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About This Game

An exalted third edition game taking place in the Scavenger Lands.

Game System

Exalted 3e
  1. What's new in this game
  2. I'll give him 30 days or so, but it doesn't look promising. He joined shortly, ran for a month, and then vanished. I'll try to PM people if things start back up.
  3. Well our GM hasnt logged in in a few weeks so Im guessing this is another dead game. If it does get going please feel to PM me, gonna take it off my list for now Shame I was looking forward to playing with you all, next time though!
  4. Just to chime in, I think I'm also ready. Excited to get started!
  5. Burning Mist is ready. If there are any adjustments to be made, I can make them while we play.
  6. I have a couple of things I would like to polish, but I hope it is not me that's delaying anything ! It's not worth it, overall it should be small adjustements, nothing to keep us from starting.
  7. Not sure, I thought someone had some last minute fine tuning to do last I checked. I know silent owl is done and ready to go
  8. You are correct of course, thanks for the reminder, and that's part of what I will have to do in this case too. As soon as I can find 48h days... Work is killing me right now. Still two weeks to go and I should be good. But yes I agree, no character lives alone in this world, and they have a past before the adventure starts, obviously.
  9. I find that the best way to spice up a character is to toss in some other characters that your character has interested with. Maybe a lover or ex-lover that has had influence on their life, maybe they turned them around, or turned them against previous interests. Also, having a family that you know or want to protect might be important to him. He can still wander but acknowledges that there is always a home for him to return to, should he ever tire (maybe just briefly). You could also have an old mentor, teacher, or patron that gave you some wisdom that you still carry with you. Someone that you either walked away from, or has passed from Creation, that you remember fondly. None of these need have dots assigned to them, but could always be purchased later. And you have 4 dots in Contacts that you could really fill out with details.
  10. I guess I do. I like the idea of a Cartographer / Explorer, but I am not so sure about the character proper. At the moment, I still find him a little bland, so I am thinking on how to spice him up. Perhaps have him start as a Cartographer for the Guild or the army of some country, so that he would be more involved in the affairs of Creation. What do you think, please ? I am more than open to any other idea, of course.
  11. Double checking how is it going here? You think, you got enough to get started?
  12. I think the character is ready to go. You gave me enough to get started, and I can always add stuff through experience. But now I can get a good understanding of the changes between 2e and 3e.
  13. Woohoo! Free time! I finally had enough time to do some exploring and searching since the holidays are over. And I found the Sidereal kickstart and joined in and now have the manuscript. I haven't read any of it yet, but I might be able to understand somethings better, rather than trying to wedge 2e things into the 3e game. It will take some time to read through sections of the manuscript, but we should be closer to the same page about this.
  14. In general yeah, the game will cover the Scavenger Lands which does conveniently include the Hundred Kingdoms too. It's a lot of space to play around.
  15. Yeah, I had similar thoughts. No way she isn't aware of him, though whether she recognizes him up close or by sight is a different question. I'm content letting you decide; either way, I doubt Twice would recognize Yu. Let me know if anything I set up for Jibei doesn't work with your vision of the place; it factors in to both of our character's histories, but ties much more closely into yours, so I'm game to hash things out. But I imagine if anything stuck out, you would've mentioned already.
  16. Glad the sheet passes muster. 😁 As to your points: -Oops, that was a typo. I had checked the mapping site you linked, and then flubbed the written direction. Will correct. -And gotcha. I spent some time looking for canon mentions on wikis and forums and such, and found some ideas that I couldn't verify the canonicity of, but thought were neat. It appears that they're a lot of Celestial Gods, who came down from Heaven and displaced the Terrestrial Gods who were already in the area so they could make use of the holy mountain near Jibei. So, that might be something fun to deal with, depending on if we ever stray that direction from Nexus.
  17. By the by Rayth I think with your specific backstory now Yu would have to know who you are because stealing a glimpse at the 'pet anathema' while you're paraded before the Sword Prince is the exact thing she'd do when they tried to be sure she's as far away as possible. Also totally a major source of shame for her and influence on her own actions after Exaltation.
  18. That's good to know. I'll do my best not to abuse that aspect of Lore.
  19. From crucible of Legend (the ST guide), they did some clarification, knowing a fact can be used with any ability (Intelligence+any ability). Like someone with intelligence+melee can know fact about a special brand of swords and the likes. Lore on the other end, can introduce fact if you meet the requirements (Lore Background or Lore specialty, Lore 3+). Introduce fact is basically used for narrative drama (introduce new elements to the narrative), forward the plot (introduce something that help the circle moves forward with a problem) or generate intimacies. The difference is mostly if you want to have powers of Authorship vs knowing something.
  20. Nothing too major but for your own information: -The Hundred Kingdoms/Vaneha are on the eastern ends of the Scavenger Lands, so going toward Nexus is sailing west pretty much on the river. -The Imperial Cult of the Ninety-Nine Stars is a lot of Celestial Gods, with Ninety-Nine Stars pretty much used as a way to say a lot of gods.
  21. It's all good we can just defer to Doctor Twice over our measly one dot dips and include you in the nerd circle. Heck Lore ain't even good for general schooling it so wonky, I suspect the devs would say that general knowledge is stunting a raw Int roll and the literacy dot in linguistics.
  22. I do like the amount of interconnectivity we have in terms of interests and talents. I feel like we cover a decent number of bases. I think Twice is probably the least book-smart of the bunch, but I feel like that's appropriate for the Dawn. 🤣 But he's got his skill in Medicine, which is a nice base no one else quite has covered. But I would've liked to pick up a point in Lore to show some general schooling. Well, there's always time, and Solar Experience. Relatedly, I think Twice is all finished. Let me know if anything seems wrong or out of place.
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