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Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

You are a member of the Low Council, a guild of thieves and rogues with tendrils throughout the city of Tremont. A new guild has moved into Tremont, the last safe harbor between the Capital and the pirate filled waters of the Sea of Storms that threatens the very existence of the Low Council. The Low Council is already lost (Or will be by the end of the introduction section), do you have what it takes to force those responsible to face retribution?

Have you ever wanted to play a game in the style of Ocean’s 11? The Italian Job? Mission Impossible? This is the game for you.  I am looking to recruit 4-6 players to play out this adventure. I will be using Here’s to Crime a 5e conversion of the play & flashback mechanic from Blades in the Dark. This will be a heavy RP & skill check focused game with some combat built in because…D&D.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. "We have a three part..." Dargon was then interrupted, his brows furrowed and he spoke with hesitation "What's this about people and water?" he said finally. The other chair members all suddenly had worried looks, Dargon was off script and the looks on their faces started others to begin to change from calls of murder to questioning murmurs. Dargon looked about trying to ascertain where the message had come from and what it meant. The other chairs looked about and were calling over their council who were struggling to make their way through the pressing masses. According to the script they were not needed on the dais, they were in place throughout the crowd, and now they were in the wrong place to assist. From behind there was a sound that was hard to make out, perhaps a chant, perhaps an order, but there was a sound then a sudden and abrasive silence.
  3. Egg - AC: 16 | HP: 45/45 | HD: 6d8/6d8 | Init: +0 | StrSave: +0 Athletics: +0 10, DexSave: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Sleight of Hand: +0 Stealth: +0 10, ConSave: +2 14, IntSave: +2 Arcana: +5 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +5 14, WisSave: +7 Animal Handling: +4 Insight: +7 Medicine: +7 Perception: +7 Survival: +4 18, ChaSave: +4 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +4 12 Passive: Perception: 17, Investigation: 12, Insight: 17 Darkvision 60' | Fey Ancestry | Trance | Eldritch Sight | Channel Divinity: 1/1 | Channel Divinity (AotD): 1/1 | Spellbreaker Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 3/3 | Current Spells: Non-Combat Egg is only vaguely aware of Wotcha doing what he cannot do without consulting the arcane. He's busy focusing on his spell, thinking about the act of warning the Low Table, of if there really is danger or if they're simply paranoid and all is well. Plenty of time. Plenty of time to find the right course of action... ...I will certainly need a stronger drink after this... On the outside he is calm, he is reverence, his quiet chanting continues... OoC Hide this
  4. I'm traveling today--on the way to vacation land. I'll have a layover later tonight in which I should be able to post if needed. I'll be on vacation for a week, with wifi. I should be able to post between the vacation activities: probably in the early mornings or the evenings, or when the grandkids take a nap midday. Hopefully, I should be able to keep up with the game.
  5. KenkuCreature Type. You are a Humanoid. Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.(SMALL) Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. Expert Duplication. When you copy writing or craftwork produced by yourself or someone else, you have advantage on any ability checks you make to produce an exact duplicate. Kenku Recall. Thanks to your supernaturally good memory, you have proficiency in two skills of your choice. (Insight, Perception) Moreover, when you make an ability check using any skill in which you have proficiency, you can give yourself advantage on the check before rolling the d20. You can give yourself advantage in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Mimicry. You can accurately mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations only with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against a DC of 8 + your prof bonus + your Charisma modifier.(12) Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character. (Sylvan) EntertainerFeature - By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.- Rogue 1 / Bard 5 AC: 15 (st leather) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +3 | PP: 24 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2 | Spells KnownCantrips: Mage Hand Message Vicious Mockery (Mending) 1st Level: Charm Person Comprehend Languages Dissonant Whispers Healing Word #Bless (Entangle, Faerie Fire, Prot. Evil&Good, Spk with Animal) 2nd Level Aid Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability #Misty Step (Invisibility, Levitate) 3rd Level: Hypnotic Pattern (Fly) Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15 Bardic Inspir(d8) 4/4 | DM Inspir: 1/1 From atop his perch, high up on Tonys shoulder, Wotcha turned his attention back to the crowd, and to the leaders on the dais. It was clear that the sounds he was hearing weren't making it through the noise of the throng. Raising a finger, he pointed to the stage, his gaze focused on Dargon. Catching his "father's" eye, he whispered his concerns as he began frantically gesticulating, holding a hand up to his ear then pointing repeatedly at the entrance to the aquaducts. "Strange noises...people...and water...LISTEN!" He gave it his very best performance, hoping that the First Chair knew enough about him and his talents to understand what the young kenku was trying to convey. Mechanics Main Hand: Horn of Silent alarm Off Hand: nothing Action: Cast message and try to catch Dargons attention. (Performance) Bonus Action: none Move: none Manipulate: none
  6. The press of bodies made making it to the dais all but impossible, and the roar of the crowd would drown out any attempt to make noise. Perhaps if someone used Thaumaturgy they may have a chance, but it would seem that the only one who may have a chance at doing that was currently casting a spell that seems to be taking a while. "This usurper believes that he can enter Tremont and assume control. The Merchants Table has declared neutrality, but I fear that they have been compromised." The sounds of the ocean and men seem constant but not louder or closer.
