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About This Game

Cast the harrow cards and read your fate if you dare. Can you be the kingmakers between factions contending to defeat an ancient evil. Will the victory secure liberty, or only uplift the next tyrants? Combat and urban covert operations, in a gritty victorian-era megalopolis, in a reduced magic world. Paizo 1e with Occult and Psionics. 5th level start. Rules adjustments especially put the spotlight on gunslingers, rogues, vigilantes, while nerfing the highest tier classes.

Game System

Pathfinder 1e

Detailed Description


Ysidra is the world’s greatest city, a sprawlingYsidera-HarborDistrictsmall.png.c851d795f0c51d1a22be39d7941caeea.png metropolis of districts, populated with a teeming diversity of races and religions. Boasting a population measuring into the millions, this metropolis is a mighty nation unto itself, considered the heart of civilization from time immemorial.

The Harrower Queen is a millenia old lich who tops an organized crime hierarchy that has held the Ysidra in an ancient grip of fear and corruption. She rules through manipulating and and steering layers of cults, organized crime families, and corrupt politicians. She is a diviner par excellence. She casts harrow-readings, she deciphers the entrails of her victims in her secret abattoirs, and she reads celestial signs. Long ago her grip over fate was ironclad; she read all men’s secrets and dictated the outcomes she wished. But society progresses, and for centuries her influence has been slowing decaying.

The world is changing. With rail lines bringing in crops and materials, with steamships crisscrossing the oceans in an abundance of commerce, and with a booming and increasingly educated populace, the city is steadily slipping from her grasp. New humanitarian philosophies, concepts of democracy and just rule, and burgeoning demands for freedom from bigotry of race, religion and class: these threaten her ancient grip of terror and coercion.

Can your squad of vigilantes and freedom-fighters contribute to a final tipping point? 

Your leader is the aristocratic Llwenda Grant, to polite society an aristocratic patron of arts and academia. She is pale of skin, tall, green eyed, with long tumbling curls of black hair. But she is secretly known as Medusa, running a secret organization of commandos and agents united in purpose to bring about the downfall of the Harrower Queen.  Medusa is a terrifying leader whose agents work in the lawless twilight, by means both fair and foul.

As you proceed, you must work with five factions: the government (with its sprawling political, military and bureaucratic wings), the three great religions, and the communist party. Each in its own way is visionary and idealistic. But their ideals are incompatible. Should one dominate and become a new tyranny, the bright young flame of freedom may be snuffed out.

(This image shown is Ysidra's northernmost Harbor District, the main expanse of the city is behind the viewer.)

Trigger warning: this is a story about heroes trying to make a difference in an work where the evil powers use historical evils (slavery, demagoguery, and bigotry over race, class and religion.) As freedom-fighters, you may face some dark things. I will try to be discreet and polite about ugly topics, but if you wish to avoid these themes then please choose another adventure.

Character Creation and Rules

Basic rules: Paizo + Psionics + Occult as found here: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/. Not restricted to PFS legal. No 3rd party content (except psionics and homebrew provided on these pages). No variant rules, except as specifically called out. When in doubt, show me the URL.

Some exploits that have level-disproportionate effects will be banned, if needed.

Characters start at 5th level, 20 point buy. Hit points = Max+3-3*level.

Starting wealth: 10,500gp. 1000gp toward consumables for each consumable creation feat you have (Scribe Scroll, Craft Potion, etc.). 2000gp toward items of the category covered by each Craft feat you have (including Gunsmithing toward guns). Bonus funds not used for the specified purpose are lost. Otherwise no pre-game crafting, no pre-game purchasing with any discounts. No pre-game mundane item crafting. No crafting of custom magic items before the game starts: I'll only make case-by-case decisions on specialty crafting later. No spell trigger items with caster level greater than character level. If a trait modifies starting wealth it applies only to the base wealth, not to any bonus wealth. Characters who start with more than 500gp forfeit half the surplus.

PC races are exclusively: Catfolk, Dwarf, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Half-orc, Hobgoblin, Human, Monkey Goblin, Orc, Vanara. Race is irrelevant to alignment; these are people not monsters. If mixed blood, you can take cosmetic fluff from your secondary race, and count as of that race too for all prerequisites including favored class bonus.  There will be game specific racial traits to reflect how each of these humanoids fits in Ysidra. See here for more about the Harrowed City races.


