use all the weapons and armor and cast spells from both lists. Might be a lot to juggle, but then so is Fighter/Magic-User/Thief with the addition of thief skills. Gonna pick a path and put something together soon.
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