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About This Game

Fawalie, a world consisting of half-breeds of all kinds, and 12 Kingdoms of various cultures.

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

On practically every town board and on the lips of every town crier is only one name: Almendrud. Six heroes heard this nobleman is in search of adventurers to aid him in a new expedition. They are told to meet his associate in a tall tower known as Archeologicus Post.

Are you one of these six heroes? Do you have a connection to Lord Almendrud, or his associate? Or did you hear of this opportunity through other means? Perhaps your a pre-formed adventuring party looking for whatever jobs come your way. Or you are a group of archeologists looking to prove your worth. Whatever the case, you traveled to Goboan, and arrived at the tower alongside several others and now stand waiting to enter.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. It's very quiet here.... How is everyone?
  3. Sorry for the wait on my part. 😅 Finally got a post up.
  4. Lorelei AC : 17 | HP : 34/34 | Initiative : +3 | Passive Perception : 13 | Darkvision : 60' | Morph : Legs | Condition : Normal Lorelei didn't comment on how Lord Almendrud waved off the topic and dismissed again. She didn't press the topic. She was quiet as he invited the group to follow David to the airship to get their air legs, and called his butler, Bianca, to show them to their rooms. "Thank you very much, Lord Almendrud. I'll also take up your invitation to follow David onto the airship, once I've put my belongings away for now," Lorelei thanked him politely before she followed Bianca. She wanted to speak with Daniel more, and figured that she would be able to do so once she got onto the airship.
  5. "Oh the demon portal was nothing serious, just a mining expedition gone a bit wayward, you know how these things go sometimes nowadays. Just leftover relics from before the Plague that get jostled about during excavations. As for where we will be headed, its a rather secluded desert area around the far-north of Goboan, in the Jereal region." Lord Almendrud waves his hand again, and David begins to grab several bags sitting to the side of the door. "You are welcome to follow David to the ship to get a grip on your air legs before we set out tomorrow morning." He chuckles at his own joke. "For now my butler Bianca will show you to your rooms for the night." He rings a small bell that was on the table, and a short statured woman with green hair and pointed ears comes into the room. "Bianca, show these fine fellows to their rooms and the bathroom would you?" "Of course my lord," The Half-Goblin gives a short bow, then turns to the rest of you. "Follow me, I'll lead you to your rooms."    
  6. Raith Reaver - Devil Warlock AC: 14 | HP: 31/31 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13 | Darkvision: 60', Devil's Sight: 120' Raith takes the bag of gold and, without opening it, puts it in his backpack. He looks to the others to make sure they are still on board with this job. He, of course, still can barely contain his excitement. He has eaten the delicious sandwich, met their hosts, and participated in the pleasantries. Now he wants to start flying. He does his best to hide his anticipation. "I think we are ready to see this ship. Tell us a little about this demon portal, though, so we can be ready. Demons are nasty creatures." It looks like everyone else has the same concern about this demon portal.   Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.       Features Hit Dice: 4/4d8 Spell Slots, 2nd: 2/2 SR Disguise Self: 1/1 LR Invisibility: 1/1 LR Hellish Rebuke: 1/1 LR Eris HP: 10/10 (+40' swim, my BA to attack, magic attack, +5 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, 3d6 poison, DC14 Con for 1/2, my Rx to halve damage) Darkvision 60' Winged One: Flying Speed 30', 60' height Devil: Devil's sight 120' Resistance to poison and fire Advantage on saves vs. poison Resist nonmagical BPS except silvered Adv on saves vs spells and magical effects You are a fiend Vulnerability to silver Vulnerability to radiant damage  
  7. Reliable Jack AC : 16 | HP : 35/35 | Initiative : +0 | Passive Perception : 13 "Demon portal? Nasty business? Do pray tell. What happened, sir? Where might our destination be?" Jack looks up to the Headmaster whilst still stroking Oakwynd’s back. "Daniel, the ever-reliable." Jack smiles and nods at the fellow, thanking him in advance. "I must admit. I haven’t seen one before. Demons, I mean. I’ve heard stories from our friend here." He gestures to Reaver. "I would love to compare notes." "The data might not match properly. People do tend to have a hazy memory of times of distress. Probably a product of their imaginations, fabrications, tall tales, but that is what makes it more enticing." Jack’s mind slips as he wonders what a fight between a demon and a sea monster would look like.
