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About This Game

You are a team of monster hunters in the heart of the Baruch Empire. You will spend your time developing your life in the city of Altenheim, investigating monstrous crimes, preparing your equipment, and hunting a “monster of the week”. Gameplay and setting are inspired by the CSI television series, Persona 5, and the Lord of Mysteries webnovel.

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

Set in the dark, godless world of Etharis, the gods are dead–or worse–and magic has become the domain of madness and monsters. In the Baruch Empire, an eldritch abomination known as the Beast stirs, causing monsters and apparitions to haunt the dark and shadowy corners of the country. The empire’s soldiers and village guards are wholly unprepared to handle this threat. Without magic or the power of the divine to fight the Beast, the people turned to the occult to defend their way of life. 

The Society of the Occult

Welcome! You are adventurers, seeking a Swords Company in good standing with the Society of the Occult; to be paid in coin and privilege to defend the Baruch Empire against the monsters and horrors that stalk the shadows. It is a dangerous life and magic, when it is available, is rare, expensive, and always ends in madness and fire. In short, the profession is hardly worth the trouble. 

Most do the job out of desperation or because of a personal grievance against a monster. At least they will save their family the coin from buying a grave and paying the coroner. A few others of the richer folk help for sport and adventure; which is healthy for the crown. We need fewer noble mouths wasting food and spewing hot air anyway. Very rarely though, you will find heroes who smile as they grab the yoke of the world and steer it towards brighter shores. I wonder, what is your reason for joining this band of adventurers?

  1. What's new in this game
  2. It is a real shame about this game. It started out very strong, stronger than most, so it is sad that it just stopped as it did. I do hope the GM is alright and didn't suffer something more serious. I will give it another month before unfollowing and leaving this game.
  3. I have not, unfortunately. It looks like they haven't been online in some time, as well. I'm around if things pick back up; I was excited for this game, and am getting through my own rough patch, availability-wise.
  4. Sorry to hear that. I hope you get some free time again soon.
  5. Unfortunately, I am going to have to drop out of all of my games. Nothing bad, just life and especially work have gotten too busy for me to keep playing. It has been fun playing with all of you and I wish you all the best.
  6. Are we all still in this? It's been pretty quiet for a couple of weeks.
  7. Sorry about the posting delay. No excuse, and nothing going on in my life. I just missed the new thread. I thought I was following the game, but I wasn't (fixed now).
  8. Sparrow (Wood Elf Specter, Soulknife Rogue 3) AC: 16 | HP: 27/27 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 15 | FeaturesPsi Dice: 4/4 LR Recover 1 as BA 1/SR Hit Dice: 3/3d8 LR Darkvision 60' Speed 45' Immune sleep, adv charm Meditate 4 hours for LR Hide if lightly obscured in nature +2 damage to thrown weapons Elusive - add d4 to hide or blend in Friendly Face DC10 for friend Outcast - shunned Sneak Attack 2d6 Cunning Action Soul Knife 1d6, 1d4BA 60' Psi Knack add die to failed check Psychic Whispers. telepathy PB in 30' die x hr Undead Move through objects and people as DT if stop inside shunt back 1d6 / 10' Cannot take something less than 1 minute Ignore DT Resist nonmagical BPS on my turn Disadvantage on death saves Sparrow follows along with the others quietly. He says little on the journey, contemplating his future and likely inevitable transformation into a ghost. He enjoys reading the first volume of Hearthkeeper Miran's Meditations on Temperance. He agrees to splitting up, but he's not sure what kind of ruse to ty to deploy. He is a wanderer, and is used to not being trusted initially, but he is also fairly good at making sure people know that he is not a threat. "I'll go with any of you who will have me. I'm better at staying out of the way than I am at getting others to talk, but I'll do my best." Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  9. "You... do look a little like a pair of travelling mummers. Or a great detective and their loyal assistant!" Irata actually beams at that idea. She'd legitimately like to read a story like that. For now though, it's her turn to try and find a way to contribute. The little Inuqisitor gestures at her less-than-muscular build with a self-deprecating chuckle "I don't think I can pull off veteran sellsword. But I can interview passers-by. People like to talk, and a few careful questions can go a long way." She turns to the last member of their group with a smile, "Would you care to accompany me, Master Sparrow? Or would you rather try to investigate on your own?"