  • Check out the Harrowed Gunslinger, with over 100 deeds and feats and options that let other classes interoperate with it, it is an essential part of this game world. (Note that most gunslinger archetypes are allowed, but some are obsolete or banned. See that page.)

  • All available classes and what religions/supernatural affinities they have is on the second post here.

  • Banned classes: paladin, antipaladin, summoner, dread and mesmerist.

  • Banned archetypes: any that add Sneak Attack to a non-rogue class are banned. Druidic Herbalism is banned.

  • Unchained classes are in use.

  • Nature classes (Ranger, Druid, Hunter)  are allowed but may not fit. The Urban environment is divided into 3 terrains (Low, Medium, and High class). 

  • Highcaster nerf. If a class allows spells above 6th level, then 1/3 of your class levels (rounding down) must be in classes that do not stack with that class's spellcasting ability. This rule also applies to psionic classes that reach 9th level powers, namely: Psion, Tactician, Vitalist, Wilder.

  • The Harrower prestige class prerequisite is only 2nd not 3rd level spells.

  • Rogues: once a good class, but outclassed as the game evolved around them, here is our "rogue rescue package."

  • “Trapfinding” is banned for all but Rogue, Investigator and Cryptic. Magic traps are routinely cloaked against Detect Magic & similar magic effects. Master trap makers have learned how to make their traps trace magic to its source. Find Traps & similar magic can be counter-measured, making the old fashion what of detection and disarming vital.

  • A rogue can change the ability used for 2 skills.

  • Non rogue archetypes with sneak attack are banned, making rogues more unique. Gear that voids sneak attacks is rare/expensive.

Alignment: respect and work with your team, don't be a psycho.

Religion is homebrew and critically affects spellcaster classes. Each religion has exclusive access to one style of magic: Arcane, Occult, Psionic and Divine. You can only use magic of one style. Pay attention because a broad swath of abilities are exclusive to each of the first three.

  • Aetherism / The Celestial Sovereigns. The Arcane faith:  exclusive access to all forms of planar magic (including monster summoning). Divine classes (clerics, etc) of this religion cast Arcane magic. 

  • Spiritalism / The Harrowed Faith. The Occult faith: exclusive access to all forms of necromancy/communing with the dead, and to druidism. Exclusive access to druidism and shamanism. (The Harrower Queen is worshiped by some in this faith, but the majority would oppose and detest her.)

  • Triapsyism / The Psychic Unity. The Psionic faith: exclusive access to all forms of reading and changing minds. Clerics and such do exist in this tradition but they use psionic rules for casting.

  • The Narrow Way / The Path of Light. The Divine faith: Cannot use magic to directly harm (but OK to use vs undead, constructs, evil outsiders), cannot use dark, chaos or evil magic. +1 CL using channeling, healing, light, law, good magic. Banned from using piercing or slashing weapons (so no firearms).

  • Agnostic. None of the above. You can use items, gear and abilities of all styles freely, but you can’t level up in any spellcasting class.

See here for more details on the religions.


  • Used: Background skills; Skill Unlocks, Occult Unlocks

  • Knowledge (local) has a different sub skill for Low, Medium, and High class districts. Knowledge (local: High) replaces and subsumes Knowledge (nobility).

    • Q: Are these professional skills or background skills?

    • A: f you grew up in a district or made it your long-standing home base, you may treat that district's Knowledge (local) skill as a background skill [any one of the three]. Otherwise, all three are adventuring skills and cannot be purchased with background skill points.

  • Social skill will be against increased DCs and may have limited affect against relatively higher level targets, to compensate for Pathfinder allow incredibly large stacking bonuses to skills.


  • Banned: Leadership, Flanking Foil, Tumor Familiar, Sacred Geometry. Also, try to avoid exploits lest they unbalance yourself relative to a team.

  • At creation, take either the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax Fix, or a bonus Feat + a bonus Trait.


