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About This Game

A testing environment that has the ability to provide both full games, and one shot, or single battle sessions allowing people to test out characters and other homebrew for Dungeon and Dragons, open to the public, newbie and homebrew friendly

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

Got a character race, class, build combo you want to test but don't want to commit to a full game? Got some homebrew that you've been cooking that you want to see in action but you can't because someone won't let you play that? You trying to learn the latest D&D but don't have a safe space to practice? Well folks the name SMARTAgentKC and I'm here to help you all out on that and much more, Come on in, grab yourself a mage armor enhanced lab coat, and a set of lab dice and let's get to work.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Molly Gan-Ceann (Dullahan 3) | Uncanny SteedUncanny Steed Large or medium undead, beast, or fey, your dullahan's alignment Large, Fey, NG Armor Class 13+PB AC: 15 Hit Points 5 + your Wisdom modifier + 5 times your dullahan level HP: 21 Speed 60 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 + (PB+your Wisdom modifier) Passive Perception: 13 Languages: understands the languages you speak Common, Sylvan, Elvish Challenge: — Proficiency Bonus(PB): equals your bonus PB: +2 Rider's Bond: You can add your proficiency bonus to any ability check or saving throw that the steed makes. Charge: If the steed moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a trample attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra ld6 force damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or be knocked prone. Actions Trample. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+4+PB force damage. +4/1d8+6 force damage AC:16 | HP: 28 /28 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 13 | Features Molly watches Theo leaves and raises both eyebrows as he whispers his words of warning. Raising her cup and pretending to drink from it whispers back to Rachael. "Your right. Things don't add up. This is almost like a repeat of what happened years ago. Instead of Ravenwood fighting an evil cultist, we have Ravenwood fighting an evil land baron. First we have Atticus Thorn trying to take Black Mist Valley by military force. Now we have Lord Caleb Evans trying to take Black Mist Vally by economic force. " Molly pauses and then continues. "Same thing, just a different day. I can't overlook these consequences." She pretends to take a drink from her cup then slightly shrugs her shoulders. "Whatever is going on, we must stick by Melanie. And I still think we should tell her everything we know so that she won't be caught by surprise when things start to happen. Even though I don't trust Theo, or anyone else here at the gathering, he did warn us that something is about to happen. We should be prepared. If you don't mind, I go off and summon a creature that help us. An Owl, spider or some other kind of animal." OOC. Note: Molly has find familiar spell that she can cast if she has to. It'll take an hour but might be worth it. Mechanics Main Hand: Off Hand: Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  3. I'll post something. Quite honestly, I don't know what to do next. I'll get something up, but it probably won't be much.
  4. I'll be posting again maybe this weekend if not next monday, you posting for Molly?
  5. I'll have to do some information gathering on the Black Pit setup which will take me a bit.
  6. apologizes players for not providing a good experience. If you all are done with this I'll close it up.
  7. For me this is the first time I joined a pbp campaign and maybe I’m too early with this but I had hoped that there would more regular posts. So I’m just going to call it quits with this campaign.
  8. I am not sure where is Garth's game stands, if we are at the dead end in Kardago's game I'd revisit my Black Pit arena proposal I had when I made the character. All from Kargdago game would be welcome to shift too, but it's obvious that the game itself stalled.
  9. "Lord Caleb Evans is a man of considerable wealth and power." Constance stated "he owns property in several towns including many to the north and south of the valley. He's been trying to get a strong influence in Black Mist Valley for at least a decade now so that he could develop some sort of railway system to connect all the towns, but Lord Ravenwood has thwarted his attempts to build anything or do anything as the land Evans wants to use has been in the Ravenwood family for several generations now Priscilla hummed "Not to mention it covers quite a bit of Black Mist Valley which will force several families who have lived in their homesteads for generations to move or lose everything. Supposedly Evans planned to pay those families but only if the entire sale went through and unfortunately the only one who didn't go for it was Ravenwood." Constance huffed "for a good reason, it's takes years to build what Evans planned to build, you can't just uproot several homesteads and expect people to just resettle elsewhere and hope it's able to provide for your household. It's like asking someone to move this entire mansion stone by stone to another hill. Impossible." Melanie hummed "don't underestimate possibly Auntie." She hummed "I've heard stories of power able to move mountains simply by one's desire to do so." Constance huffed "who tells you such things child certainly not I." "I'm afraid that's my doing..." A calm male voice stated Theodore was suddenly there. Priscilla made a noise of surprise Melanie gasped slightly "Theo!" She stood up and went over to him "you made it." Theo hummed "yes, Melanie, I have to be a witness to this night..." He muttered then seemed to glance in Rachael and Molly's direction however his blindfold seemed to blur where exactly his eyes would point to "many things will happen tonight that are fated." Constance frowned "Young Theodore, what nonsense are you going on about." Theo took a breath "The lives of several lay on the scales of fate tonight, a few of which I personally care about and desire to see that their fate is good, and