  7. Man, the current scene is really making me wish I'd taken the Message cantrip instead of Prestidigitation. I went back and forth on that decision so many times. Doh!
  8. Tiny Tony Medium, Human Fighter AC 18 HP 56/56 HD 4/4d10, 2/2d8 For some ungodly reason, sentimentality creep up on him again. His attention is pulled by the rolling waves. He yearns for the ebb and flow to wash away his sins. Let the tide cleanse him of this weight. Wash over him. But soon, he recognizes that the roiling and churning isn't part of his imagination. Antoine's ears perk up. 'Another batch of people? They're late. Why are they coming from the same place? Why are they coming so strong?' With Wotcha's warning, his perspective shifts. A captive audience crowds the front. There were protocols to fill the space more conscientiously. Then again, this isn't a run-of-the-mill meeting. It would be unfair and hypocritical to expect anyone to act normal. Fearing for a stampede, or much worse, a rout, he simply assumes that the adversary has a reason to press the attack here and now. After a series of mental gymnastics of who knows what, and who knows who knows what, one thing is clear. Both sides want and expect to change the circumstances. He wishes to do what the kenku had done. Warn people to haul ass, remove their selves and loved ones from danger. If only they could bar the way the sound is coming from. If only they couldn't expect opposition in the other underpasses and channels. "If any of you have anyway of getting the stage to recognize the noise 'that way' discreetly, please do so. If not, I suggest we leave this table. Leave this chamber." His mind is filled with thoughts of the pristine sky. Picturesque silence. What is that, even? Tony, hoping to make the best of the new moon, beelines for one of the passageways, the circuitous routes beneath the city. He intends to kill the lights. Press the home-ground advantage, no matter how small. The wheel of fate is turning. Antoine repeats a mantra, pushing out any extraneous thoughts. 'Shelter. Food and water. Pier. Night.' OOC Resources: Second Wind: 1/1 SR Action Surge: 1/1 SR Runes: 1/1 c, 1/1 s SR Giant's Might: 3/3 LR Spellcasting: 1st [_] [_] Main Hand: . Off Hand: . Bonus Action: Move: Action:
  9. KenkuCreature Type. You are a Humanoid. Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.(SMALL) Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. Expert Duplication. When you copy writing or craftwork produced by yourself or someone else, you have advantage on any ability checks you make to produce an exact duplicate. Kenku Recall. Thanks to your supernaturally good memory, you have proficiency in two skills of your choice. (Insight, Perception) Moreover, when you make an ability check using any skill in which you have proficiency, you can give yourself advantage on the check before rolling the d20. You can give yourself advantage in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Mimicry. You can accurately mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations only with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against a DC of 8 + your prof bonus + your Charisma modifier.(12) Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character. (Sylvan) EntertainerFeature - By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.- Rogue 1 / Bard 5 AC: 15 (st leather) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +3 | PP: 24 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2 | Spells KnownCantrips: Mage Hand Message Vicious Mockery (Mending) 1st Level: Charm Person Comprehend Languages Dissonant Whispers Healing Word #Bless (Entangle, Faerie Fire, Prot. Evil&Good, Spk with Animal) 2nd Level Aid Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability #Misty Step (Invisibility, Levitate) 3rd Level: Hypnotic Pattern (Fly) Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15 Bardic Inspir(d8) 4/4 | DM Inspir: 1/1 "Tony, do you hear..." Wotcha began to ask, wondering if he was imagining the sound of water. Then he stopped, as a sudden thought brought a chill to his core. Here was Dargon, talking of pirates and war, as the sound of the ocean made its way into their inner sanctum. Surely that was a coincidence, wasn't it? But the young kenku didn't believe in coincidences. Pulling forth his horn he gave a blast, forgetting for a moment that it was tuned only to Coppers ears. Frowning he barked a warning to his personal perch. "Move! Tony! Move now!" Mechanics Main Hand: Horn of Silent alarm Off Hand: nothing Action: blow horn Bonus Action: none Move: none Manipulate: retrieve horn