Other miscellaneous changes:

  • Multiclassing: Fractional base bonuses are used

  • Large, or obviously magical, companions are banned. Doesn't fit the covert ops theme.

  • Used gear sells for 25%, not 50%.

  • Retraining is allowed; no trainer needed; but cost is 3x listed.

Major changes around Gunslingers and classes sharing resource pools.

  • Interoperable Grit, Panache, Luck, Ki, Inspiration. These powers are all interchangeable in a common pool. You may benefit from multiple ability score boosts to this pool but only if the ability scores providing the resource are different. It is intentional that these generally lower tier classes upset the apple cart somewhat dislodge what are traditionally the higher tier classes.

Firearms rules:  Guns are everywhere and firearms are a critical part of the environment. Read the firearm rules here, and consider the Harrowed Gunslinger which replaces the Paizo Gunslinger, and has 100+ deeds to choose from. Also be aware of Campaign Feats, which make firearms accessible to all classes.

FAQs: Q: Do I have to read the whole OOC starter thread? It's long! A: No, all decisions that came out of discussion are in the rules, in their right places. Other FAQs are here.


  1. What's new in this game
  2. Never mind the above. I realized that the sleuth class has a "run like hell" that is different than the gunslinger "run like hell". Sigh. Thanks Paizo for the two deeds with the same name. So Vangu can proceed with his planned actions, and I'll finish the half-round accordingly.
  3. I can't resolve your action without you first fixing some element of your action. First -- you cannot have Run Like Hell, because you don't have the prerequisite. (And it doesn't do what you thought it did, anyway.) Second, there is no way of achieving the actions you rolled (and I generally don't like offering free rerolls, I like to leave things as played.) Were you +1 BAB more, the Run and Gun deed would have given you the effect you desire. Please choose your replacement deed, since you cannot have Run Like Hell. I'll give the follow options: 1) change your movement to end having traveled no more than 30'. 2-a) either attack only the orc (your first target) OR 2-b) use barrage to attack both that orc and the catfolk with slug -- since you won't be in range for a cone attack Or is there anything else you'd prefer subject to the requirement that you cannot change your attack rolls or change your action to anything other than move+attack in some form?
  4. Round 4a (Round 4, continued) Corin cast Dancing Lights near the catfolk Harrower leader. He then advanced to a position with cover. Carruth moved south, and crawled over the edge of the wall, hanging on to the facade of the building. She called out inspiring words in a resonant voice, urging her allies forward into battle. She made an estimateCarruth estimated that the boat might take, oh, a dozen minutes to cast off, maybe? It seemed to her more of a positional statement than a tactical action. Some combination of "We don't trust you, and we don't like what you did, you're not paying us enough for egregious acts of murder." For a ship to sail, there seems to be a bit of ropes to untie, sails to unfurl and overall scuttling about the rigging to undo what they'd just spend minutes doing. of the rapidity with which the boat was likely to leave the dock. Meanwhile, John Doe advanced up to a new position, taking cover behind some now damaged crates. He took a bead on the orc who killed the first captive. A single shot critically injured the orc. His orc ferocity alone kept him standing. Unable to fight further, he began a staggering retreat away from the battle. The two orcs from the western group -- the original sentries that the squad had hurried past, both emerged out of the mist and attempted to shoot John Doe in the back. Both hit! And John Doe was very severely injured25 damage total, staggering under the deadly blows. He was barely standing; a single shot could kill him. The spellcaster with the gun Carruth thought contemptible remained out of sight atop of Zuik tower. Vangu surged forward with dashed speed. He took one shot at the critically injured orc battling Zyedan hand-to-hand. One shot killed that mercenary. His second blast either missed or had no effect on the