  10. Zefelle Copperspark, True neutral Lightfoot Halfling Druid 3 (Current HP: 27/ 27) | AC: 14 (16 shield equiped) | Spell Slots: 4 /2 StrSave -1 Athletics -1 9 (-1) | DexSave +2 Acrobatics +2 | Sleight of Hand +2 | Stealth +2 14 (+2) | ConSave +3 No skills associated. 16 (+3) | IntSave +4 Arcana +2 | History +2 | Investigation +2 | Nature +4 | Religion +2 14 (+2) | WisSave +6 Animal Handling +4 | Insight +6 | Medicine +4 | Perception +6 | Survival +4 18 (+4) | ChaSave +0 Deception +0 | Intimidation +0 | Performance +0 | Persuasion +0 10 (+0) Prepared spellsCantrip: Chill touch, Poison spray, Shillelagh Lv1: Entangle, Detect magic, Fairy fire, Speak with animals Lv2: Blindness/Deafness, Gentle Repose, Summon beast, Spike growth, Moon beam Passive perception: 16 | Passive insight: 16 Zefelle nodded in agreement with Calder's assessment, understanding his concerns about taking the lead in gathering information from the adventurers. She recognized the importance of playing to each other's strengths in such a delicate task. "I understand your point, Calder," she said, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'm not a people person, so I'll also join you as the observer, providing back up if I may. Together, we can ensure that nothing slips past our notice." With a glance at their contrasting sizes, Zefelle couldn't help but chuckle softly. "It's quite the ironic though??" she remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "The tallest and the shortest of our group, side by side in the back row. Maybe we could give each other a lovely pet name, which would certainly unsettle those we encounter."
  11. I've mostly been at work 😧 but catching up on things now. I feel a little bad not moving things forward more than I have, but Calder does not excel in social situations, nor do I feel like he'd be the first to initiate that sort of thing. Stranger in a strange land, and all. But I can have him do so, if needed. He's much better at Insight than he is at any Charisma-based skills, though; one of his runes gives him Advantage on Insight checks. I feel like he'd do better accompanying someone else going to talk to the adventurers, or Dwarves, or whoever. And, he's able to act as muscle if needed.
  12. Calder Ivarson (Goliath, Beast Hunter, Giant, Rune Knight Fighter 3) HP: 36/36 | Hit Dice: 3d10 | AC: 19*With Shield | Init: +1 | PP: 13 | PI: 18 | Speed: 30ft | Langs: Valiki, Higher Bürach, Castinellan, Giant Stone's Endurance: 2/2 | Second Wind: 1/1 | Action Surge: 1/1 | Giant Might: 2/2 | Fire Rune: 1/1 | Stone Rune: 1/1 Buffs: None | Debuffs: None | Resistance: None | Inspiration: 1 | Exhaustion: 0 | Available Funds: 276gp Calder looks thoughtful as Ithillien speaks. He agrees that among the adventurers, he would stand out the least; however, he isn't sure if he trusts himself to lead their information-gathering efforts toward them. Even beyond his physical appearance, this isn't his first language, and he can be a little tongue-tied or uncouth. Not the best foot forward when gathering clues. Looking uncharacteristically unsure, Calder says, "I agree; the adventurers might be best. I would prefer if someone else took the lead, but I can act as backup or stand guard as you suggest. I think I would serve better as an extra set of eyes and ears, to discern the truth of what is told to others. And if anyone needs help, shout, and I will be there."
