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About This Game

The sun is about to set when you finally see the first houses of Ragged Hollow. You walk through tidy lanes between the quaint cottages and blossoming gardens... which seem surprisingly deserted. But as you approach the west end of the town, you hear a muffled rumor, then shouts and exclamations: all the inhabitants are gathered in front of the elegant white Temple of Halcyon. To everyone’s amazement, the high building is now awash in waves of golden light, forming an impenetrable dome.

Game System

Old School Essentials: Advanced Fantasy

Detailed Description

The Halloo

In Ragged Hollow, as in most towns and villages in the region, the Halloo is that period of freedom and insouciance that separates youth from maturity. When the time comes, young men and women take up their walking sticks and set out from a few weeks to a full year. They walk along the roads and trails and stop at inns or camp in the meadows. They earn the money they need to keep going by doing odd jobs for farmers and craftsmen. This is a fondly remembered time, during which strong friendships are made with strangers and other hallooers. They then return home to the life their parents led before them. “All too soon the Halloo ends and the youth is over”.

Character Creation

  • Roll 4d6 drop the lowest. Assign in any order
  • Race-is-class or Race and Class; either is fine
    • If you even want to reflavor a race-is-class as another race that's fine
      • example: Elf is a Magus and Infravision is "Magus-sight"
    • No Drow
  • Carcass Crawler - any of the new classes/races with these exceptions.
    • CC#1 No Hephaestans; Combat Talents allowed
    • CC#2 No Phase Elfs; Item-Based Encumbrance and Quick Equipment used
    • CC#3 No Dragonborns nor Tieflings; Items for the expanded equipment list are available.
  • Max hit points at first level
  • Starting Money use Quick Equipment rules from CC#2
  • No bonus XP for Prime Requisite Modifiers to XP
  • A "Hook" will be randomly assigned to each PC
  • No alignment languages
  • Deities that we know about so far
    • Halcyon/Freya (Lawful) - Fertility, Death and Rebirth, Procreation, the Harvest, Battle
    • Jamboor (Neutrality) - Angel of Knowledge, Magic, and Death; He Who Hears the Secrets of the Dead
    • Solanus (Lawful) - Angel of the Sun and Healing
    • Da-Jin (Chaos) - Lord of Death, Lord of the Burning Skull
    • Rel (Neutrality) - Patron Saint of thieves; associated with thievery, banditry, swindling, gambling, deception, backstabbing, ale, beer, luck, and gems and gold gained by means stealthy and nefarious.
    • Gideon/Vanitthu (Lawful) - angel of the Steadfast Guard, The Gatekeeper; Justice and Law are his portfolios.
    • others - feel free to make up your own or pull from another setting. Halcyon is from the adventure; Jamboor thru Da-Jin are from The Lost City of Barakus, Rel is from Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea.
  • Inform me of a nightmare your character has had, or still does.
  • If using the "Adjust Ability Scores" option, you may only subtract from an ability score once.

Hit Point Recovery - Roll a "hit die" for a complete night of sleep instead of the 1d3 for a full day of complete rest.

Death and Dying (from Hyperborea)

When a person, animal, or monster is reduced to 0 hp or less, death transpires as follows:

  • Beasts/Humanoids/Monsters: Dead at 0 hp
  • Common (0th level) NPCs: Dead at −3 hp
  • PCs/NPCs: Dead at −10 hp

Upon being reduced to 0 hp or less, the following guidelines apply to PCs and NPCs:

  • 0 hp: The character is unconscious. Spirits (brandy, gin, rum, whiskey, etc.) can revive one to consciousness, allowing him or her to talk and move slowly, but fighting or casting spells is not possible.
  • −1 to −3 hp: The character is seriously injured, though relatively stable. −4 to −9 hp: The character is in critical condition and suffers convulsions and/or blood loss at a rate of 1 hp per round, unless properly stabilized by an ally (e.g., binding wounds, resuscitation, sorcerous healing).
  • −10 hp: The character is dead, though the referee might allow a dying hero to open their eyes and utter a brief, final sentence before passing.