  10. On mobile at the moment and will be the rest of the day, I will try late this eve or tomorrow afternoon to provide you a map that should suffice, or at least a more detailed description
  11. Egg - AC: 16 | HP: 45/45 | HD: 6d8/6d8 | Init: +0 | StrSave: +0 Athletics: +0 10, DexSave: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Sleight of Hand: +0 Stealth: +0 10, ConSave: +2 14, IntSave: +2 Arcana: +5 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +5 14, WisSave: +7 Animal Handling: +4 Insight: +7 Medicine: +7 Perception: +7 Survival: +4 18, ChaSave: +4 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +4 12 Passive: Perception: 17, Investigation: 12, Insight: 17 Darkvision 60' | Fey Ancestry | Trance | Eldritch Sight | Channel Divinity: 1/1 | Channel Divinity (AotD): 1/1 | Spellbreaker Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 3/3 | Current Spells: Non-Combat Egg's left ear twitches a bit at the noises that should not be there. His frown deepens a little, which for the current mood Egg is still likely on the more optimistic half in the room, but for him it is very, very unusual. He begins to chant something under his breath, pulling out a small marble as he concentrates. Should I warn the room of these sounds? Should I make a commotion or is all well and I'm simply overreacting? He begins to cast Augury, but it is not a fast spell. No, Egg has his normal assortment of spells, most with little to no use in a fight, all of which are more practical for people's day-to-day lives. It'll take a minute. Surely enough time is left... right? OoC Hide this
  12. Could you provide a brief layout (or possibly a map) of the cavern? If not... 1. How many exits/entrances in the cavern--that actually lead up into the city? 2. How high is the ceiling? 3. How well lit (dim light, bright light) is the cavern? Is the lighting evenly distributed or are some areas of the cavern darker/brighter? Are the passageways lit? 4. Is the "other side of the cavern from which something/someone is pushing forward" to the side of the cavern or is it to the front where the Low Table Chairs are? Does the "pushing forward" mean pushing toward the Low Table Chairs? 5. Is the "sound of the ocean and men approaching from behind us" coming from one (large) passageway or many? 6. Are the cavern walls floor and ceiling rough or smooth. The Tremont info indicates the underground passages are lava tubes (smooth compared to most underground tunnels), but I've never heard of lava tubes that form caverns. So is the underground network a combination of rough natural cavern stuff AND lava tubes?
  13. Kit Falco HP: 42/42 AC: Kit glances around nervously and moves to stand immediately next to an exit, not liking the sounds coming from the aqueducts one bit. OOC
  14. Dargon waited for the roar to subside. "We will not let this stand! We will take this battle to them. We have found that they are led by a pirate by the name of Black Jack" Black Jack was an up and coming pirate from the south. How far south no one really knew. But he had cut a swath through the shipping lanes and rumors were a thick as porridge throughout Tremont. From the other side of the cavern there began to come a rustling, someone or something was pushing their way forward. From behind you there was the sound of the ocean, which should not have been able to be heard this far into the aqueducts, mixed with the faints sound of men. (Everyone managed a 20 or above so you all are hearing the sounds from behind you in the aqueducts)
  15. While it's probably of little concern to the rest of you, I've rewritten . I thought the previous version was a little "damaged childhood." While Copper's childhood was difficult, the remarkable thing is that he turned out so upbeat. The new version of the post emphasizes his curiosity rather than paranoia in going on high alert.