  8. Lorelei AC : 17 | HP : 34/34 | Initiative : +3 | Passive Perception : 13 | Darkvision : 60' | Morph : Legs | Condition : Normal Lorelei raised an eyebrow when the last group of adventurers had quit because of a demon portal opening on the last expedition. That was a fair reason for anyone to quit. The previous party must have gotten around if this Lord was having trouble finding other adventurers to take up the job. She decided to ask, "Could you elaborate the demon portal part? Also, what will be facing on this adventure to the best of your knowledge? I would like to be able to prepare accordingly,"
  9. Formally dropping out of this due to IRL difficulties, best of luck folks
  10. "Ah, of course Mr. Reaver, Jeremiah is an excellent cook. But to the matter at hand," The Lord takes a seat in a large armchair near the head of the small table. "To those of you that do not know, my name is Lord Wolfstein Almendrud, and I have been on the hunt for a group of adventurers brave enough to ride the Skycarver to our destination, and face whatever may come our way." He frowns for a moment, before his jovial attitude resumes. "Thus far, none have be brave enough to fly. I'll admit, I'm in dire need of adventurers at the moment, my last group quit when a demon portal opened on my last expedition, nasty business that was." Lord Almendrud waves to Daniel to come forward, and you all look back to see Daniel holding several large bags, one for each of you. "As promised, 500 gold coins each. Half to be paid beforehand, and you will receive the other half on our safe return to the Post."
  11. @Sirdi I will be traveling July 14-30. I should have internet every few days, but my posting will be slower than normal. 
  12. Reliable Jack AC : 16 | HP : 35/35 | Initiative : +0 | Passive Perception : 13 Caught unaware by the lord's arrival, Jack was unable to bow and share pleasantries in time. He snaps to attention when he is already well within their midst, but remained either stiffened by shame or awestruck.    "By Daniel? He said it was someone else. Maybe he is being modest. He does seem more elated and mirthful with the lord around." Jack imagines Daniel twirling his mustache, his flesh and artificial hands clasped with fingers tenting. He banishes the thought. Daniel seems to be a decent guy who is happy and content to hone his craft and be in the presence of his lord. Then again one can comport wiht saying that the name Skycarver seems slightly violent. Jacks nods along as Lorelei pivots them back on track. He slap both of his thighs, hops onto his feet, and joins his companions in tuning on Lord Almendrud. He leans in towards Oakwynd and whispers. "Seems like there are no two ways about it. What can we do about it? I can't rely on words alone." Wanting to cut to the heart of this feeling, he presses the man.
  13. Lorelei AC : 17 | HP : 34/34 | Initiative : +3 | Passive Perception : 13 | Darkvision : 60' | Morph : Legs | Condition : Normal Lorelei gave a small smile when Daniel recognized her, and before he could say anymore, the nobleman entered. She nods in agreement when Daniel mentioned that they can continue their discussion later. She listened as her companions spoke about the ship and the cheese. She cleared her throat, and she spoke politely to Lord Almendrud, "While I share their sentiments, I think we're getting a little off topic. We'd like to offer our assistance as adventurers for your expedition,"
  14. Raith Reaver - Devil Warlock AC: 14 | HP: 31/31 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13 | Darkvision: 60', Devil's Sight: 120' Raith walks over to the man, offering the Lord one of the sandwiches. Still smiling as he finishes the one in his mouth, then wiping his lips before speaking. "Rosemary and salt on melon with cheese. It's splendid. Have you tried these? Of course you have. My apologies. And my compliments to you for your spectacular chef." He knows he is merely using the sandwich to break the ice. What he really wants is to fly on the Skycarver. He bows his head slightly, "Raith Reaver, my lord. So... When can we explore this fine, flying ship? It is exquisite." His anticipation is dripping from his words.   Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.       Features Hit Dice: 4/4d8 Spell Slots, 2nd: 2/2 SR Disguise Self: 1/1 LR Invisibility: 1/1 LR Hellish Rebuke: 1/1 LR Eris HP: 10/10 (+40' swim, my BA to attack, magic attack, +5 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, 3d6 poison, DC14 Con for 1/2, my Rx to halve damage) Darkvision 60' Winged One: Flying Speed 30', 60' height Devil: Devil's sight 120' Resistance to poison and fire Advantage on saves vs. poison Resist nonmagical BPS except silvered Adv on saves vs spells and magical effects You are a fiend Vulnerability to silver Vulnerability to radiant damage  
  15. The Lord thinks for a moment, before having a hearty chuckle. "Ah yes, the Skycarver, quite a marvelous piece of work by Daniel. Not to worry, it's perfectly safe and has survived several expeditions like the one we are about to embark on."
  16. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90'   Raising slightly, just to bend again with a slight motion of his hand before his chest, Ross bows in polite greeting to Lord Almendrud, in reflection of Daniel. "A day of happiness to you, though we may have some impatience in store, as well." He tries not to smile at that, "For there is a great curiosity about your curiosity outside." A glance at the forlorn figure of Oakwind - "And some anxiety, additionally."