  1. What's new in this game
  2. if Pepik or Hack want to go first, Wobgom'll go next. He's willing to go first as well. Triggering the traps is another way of detecting them, right? In roomier areas he'll go up front.
  3. Since we are about to shift into more of an exploratory mode (or so it seems), I (Lucia) anticipate more of a secondary role, perhaps having our thief and the more martial-based characters taking the lead. No doubt a dwarf's expertise in construction may be critical (we had a clue that we might expect clever traps, I think?) At 1st level, a cleric is really a fighter with fewer hps. Lucia could take the rear guard or ... be delegated to protect Avandriela and/or Bramzann. Which brings me to the point. Do we want to work out some marching order defaults or just wing it narratively at the moment? With six characters, we could have a 3x2 arrangement for 10' or wider spaces; and a 6x1 for 5' corridors.
  4. The Rime River High grassy banks overlook this sluggish brown river. Chunks of white ice float by. Small fishing boats sit lashed to stumps and rocks. A decrepit gray house, which can only be the infamous Windler House hunches on the small wooded island in the center of the current. Fishermen nearby are either coming to shore with a small catch, or are about ready to shove off hoping for a good haul.
  5. Bramzann- Mage (1) ArmorBase AAC = 9 Mage Armour= +2 AAC: 11 | HP: 5/6 (d6) | AttributesStr 18 (+3) Int 18 Wis 14 (+1) Dex 8 (-1) Con 12 (0) Cha 10 (0) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 120’ (40’) Saves D 12 W 13 P 12 D 15 S 14 +2 vs Spells THAC0 = 19 [+0] Staff (1d4) Blunt, Melee, Slow, Two-handed Sword (1d8) Melee | Class AbilitiesArcane Magic Mages cannot memorize spells, but can cast arcane spells from scrolls. Magical research: A mage of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to scribe scrolls of arcane spells (see Scribing Scrolls) or to research other magical effects. From 9th level, a mage may also create magic items of other kinds. Using magic items: Mages are able to cast spells from arcane scrolls and use any items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands). Healing Once per day, a mage may spend 1 turn to heal an ally. This either cures 1hp per level or allows another save against a negative effect (e.g. a curse or poison) Mage’s Staff Invulnerable monsters: In the hands of a mage, a normal staff can harm creatures that are immune to mundane attacks. Light: Once per day, the mage may cause their staff to radiate light in a 30’ radius for 1 turn per level. Scribing Scrolls Mages of any level can create scrolls of arcane spells. | Mage Abilities Detect Magic 75 Open/Close Doors 30 Rally/Fear 20 Read Magic 50 Suggestion 20 | LanguagesCommon +2 more | Special EffectsBlessings of Rel; +1 to next Open Locks attempt | "Yes! Let's hope Croaker doesn't find another body of water to foul! To the Manse!" Bramzann laughs heartily as he watches Croaker scamper off. OOC Yeah, I'll heal him for a point!
  6. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 6/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | The cleric shakes her head in exasperation, torn between wanting to kick the annoying creature into the river and laughing at his outrageous antics. To the Windler House then? she asks. Let us hope that the well water refreshes. OOC
  7. Croaker quickly snatches the proffered food from the elf and backs away. "Are you going to behave yourself" "Me. I don't no where any beehives are, but thank-sa for the blanket big guy. Me'll go hide up north like you said and lay low. No trouble from me! I listen for the big guys footsteps. Yes? Have a nice day!" With that, he snatches Wogbom's blanket and scurries off avoiding the few people out and about. did Brammzann do his healing on Croaker?
  8. - Gargantua (1) ArmorChainmail Armor AC = 5 DEX +1 to AC AC: 4 | HP: 12/12 (d10) | AttributesStr 18 (+3) Int 9 Wis 11 Dex 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Cha 11 | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 8 W 9 P 10 D 13 S 12 THAC0 = 19 Polearm +3 (1d10+3) Brace, Melee, Slow, Two-Handed Shortsword +3 (1d6+3 ) Melee Crossbow +1 (1d6) Missile (5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’), Reload, Slow, Two-handed | Class AbilitiesTwo-handed Weapons: A gargantua can wield two-handed melee weapons with one hand. Open Doors: Open doors one level higher than normal. Throw Rocks: Can throw rocks for 1d6 damage. Range: 50/100/150. | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone | GearBackpack Belt Pouch Tinder Box 6 Torches Waterskin 2 Iron Rations Mirror (hand-sized, steel), Large Sack 50' Hemp Rope Whistle | "Wobgom can give Croaker blanket. Hims can makes tent in woods and eat his foods while we deals with the hag." "Or Wobgom guesses hims can comes with us if'n he wants...." The gargantua looks a little uncertain about this as he's clearly trying to keep some distance between himself and the goblin, in case Croaker actually is contagious. He looks at the others and shrugs. OOC
  9. Avandriela - Elf Magic-User (1) Armor AC: 9 | HP: 4/4 (1d4) | Attributes | Speed, Saves, ATKs | Magic-User Abilities | Elf Abilities | Languages | Special Effects | Ava sort of hurriedly shoves her only ration onto the creature, as if to interrupt the direction of the current conversation. Her reaching hand is extended to its full length.
  10. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 6/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | "He shot it. Right there!" Well, you did spit on him without provocation, Lucia notes flatly. You might want to be thankful that his next shot didn't leave the bow. I'm pretty sure it would have been aimed ... right there she emphasized, with a finger pointing just below the creature's nose (but not too close). I'm growing weary, Croaker. Are you going to behave yourself, she asked looking somewhat sideways at Bramzann, perhaps appealing for a menacing flex of biceps? The " or ..." was left hanging unspoken. OOC