  16. Copper - Half Hexblood Fixer for the Fourth Chair Init +4 | Perception 18 (Darkvision) | Insight 15 | Investigation 18 | Common, Elven, Sylvan, Thieves Cant AC 14/17 (Mage Armor) | HP 39/39 | HD 6/6 | Inspiration 0/1 | 3 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Copper's mind raced in divergent directions. War. A new faction. A first strike with no red flags beforehand. Secretive. Organized. Assassin's guild? Thieves guild? Successful elimination of the guild's heaviest hitters. Powerful. Coordinated. Informed. Infiltration. One when he was ten, he'd found a merchant in the marketplace selling all manner of little wooden puzzle boxes. He'd asked about them and the merchant had let him try one for the low price of a copper piece. Not to purchase the box, just to try solving the puzzle. Copper new he'd have hell to pay for spending some of his hard-earned finger-smithing gains, but he'd paid the copper. And then he'd lost all sense of time. Next thing he knew, the merchant was shaking him, laughing. The sun was much lower in the sky and the merchant was packing up. Copper had spent hours at the stall, working the puzzle. That's the way it had always been for him. Puzzles and mysteries had a hold over him. He couldn't help himself. So it was that he continued his divergent thinking, working the puzzles of the coming war. How would the Low Table react? By calling a special meeting in the big cavern! So maybe not a declaration of war. A baited trap. During the meeting. Down in the cavern. Or maybe up in the city. A devastating ambush. A gambit. Winner take all. Game over. Copper felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He tried to shrug it off. Surely there was no immediate danger. The Low Table were smart people. They would not have called the meeting without adequate security. They were smarter than a street urchin turned fixer. Still, it couldn't hurt to be cautious. Absentmindedly, he drew his knife and began twirling and spinning it through his fingers. A nervous habit. Hi above, in the cavern recess, he observed the cavern through the owl's eyes and ears, scanning for something out of place. He didn't know what, but he knew he'd recognize it when he saw it. The familiar drew the master's attention to certain details, aiding the troubled rogue. OOC - Empty STAT BLOCK Male Half-Elf Rogue 6 (Arcane Trickster) Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant Passive Perception 18 (darkvision 60) AC 14 (17 with Mage Armor) Hit Points 39 Speed 30, climb 30 Str 8 Dex 18Point Buy: 15 Half Elf: +2 Elven Accuracy: +1 Con 12 Int 14Point Buy: 13 Half Elf: +1 Wis 14Point Buy: 13 Half Elf: +1 Cha 12 Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +5 Skills Arcana +5, Deception +7*, Insight +5, Investigation +8*, Perception +8*, Persuasion +4, Slight of Hand +10*, Stealth +7 Resistances advantage on saves vs being charmed Immunities magical sleep Other Defenses Uncanny Dodge * Expertise Actions Knifereskinned dagger +7 [1d4+3 (+3d6 w/sneak attack)] piercing | finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Cast a Spell Green Flame Blade, Charm Person Bonus Actions Knifereskinned dagger +7 [1d4 (+3d6 w/sneak attack)] piercing | finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage, Hide) Mage Hand Legerdemain stow one object in a container worn or carried by another creature, retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature, use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range. Reactions Opportunity Attack (with additional Sneak Attack) Familiar's Actions Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search Familiar's Reactions deliver touch spell Tool Proficiencies thieves tools, disguise kit, forger's kit Racial Features Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility Class Features Expertise, Sneak Attack, Spell Casting, Mage Hand Legerdemain, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge Feats Elven Accuracy, Magic Initiate (Wizard) Background Feature Urchin (City SecretsYou know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.) Spell Slots 3 | Spell Save DC: 13 | Spell Attack Mod: +5 | Spells Known: 4 Cantrips Friends* | Green Flame Blade | Mage Hand | Minor Illusion* | Prestidigitation 1st Level Spells Charm Person, Find Familiar*, Disguise, Mage Armor, Silent Image * Magic Initiate feat Mundane Equipment common clothes (5 sp, 3 lb) 4 knivesreskinned daggers (8 gp, 4 lbs) small cross-body bagreskinned pouch [A pouch can hold up to ⅕ cubic foot or 6 pounds of gear.] (5 sp, 1 lb) [thieves tools (25 gp, 1 lb), map of Tremont in map case (1 gp, 1 lb), rations (5 sp, 2 lb), 10 ft of string (.1 gp), a bell (1 gp), candle (.01 gp), chalk (.01 gp), soap (.01 gp), sack (.01 gp, .5 lb), material components for Find Familiar spell x3 (30 gp), coin purse (1 cp) containing 4 gp, 3 sp, and 5 cp] Magic