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About This Game

Tanares is high fantasy campaign setting with some familiar elements and some twists to make it more interesting and modern.

Game System

Level Up 5e



Detailed Description

Tanares is a high fantasy world with familiar elements, where you are adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild. Your actions and adventures will decide the destiny of Tanares. It uses Level up , a different version of D&D 5th edition.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. love the art, very cool! and yeah, think this may be dead in the water.
  3. I was really excited for this game, but unfortunately the prophecy seems to be coming true: it's almost a whole week now since the advertisement ended, and even longer since we last heard from the DM at all. I can only surmise that the DM is going through some kind of RL emergency, in which case I wish them the best. However, I will be withdrawing my application. It's just not the right time for this game, I suppose, but if/when the DM returns and wants to try something like this again, then I'd certainly give it another chance. Later y'all. EDIT: I've been practicing art since December so I thought I'd try and sketch my character. Just thought I'd share what I did manage to work on before I lost faith.
  4. Hmm, I wasn't exactly expecting Marden to be the face, but I could drop Culture for Diplomacy if we think that'd be worthwhile.
  5. Ok, thanks for letting us know. But this is quite common, wait until the deadline then have all the work of sifting through the applications etc. Many GMs do this, if they haven't had specific questions that can only be answered by them and not other applicants, then they don't need to do anything. I'd start worrying if they hadn't been on a week after the deadline, but I'll wait and see.
  6. I've decided to not apply to this game. I tend to get invested in a game, and I'm genuinely worried the GM will drop out. I consider it a bad sign that the GM has not visited the forums for five days in this pretty vital period, just before the the deadline expires.
  7. Zela specializes in Insight, so her social skills shouldn't be too abysmal. ;) With that and 12 Charisma she might just be able to get by.
  8. we don't seem to be a very charismatic bunch, but I always say play what you enjoy (Arcane) Ghorza, Stoic Orc, Savant Avantist - cha 10 (Divine) Quan Li, Cinder Deva, Cleric Aspirant- cha 8 (Expert) Akutō, Human Wanderer, Rogue Ninja - cha 10 (Expert) Marden Velder, Tunnel Halfling, Rogue - cha 12 (Martial) Magni, Human Caravanner, Agile Adept - cha 10 (Martial) Zela, Shadow Elf, Brutal Adept - cha 12
  9. Quán Lì (权力) 📜 Diva Cleric 1 Aspirant "Speech should be in bold." 'Thoughts should be in italics' Mechanics
  10. Still waiting for an answer. I would like to apply, but time is running short. If you don't like the idea of bringing in additional source books/classes, I can go for one of the more traditional ones. Is it just me, or are you lacking a face? I could go sorcerer or bard for that purpose.
  11. Can I use material from ? Specifically the Esper class, which includes almost all core components of the book.
  12. This looks really cool! Just to make sure, are there any issues with making an Warlock with a corrupted nature spirit as a patron? I think that would fit the setting (with character tied to Tsvetan or Mystical, tentatively) but I’m not familiar with the setting enough to be sure. Is there anything I should keep in mind for that general sort of character? Thank you!
  13. What do you want done if a Heritage and Culture give the same thing? For example - Tough. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Would this stack?
  14. in another game's application, I've written up a goblin elementalist that was struggling with their sudden outbursting elementalness. she journeyed to the orcs to take the Quelling (stoic orc) and then as that wore off now seeks anything that can help her control her elemental bleed... so Adventures guild allows her to access ancient lore and magic in search of a cure/control. you could do something similar?
  15. That is what I am thinking about doing. Just trying to figure out why an Elementalist, going by the book's description of them, why one would be apart of the Adventurer's Guild.