  13. LN Human Noble, "Haunted" Sorceress | "Hexblade" Warlock • AC 17 • HP 19 • Init +4 • Passive Perception 13 • Devil's Sight 120' • Phantom Familiar Zorjana telepathically converses with her father and sends him to spy on the angry men just outside the vicinity of the happier citizens. If they are holding a grudge about something maybe her father can uncover it. She looks to the men outside the church that seem like they need medical attention and she asks Ithillien, "What can we do for them?" She points to the injured men and hopes her elven handler has some remedies that can aid them. "They look like they need attention first. If we are to play the roll of Aid Workers then it seems we should start there. I have no means of aiding them. I hope you are better able to fill that roll. I can try and pry information." OoC OoC: At the moment she is just observing her surroundings and taking mental notes of people of interest. Her passive perception is average if not slightly above average so I don't expect her to discover any real fascinating clues or revelations at the moment. Her skills of note are more persuasive conversation and historical book smarts. So she could in theory win people over with her recalling of historical events as a form of compelling factoids as they pertain to this particular situation. I am not versed enough in this game's lore to know how to do that, but if the opportunity presents itself, let me know so I can try and craft an appropriate response. Phantom Familiar Antonas Dragan Teodozja [Phantom Familiar | medium undead] • STR 1 (-5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 11 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0) • AC 12 • HP 22 • Passive Perception 10 • Darkvision 60' • Fly 50' • Damage Resistance: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, and bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non-magic attacks • Damage Immunity: necrotic, poison • Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious • Incorporeal Movement: can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain; specter takes 1d10 (5) force damage if ends turn inside an object. • Invisibility: can remain invisible until it attacks or cast a spell for its master. • Sunlight Sensitivity: in sunlight specter has disadvantage on attacks and perception checks (sight). • AVAILABLE @3rd Life Drain Attack (Action): melee spell attack +4, range 5' (1 target), 3d6 necrotic damage DC 10 Con save or target's Max HP reduced by damage taken (last until long rest). Target dies if effect reduces target's HP to Zero.
  14. Zweitermon 24, Saturday Evening | The Red Masque Atelier | Lower Midtown, Altenheim Weather: Light Fog | Resolve Points: 1 As the party observes the group, they notice a few unhappy or worried faces mixed in the crowd and on the outskirts of the square. Perhaps, it would be easiest to start with these individuals. While the majority of the citizens in the square are happy, there are a few who do not actively participate as well. A group of men sit across the road, drinking and talking. They do not laugh or smile, and seem to mutter angrily from time to time. When they do turn their gaze occasionally towards the square, it is anything but happy or warm. Most of the adventurers lined outside of the church look unhurried and stable. However, there is a blonde-haired man with a particularly grim and pained face sitting while surrounded by three comrades. His right arm is conspicuously missing, although it has been wrapped in a clean bandage, while he waits his turn. His other hand grasps a leather wineskin, from which he takes regular sips. A woman looks downcast as she stands alongside her husband and two excited children by the stage. When the husband or children turn to look towards her, she replies with a smile and a brief conversation. However, it is apparent the woman is not enjoying herself as much as the rest of her family. Ithillien (Elf Plague Doctor) AC: 13 | HP: 17/17 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 14 | FeaturesHit Dice: 3/3d6 LR Darkvision 60' Speed 30' Immune sleep, adv charm Meditate 4 hours for LR Spellslots: 2 | 1 Spells: Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Protection from Evil | Enlarge Reduce, Invisibility Attacks: Toll the Dead (1d12 / 1d8 necrotic) Arcane Recovery (2 slots) Potion Craft Good Potion "Your father, huh? I guess his state probably has something to do with your curse. I'm glad I guessed he wasn't hostile and left him alone when we first met." "I don't see him per se, but I can sense him near my wards." Ithillien corrected Zorjana, with a shake of her head. "He came in with you, and left with you, both times. Despite how it appears, my shop is warded and incorporeal entities will not go undetected or travel freely there. I would avoid the church for the same reason. There's no telling what might happen to your father there." Ithillien pulled out a few potions and tinctures from her pack and nodded to Zorjana's suggestion. "An aid relief volunteer