catfolk -- but the murderous orc, injured seconds before by John Doe, succumbed to his wounds and collpsed Two more foes were defeated. The catfolk, seeing his forces melting before his eyes, suddenly vanished from sight! "Aww, hell, he's leaving us?" groaned one of the orcs. "Bunun için bana yeteri kadar ücret ödenmiyor." He turns tail and runs. (Clank clank clank). He runs ... kind of slowlyto a44, and then off the map to the north ... (clank clank clank) There were two active opponents remaining in line of sight, and on vanaran out of line of sight. Dancing lights illuminated the base of the pier -- revealing the gloom the glowing specks of molten metal scattered by Vangu. Orcs lay dead all around, both from the Beta Squad and no from Gamma Squad's actions. The illumination, if anything, seems to underline or proclaim: See! Look! This is a Harrower defeat. A snap judgment call: diplomacy could end this battle now; or the remaining two could be taken down by force -- or an unlucky shot from one of them could kill the severely injured John Doe. And still two of the Harrowers were out of sight. Would they simply flee, should they be pursued, or are their higher priorities? Or might they remain to work some perilous or deadly mischief? Just Carruth and Aidan There is a faint hint of ... Nothing ... just calm in the aether, except ... No, it's nothing. OOC Vangu- regains 2 grit! Combat notes Initiative: 29 Corin - done. 23 Carruth - (dosed weapon with oil). 40-14hp = 26hp remaining. 22 Vangu - 21 John Doe -. -29 hp. 13 Harrowers - 10 Aidan - 3 Zyedan - -22 hp. Orc #1 from the west (in cover): Orc #2 from the west (out in the open): -13 hp Orc o1. 19-18=1 hp Orc o2. In the water. At neg 1 hp, and drowning. Orc o3. -10 hp, entangled 6 rounds remaing. Dropped V4 on the roof: False life 9-9 = 0 hp remaining. -37 hp lethal damage. Lacks cover. Has Protection from Bullets 40pts remaining. Dropped. o5 - on his slave-killing mission is presently out of cover. -- At -1 hp, sustained by ferocity and trying to stagger slowly away... V6 on Zuik, fighting Carruth: Protection from Bullets: 40-10=30. Used neg energy. -8 hp. C1: enhanced his harrow deck. Has cover. Has Bullet Shield spell up. Using Shooting Gallery deed. Has missed with 3 cards so far.
  5. It comes with a penalty, which is the cost of achieving an advantage. I'll revise it so the penalty goes away either: when you defeat the target of the challenge, or at the start of the turn *after* you end the effect by any means, and ending it can be voluntary.
  6. Reminder, you aren't eligible to take Run Like Hell, and it doesn't do what you posted is as doing in any case.
  7. Figured as much. So no more two weapon attacks if I've done anything else that turn, duly noted.
  8. Do you mean this? That's just a trick. I just wrote "Vangu Nammem - Simian Avenger——————————Round 4" If you look closely you'll see the line before Round 4 and after are a bit different. Before it is just text made to look like a line.
  9. Man, I either need to start rolling better, or start trying to make checks I can pass on a 5. :Can I willingly end my challenge? The cavalier version continues until the enemy drops or combat ends, but the gunslinger version already has a number of circumstances where the challenge ends early (after 1 minute, or a non-gun attack) Can I just choose to stop challenging, or do I have to punch a wall to turn it off?
  10. Carruth Dromvald, AKA Foxtrot. Carruth looked back from her opponent to the commotion on the dock. Blast it! Those slavers were going to untie their ship and sail away, and she would STILL be trying to put down this blasted spiritualist. At least she had kept the sniper from shooting down at them with his... Wait, was that an AIR RIFLE? Carruth boggled at the Vanara, enraged as if the merc's terrible gun had been chosen as a personal insult to her. She had been risking her life trying to protect the team from a "sniper" whose gun could barely hit the ground?! Goddamn it. This was embarrassing. "Next time, scum." She snarled, scampering over the side of the building and out of her enemy's sight. Looking across the battlefield, she called out to the rest of the team. "Push forward! We've got them outnumbered, overrun their position!" OOC MOVE: Moving to E23, climbing on the wall 