  11. "Healing? Yah! My foot hurts!" It points to Pepik. "He shot it. Right there!" Croaker points to a gash on its foot. "Shot me."
  12. "My meagre healing is more of a stop-gap. I can provide a little temporary comfort, but I reckon that what ails you is more powerful than can be recovered in a day. What say you, instead of hiding away, did you want to travel with us, briefly, while we uncover a bit more of what's going on?"
  13. "Aie! Thankee-sai!" Croaker snatches the rations, then looks at Avandriela blinking expectantly.
  14. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 6/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | Lucia continues to struggle with her competing pity and wariness regarding Croaker. She hands the goblinoid a days ration from her pack to add to what Avandriela offers. She offers a prayer to Solanus on behalf of Croaker and the Party and Town, though she feels inadequate. I could wish to offer you some succor, Croaker, but that power is not within me. Find some shelter and water for a few days. The townsfolk are edgy and nervous, so it might be better for you to stay out of sight. The farms are to the south, so perhaps the woods to the north, near the river? There might be hollows near the bank and you could fish and ... er ... obtain water. We could find you there too, should we learn of a cure to your malady. After a moment, she looks around the rest of the group posing: unless we want to take some time to inquire whether there are any abandoned barns or hunters shacks about? OOC
  15. "Food? Yeah. Need someplace dark and quiet where I can poop and eat. I guess near water. I don't feel so good. These things hurt." Croaker frowns a pitiable pout and rubs on one of the pustules.
  16. Avandriela - Elf Magic-User (1) Armor AC: 9 | HP: 4/4 (1d4) | Attributes | Speed, Saves, ATKs | Magic-User Abilities | Elf Abilities | Languages | Special Effects | Ava holds her nose and mouth to avoid the smell. Her ears perk at Wobgom's suggestion. "Wobgom is right, I think. Unless this thing... ugh, feels like helping us and putting the sword to work, we should just find a good place for it to stay." Ava looks across at Croaker with eyes that have trouble maintaining contact. "Croaker, do you have place you would want to stay? Somewhere... not here, for a few days? I can give you some food if you need it."
  17. But think of all the traps it could check for us! ..But, yeah, lol. I think that Wobgom's suggestion is just right. The little sword on Croaker's belt is so adorable. This thing has me laughing.
  18. LOL I just imagined Hack crossing himself to keep away the "curse"
  19. Its been fun and funny. My facepalm was simply that I knew my (Lucia's) question was going to provoke a witty reply. Just seemed to express exactly what Lucia would do. Sort of her saying to herself: what did I expect, after all? I suppose we're not sure whether his curse is communicable? I think Wobgom's suggestion is a good one ... release it on its own good behavior if it wants our help to break the curse.
  20. Hahaha I'm having fun with this creature. You could take it with you to the mansion on the island or maybe ask Acolyte Justin to watch it. Just feel like you all might want to move on from Croaker haha
  21. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 6/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | “Dinner-time?” OOC
  22. “Uhm,” the rat-goblin wrinkles its brow. “Dinner-time?”
  23. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 6/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | Lucia reluctantly agreed with the Gargantua's assessment, though thinking that the creature would need to be relieved of any weapons. She'd hoped that there might be a small constabulary to incarcerate local drunks and the occasional thief that would serve to hold the pitiable creature, but perhaps dealing with miscreants had been handled by the clerics - now out of reach. It would take too long to build a cell in my cousin's basement, she muttered to herself. A thought struck her of a sudden: Croaker, you heard the bell ringing last evening? What does it mean? OOC
  24. "Trouble? Not me. Never." Croaker gives himself the double thumbs.
  25. - Gargantua (1) ArmorChainmail Armor AC = 5 DEX +1 to AC AC: 4 | HP: 12/12 (d10) | AttributesStr 18 (+3) Int 9 Wis 11 Dex 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Cha 11 | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 8 W 9 P 10 D 13 S 12 THAC0 = 19 Polearm +3 (1d10+3) Brace, Melee, Slow, Two-Handed Shortsword +3 (1d6+3 ) Melee Crossbow +1 (1d6) Missile (5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’), Reload, Slow, Two-handed | Class AbilitiesTwo-handed Weapons: A gargantua can wield two-handed melee weapons with one hand. Open Doors: Open doors one level higher than normal. Throw Rocks: Can throw rocks for 1d6 damage. Range: 50/100/150. | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone | GearBackpack Belt Pouch Tinder Box 6 Torches Waterskin 2 Iron Rations Mirror (hand-sized, steel), Large Sack 50' Hemp Rope Whistle | "Now what?", Wobgom asks the others. "If'n there's a prison mebbe we can puts him there." The gargantua shrugs, "Wobgom doesn't think anybody's gonna wanna keeps him though. Best Wobgom can thinks, we gives him some foods and waters and he hides in woods north of town. If'n he wants to be uncursed he waits there. If'n he doesn't waits, we hunts him if he causes more trouble...." OOC
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