could work. We can dilute a healing potion with water and we can set up an aid station. It should be enough to treat minor aches and pains caused by dancing or any accidents and emergencies we will see here. Do you want to work the alchemical station or the nurse station?" "I think they're here for healing of some kind." The Elf replied to Zefelle and Irata's suspicions of the armed adventurers, noting the injuries of the adventurers in the line. "It should be very expensive to get magical healing, so I'm curious what the church is doing exactly in the refugee camp. It is unusual to see a new church being constructed near a refugee camp." "You would probably stand out the least alongside the adventurers." Ithillien agreed with Calder. "You could also stand guard and watch for any strangers approaching us, or as backup in case any of us find ourselves in trouble. A third option might be to use your skills as a craftsman and have you talk with the Dwarvish workers." "A good place for a ward is near a major road or thoroughfare. We have a few placed near the carriage tracks just to monitor traffic through the city." Ithillien explained. "The refugee camp doesn't have any established roads for us to do that yet, but we can probably place the one you brought near a commonly used path once everyone leaves." Show OOC OOC: You can place the ward in a specific place that you think is suspicious. However, you can also observe or ask around for commonly used traffic routes and plant them there.
  15. Calder Ivarson (Goliath, Beast Hunter, Giant, Rune Knight Fighter 3) HP: 36/36 | Hit Dice: 3d10 | AC: 19*With Shield | Init: +1 | PP: 13 | PI: 18 | Speed: 30ft | Langs: Valiki, Higher Bürach, Castinellan, Giant Stone's Endurance: 2/2 | Second Wind: 1/1 | Action Surge: 1/1 | Giant Might: 2/2 | Fire Rune: 1/1 | Stone Rune: 1/1 Buffs: None | Debuffs: None | Resistance: None | Inspiration: 1 | Exhaustion: 0 | Available Funds: 276gp As Ithillien spoke, Calder did his best to keep up with the discussion. The finer points of magical theory and curse manipulation were a bit beyond him; the things he did came through instinct, and the limited education he'd gotten. The spellcraft of the Giants has largely faded from the world, so there are few first-hand accounts. It was, however, good to learn that it was possible to hide his curse from these wards. He had little reason to do so, but good to know it could be done. At Ithillien and Irata's praise, Calder smiles, looking almost bashful. He's glad it was a good idea, and makes mental note to craft many more plates. His skill at metalworking would be handy, and he could give the plates to the rest of the team. He'd been wary of doing so until he knew that just crafting the plate did not invoke it's magic somehow. He puts the plate back into a pocket, agreeing with Irata's assessment of the proper time and place to activate it. Ithillien then plucked quite a thick book from the bookshelf along the wall, bound in red leather. The other members of his team thumbed through it, but Calder refrained. It seemed the tome held information that could be useful for keeping control of his newfound urges, but it would take him quite some time to read through it. He'd grown more adept at reading during his training in Kandar, but it was still far from his strong suit. As the party moves through the Fork Gate, Calder's more than a little surprised at the sheer number of people here. He'd expected a few dozen refugees, scared and starving after fleeing their homes. But this was, while a little ramshackle and small, a functioning community. "Are all of these people from Rivenvale? Or have they mixed with others who already live outside the city gates?" His lack of knowledge of the Bürach Empire, and Altenheim in particular, is showing, and he doesn't like it. He's working from a deficit of knowledge, and the first step of a hunt is knowing your prey. His attention turns to those outside the Church; another building he wasn't terribly familiar with. But the quantity of the wounded was odd, as well. "What's going on here, that has caused so many to be injured? And yet, no one seems worried. If they'd been hurt fighting the thing stalking the Rivens, wouldn't more people be afraid?" Conversation now turned toward splitting up, and how to properly gather information. Calder frowned, looking pensive. He's pretty well-spoken, but only because he learned High Bürach from a bunch of diplomats. He's not dumb, but he remembers where he comes from; an isolated community in the Valikan wastes, scratching out a living through hunting and gathering. He also knows he cuts an intimidating figure, which limits his usefulness in social situations. This is not the type of hunting he was skilled in, and he has no shame saying so. "I am not clever in thought or speech; I would perhaps help most by accompanying someone who is, or speaking to someone who doesn't expect me to be. A place where my size and martial appearance would benefit, not hinder. The adventurers, perhaps?"