55' up. Holstering gun as she moves. STANDARD: Inspire courage, all allies who can hear (there's no range limit) get a +1 competence bonus to attack and weapon damage, and +1 on saves vs fear. Statblock HP 40/40, AC 21, FF: 17, Touch: 14, Fort: +6, Ref: +9, Will: +4 Move 30', Climb 20' Init +8, Perc +15, SenseM +14 Special Senses: low light vision Active Effects: Duelist (+2 AC vs firearms), Disguised (+17 modifier, including bonus for only minor changes), Tears to wine (+2 to int and wis skills, 40 mins), Protection from arrows (DR 10/magic, ranged weapons only, absorbs up to 30 damage, 3 hours), oil of silence on revolver (silent shots, 1 hour.) Grit: 3/3, Spell Slots: 3/1 (Maximum 4/2), Performance Rounds: 13/13 Cat's Luck: 1/1 HP 26/40 AC 21, FF: 17, Touch: 14 Fort: +6, Ref: +9, Will: +4 Move 30', Climb 20' Init +8, Perc +13, SenseM +14 Special Senses: low light vision Active Effects: Duelist (+2 AC vs firearms), disguised (+17 modifier, including bonus for minor changes only), Tears to wine (+2 to wis and int skills, 35/40 mins), Protection from arrows (DR10/magic, ranged only, up to 10 damage left, 3 hours), oil of silence on revolver (40/60 mins), message to everyone (35/40 mins), Prone (+4 vs ranged attacks, -4 vs melee), challenging V6 (8rds), magic weapon on revolver (8 rds), inspiring courage (+1 attack and damage) Grit: 1/3, Spell Slots: lvl 1: 3/4 lvl 2: 1/2, Performance Rounds: 12/13, Cat's Luck: 0/1
  11. is +4 AC vs firearms and ranged attacks, so switching it to fire damage doesn't matter
  12. Also, I'm still in the middle of writing my post, got distracted by work stuff. Edit: Ok, done. c1 and o5 take fire damage, not physical damage (does that bypass bullet shield stuff?) and each need to make a 15 DC reflex save or take 1d6 fire damage each of the next 3 rounds if they don't spend a full-round action to scrape them off. Also, there are now caltrops in the area of the 20 ft cone.
  13. Just remembered to use Deadly Aim, and I'm glad I did... that shot is doing more damage than the Deadshot did! The Return Fire shot I just made will be Deadly Aim if it's against someone with no cover. Probably not happening, but worth mentioning. Also, Shooting Gallery is paying dividends this fight. I don't think I rolled a bellow a 5 so far. Edit: Welp, doesn't matter if it's Deadly Aim or not. A nat 1 is a nat 1.
  14. It isn't a dare, it is a deed I got from my :
  15. John Doe Round 4 John felt a brief moment of satisfaction as the caster collapsed. A shame that it took two shots rather than one, but a dead enemy was a dead enemy. And from the look of the rest of the fight, everyone else was wrapping up. The catfolk was still alive, but he suspected they'd deal with them once they moved up, all in all, things were looking up. Which is immediately when John flinched as the masonry beside him exploded, sending shrapnel scattering over him and making him hiss in pain. A short glance behind had him frowning and cursing. <"Okay, better aim on the mist needed next time."> He grunted, the Orc had moved up faster than he had anticipated too, who knows where the second one was? They, two loud blasts had his direction swinging forward once more. Just in time to see blood spilling from a barrel and the monkey goblins beginning to cast off. Seemed their time was running short. Even the flare of good fortune from Diogenes, useful as it might be, didn't help put John into a better mood. They needed to move, and fast. There was no cover from the enemy behind him, not in a place he could reach and still fire at the Harrows. This mission was important, and he could take a beating, the slaves could not. With a scowl under his bandanna, John slipped from the cover of the building and ran forward, slipping into cover by the crates that Corin had been sheltered at, before drawing a bead on the murderer. 'Range 75ft, no cover' He noted as he aimed and squeezed the trigger once again. OOC Move Action: Move to F33. Standard Action: Deadly Aim shot vs O5. Stat Block HP: 29/33, AC: 19/15/14, Fort: 5, Ref: 8, Will: 3, Move: 30ft, Init: 4, Perc: 10, SenseM: 11. Rifle, Pepperbox: +11 (1d10+6, 19-20/x2). Grit: 2 Conditions: Disguise Self (10mins -5mins = 5mins), Tears To Wine (40mins -5mins = 35mins), Oil of Silence (60mins -5mins = 55mins). Shooting Gallery: 7 rounds. Bless: 8 rounds. Fortune Hex: 2 rounds.