they are able to live happy." He frowned "however forces exist to disrupt these lives and can cast those I care about into a fate of agony and despair if they are not stopped." He shook his head "I do not want such a fate on those I care about." Melanie hummed "Theo is my fate still in the balance..." "I'm afraid so Melanie, I've done what I can to try and get you out of it but..." He shook his head "I'm sorry I can only do so much to guide you away from a terrible fate and you must take actions to aid yourself out of it." Melanie hummed "I see... Constance frowned "Young Theodore, you have been meddling in affairs you should not. I heard from young Evans that he plans to take away my niece against both her father's and mine's wishes and that you are encouraging it" Theo hummed "I will not deny that accusation," He smiled "I want what is best for my friends after all." Constance frowned "best for your friends among the living or dead might I ask." Theo smirked "and here I thought you didn't believe in them, Lady Hathaway." Constance frowned "I know your origins Young Theodore don't make me say it aloud." Melanie made a noise "Auntie please. Don't make a scene" Constance huffed "leave us Young Theodore." Theo bowed his head "as you wish, Lady Hathaway." He moved past Molly and Rachael "keep Melanie safe," He whispered "it begins soon." He headed off
  10. Rachael Yunmo Half Human/half Damphir, Archaeologist, Shadow Summoner Lvl: 3 AC: 13 (15/17) (Leather Armor. with Shield 15, With Shield of faith 17) | HP: 30/30 (3d8+(3)1) | Speed: 30 ft. Senses: Dark vision 60 Ft. passive Perception 18, Insight 13, Investigation 19 STR:-1 Saving Throw -1 Athletics 9 (-1) | DEX:+2 Saving Throw +2 Acrobatics +2 Sleight of Hand +4 Stealth 14 (+2) | CON:+1 Saving Throw 12 (+1) | INT:+6 Saving Throw +4 Arcana +6 History +4 Investigation +4 Nature +4 Religion 18 (+4) | WIS:+1 Saving Throw +1 Animal Handling +1 Insight +1 Medicine +3 Perception +3 Survival 12 (+1) | CHA:+3 Saving Throw +2 Deception +0 Intimidation +0 Performance +0 Persuasion 10 (0) Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial, and Elven Class Test: Character Sheet: “My words,” Rachael says. | ‘My thoughts,’ Rachael thinks. | My actions . . . Rachael sighs but it dose give her a bit of wonder for Jake to be eager. Plus the family business. Just what is his business his family runs and why dose this come up so much. Rachael can see there Is some sense that gives her a big of an eye as she leans closer to Molly. "This is not adding up, something clearly dose not make sense. a rushed wedding, with some prediction from Theo and the matter at hand. Something is not right" Rachael whispered to Molly, using the drinking glass with what a sip of wine and the cup to hide some of the words. Though when Rachale looks on playing pretend. "So Theo is basically a Tarot Card reader I see? Well a fortune teller huh and he got you two together. Genuinely I am surprised. Who is Lord Evan's exactly? Due excuse me if I'm not up to speed with the higher social call" Rachael asked OOC Movement: — Action: — Perception check Bonus Action: — Reaction: —
  11. Vadania keen senses register the subtle preparation of Gath's move and just as quickly draws his short sword to the intimidation. Intimidate
  12. Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft | Not getting any last-minute revelation from the rest of the group Garth enters with others and looks at the rough crowd, near perfect copy of one side of the conflict in the alley. In his thoughts he gives an apology to the guards, they seemed as decent enough sort. Likely not as clean as freshly washed sheets in the upper districts of Waterdeep, but again he was far from a scared tourist too. So he called it a wash. The second thought was more prayer really, one that he sees another dawn. He takes another deep breath before he pushes Glaive upward with his foot fingers to give it momentum then makes a near-perfect circle curved head colliding with a pitcher on the bar but instead of a crash, the blade neatly cuts through baked clay. Once his weapon falls into the ready state, the only proof of his mischief is a stream of wine flowing through now cut in half pitcher. Not that one could notice it once the wine stops pouring. There is momentary expecting silence that replaces the surly silence that preceded it. Garth's voice is businesslike "We couldn't reach the consensus on how to approach this so we are being direct. The redheaded idiot was kidnapped from here not long ago, as far as I heard it sparked a bit of misunderstanding between Xanathar Guild and Zentharim. Fortunately, I am just a merry mercenary looking to get paid and not interested in criminal politics. So I want the numbass, preferably alive, who provides me with the info can continue to pout. Others will serve as the second part of this trick, where I cut off the head and it stays on the shoulders." He barely noticeably shifts his balance and adjusts a grip on the Glaive. Tools of the Trade Equipment: Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3, Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3 Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3 Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8 Actions/OOC Free: Bonus: Reaction: Swift: Move: Standard: Immediate: Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left) Brace Grappling Strike Quick Toss Sweeping Attack Trip Attack OOC:
  13. The male guard gave a nod as the money passed to him "right... " ~~~ The group would head in the direction that the guard pointed to and soon they would find themselves in front of the Skewered Dragon. The Skewered Dragon looks like a ruin. Both of its front-facing windows are smashed, and a ship's anchor is lodged in the roof. Through the windows, you can see a group of haggard patrons drinking from huge tankards. They appear to not want to be bothered ~~~ Patrons are unwilling to talk to the group, you will need either A DC13 Charisma Check of either intimidate or persuasion or a bribe for them to even consider starting to loosen their lips
  14. If we want we can continue in one of our threads without him, my is free and I doubt one person will be that noticeable.