  16. Marden Velder Current concept: Class: Rogue (archetype TBD) Heritage: Halfling - Gift: Twilight-Touched Culture: Tunnel Halfling Background: Criminal Destiny: Underdog Personality: Marden (as he now calls himself) is, at first glance, a fairly typical halfling. Short, easy with a smile, and treats new folks as friends he just hasn't made yet. Watch him carefully, though, and there's an unusual alertness to him - his eyes are frequently glancing around, and he rarely sits still for long, moving restlessly around whatever space he's in. Background: Marcan (as he used to be known) grew up as a lookout in the thieves' guild in <some city>. It never really sat well with him, but, well, it was a living, and he didn't really have many other choices at the time. When Marcan was in his late teens, however, there was a "turnover" in guild leadership. The new leaders took a much more aggressive approach to their business, and Marcan's assigned duties grew less and less comfortable. A couple months after the takeover, Marcan's squad was tasked with killing the family of a local merchant who was behind on his protection money - "to send a message to the neighborhood". Marcan had found his breaking point - he warned the family in time for them to escape, and then fled the city himself, knowing that retribution would be swift if the guild ever found him. He changed his name, and fled as far as he could get. He eventually made his way to Fisherman's Wharf, initially finding shelter with a Tameran church. His time there caused him to really reflect on the damage his previous life caused to those around him, and he now works for the Adventurer's Guild as a way to repay the harm he caused. Character Build Stats Strength 8(-1) Dexterity 16(+3) Constitution 14(+2) Intelligence 14(+2) Wisdom 10(0) Charisma 12(+1) HP: 10 (1d8 Hd) AC: Armor: Light Weapons: Simple weapons, dueling daggers, hand crossbows, rapiers, sabres, shortbows, shortswords, throwing daggers Tools: Disguise kit, poisoner’s kit, thieves’ tools Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence Skills: Acrobatics, Culture, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth Skill Specialties (+expertise die when attempting): (Tunnel filcher) Sleight of Hand to pick a pocket or take something unnoticed Acrobatics to traverse rooftops Investigation when looking for information from a city's underground networks (bonus from 12 Int) TBD Expertise Die: Investigation (from skill trick) Languages: Equipment: 2 daggers Shortbow, 20 arrows Shortsword Padded leather armor Explorer's pack Thieves' tools 35 gold Connections: Mementos: Halfling / Twilight-Touched Age. Halflings mature into adults around the age of 20 and usually live for about 150 years, with some venerable halflings living up into their 180s or 190s. Size. Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh only around 40 pounds. Your size is Small. Speed. Your base Speed is 25 feet. Fearless. You are immune to the effects of the , whether caused by magic or by natural phenomena. You might still feel fear, but you are able to ignore it; alternatively you might be unable to even experience that emotion, and are unable to understand it in others. Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. Lucky. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Twilight-Touched: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Telepathy. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time. Culture: Tunnel Halfling Fleet of Foot. Your base Speed increases to 35 feet. Rebellious Tactics. You gain proficiency with one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Nature, or Stealth. Slippery. When you are , you can use your reaction to automatically escape that grapple. Once you have used this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a . Trained Filcher. You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand, and you gain an when picking a pocket or otherwise taking an item without notice. Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and Halfling. Background: Criminal Ability Score Increases: +1 to Dexterity and one other ability score (Constitution). Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, and either Deception or Intimidation. Tool Proficiencies: Gaming set, thieves’ tools. Suggested Equipment (Cost 26 gold): Common clothes, dark cloak, thieves’ tools. Feature: Thieves’ Cant. You know thieves’ cant: a set of slang, hand signals, and code terms used by professional criminals. A creature that knows thieves’ cant can hide a short message within a seemingly innocent statement. A listener who knows thieves’ cant understands the message. Thieves’ cant also includes a set of secret written symbols which can convey simple concepts associated with crime such as danger, secret exits, sellers of stolen goods, and whether a location is the territory of a specific gang. Adventures and Advancement. If you pull off several successful jobs or heists, you may be promoted (or reinstated) as a leader in your gang. You may gain the free service of up to 8 at any time Connections: Memento: Destiny: Underdog Source of Inspiration: Defiance. You draw inspiration from striking out against oppression, defying long odds, and placing hope in the impossible. You gain inspiration whenever you score a critical hit against a creature larger than you are, roll a natural 20 on a death saving throw, openly defy a powerful being, or succeed after taking a risk with long odds. Loudly refuse the orders of a tyrant, follow through with a convoluted or risky plan, succeed at something you were extremely likely to fail. Inspiration Feature: A Nose for Trouble. Get kicked around long enough and you start to know when trouble’s brewing. Whenever you or an ally you can see fails an Insight check, you can use your reaction to spend your inspiration and learn any