  16. ::nod::. +10' move not +20', and usable only when grit is at 0. But what's more, dares are only available once you hit 2nd level gunslinger, so as a 1st level gunslinger you are not eligible to take this deed. Please strike it out, and identify a different deed to have. Run Like Hell. [dare] 0 Grit. Prerequisite: Gunslinger/2. While you have 0 grit and if this is your chosen dare, your speed increases by 10 feet, and you retain your bonus to your AC while running. You regain 1 grit, and this dare expires, the first time you are more than 100 feet away from your closest enemy.
  17. To get an estimate Profession (sailor): DC 11 Knowledge (engineering): DC 16 Knowledge (local): DC 21
  18. Hey ? Turns out that the hyperlink in your OOC is linking to the page that post was made in and not your sheet. Also, how are you getting +20ft movement? All I can find for Run Like Hell is a dare that gives +10ft movement when at 0 grit? Finally, how are you putting text in the middle of the line like that? I know I can clone, but I'm not sure if that will be too complicated to copy... would be nice to know, but not necessary
  19. What kind of ship are the slavers in, and how fast would they be able to leave port in it? It looks like an old-fashioned sailing ship on the map, which I think has a real hard time maneuvering in close quarters like it is (I think they literally had to tie it to the ship's boats and have them tow it with their oars, or be towed across the shore with a rope). Even if it's a steam ship, I think it takes several minutes for a coal-fired boiler to get up to temperature. And they don't have minutes. Carruth doesn't have knowledge (engineering) to answer these questions, but her bardic knowledge means she has a +5 modifier and can make checks untrained. Is this the sort of question I should roll for?
  20. Feats do what they say they do, not anything else.
  21. Vangu Nammem - Simian Avenger——————————Round 4 Hearing Corin's call, Vangu rushes forward, exposing himself in the process. "<Cover me, I'm moving up.>" Displaying uncanny speed, the spritely vanara rushed past Zyedan and the orc he was battling, quickly popping in a few more cartridges to his weapon as he went. He slid into cover behind another crate and pivoted behind him to blast the wounded orc from the back, a clear shot. Twisting around again he fired a molten cartridgeMolten Cartridge: (Source People of the Wastes pg. 15) This cartridge holds a handful of alchemically infused pellets that ignite and become molten when fired as a scattering shot with a one-handed or two-handed firearm with the scatter weapon quality. These molten projectiles deal fire damage to targets hit by the scattering shot, and each target hit must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or take 1d6 additional points of fire damage each round as the projectiles smolder. An affected target can use a fullround action to scrape off the smoldering projectile before taking this additional damage. In addition, molten metal fragments litter the area, functioning as caltrops in each square of the scattering shot cone (except they deal fire damage). These projectiles and fragments cool down after 3 rounds, at which point they become harmless bits of metal. Firing this cartridge increases the firearm’s misfire value by 2, and the cartridge can be used only in early or advanced firearms with the scatter weapon quality. at the catfolk leader and her murderous goon. His blunderbuss shot out a handful of alchemically infused pellets that ignite and become molten as they make contact with their targets, burning them with searing hot lumps of molten metal which scatter the ground all around them making any escape treacherous. Vangu knew that they had to stop them from getting to the rest of the slaves, the success of the entire mission depended on it. He put every ounce of grit, inspiration and luck into the shot, hoping that he could keep those slaves safe and give his team a chance. "<I did my best to slow them down and prevent them from getting to the ship and executing more cargo.