  15. Jake does not bare any of the features that Baron Ravenwood mentioned about Atticus Thorn. The young man is built sturdy as if he's been doing physical labor for most of his life. You have the sneaking suspicion that Constance's words about the wrong side of the flock of geese was most likely in reference to a real flock of geese and Jake most likely either upsetting them by being in their territory or something else like that. Either way it seems that he was going to tone down his teasing of his elders with that warning Jake hummed as he held Melanie "anyways Melanie, I came over to invite you to my family's table considering we are going to be wed soon." Melanie turned reserved at that "oh I would Jake but" She gave a slight glance at her aunt "Father said, I should stay with my aunt tonight." Jake frowned slightly "he hasn't agreed to our marriage has he." Melanie turned slightly sad "I'm afraid he's been quite busy and when I try to bring up the subject... something..." "else always comes up and he has no time to discuss it now" Jake finished "he's like that with my father as well." He growled "I wonder how he would respond to me just swooping in and taking you away so that we can be married." Melanie gasped "Jake..." Constance gave a pointed look at Jake "are you planning on galivanting off with my niece young man." Jake huffed "well it's not like we're getting any younger. My father has stated that if you want a Ravenwood to do something you got to take action and force them to do something." He gave a sour look "and I don't want Melenie becoming like you." Constance huffed "you can wait one night, It will not kill you." Jake rolled his eyes "Fine I'll hold off" He grumbled then looked at Melanie "but I won't wait forever Melanie, remember what Theo said. Melanie hummed "yes... before the end of the harvest season... I know, I will speak to Father after the ball." Constance hummed "what this about." Jake huffed "Melanie and I did one of Theo's readings, he told us that if the harvest season ends before we unite, we will forever be apart and I'm not going to let that happen." Constance frowned "that blind one is dappling in affairs he should not. He has no say in how your relationship develops." Jake huffed "he's the only reason Melanie and I got this far." Melanie turned reserved "Jake... please just wait for me okay." Jake exhaled "alright, I'll be over at my family table if you decide to come over." Jake walked away Melanie sighed Constance huffed "don't let that young man upset you dear, I don't know why he's in a rush to take you away..." "he young Constance," Priscilla answered "young, impatient, and if what I heard is right, His father plans to send him away after the harvest season for who knows how long" "what for." Constance asked "Business or so the rumor is." Priscilla stated "Lord Evans plans to send Jake up north to take over the family holdings there." Constance hummed "I see..." She looked at Melanie "Your father would not approve of that..." "I know..." Melanie moaned "but... I love Jake... I" "Love is subjective my dear," Constance cut in "don't let it blind you." Melanie sighed
  16. is still here? personally, I don't see the point of continuing if they're not
  17. I'll try to get something up in the next 24 hours, sorry week been kind of busy and my games are backed up.
  18. Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft | As soon they move far enough from the guard Garth stops again with by now familiar lean on his Glaive "Ok, Xanathar Guild too eh? I'll kiss Volo for forgetting that...if we survive" he sight and observes not too far tavern now "Last minute for any plan, any of you have any idea how to approach this?" Tools of the Trade Equipment: Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3, Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3 Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3 Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8 Actions/OOC Free: Bonus: Reaction: Swift: Move: Standard: Immediate: Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left) Brace Grappling Strike Quick Toss Sweeping Attack Trip Attack OOC:
  19. Idan HP: 17/17 AC: 15 | P.Perception: 13 Saves +0 STR | +2 CON +2 DEX | +2 INT +5 WIS | +1 CHA Idan nods and follows Vadania's lead.
  20. "So, to the Skewered Dragon then?", Vadania asks, "it doesn't seem like we'll be getting more information on the whereabouts of our friend here." Vadania starts to walk in the direction the guard pointed them to.