  16. LN Human Noble, "Haunted" Sorceress | "Hexblade" Warlock • AC 17 • HP 19 • Init +4 • Passive Perception 13 • Devil's Sight 120' • Phantom Familiar Zorjana nods in agreement with her companions as she sees some merit in splitting up the group. Waving Ithillien to lead on she asks her, "You can see him? He is my father, Antonas. I will ask him to spy for us and try to pick up on some knowledge we might not be able to collect ourselves." She communicates her wishes to her father telepathically and sends off to investigate on his own. Wanting to continue discuss personal matters she opts to just stay on task. "How do you prefer to handle this? A noble lady and her female bodyguard? That would explain why I am wearing this armor. So what are we here to do for them? See and report the situation back to the crown? Goodwill Ambassadors? Humanitarian Aid Relief? By the way, my name is Zorjana, Zorjana Teodozja." OoC OoC: Zorjana seems more incline to go with the "aid relief worker" cover route than "dance instructor." It just seems more plausible. Sure, there is a big dance coming around the corner but these people have been displaced and are needing real assistance. This sounds like something the crown would do and by sending nobles to assess the situation seems more "authentic" of a cover story. Zorjana has no pull in the royal court, but these refugees don't know that. This aid-work cover might even be how she re-introduces her family to the noble houses. Phantom Familiar Antonas Dragan Teodozja [Phantom Familiar | medium undead] • STR 1 (-5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 11 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0) • AC 12 • HP 22 • Passive Perception 10 • Darkvision 60' • Fly 50' • Damage Resistance: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, and bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non-magic attacks • Damage Immunity: necrotic, poison • Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious • Incorporeal Movement: can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain; specter takes 1d10 (5) force damage if ends turn inside an object. • Invisibility: can remain invisible until it attacks or cast a spell for its master. • Sunlight Sensitivity: in sunlight specter has disadvantage on attacks and perception checks (sight). • AVAILABLE @3rd Life Drain Attack (Action): melee spell attack +4, range 5' (1 target), 3d6 necrotic damage DC 10 Con save or target's Max HP reduced by damage taken (last until long rest). Target dies if effect reduces target's HP to Zero.