information that would have been gained by a successful Insight check. FULFILLING YOUR DESTINY You fulfill your Underdog’s destiny when you finally overcome the odds. Succeed at a nearly unattainable and grand task, complete a supposedly impossible quest, defeat an insurmountable foe, succeed at a dire endeavor where failure was all but guaranteed. Fulfillment Feature: Expendable and Invulnerable. While being kicked around and batted from adventure to adventure, somehow you always seem to scramble out of the rubble. Whenever you would make a you may spend your inspiration to automatically succeed instead. Class: Rogue Skills: Culture, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception Skill Trick: SENSE FOR SECRETS You gain an on Investigation checks. You have a sense for finding hidden things. You can spend a minute observing an area. If there are tricks, traps, secret doors, or other unusual features of a nonmagical nature within 30 feet of you on an surface you can see, you know something nearby is worth investigating, but not what or where it is. You can’t use Sense for Secrets twice on the same area. Sneak Attack: 1d6 Template Block
  17. Level Up 5e Character Sheet Template Code - Free to Use <p style="text-align: center;"> <img class="ipsImage ipsAttachLink_image ipsAttachLink_right" data-loaded="true" data-ratio="100.00" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KOmEZAd.png" height="2400" src="//www.myth-weavers.com/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" style="height: auto; width: 400px; float: right;" width="2400"><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>Name</strong></span> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <strong>&quot;Quote.&quot;</strong><br> Theme: - </p> <p> <span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Heritage (Culture) &bull; Background &bull; Destiny &bull; Class 1</strong></span><br> <strong>Size</strong> &bull; <strong>Alignment</strong> &bull; <strong>Traits</strong> </p> <hr> <div class="mwspoiler"> <div class="mwspoiler-shown" data-mw-tag="ooc"> <div class="mwspoiler-showtext"> <p> Backstory </p> </div> </div> <div class="mwspoiler-hidden" style="display: none;"> <div class="mwspoiler-hidetext"> <p> - </p> </div> </div> </div> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Abilities</span></strong></u><br> <strong>Strength</strong> 10 (+0) &bull; <strong>Dexterity</strong> 10 (+0) &bull; <strong>Constitution</strong> 10 (+0) &bull; <strong>Intelligence</strong> 10 (+0) &bull; <strong>Wisdom</strong> 10 (+0) &bull; <strong>Charisma</strong> 10 (+0) </p> <p> <strong>Point Buy &amp; Boosts</strong> </p> <ul> <li> Str &bull; 0pts </li> <li> Dex &bull; 0pts </li> <li> Con &bull; 0pts </li> <li> Int &bull; 0pts </li> <li> Wis &bull; 0pts </li> <li> Cha &bull; 0pts </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Proficiency Bonus</strong> +2 </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Adventuring &amp; Combat</span></strong></u><br> <strong>HP</strong> 0 / 0 <strong>HD</strong> 0 / 0 (d0)<br> <strong>AC</strong> 0<br> <strong>Initiative</strong> +0 &bull; Dex 0<br> <strong>Saves</strong> ? (+0), ? (+0)<br> <strong>Perception</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Wis 0 &bull; Item 0 &bull; <strong>Senses</strong> -<br> <strong>Speed</strong> 0<br> <strong>Class DC</strong> 10 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Base 10 &bull; Str 0 &bull; Item 0 </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style=" ">Weapons &amp; Attacks</span></span></strong></u> </p> <p> <strong>Weapon</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Str 0 &bull; Item 0 &bull; <strong>Damage</strong> 1d0 &bull; Notes </p> <p> <strong>Weapon</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Str 0 &bull; Item 0 &bull; <strong>Damage</strong> 1d0 &bull; Notes </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Skills</span></strong></u><br> <strong>Acrobatics</strong> +2 &bull; Proficiency 2 &bull; Dex 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Animal Handling</strong> +2 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Arcana</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Int 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Athletics</strong> +3 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Str 3 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Culture</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Int 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Deception</strong> +3 &bull; Proficiency 2 &bull; Cha 1 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Engineering</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Int 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>History</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Int 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Insight</strong> +4 &bull; Proficiency 2 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Intimidation</strong> +1 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Cha 1 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Investigation</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Int 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Medicine</strong> +2 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Nature</strong> +2 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Perception</strong> +4 &bull; Proficiency 2 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Performance</strong> +1 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Cha 1 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Persuasion</strong> +1 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Cha 1 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Religion</strong> +4 &bull; Proficiency 2 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Sleight of Hand</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Dex 