  21. Molly Gan-Ceann (Dullahan 3) | Uncanny SteedUncanny Steed Large or medium undead, beast, or fey, your dullahan's alignment Large, Fey, NG Armor Class 13+PB AC: 15 Hit Points 5 + your Wisdom modifier + 5 times your dullahan level HP: 21 Speed 60 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 + (PB+your Wisdom modifier) Passive Perception: 13 Languages: understands the languages you speak Common, Sylvan, Elvish Challenge: — Proficiency Bonus(PB): equals your bonus PB: +2 Rider's Bond: You can add your proficiency bonus to any ability check or saving throw that the steed makes. Charge: If the steed moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a trample attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra ld6 force damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or be knocked prone. Actions Trample. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+4+PB force damage. +4/1d8+6 force damage AC:16 | HP: 28 /28 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 13 | Features Molly glances over at Rachael with both eyebrows raised up as Melenie huged Jake with out any hesitation to her actions. It was clear that they have known eachother of some time now in order to be so bold and public with their affections towards eachother. Molly could be wrong, but she also suspected that Constance didn't like him. Jack also seemed rather brash, which Molly could see why Melenie was attracted to him. He wasn't the stuffy and boring proper type. He was exciting and probably easly drew her in. Could he be involved in this curse and Atticus Thorn? A possible descendant of Atticus Thorn or one of his followers? Baron Ravenwood had said that Atticus Thorn had a long face, large nose and high cheekbones. He also said that he wore large red ruby gems on his chest, forhead and hands. HIs followers also wore a gem on their dominate hand. Molly looked at Jake, seeing if any of his features and what he is wearing matched any of the descriptions Baron Ravenwood had given. Mechanics Main Hand: Off Hand: Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  22. Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft | Garth looks up in just half-feigned despair, getting in against Zenth interests was already bad, but the possibility of getting more info on the treasure and getting other keys kinda made it worth the risk. Vanishing toward the East and with his cut change name, pay a mage to work on permanently changing his face and easily recognizable hair. In the end, hire one of the Eastern Assassin Guilds as a bodyguard, The Black Network is powerful but the world is full of scary organizations, even compared to Zenths. But now with Xanathar Guild involved too, things were getting out of control. Then he remembered the resemblance between corpses and guys in the Yawning Portal. Orc female had more to offer than he thought. Out loud he lamented "I'm almost tempted to allow them to knife me if I think about how much gold they will ask to release this fool. I'll likely have to find a job here somewhere to recoup enough just to return to Phlan. And I'm gonna kick him in front of me each step of the way. Wanna see the big cities? Buy a postcard." He looks at two guards with the face of a man about to walk to the gallows and fiddles with his pouch, finally finding 4 gold coins and pushing a pair into each guard's hand "I'm not superstitious man, but without you two I'd stick my head into hornet's nest without knowing, tonight after shift drink next time you see me I work as the bouncer somewhere, and not next body on the pile. I already know I can kiss the rest of the gold goodbye, knowing at least 4 pieces will warm up two decent souls instead of greasing up some asses pockets will give me some satisfaction. You be careful too. I wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of Xanathar and Zantharim. Duty is all good, but duty with HQ's backup is better. Stay safe. All good people can try to do." Tools of the Trade Equipment: Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3, Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3 Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3 Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8 Actions/OOC Free: Bonus: Reaction: Swift: Move: Standard: Immediate: Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left) Brace Grappling Strike Quick Toss Sweeping Attack Trip Attack OOC:
  23. As Garth talks with the guard about his friend and the uprise in crime lately being connected to a festival or something. The rest of the group glance around to see if they can tell anything about the scene or overhear any of the questioning of the subjects and for the most part they cannot tell anything outside of the obvious however Idan as he looks seems to get a strange dream like vision and he senses that the ones in black clothes are part of the Zhentarim as they have a snake like Z symbol hovering over them, the bloody corpses are part of the Xanathar Guild and they have an eyeball symbol over them. He also gains the knowledge that the two symbols representing each group will be critical to remember. ~~~ When Garth asked for details about the bad people, the woman turned a little shy as she looked at her patrol partner with an expression of concern The male guard exhaled slightly "The Skewered Dragon, a rumored hot spot for Zhentarim activity. Most of the time the Zhentarim or the Black Network keep their troublemaking to dealings in the shadows and such and never out in the open. However there was a rumor passed to the city watch two weeks ago about a big underground meeting between the Zhentarim and the Xanathar Guild, Waterdeep's own crime syndicate. Two criminal elements that if they work together on something means big trouble so we tried to get more information however before any more information could be had, all out street fights and attacks started popping up left and right, in broad daylight. Fights between Agents of Zhentarim and members of the Xanathar Guild. Why these fights are breaking out we aren't sure and no one left alive appears to be talking to anyone especially to those of the City Watch." He hummed "like my partner said, be careful, I think you'll be okay considering the weapon you are carrying but if you do cross blades with someone try not to make a scene about it huh..," He pointed his thumb at the three that were being arrested "we don't need more trouble tonight okay?"
  24. Critical check acknowledged. I'll update in 24 hours
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