>" OOC and Actions ------------------------- HP: 34 (39 base, -5 O1) AC: 25 (10 base, +4 DEX, +4 armor, +1 size, +2 Duelist, +4 run like hell) Hands: Blunderbuss (8/10 shots remaining) ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Free: Activate Run Like Hell (+20 ft move speed, +4 AC if I move more than 30 ft in a round) -1 grit Move: Move 50 ft to I45, reload as I move Swift: Studied Combat vs. c1 Standard: Attack with barrage Attack #1 vs. o1, no scatter (4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 size, +1 masterwork, +1 bless, +1 point blank shot, -2 barrage) ------- Slug #1 dmg vs. o1 (1d6 base, +4 DEX, +1 powerful receiver, +1 point blank shot) Attack #2 vs. c1, scatter (4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 size, +1 masterwork, +1 bless, +1 point blank shot, +2 studied combat, -2 scatter, -2 barrage) ------- Dmg #2 vs. c1 (1d6 base, +4 DEX, +1 powerful receiver, +1 point blank shot) Attack #3 vs. o5 (4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 size, +1 masterwork, +1 bless, +1 point blank shot, -2 scatter, -2 barrage) ------- Dmg #3 vs. o5 (1d6 base, +4 DEX, +1 powerful receiver, +1 point blank shot) Spending 2 inspiration to add 1d6 to my Attack roll #2: Inspiration (-2 grit) Grrr, that's a crappy roll. I'm going to use Second Chance to reroll my inspiration: Inspiration reroll (-1 grit) Ok, spending down a ton of resources this round, that Attack #2 vs. the catfolk now has a +3 from inspriation for a total attack roll of 22, not 19. Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Tears to wine (+2 enhancement to WIS & INT skills): 40-10=30 minutes remaining Message (talk to teammates): 40-10=30 minutes remaining Oil of Silence (blunderbuss is silent): 60 minutes remaining Bless (+1 morale on attack and vs fear): 7 rounds remaining Firearm Notes: Blunderbuss Misfire: 0 with +1 misfire ammo (1-2 base, -2 Calibrated Receiver (to 0), Perfect Receiver (to 0), -1 Gun Training (to -1)) Blunderbuss Kick: 0 (0 base, +1 with a scatter shot, +1 Powerful Receiver, -1 Ported Barrel, -1 for 12 STR) Remaining Resources: Grit/Luck/Inspiration: 4/8 (-1 Restricted Barrel, -1 Opportunistic Evasion, +1 crit, +1 kill o3, -1 run like hell, -2 inspiration attack, -1 second chance) Paper Cartridges: 54/60 Salt Shot: 20/20 Entangling Shot: 9/10 Flare: 10/10 Gray Dust: 10/10 Molten Shot: 19/20 Repellent Shot: 10/10 Smoke Shot: 10/10 Toxic Shot: 6/6 Disguise Kit: 20/20 Symptom Kit: 10/10 Caltrops: 2/2 Glue Paper: 5/5 Oil of Silence: 1/2
  22. Duly noted, about offhand attacks. And nope, I don't have any feats or abilities that would change how long it takes - unless Quick Draw when getting the second weapon out is enough to shave down the time, maybe.
  23. Well now, that worked out better than he could've hoped. He tucks the second dagger away since it turned out he didn't need it after all, then darts back into the shadows of roof eaves and stacked crates. Once he's back in some kind of cover he glances around, taking stock of the allies and enemies he can still see. He doesn't see Foxtrot or Mr. Doe, but he wouldn't expect to. Dio is there at the back of the group. Zyedan seems to be more than holding his own against the big gunner despite his injuries, Sim also has line of sight on that one, and potentially on the last of the catfolk and the orc that seems to be playing bodyguard. Spotting the mess leaking out of the barrel, he mutters a curse; here's hoping that's not their man. He curses again, more viciously but no less quietly, when he spots the monkey goblins starting to untie the boat and unmoor the ship. "<If we don't drop these last ones and quick, the ship will pull back out and we'll lose the target.>" There's not much he can do himself at this range, but that's not the same as nothing. He runs is his fingers over a symbol carved into his cuff, mutters the trigger word, and four spheres of light appear between the last of the enemy catfolk and the prisoner-killing orc; only about as bright as a good lantern, but circling their heads and passing close enough to leave them blinking afterward. If nothing else, it's a brief distraction while Zyedan and Sim finish off the bruiser nearest to them and close in; if he's very lucky, they might even break position to try and find the caster. And if they're not right there threatening to kill more (ugh) merchandise, the monkey goblins might not be quite so anxious to bolt with the rest of their cargo. OOC Action: Setting off Dancing Lights at J48 to