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Stealth</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Dex 0 &bull; Item 0<br> <strong>Survival</strong> +2 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Wis 2 &bull; Item 0 </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Proficiencies</span></strong></u><br> <strong>Weapons</strong> -<br> <strong>Armor</strong> -<br> <strong>Tools</strong> -<br> <strong>Skills</strong> - </p> <p> <strong>Expertise</strong> </p> <ul> <li> Skill &bull; <em>Expertise</em> &bull; d0 </li> <li> Skill &bull; <em>Expertise</em> &bull; d0 </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Languages:</strong> Common </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Class Features</span></strong></u> </p> <p> <strong>Ability</strong><br> Description </p> <p> <strong>Ability</strong><br> Description </p> <p> <strong>Ability</strong><br> Description </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Other Features</span></strong></u> </p> <p> Heritage </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Feature</strong> &bull; Description </li> </ul> <p> Culture </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Feature</strong> &bull; Description </li> </ul> <p> Background </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Feature</strong> &bull; Description </li> </ul> <p> Destiny </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Feature</strong> &bull; Description </li> </ul> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Feats</span></strong></u><br> <strong>Feat</strong> &bull; Description </p> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Spells &amp; Powers</span></strong></u><br> <strong>Spell Attack</strong> +0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Abi 0<br> <strong>Spell DC</strong> 0 &bull; Proficiency 0 &bull; Base 10 &bull; Abi 0 </p> <p> <strong>Spell Slots:</strong> </p> <ul> <li> 1st Lvl &bull; 0 / 0 </li> </ul> <p> <span style="font-size:16px;"><u><strong>Prepared Spells</strong></u></span><br> <strong>Cantrips</strong> </p> <ul> <li> Spell </li> </ul> <p> <strong>1st Lvl</strong> </p> <ul> <li> Spell </li> </ul> <hr> <p> <u><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Inventory</span></strong></u><br> <strong>Money:</strong> 0 <span style="">CP</span> &bull; 0 <span style="">SP</span> &bull; 0 <span style="">GP</span> &bull;&nbsp;0 <span style="">PP</span><br> <strong>Weight</strong> 0 lbs &bull; <strong>Enc</strong> 0 lbs (Str x 15) &bull; <strong>Push/Drag/Lift</strong> 0 lbs (Str x 30) &bull; <strong>Bulk</strong> 0 / 4 (1 + Str Mod) &bull; <strong>Supplies</strong> 0 / 15 (Str) </p> <p> Equipped </p> <ul> <li> Item &bull; 0 lbs </li> <li> Item &bull; 0 lbs </li> <li> Item &bull; 0 lbs </li> </ul> <p> Carried </p> <ul> <li> Item &bull; Location &bull; 0 lbs </li> <li> Item &bull; Location &bull; 0 lbs </li> <li> Item &bull; Location &bull; 0 lbs </li> </ul> <p> Stowed </p> <ul> <li> Item &bull; 0 lbs </li> <li> Item &bull; 0 lbs </li> <li> Item &bull; 0 lbs </li> </ul> <hr> <p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Connections</span></strong><br> Text </p> <hr> <p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Mementos</span></strong><br> Text </p> <hr> <p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Motivation</span></strong><br> Text </p>
  18. the Elementalist is from the new book "Manual of Adventurous Resources Complete" I'm not sure of Dragonblade and Madwalker
  19. Indeed there isn't an equivalent to these classes and each comes with plenty of options to choose. I don't recall seeing many arcane applications, so Elementalist could be something worth considering but the other two are also unique options.
  20. The 3 classes I am looking at don't seem to have A5E equivalents. All from the Player's Guide to Tanraes. Dragonblade, Elementalist, and Madwalker. Not entirely sure which one to choose, or what might be good for what the group may need. I like the flavor of all of those.
  21. I'm a little more familiar with A5E, so let me clarify a few things: -Most archetypes from O5E should actually be fine to use with A5E classes. There are a few archetypes that would be the exception like Battlemaster or the Purple Dragon Knight (written as Banneret on wiki sites). But well if you want to play a Purple Dragon Knight, just play a Marshal (better imo). But overall, it should be fine. Note tho, I still believe most of the A5E archetypes options are better than the O5E subclasses.
  22. for a memento, I would say the Tatoo or talisman could be interesting.
  23. Good to know. :) Should I change my Memento, then? I wasn't sure which to choose from among the options, so I wouldn't be put off if I had to change it. If so, what would you suggest as a replacement?
  24. Looking good, just a few notes: Gullog is very and I mean very famous, so this part isn't difficult. He is known as one of the most skilled warrior in Tanares, ruthless, vengeful and uncaring. He is the leader of the Kemet and the chosen of Bás. He leads from the Storm Islands. He led the Kemet invasion that took over most of the world until he was killed by heroes. He returned a year after his death as a chosen of Bás. Of course as usual, the winter elves and Kemet were one people until 20 years ago after the Kemet invasion.
  25. Shuriken, Kusarigama and Ninjato are already in Check the culture weapons. Tameranium is a one of the rare mineral in Tanares, it is yellow and shine in the sunlight. It is mostly used for arcane experiments, construction of portals, offers protection against penumbral creatures and items using divine spell affinity. It doesn't do much until it is magical basically or used for experiments. So having it be your masterwork ninjato sure, can say its made of Tameranium.
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