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About This Game

The prophesied year of 1999 is here. The worlds armies have come to put an end to Dracula once and for all.

Game System

Pathfinder 2e

Detailed Description

Long ago, Nostradamus predicted the down fall of Dracula in the year 1999. The time is here and the castle has come. An army of the best the world has to offer has come to do all they can slay the Dark Lord for the last time.

You are one among these. In these despite times, none can discriminate against a potential ally. Lycanthropes and undead rub shoulders with priests and hunters of the dark. Any enemy of Dracula is an ally in this, The Demon Castle War.


Welcome to Call of the Eclipse! Thanks for checking it out.

This will be a Pathfinder 2e game with an Abomination Vaults structure, as you will venture into the legendary Castle Dracula to find the path to it's master and investigate the disappearance of Julius Belmont, who went in to slay the Dark Lord but has been missing for weeks. After such expeditions they will need to return to the military camp surrounding the castle to recover, resupply, and give what information they have found to the leaders.

The base camp surrounding the castle is not without it's in own concerns. Many people of many origins are crossing paths and while many wish to see the end of Dracula not all seem to agree about how this should be done. You may need to make choices that affect not only yourselves but the whole war.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Yeah. I'm ready to come back anytime, because I really like this idea and the character I rolled for it, but I don't think I'm likely to get the chance.
  3. I messaged him last week for interest in the game, no reply yet. He could wrangle us all back if he did, but for now I feel like the game is abandoned.
  4. Hopefully. Admittedly my anxiety makes it hard for me to check my forums every day (especially on weekends) but I wanted to really give this build a try.
  5. Hopefully, everything is okay. He was last online on the 24th, so it hasn't been that long. I'm sure we'll hear from him soon enough.
  6. Sounds good to me. I think the DM's the one we're waiting on, though. Right?
  7. I'm willing to let the DM kinda "push" this along, if nobody else objects.
  8. Lastolva blinks, and switches into 'bot' mode. "Mail? Me?" The goat-construct looks around. "I don't have that many people who I would think would send me mail. I'll have to check that out."
  9. I'm excited to get to Rouge Trader after I finish War of the Chosen again. I feel kind of weird for finding Warhammer 40k through Bloodbowl
  10. Kek, sounds like some serious trolling!
  11. I'm playing a Fey Bloodline Sorcerer/Underground Chemist Rogue/Arcane Trickster who took the Trickster Path. (That's a whole lot of Trickster, huh?)
  12. Atma immediately freezes, not uttering a word the moment Dijon's bony fingers cover his mouth, immediately understanding where he is coming from. When Mandy began an attempt to assuage the family's fear, trying to dissolve the fear over Dijon's appearance, he thought about opening his mouth to chime in with Mandy, almost feeling the urge to try and match her energy. Still, he thought better of it, not wanting to make it worse for Dijon, and choosing to restrain himself to at least wait to see if Mandy can clear the air on the enigmatic skeletal soldier.
  13. When you finish, check out Wasteland 3 and Rogue Trader if you're thirsty for more combat that's similar to Xcom.
  14. What class and path are you playing?
  15. Mihaly just stands there shaking his head as Mandy follows Aleah, Bogdan, and Bogdan's mother. "So... at this point, what are the odds that we'll actually get to converse with that family again without them frantically making the Sign of The Cross at us?"
  16. Priela rolls her eyes at the popstar. "May the Lord bless me with His evergreen patience and perseverance." Then she tells Friedrich her account of the excitement at the end of their patrol, and that the next patrol did not show up. She makes sure to explain that the demon was apparently a fae, though she also adds that this is a distinction without a difference. (Even though she wiped her sword clean, there should be some resonance or residual trace left behind that forensics or a seasoned diviner or sorcerer can detect.) "Any update from the base?" OOC: Dijon is an interesting character. Must be an African remnant from the World Wars. How well do we know him and other members of the team?
  17. I have a book due back next Friday that I've been neglecting. ๐Ÿ˜†
  18. I hustle over to the woman and boy, sheathing my pistol and holding my hands out for calm. "He's perfectly harmless, I promise," I sputter in English. "I mean... To the right people..." My face gets scrunched up with effort. I make a horizontal circle in the air with my hands, as though to point to all of us all at once. "We-e-e..." I put both my hands on my chest. "Lov-v-v-e..." I then point straight at Dijon. "Dijon!"
  19. It happens. As for me, I've had trouble tearing myself away from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.
  20. Sorry posting took so long, I've become obsessed Xcom 2 again.
  21. Lastolva, Mandy Aleah nods as she listens to Lastolva and Mandy, "Let's just hope that radial dream is worth it..." She looks sadly at the ground for a second before instantly smiling again "Oh Lastolva! You got some mail back at the base." Priela The man smiles kindly at Priela "No need to be so formal," he spoke with a slight German accent, "I'm not of the Catholic church. After what Ian did to Sister Lucia's habit, they thought it better to put a Lutheran pastor with this team. From what the mother said when she noticed the boy was missing she left the house and ran into the forest to look for him. The father is in the town working." Atma, Mandy, Mihaly When Atma began to speak to him he turns quickly and puts his skeletal hand over Atma's mouth, he then takes his hand away and stares at it in annoyance, "Can't cover a mouth very well with no skin. Look I don't want to scare anyone so-" Mandy's shout rings though the forest and Dijon slowly turns his head towards her with frustration pouring from the pin-pricks of light that are his eyes. The mother holds her son tightly to her chest with fear on her face, the woman in lamellar quickly walked up to them, "Come, I will take you home." She takes the mother by the hand and walks toward the forest.
  22. Mihaly sends Dijon, who Mihaly thinks was clearly hoping to avoid attention, an apologetic glance.
  23. ย 
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