Items Slippers (light shoes) of Spider Climbing (uncommon, requires attunement) Ruby of the War Mage (common, requires attunement by a spellcaster) 2 potions of healing Trinket: a copper piece inscribed with fey rune (enchanted by Copper's mother) worn on a cord as a necklace tucked underneath clothing. Effect: when in darkness, the coin sheds dim light in a 5 foot radius. [Precedent: Gate Warden Trinket table - "A feather that sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius" (Sigil and the Outlands, p. 7)] Other Resources Poor Lifestyle Flophouse Room (6 gp/month), with lock on door (10 gp) chest (5 gp) with lock (10 gp): disguise kit (25 gp), forgery kit (15 gp), steel mirror (5 gp) Trusted friend/roommate (Hodge): 37 gp Poor Lifestyle (sans food) Safe House (6 gp/month)
  17. Egg - AC: 16 | HP: 45/45 | HD: 6d8/6d8 | Init: +0 | StrSave: +0 Athletics: +0 10, DexSave: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Sleight of Hand: +0 Stealth: +0 10, ConSave: +2 14, IntSave: +2 Arcana: +5 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +5 14, WisSave: +7 Animal Handling: +4 Insight: +7 Medicine: +7 Perception: +7 Survival: +4 18, ChaSave: +4 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +4 12 Passive: Perception: 17, Investigation: 12, Insight: 17 Darkvision 60' | Fey Ancestry | Trance | Eldritch Sight | Channel Divinity: 1/1 | Channel Divinity (AotD): 1/1 | Spellbreaker Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 3/3 | Current Spells: Non-Combat I suppose it is a good thing I did not bet Tiny Tony. Then again, I wouldn't mind passing the man some gold for being on the mark. Good man. Egg muses silently to himself about Tiny Tony being correct in his assessment. It's only after that complimenting thought that the news actually sinks in. War... It may be a stretch when comparing to the sorts of wars that kingdoms and empires bring to one another, but Egg cannot think of a better word if another faction is indeed vying for control of the city's underbelly. If they are killing a leader of the Low Table with the threat to do more... then yes, 'war' is an appropriate word. And it is troubling to the Elf and for the first time since arriving, his smile fades into a slight frown. Egg is confident in his skills, but even the greatest of Magi, Clerics, other holy men and women can only do so much in a single day. There are only so many people he can heal their wounds, cure them of ills, and perhaps even defend himself and others before he's reduced to tossing around mere cantrips. He owns no weapons, a deliberate and personal choice, and yet finds himself lacking in this moment. I hope Dargon has a plan for this... OoC Hide this
  18. KenkuCreature Type. You are a Humanoid. Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.(SMALL) Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. Expert Duplication. When you copy writing or craftwork produced by yourself or someone else, you have advantage on any ability checks you make to produce an exact duplicate. Kenku Recall. Thanks to your supernaturally good memory, you have proficiency in two skills of your choice. (Insight, Perception) Moreover, when you make an ability check using any skill in which you have proficiency, you can give yourself advantage on the check before rolling the d20. You can give yourself advantage in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Mimicry. You can accurately mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations only with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against a DC of 8 + your prof bonus + your Charisma modifier.(12) Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character. (Sylvan) EntertainerFeature - By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.- Rogue 1 / Bard 5 AC: 15 (st leather) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +3 | PP: 24 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2 | Spells KnownCantrips: Mage Hand Message Vicious Mockery (Mending) 1st Level: Charm Person Comprehend Languages Dissonant Whispers Healing Word #Bless (Entangle, Faerie Fire, Prot. Evil&Good, Spk with Animal) 2nd Level Aid Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability #Misty Step (Invisibility, Levitate) 3rd Level: Hypnotic Pattern (Fly) Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15 Bardic Inspir(d8) 4/4 | DM Inspir: 1/1 Despite climbing atop his chair, the little kenku was struggling to see over the massed ranks of rogues, burglars and cutthroat. However, Tiny Tony's arrival soon solved the problem. Perched high on his shoulders, summoning up all his race's powers of observation, Wotcha does what he does best! Mechanics Main Hand: drink Off Hand: nothing Action: Perception check (advantage from kenku recall) Bonus Action: none Move: climb onto Tony's shoulders Manipulate: none