  17. Zefelle Copperspark, True neutral Lightfoot Halfling Druid 3 (Current HP: 27/ 27) | AC: 14 (16 shield equiped) | Spell Slots: 4 /2 StrSave -1 Athletics -1 9 (-1) | DexSave +2 Acrobatics +2 | Sleight of Hand +2 | Stealth +2 14 (+2) | ConSave +3 No skills associated. 16 (+3) | IntSave +4 Arcana +2 | History +2 | Investigation +2 | Nature +4 | Religion +2 14 (+2) | WisSave +6 Animal Handling +4 | Insight +6 | Medicine +4 | Perception +6 | Survival +4 18 (+4) | ChaSave +0 Deception +0 | Intimidation +0 | Performance +0 | Persuasion +0 10 (+0) Prepared spellsCantrip: Chill touch, Poison spray, Shillelagh Lv1: Entangle, Detect magic, Fairy fire, Speak with animals Lv2: Blindness/Deafness, Gentle Repose, Summon beast, Spike growth, Moon beam Passive perception: 16 | Passive insight: 16 Zefelle observed the camp with a critical eye, her thoughts echoing Irata's observations. The discrepancy between the Ringmaster's report and the lively atmosphere before them was indeed striking. Despite the looming threat of the monster, the villagers seemed remarkably carefree, their spirits buoyed by the festivities of the Masquerade. As Irata proposed splitting up to gather information, Zefelle considered the idea carefully. It made sense; with no concrete leads and a diverse group at their disposal, covering more ground would increase their chances of uncovering clues. However, the notion of dividing their forces also carried inherent risks, especially in an environment where danger could lurk around every corner. "Three groups sounds reasonable," Zefelle agreed, her tone measured as she weighed the options. "But we must exercise caution. While a crowded environment may deter some forms of attack, it also provides ample opportunity for covert actions. We shouldn't underestimate our quarry's cunning." Her gaze flickered towards the church, where a queue of wounded awaited treatment. The presence of heavily armed strangers raised Zefelle's suspicions, hinting at a deeper layer of intrigue beneath the surface. "The church warrants investigation," she added, her voice tinged with a note of urgency. "Whatever their intentions, it's clear they play a significant role in this affair. We must proceed with caution, lest we become entangled in their web of secrets."
  18. Irata can feel the tension leave her body as the group reaches the camp. This place is invigourating. Everything's so cheerful, so optimistic. But after a little time amidst the merrymakers, the young inquisitor is faced with a realization. "This... doesn't match the Ringmaster's report. " The realization makes Irata pensive. She doesn't doubt the society's intellegence gathering, but the disconnection between her expectations and reality is... noteworthy. "Nothing here contradicts what we were told. But this is not the mood I'd expect from a band of humble villagers forced to flee their home, with a hungry monster on their heels. These are the most content group of people I've ever seen not getting let into a city. Behold the power of the Masquerade, I suppose." That particular institution worked wonders as a propaganda tool. Everything is fine, you're safe here, there's about to be a big dance festival for everyone. Welcome to Altenheim - now make sure you stay outside. "Even if the Rivens are just a subsection of the population, this is a surprising amount of good cheer with monsters active within the camp. No trace of any rumours or the disappearances being an ongoing concern. An... interesting start." As the topic turns to how they're going to investigate this, Irata hums. "It'd be hard for any one or anything to stage an ambush in a crowd this large. If they were more blatant, maybe, but we're hunting some kind of hidden predator. And we're a diverse group. Splitting up might be worth our time. We don't have a starting point, no firm knowledge of what sort of creature we're looking for. So if we cover more ground, talk to more people, we've got a better shot at finding something. Even if it's inconclusive, that'll give us a direction to start down in earnest." "Perhaps three groups? A noble and her mage to go check in with the theatrical performers. Two more to go check in with the... adventurers?" Irata peers skeptically at the church, noting the two tier system of admissions and the hefty queue of wounded. Something is clearly going on there. And it's something the people aren't too worried about. So many heavily armed strangers about is seldom a good sign... "Are these people hunting our quarry? They're an... interesting coincidence, if not.
