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Everything posted by Saltimbanco

  1. Only if it is from a disease. also just a bit Mets but you’d know this right away, the poison does extra damage but nothing debilitating.
  2. Okay it's edited. Sorry but you got hit twice and must save vs death (poison) twice. I totally randomized who get hit with which roll. Good news is they are all dead (or are they?) and you can continue your exploration
  3. I still need to edit that last post in the game thread. I was tired and distracted when putting it together.
  4. Wu smiles and begins collecting the bodies of the centipedes, the then he stops and thinks for a second, then pours some spices and herbs onto the the already flaming bodies. "Good idea Dathsn. These will crisp up nicely and be ready and delicious in no time.!"
  5. ------------------------------------------------------ Round Two --------------------------------------------------------- Zalven, quick with his spell appears out of thin air and sprays off a blast of coloured energy, catching two of the little critters. One of them stops in its tracks. The other though shakes its head and keeps moving forward biting Dathan for 2 hps of damage only to have its head lopped off by Luciana's sword. Her swing continues through another centipede, splitting it in half, its body writhing in spasms of reflexive muscle activity. Iodás and Dianora both attempt to slash and smash at them, but are just too slow and it bites Dathan for another 2 hps of damage. The druid swipes his torches and engulfs three of them in flames. Their bodies roast on the floor Dathan feels a burning sensation at his bite wounds and must make two saves vs death (poison). -----------------------------------------------------End of Encounter ---------------------------------------------------- For low HD critters like this, I just apply damage as a group, ie Lucy's 8 points of damage took out the two that had 4 hit points. Continuing?
  6. It might knock out 1d6 of them. eek hope you are feeling better.
  7. ------------------------------------------------------ Round One --------------------------------------------------------- You hear the clicking of hundreds of centipede legs as they pour from the tunnel and scurry over and around the illusionist. He feels their pinchers tickle through his robes as they pass by to descend on the party. Quick thinking Dathan tries to swing his torch at the swarm but misses. Not so for Dianora, she crushes one completely with her morningstar, spattering its ichor about. The centipedes are now amongst the party, pincers ready for the pinch. -----------------------------------------------------End of Round One ---------------------------------------------------- Declare round two actions. I decided they needed the entire round to move into the group giving the rest of you time to post an attack before they go nuts.
  8. Sudukai- Rogue (4) ArmorLeather AC = 6 DEX +3 to AC AC: 4 | HP: 16/16 (d4) | AttributesStr 13 (+1) Int 12 Wis 13 (+1) Dex 18 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Cha 13 (+1) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 90’ (30’) Saves D 13 W 14 P 13 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells THAC0 = 19 Spear +1 melee +3 ranged (1d6+1) Brace, Melee, Missile (5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’) Dagger +1 melee +3 ranged (1d4+1 ) Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’) Shortbow +3 (1d6) Missile (5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’), Two-handed | Class AbilitiesBackstab - When attacking an unaware opponent from behind, a thief receives a +4 bonus to hit and doubles any damage dealt. Read Languages - can read non-magical text in any language (including dead languages and basic codes) with 80% probability. | Thief Abilities Climb 87 Find/Remove Traps 10 Hear Noise 1-2 Hide in Shadows 25 Move Silently 35 Open Locks 30 Pick Pockets 35 | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsBlessings of Rel; +1 to next Open Locks attempt | Sudukai rubs his belly as he digests the eggs, toasts and bacon from his breakfast this morning and smiles at Sheela and the bartender. "Not for me I'll have a Clamato Michelada please. A tad on the spicy side but not too much. ”
  9. "Ooo black centipedes. You know, don't damage them too much. I can get them up to The Eel and serve them up like lobsters. They're actually delicious. Then we can boil the shells and innards into an essence that makes a delicious martini!"
  10. The druid and illusionist hurry back out of the tunnel. Soon to follow, 7 more of the 2-foot long black centipedes begin emerging from the tunnel.