  19. The crowd continued to buzz for a moment, and Dargon seemed to let it, but after a controlled moment he raised his hand and then slowly lowered it, and with his hand the volume reduced to a silence only interrupted by the popping of meat on a spit, or the echos of water dripping from the passages from the aqueducts. "Friends," He said after moment. "Before anything else, I want to address the rumors. It is true, Hammar was killed in broad daylight. A new power has come to Tremont and wanted to make a statement, they have declared WAR!" The crowd again broke into a roar, louder than before. (Perception Checks, in discord or in post)
  20. Tiny Tony Medium, Human Fighter AC 18 HP 56/56 HD 4/4d10, 2/2d8 The parting of the throng arrests their attention. Plenty of chairs get dragged and driven, stand, the screech of the wood against stone drowned by the cacophony from eager minds. People crowd as close as they can to the dais. The whole chamber knows they are at the precipice of change. Some hold their breath, while others writhe or throw their hands up before the drop. "You got better eyes than I do. Make it count." He expects the Chairs to demand decorum, but he offers to carry Wotcha on his shoulders, just in case. "Don't you dare miss a thing." Another one of Chairs is missing. Antoine takes it as a tacit vindication of his doubt and dread. Out of habit, or out of intent, Tony clutches his worn-out shawl and offers a small prayer for the missing noble. OOC Resources: Second Wind: 1/1 SR Action Surge: 1/1 SR Runes: 1/1 c, 1/1 s SR Giant's Might: 3/3 LR Spellcasting: 1st [_] [_] Main Hand: . Off Hand: . Bonus Action: Move: Action:
  21. Kit Falco HP: 42/42 AC: Kit eyes the stage as he leaders appear, casually checking his pockets for his valuables after the interaction with a fellow thief. He talks quietly to avoid interruping. "Gamar isn't on tonight. Can't be a good sign." OOC
  22. Copper - Half Hexblood Fixer for the Fourth Chair Init +4 | Perception 18 (Darkvision) | Insight 15 | Investigation 18 | Common, Elven, Sylvan, Thieves Cant AC 14/17 (Mage Armor) | HP 39/39 | HD 6/6 | Inspiration 0/1 | 3 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Copper offered the grim newcomer an easy smile, just in case the man might be the type to fall for the con of the day. He soon forgot about the con, drawn into the analysis of Hammer's murder. This was just the kind of conversation he was eager to get going--though he was more interested in hearing from the clear-thinking priest and the well-informed spy. Timing was everything. The newcomer concluded his analysis, and--sure enough--the leaders took that very moment to make their entrance. In a heartbeat, the conversation he'd hoped for went down the ditch like so much sewage. Things got loud, chaotic. Smelly, tense bodies shoved forward, blocking the copper-haired rogue's line of sight. Being vertically challenged, Copper had come prepared for such an eventuality. Having previously scanned the chamber for just the right spot, he now summoned his familiar to it: a shield-sized natural alcove high in the wall not far away from where he'd gathered with the others. The owl perched in the shadows of the alcove with a clear line of sight to the leaders. The acoustics of the chamber and alcove served to enhance the avian's already superior hearing. He kept his smile up and his eyes forward, even as he cast his senses up into the raptor. From the alcove, he could still hear his friends below, but he now heard more clearly the other areas of the cavern, and he could see much more of the cavern. OOC - Empty STAT BLOCK Male Half-Elf Rogue 6 (Arcane Trickster) Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant Passive Perception 18 (darkvision 60) AC 14 (17 with Mage Armor) Hit Points 39 Speed 30, climb 30 Str 8 Dex 18Point Buy: 15 Half Elf: +2 Elven Accuracy: +1 Con 12 Int 14Point Buy: 13 Half Elf: +1 Wis 14Point Buy: 13 Half Elf: +1 Cha 12 Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +5 Skills Arcana +5, Deception +7*, Insight +5, Investigation +8*, Perception +8*, Persuasion +4, Slight of Hand +10*, Stealth +7 Resistances advantage on saves vs being charmed Immunities magical sleep Other Defenses Uncanny Dodge * Expertise Actions Knifereskinned dagger +7 [1d4+3 (+3d6 w/sneak attack)] piercing | finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Cast a Spell Green Flame Blade, Charm Person Bonus Actions Knifereskinned dagger +7 [1d4 (+3d6 w/sneak attack)] piercing | finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage, Hide) Mage Hand Legerdemain stow one object in a container worn or carried by another creature, retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature, use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range. Reactions Opportunity Attack (with additional Sneak Attack) Familiar's Actions Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search