  19. Zweitermon 24, Saturday Evening | The Red Masque Atelier | Lower Midtown, Altenheim Weather: Light Fog | Resolve Points: 1 Ithillien (Elf Plague Doctor) AC: 13 | HP: 17/17 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 14 | FeaturesHit Dice: 3/3d6 LR Darkvision 60' Speed 30' Immune sleep, adv charm Meditate 4 hours for LR Spellslots: 2 | 1 Spells: Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Protection from Evil | Enlarge Reduce, Invisibility Attacks: Toll the Dead (1d12 / 1d8 necrotic) Arcane Recovery (2 slots) Potion Craft Good Potion "Any of those will do well as a cover story. The people here are practicing for the Masquerade in 20 days. A few noble ladies and gentlemen have come to help teach. Usually we work in small groups to create a suitable backstory. For example, you and I might be a noblewoman and her court mage body guard, here to help teach a waltz." "Look over there" The Elf gestured towards the conspicuously armed citizens gathered in groups of two and four around the square. "There are an inordinate number of adventurers moving in and out of the church. If we don't want to split up, we could fit such a group well. We are unobserved so far, so we can take our time to observe the crowd and find a means to blend in." "You could ask them in person, or you could use that strange spirit that follows you around to listen in on any suspicious people you find." The Elf gave Zorjana an amused look and then asked, "You just learned what a Soul Track can do and you brought the thing into my store. Do... you not know about the thing following you?" As you take a look around the square for a moment, you see a large number of adventurers mingled into the crowd. These professional monster hunters are conspicuously armed and many still sport visible injuries and bloodstains. However, many of the citizens seem unconcerned or accustomed to the sight. Some children even seem to be running errands for the adventurers, bringing food and water to them. Studying them more closely, you notice a distinct pattern. The most injured seem to have formed a queue directly outside the church, where the most injured are led one-at-a-time through the back door. Show OOC OOC: As players, you are always welcome to add details into the scene that will help provide your cover story. I will provide additional details as needed for the groups. Want to play the role of a construction worker? Add a group of workmen from the church construction yard.
  20. LN Human Noble, "Haunted" Sorceress | "Hexblade" Warlock • AC 17 • HP 19 • Init +4 • Passive Perception 13 • Devil's Sight 120' • Phantom Familiar Zorjana hear the voice in her head and looked to the others in attendance and wonder if it was just meant for her or if the others also hear the same voice. Not wanting to say anything for fear of being labeled "mad" like her mother she kept it to herself, but was very concerned for her sanity. As they arrived at the refugee camp she looked their "leader" Ithillien and asked, "I have never had to conduct such an investigation before. Do we just start asking random people about the events that brought them here, or do we seek out a 'camp leader' to speak to first? What is our cover here? Are we good Samaritans or are we here as Officials? What should they think of us? Saviors or Strangers passing bye?" She adjusted her cloak to cover much of the armor the Society left for her and fidgeted with the staff that felt awkward in her hand. Somehow these items feel 'alien' to her at the moment, but also ... comforting. It was an usual set of feelings swirling around her at the moment she was having a hard time focusing on the task at hand. When she gets a moment to herself she would discuss this with her father. OoC OoC: Her Father the Spirit will remain Invisible, and as a matter of fact there really is no reason it should ever show itself to anyone but her. This way when she is caught talking to it it will see like she is talking to no one and lend the air of insanity like her mom. Phantom Familiar Antonas Dragan Teodozja [Phantom Familiar | medium undead] • STR 1 (-5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 11 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0) • AC 12 • HP 22 • Passive Perception 10 • Darkvision 60' • Fly 50' • Damage Resistance: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, and bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non-magic attacks • Damage Immunity: necrotic, poison • Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious • Incorporeal Movement: can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain; specter takes 1d10 (5) force damage if ends turn inside an object. • Invisibility: can remain invisible until it attacks or cast a spell for its master. • Sunlight Sensitivity: in sunlight specter has disadvantage on attacks and perception checks (sight). • AVAILABLE @3rd Life Drain Attack (Action): melee spell attack +4, range 5' (1 target), 3d6 necrotic damage DC 10 Con save or target's Max HP reduced by damage taken (last until long rest). Target dies if effect reduces target's HP to Zero.