  11. Zalven and Dathan wind their way through the tight tunnel. Invisible Zalven is up ahead with the druid's torch lighting the way. The tunnels opens into a wide room, which becomes more obvious how big when Dathan steps out. Bones, rags, and bits of fur cover the floor of this warm, lumpy cave with five-foot ceiling. Both men have to duck to make their way through. Another two small passages lead out. One about twenty feet to the left of the opening they stand in. Another about fifteen feet to the right. Amongst the debris on the floor, more skittering centipedes can be seen. They all start to crawl towards Dathan.
  12. Sudukai- Rogue (4) ArmorLeather AC = 6 DEX +3 to AC AC: 4 | HP: 16/16 (d4) | AttributesStr 13 (+1) Int 12 Wis 13 (+1) Dex 18 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Cha 13 (+1) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 90’ (30’) Saves D 13 W 14 P 13 D 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells THAC0 = 19 Spear +1 melee +3 ranged (1d6+1) Brace, Melee, Missile (5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’) Dagger +1 melee +3 ranged (1d4+1 ) Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’) Shortbow +3 (1d6) Missile (5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’), Two-handed | Class AbilitiesBackstab - When attacking an unaware opponent from behind, a thief receives a +4 bonus to hit and doubles any damage dealt. Read Languages - can read non-magical text in any language (including dead languages and basic codes) with 80% probability. | Thief Abilities Climb 87 Find/Remove Traps 10 Hear Noise 1-2 Hide in Shadows 25 Move Silently 35 Open Locks 30 Pick Pockets 35 | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsBlessings of Rel; +1 to next Open Locks attempt | "Sounds good.” Sudukai will then inquire about a room. He’ll share if anyone else wants to go in on one.
  13. Are you bringing a torch or other light source? Also, Dathan and Dianora would also be able to enter the crevices.
  14. As Dathan readies his scimitar, Iodás is able to ensorcel the entire swarm, causing them to slide and tumble to the floor in unconsciousness. End of Encounter You can easily dispatch them now. Zalven going back in?
  15. Zalven takes a breath and wedges his way into the crack when he hears a scuttling coming further down the crevice. He quickly reverses course popping back out into the cave with 6 small black centipedes soon following. ------------------------------------------------------ Begin Encounter --------------------------------------------------------- Declare actions. 6 centipedes are chasing Zalven.
  16. You file through the rightward tunnel which opens up into a wider cavern. Human and animal bones lie strewn about the floor of this cave. There is a crack in the western wall that seems large enough for an unarmoured or lightly armoured person to squeeze through sideways. To the south, there is rubble strewn about. It appears to be a collapsed section of the cavern that might once have been a larger cave.
  17. Naitol looks at Iodás and Luciana, looks at the still healing wounds; then looks at Zenobios then without a word, bolts to the edge of the room and takes a wide route around you all as he makes his exit. Venutios gulps and nods then tries to nonchalantly make his exit but once outside you hear the clopping of feet making a hasty retreat. Once back down the hole, you find yourself again in the initial room at the bottom of the ladder. The leftward route you are familiar with, the rightward is still a mystery.
  18. I think it would. These classes are pretty front-loaded,
  19. Nope. Most of the subclasses are pretty much the equivalent of multiclass.
  20. After a night of rest, roll your recovery hit points, you wake up and get breakfast from the Silvery Eel, this time it is a gumbo with some more of the snake meat, eggs and rice. Wu presents you with 6 goodberries. You don your equipment, weapons, and armour and make your way to the Lotus den. When you arrive, you push open the door and see Venutios and Naitol arguing over the fire. "You really think we should be doing this again?" the tilt-headed Pict says. "I'll knock that head in the other direction, you coward. You got a better way to get lotus?" the heavily muscled and scarred man says, still in a loin cloth. "But those guys that beat us up--oh shit!" Venutios exclaims as he sees you all coming in to the tenement.
  21. I don't know why I had Dianora with the ring. I think I had Morrull in that spot and forgot to delete it. My thoughts on it is that it gives anyone the 8-in-12 move silently, so it can go to the rogue, or you can have a second stealthy character.
  22. Nice. Looks like you are ready to go back down.
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