Familiar's Reactions deliver touch spell Tool Proficiencies thieves tools, disguise kit, forger's kit Racial Features Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility Class Features Expertise, Sneak Attack, Spell Casting, Mage Hand Legerdemain, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge Feats Elven Accuracy, Magic Initiate (Wizard) Background Feature Urchin (City SecretsYou know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.) Spell Slots 3 | Spell Save DC: 13 | Spell Attack Mod: +5 | Spells Known: 4 Cantrips Friends* | Green Flame Blade | Mage Hand | Minor Illusion* | Prestidigitation 1st Level Spells Charm Person, Find Familiar*, Disguise, Mage Armor, Silent Image * Magic Initiate feat Mundane Equipment common clothes (5 sp, 3 lb) 4 knivesreskinned daggers (8 gp, 4 lbs) small cross-body bagreskinned pouch [A pouch can hold up to ⅕ cubic foot or 6 pounds of gear.] (5 sp, 1 lb) [thieves tools (25 gp, 1 lb), map of Tremont in map case (1 gp, 1 lb), rations (5 sp, 2 lb), 10 ft of string (.1 gp), a bell (1 gp), candle (.01 gp), chalk (.01 gp), soap (.01 gp), sack (.01 gp, .5 lb), material components for Find Familiar spell x3 (30 gp), coin purse (1 cp) containing 4 gp, 3 sp, and 5 cp] Magic Items Slippers (light shoes) of Spider Climbing (uncommon, requires attunement) Ruby of the War Mage (common, requires attunement by a spellcaster) 2 potions of healing Trinket: a copper piece inscribed with fey rune (enchanted by Copper's mother) worn on a cord as a necklace tucked underneath clothing. Effect: when in darkness, the coin sheds dim light in a 5 foot radius. [Precedent: Gate Warden Trinket table - "A feather that sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius" (Sigil and the Outlands, p. 7)] Other Resources Poor Lifestyle Flophouse Room (6 gp/month), with lock on door (10 gp) chest (5 gp) with lock (10 gp): disguise kit (25 gp), forgery kit (15 gp), steel mirror (5 gp) Trusted friend/roommate (Hodge): 37 gp Poor Lifestyle (sans food) Safe House (6 gp/month)
  23. Egg - AC: 16 | HP: 45/45 | HD: 6d8/6d8 | Init: +0 | StrSave: +0 Athletics: +0 10, DexSave: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Sleight of Hand: +0 Stealth: +0 10, ConSave: +2 14, IntSave: +2 Arcana: +5 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +5 14, WisSave: +7 Animal Handling: +4 Insight: +7 Medicine: +7 Perception: +7 Survival: +4 18, ChaSave: +4 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +4 12 Passive: Perception: 17, Investigation: 12, Insight: 17 Darkvision 60' | Fey Ancestry | Trance | Eldritch Sight | Channel Divinity: 1/1 | Channel Divinity (AotD): 1/1 | Spellbreaker Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 3/3 | Current Spells: Non-Combat Egg listens attentively to Tiny Tony's thoughts on who may be responsible. As one of the few others with any divine connection in the Low Table, it gives him a certain clout in Egg's eyes. It is equally fascinating as the other man's interpretation looks to a worst case scenario whereas Egg finds himself looking for the easiest, simplest explanation. Egg wants to remain seated, standing far more trouble than it's worth most the time when sitting or even laying down is perfectly fine in many a situation. Still, his curiosity is stronger, and so he does pick himself up to stand so that he can see the leaders of the Low Table. They are his leaders too, or at least half of those who lead him, the other half being his own faith who are much, much more hands off on Egg's affairs, thus really giving the title to the four readying to speak. Well now, I am interested in what story they'll spin. Somber? Rousing? Empathetic? Stoic? I don't actually know what I would do were I in their shoes... The Elf usually knows what he wants to say, but finds himself at a loss if it was he who was up there. OoC Hide this
  24. KenkuCreature Type. You are a Humanoid. Size. Your size is Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.(SMALL) Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. Expert Duplication. When you copy writing or craftwork produced by yourself or someone else, you have advantage on any ability checks you make to produce an exact duplicate. Kenku Recall. Thanks to your supernaturally good memory, you have proficiency in two skills of your choice. (Insight, Perception) Moreover, when you make an ability check using any skill in which you have proficiency, you can give yourself advantage on the check before rolling the d20. You can give yourself advantage in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Mimicry. You can accurately mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations only with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against a DC of 8 + your prof bonus + your Charisma modifier.