try and distract C1 and O5 and maybe drag them out Bonus Action: -- Move: Moving to E37 to get back into cover Manipulate: Ongoing Effects: Tears to Wine, 25 min (+2 to all skill checks using Int or Wis) Heroism, 25 min (+2 to all skill checks, attack rolls, and saves) Bless, 1 min (+1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects) Remaining Resources: Starknives 2/2 Daggers 5/6 Acid Vial 2/2 Tanglefoot Bag 1/1 Smokesticks 2/2 Acid Splash 1/day Dancing Lights 1/day Mage Hand 1/day Statblock Human Rogue 5 (Unchained) (Knife Master) CN/CG HP 43 / 43 Speed 30 ft Init 9 AC 18 Fort 6 Ref 11 Will 4 CMB +4 BAB 3 Starknife +8 (+3) (1d4+4, x3) Dagger +7 (+3) (1d4, 19-20x2) Punching Dagger +7 (+2) (1d4, x3) Str 8 (-1) Dex 18 (4) Con 14 (2) Wis 11 (0) Int 12 (1) Cha 15 (2)
  24. Update: John Doe was buffed, Zyedan injured an orc, Corin finished off the orc in the water. Everyone: For round #4, Corin, Carruth, Vangu and John Doe can act now. (Corin is acting back-to-back as what he just posted covers the 1st half of round 3, and we are now in round 4.
  25. Round 3b, 4a (Round 3) Corin stepped out of cover, and silently hurled a single dagger at the orc struggling in the water. The surprise blow triggered the orc's ferocity, and though desperately injured, there was no action he could take to save himself. He hauled himself halfway up -- but continued bleeding and passed out. Then he slipped off the boardwalk, then slid underwater to silently drown. Corin lost one of his daggers. Aidan concentrated on his magic, forming a blessing. He saw John Doe glance his direction and nod slightly ... as if he could see the fortune flowing his direction. Unusual. John Doe felt kind of assurance come over himself. Some of his next actions would be more precise. Zyedan stuck the orc once with his flurry of blows. The orc was critically injured, and just barely remaining standing1 hp left. With with characteristic orc ferocity, he continued battling the dwarf. (Round 4) At the foot of the docs, the orc gunner completed the task of killing the unseen captive in the first barrelThis was described in the last post -- but the time taken to do it is extending into this round.. (This orc was presently out of cover; the rest of the Harrower forces had varying degrees of cover.) The monkey goblin leader insisted, to the Harrowers: "You have to pay for that one!" And with the sustained eruption of violence and spells, the monkey began to returned to the ship. Some took cover, others began untying the mooring lines from their positions on several bollards and cleats upon the dock -- starting to undo the work they had done moments ago. Just Carruth and Aidan The eerie magical quiet continues. Nothing happens yet. OOC Note for Corin: you have to use a full round action to attack with your off hand, when wielding two weapons. You cannot use a move action and then get multiple attacks, unless you specifically have an ability that allows that. (If you are using an extraordinary ability in your post, say so.) In an case, his one attack is enough to make sure that particular orc won't be returning to shore alive. Another note: Corin is now standing out in the open, with his stealth broken. See Stealth for some more details on how to use it: Everyone: For round #4, Corin, Carruth, Vangu and John Doe can act now. (Corin is acting back-to-back as what he just posted covers the 1st half of round 3, and we are now in round 4. Combat notes Initiative: 29 Corin - 23 Carruth - (dosed weapon with oil). 40-14hp = 26hp remaining. 22 Vangu - 21 John Doe -. -4 hp. 13 Harrowers - 10 Aidan - 3 Zyedan - pending for round 3. -6-16 = -22 hp. Orc #1 from the west (in cover): Orc #2 from the west (out in the open): -13 hp Orc o1. 19-18=1 hp Orc o2. In the water. At neg 1 hp, and drowning. Orc o3. -10 hp, entangled 6 rounds remaing. Dropped V4 on the roof: False life 9-9 = 0 hp remaining. -37 hp lethal damage. Lacks cover. Has Protection from Bullets 40pts remaining. Dropped. o5 - on his slave-killing mission is presently out of cover. V6 on Zuik, fighting Carruth: Protection from Bullets: 40-10=30. Used neg energy. -8 hp. C1: enhanced his harrow deck. Has cover. Has Bullet Shield spell up. Using Shooting Gallery deed. Has missed with 3 cards so far.
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