  17. No worries! Welcome back!
  18. Hi Guys! Sorry, went out of service for a bit and forgot to send a message before I did. Everything's good now!
  19. Daniel seemed to think for a moment, before his face lit up in realization. "Ah! Lori! From the ships! Gosh that was so long ago, I'm glad you made it out safely." He opened his mouth to talk more, before a knock at the doorway interrupted him. "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Standing there is the man you came to see, Lord Almendrud himself. Daniel's face visibly brightens as he offers the Lord a quick bow. "Just a bit sir, nothing that can't be discussed later though."
  20. Oqkwynd finds a quite corner to sit it and pulls out a small block of wood and a small knife and begins to carve. He is not carving anything fancy but using the time and mindless action of carving to meditate and prepare himself for a journey he does not look forward too.
  21. Ross Godae AC : 16 | HP : 42/42 | Initiative : +4 | Passive Perception : 14 | Darkvision : 90' Ross selected one of the sandwiches in question, sniffed it tentatively, then almost inhaled it whole. With an indefinite, but probably approving, shrug he turned back to Lorilei and Harding for a moment, then moved away. This was all starting to feel urbane, the wonder of strange new sights falling away to waiting in lounges. Settling himself into leaning over the back of an armchair, other than the one Jack had selected, he watches nervously for Lord Almendrud. And listens to the other ongoing conversations. They would find out more about the commission in due time, it seems.
  22. Raith Reaver - Devil Warlock AC: 14 | HP: 31/31 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13 | Darkvision: 60', Devil's Sight: 120' Raith walks into the waiting room quickly at the mention of food. He's not even that hungry, but he is incredibly curious about the quality of food. He takes one of everything that is out - small sandwiches, vegetables, pieces of fruit. He is especially interested in any new flavor combinations. Most of the items he takes a small bite, swallows it, but puts the rest down, apparently bored by the item. But one finger sandwich is particularly interesting to him. "Rosemary and salt on melon with cheese. I don't remember ever trying that before. It is delicious. You all must try this one." He takes several more of that sandwich, making sure he leaves enough for everyone else to try it too. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.       Features Hit Dice: 4/4d8 Spell Slots, 2nd: 2/2 SR Disguise Self: 1/1 LR Invisibility: 1/1 LR Hellish Rebuke: 1/1 LR Eris HP: 10/10 (+40' swim, my BA to attack, magic attack, +5 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, 3d6 poison, DC14 Con for 1/2, my Rx to halve damage) Darkvision 60' Winged One: Flying Speed 30', 60' height Devil: Devil's sight 120' Resistance to poison and fire Advantage on saves vs. poison Resist nonmagical BPS except silvered Adv on saves vs spells and magical effects You are a fiend Vulnerability to silver Vulnerability to radiant damage  
  23. Reliable Jack AC : 16 | HP : 35/35 | Initiative : +0 | Passive Perception : 13 Jack knits his brow but accompanies it with a chuckle when he hears Raith's remark about their provisions.  "Ah. A feat indeed. Thank you! I'd love to hear more about the Archeologicus and the work that you do some time." Jack bows towards Daniel, hand on chest, before walking back and grabbing the big guy. With a little hop for height, he taps Oakwynd right between shoulder blades. "They got food and lounge. Take a load off. Maybe we don't even have to do anything with the ship. Maybe they need a wheel for it or an artifact to make the air-rudder-thing work, or something. This expedition could be to complete it, or the job could be completely unrelated. Come on." Jack moves forward, grabs a saucer full of treats, and plants his behind on an armchair, gingerly waiting for the lord's arrival. His eyes wander across the room, snug as a bug in a rug, taking in the post's ambiance.
  24. Lorelei AC : 17 | HP : 34/34 | Initiative : +3 | Passive Perception : 13 | Darkvision : 60' | Morph : Legs | Condition : Normal Lorelei nods in understanding when Daniel informed her that he didn't remember her and that he was bad with faces. She couldn't blame him. It had been years, and she wouldn't be surprised if he suppressed the memories. She would have too, and almost did. She introduced herself, "My name is Lorelei. You and the others used to call me Lori..." She followed Daniel into the building and to the sitting room. She opted to lean against a wall. In case something was to happen, she would be ready to act. She looked to Daniel to see if there was any reaction from him regarding her name.
  25. The man blinked, focusing on Lorelei for a moment specifically.  "I'm sorry, I can't say I remember, perhaps a name would jog my memory? I'm not good with faces you see." Daniel then turned to the rest of the group.  "I do in fact keep the doors and rest of the contraptions here well-oiled and working. I am not the one who made the ship, though I wish I was, the wonderous creation that it is. I'd be happy to explain it's inner-workings at a later time. Come in come in, Lord Almendrud will be down in just a moment." He leads the group of you in, to a posh looking sitting room, complete with a small tea service of various cakes and finger foods. "Please, enjoy and make yourselves at home, I'm sure you've all traveled a long way."
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