  21. Zweitermon 24, Saturday Evening | The Red Masque Atelier | Lower Midtown, Altenheim Weather: Light Fog | Resolve Points: 1 Ithillien (Elf Plague Doctor) AC: 13 | HP: 17/17 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 14 | FeaturesHit Dice: 3/3d6 LR Darkvision 60' Speed 30' Immune sleep, adv charm Meditate 4 hours for LR Spellslots: 2 | 1 Spells: Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Protection from Evil | Enlarge Reduce, Invisibility Attacks: Toll the Dead (1d12 / 1d8 necrotic) Arcane Recovery (2 slots) Potion Craft Good Potion "We have much in common I see." Ithillien replies to Irata and Zorjana. "Perhaps we can continue this after the mission then. The day grows long and we should be on our way. You can keep reading that book while I close up." Ithillien takes her shop sign and draws on it with a thick black ink. Her hand moves rhythmically and you can hear her intoning arcane words in Charneault under her breath. After a minute, she holds up a large sign announcing the shop to be closed and hangs it on the door. For the members of the Society of Occult however, a message about the owner being at the Fork Gate appears instead, the letters glowing over the false letters hiding the spell. Show OOC Ithillien | Rank 2 The party earns 1 Resolve Point for befriending Ithillien. You have read the first volume of Hearthkeeper Miran's Meditations on Temperance. It postulates that the body is the prison of the mind and serves to restrict the preternatural powers of imagination. Curses are a means of freeing the powers of imagination, which can bring unimaginable good, but also unimaginable horror. Controlling your imagination is essential to controlling the power of the curse. OOC: Also, if you are not aware, I do make in-game private posts by restricting the players who can read it. If you are curious about what other players are seeing, you could login with another account or in incognito mode and read them if you like. Zweitermon 24, Saturday Evening Refugee Camp, Altenheim Weather: Light Fog | Resolve Points: 2 Song: Beyond the gatehouse is a sprawling city of wooden buildings, lean-tos, and tents that reaches out into the shores of the large river. The style is eclectic, a veritable showcase of the empire's diverse culture. A neighborhood of Halfling huts follow the river shore to the north. Their straw-thatched roofs and multi-colored pendants fly high, each pendant proclaiming a Halfling clan's extended family and affiliation. Across the road to the east, a city of tents and lean-tos are home to the Half-Orcs and Half-Elves of the camp. The muddy ground only makes the deplorable condition of the camp even more evident. To the south, the larger and more permanent wooden constructions of the Human refugees can be seen. This portion of the camp also holds a market for goods coming to town. A few burly dwarves in thick shirts and with long axes can be seen browsing the wares of the shops here. Most eye-catching however, is the construction of a Church of Miklas beginning in the south. The stone foundation of the structure has already been built as giant beams of timber shoot up in a forest of scaffolding. To the side, a smaller wooden church can be seen. Outside it, a large number of refugees and citizens have gathered to collect bread and soup. However, there is a festive air in the square as a band sets up on a stage and couples practice dancing on the hard-packed ground.
  22. LN Human Noble, "Haunted" Sorceress | "Hexblade" Warlock • AC 17 • HP 19 • Init +4 • Passive Perception 13 • Devil's Sight 120' • Phantom Familiar Zorjana spoke sincerely to their Society contact and said, "I would really appreciate the opportunity to read such a treatise. Anything I can learn about keeping such curses at bay may be a welcome comfort. I must say, I was surprised to hear I was under a curse. It is not something you ever hope to hear." She felt the armor under her cloak and thought about how fast her world was changing. Is this what she is destined to be? Some "inquisitor" for some secret society? If it can cure her then why not. OoC OoC: Phantom Familiar Antonas Dragan Teodozja [Phantom Familiar | medium undead] • STR 1 (-5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 11 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0) • AC 12 • HP 22 • Passive Perception 10 • Darkvision 60' • Fly 50' • Damage Resistance: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, and bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non-magic attacks • Damage Immunity: necrotic, poison • Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious • Incorporeal Movement: can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain; specter takes 1d10 (5) force damage if ends turn inside an object. • Sunlight Sensitivity: in sunlight specter has disadvantage on attacks and perception checks (sight). • AVAILABLE @3rd Life Drain Attack (Action): melee spell attack +4, range 5' (1 target), 3d6 necrotic damage DC 10 Con save or target's Max HP reduced by damage taken (last until long rest). Target dies if effect reduces target's HP to Zero.
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