(12) Languages. Your character can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character. (Sylvan) EntertainerFeature - By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.- Rogue 1 / Bard 5 AC: 15 (st leather) | HP: 43/43 | Initiative: +3 | PP: 24 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2 | Spells KnownCantrips: Mage Hand Message Vicious Mockery (Mending) 1st Level: Charm Person Comprehend Languages Dissonant Whispers Healing Word #Bless (Entangle, Faerie Fire, Prot. Evil&Good, Spk with Animal) 2nd Level Aid Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability #Misty Step (Invisibility, Levitate) 3rd Level: Hypnotic Pattern (Fly) Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15 Bardic Inspir(d8) 4/4 | DM Inspir: 1/1 The change in atmosphere was subtle at first, but noticeable to the young kenku all the same. Clearly the remaining seats had arrived. The volume grew as the five...NO FOUR...figures approached the dais. Sitting between his two friends, Wotcha soon had his view blocked. Keen not to miss a thing, he chambered up onto his chair to give himself a better vantage point. "No Gamar?!" he commented to Copper and Egg. "Perhaps he's busy chasing another fine songsmith!!" he quipped, still smarting slightly at the Lord's Fury about the little ditty he'd penned (about Gamars little...well, you get the idea). However, beneath the facetious remark there was real concern...why would the Lord miss such an important event? Mechanics Main Hand: drink Off Hand: nothing Action: none Bonus Action: none Move: climb on the chair Manipulate: none
  25. A murmur began to wash over the crowd, toward the end. A Goliath could be seen over the crowd, Charn as he was known was a personal manservant and guard of Dorgon One Eye. This certainly meant that things were about to get started. An opening began to build in the crowd ahead, the jostling of those getting out of the way with those pushing forward to see. Eventually the procession did make it to the raised dais. Four figures stepped up and stood behind their chairs. Dargon One Eye, Slade the Red, Silk and Glandar the Tapper. several roars filtered up from the crowd, some calls to honor Hammar, several murmurs about denouncing the missing Lord Gamar. The volume of the hall went from a loud murmur of constant low talk and music to one loud roar of combined noise. Dargon looked upon the mass and looked both sad and resolute. Those who were sitting had their view of the dais blocked out by those standing.
  26. Tiny Tony Medium, Human Fighter AC 18 HP 56/56 HD 4/4d10, 2/2d8 The halfling's attire assaults his senses but something pulls his attention away. His ears prick up at the words "most likely to die violently... visible and feared and hated..." He stops at 'E' to get a better grasp of this exchange. He takes offense on behalf of the presumed dead man and goes on another tirade. "The greatest flaw of any lockbox, any door, is that it is made to be opened. Locks, seals, and wards only stop honest folk. If the dwarf didn't do the job, somebody else would. And odds are, that somebody is worse. I'd hate it for anyone to think that he is dispensable." "We lost a great man and the world is all the worse for it." At least they changed their tune soon enough. Prompted for what he thinks about the people that caused this commotion, his core finally untightens. His shoulders and hands melt with it as he entertains his fears. Glued to the chair, he drags it closer to the table and digs his elbows in. "They or the people they work for must be from great means or opportunity, or both. It appears we were blindsided. Hammar and his people are competent without a shadow of a doubt. The lack of answers alludes to someone or something thoroughly getting the better of us." "They or the people they work for must be from great motives. The fact that they moved against an organization like us, tells me that they mean to do more. To what end, I cannot tell. But I do know that they are not done." His nose flares up in time with his shoulders as he mulls over his next words. "I firmly believe they or the people they work for are probably comparable to the Council, the Union, or the Synod. But it's not them." "The Council, the Merchants Table, can be discounted because they rue change. They are greedy, yes, but the current system works for them. I fail to see why would they gamble that stability away." "The Sugar Workers Union is too busy dealing with pirates down south. They also have the benefit of working abroad. Why would they burn bridges? What could they possibly gain?" "The Synod only cares about the capital. Why would they deign Tremont with any sort of acknowledgment?" OOC Resources: Second Wind: 1/1 SR Action Surge: 1/1 SR Runes: 1/1 c, 1/1 s SR Giant's Might: 3/3 LR Spellcasting: 1st [_] [_] Main Hand: . Off Hand: . Bonus Action: Move: Action:
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