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About VennDygrem

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  1. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear; Rallying Anthem (2 rounds) Baldric's eyes go wide as Arionne falls from the creatures' flames and fangs. "No! No heroic deaths today, I forbid it! Get up, soldier!" Baldric channels healing magic into the wounded scholar in an effort to draw her back from the brink. Arionne has barely hit the ground when she is infused not with some divine, heavenly energy, but the frenetic energy of battle and the feeling of fighting for a cause greater than oneself. He then takes the opportunity, before Arionne can rise again, to take a shot at the creature that had just laid into her. He's not as mighty a warrior as his companions, not in terms of martial prowess anyway, but it is his courage which fuels his power, not cowardice. Round 3 Action 1&2: Soothe [3], target within 30 feet heals for 3d10+12 hp and increases the status bonus to Will saves to +2 vs. mental effects for 1 minute. Action 3: Ranged Strike vs. Racharak 2 (while he's still got some penalties from frightened...); On a hit, deal all of 1d6 piercing damage, but also extend Rallying Anthem by 1 round.
  2. Lin-Na | HP 24/24 | AC 18Base AC: 18 +1 when using Parry trait of Sansetsukon | Fort +7 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +7 Hero Points: 1/3 | Current Form: Everyday | Conditions: N/A | Effects: N/A Grimacing at the disturbing details, Lin-Na steels herself. "I don't suppose you know how we came to be moved from the normal clearing? Ah, no matter. Have you figured out a way how to tell who is a monster and who is a friend?" She looks to the others, gauging their reactions. Everyone has loved ones in town, or at least those they are friendly with. Somehow, they would need to drive the spirits and monsters from the town before they could take over everything... OOC I'd like to roll Religion to see if I can recall any rituals or other details on how to rid the town of the spirits. There may be no information she can glean, but I figured I'd check.
  3. Lin-Na | HP 24/24 | AC 18Base AC: 18 +1 when using Parry trait of Sansetsukon | Fort +7 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +7 Hero Points: 1/3 | Current Form: Everyday | Conditions: N/A | Effects: N/A Lin-Na is pleased to finally see someone from town, though their state of panic is not reassuring. "Do not eat food that has two stick-like objects protruding from it." Though she has memorized all of the Eight Practices, as everyone native to the town has, she took particular care to memorize this one. Anyone in town would expect her to give this as an answer, and it is the surest way to verify her identity... unless a trickster had paid especially careful attention to her habits. "Where is everyone? Why did no one come to greet us this morning, as is customary?" Like the others, Lin-Na is concerned for the townsfolk's safety, and can't help but pepper the only visible resident with questions. Things were very strange today, and rather unsettling. OOC With Hei-er Ha's line of questioning, I'd like to do a Perception check to Sense Motive. Not necessarily because I don't trust Hei-er, but because Lin-Na wants to gauge just how troubled she is, why she's asking about monsters, and the like. Further, I think she'd try to recall knowledge about any spirits or undead creatures that would wear someone's face like the creatures Hei-er is worried about, as those are the only types about which she knows. If there are other types of creatures covered by a different knowledge/lore check, she just isn't trained to know that.
  4. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear With the shout of victory coming from the invisible Syhlas in the distance, Baldric grins with confidence in the face of danger even as their enemies continue to keep the party on their toes. "Fight on, friends! Arionne, Hold steady, steel yourself!" With his words of encouragement, Baldric turns toward the enemies. He's unable to counteract the fell effects of the Black Pillar on his ally, so he focuses on trying to thwart the demonic charau-ka. Summoning up all the darkest moments from the battles he's fought, he channels that energy into spell against one of the creatures, hoping to send shivers down its scaly spine. Round 1 Action 1: Steel Yourself! Arionne gets 4 THP and +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves for 1 round. Action 2&3: Cast Fear on Racharak 2 (or 1, whichever is within 30 ft). DC 22 Will Save
  5. Lin-Na | HP 24/24 | AC 18Base AC: 18 +1 when using Parry trait of Sansetsukon | Fort +7 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +7 Hero Points: 1/3 | Current Form: Everyday | Conditions: N/A | Effects: N/A "This day is full of omens... We should stay close, those large bugs seem ready to attack if we draw too closely." Lin-Na flexes her grip on the weapon she's wielding, looking to the others for reassurance. "Maybe everyone is just staying inside because of the strange storm clouds... but for the guardian to be damaged like this... We may need to be on guard for more than just insects." OOC
  6. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear; Rallying Anthem (+1 AC/Saves, Resist 1 Physical) Baldric steels himself as the tower in the distance begins shooting awful-looking rays of energy at his companions. In the interest of giving the team their best shot, he turns to Syhlas. "Well, let's give them hell!" He lays a hand on the Kintargan's shoulder as an illusion weaves itself together, shielding him from view in the hope that it would give him a chance to proceed undetected. He then begins his usual attempt at bolstering the group's defenses, pointing out approaching threats and reminding them to close off any openings their enemies may exploit. Round 1 Action 1&2: Cast Invisibility on Syhlas. Free Action: Lingering CompositionExtend Composition Cantrip to 3-4 rounds depending on degree of success, or 1 round on failure and don't expend the FP. Result: Critical Success Rallying Anthem lasts 4 rounds Action 3: Rallying AnthemTo me and allies within 60-ft emanation: +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws, as well as resistance equal to half the spell's rank to physical damage (Resist 1 Physical)
  7. Here's the rule for underwater combat, from the PHB: We need to get swim speeds somehow. 👀
  8. Farah - DDB | MW Thread AC: 16 | HP: 17/27 | PP: 14 | Psionic Energy 3/4| Conditions: N/A <Yeah... let's keep our distance... but not too far.> Farah swims out a short distance, trying not to draw too close to the shark, then repeats her psionic attacks. OOC/Actions Round 2 Move: Move 15 ft (30 ft. movement, halved for swimming without a swim speed) Action: Attack the shark with Psionic Blade - Ranged/Thrown attack with 60 ft range. Bonus Action: Attack shark with thrown off-hand psionic blade.
  9. And because I don't have a natural swim speed, I'd only get about 30 feet with my speed boost without spending more actions to move, and I'd need those actions to interact with the amulet and disengage (which doesn't grant extra movement itself, just prevents your normal movement from provoking an attack).
  10. Sorry for the delay, crazy busy at work with a deadline coming up on Tuesday, but after that things should settle down for a while. I changed tactics a bit given the suggestion that I could cut the amulet free. Instead of going to the shark, I'm waiting to see if it comes to us. That, or wait for it to be fully engaged afar before approaching closer. Then I can work on the amulet and try to nab it.
  11. Lin-Na | HP 24/24 | AC 18Base AC: 18 +1 when using Parry trait of Sansetsukon | Fort +7 | Ref +4 | Will +7 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +7 Hero Points: 1/3 | Current Form: Everyday | Conditions: N/A | Effects: N/A Lin-Na starts becoming discouraged. Something very strange and unsettling is happening, and she doesn't have any answers, nor does anyone else. She doesn't want to think about the possibility that the town was attacked while they slept in the woods, or if anything more sinister is afoot. She starts looking for any clues as to the townsfolks' whereabouts. As much as she would like to defuse the situation with a silly little quip about missing out on breakfast, this does not seem to be the time for jokes. OOC Search/Scout, Perception below.
  12. Baldric | HP 68/68 | AC 25 | Fort +11 | Ref +15 | Will +15 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +11 (Low-light) Hero Points: 1/1 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Spellcasting: CantripsDaze Figment Read the Air Shield Telekinetic Hand Usable At-Will | Rank 1Lose the Path Fear (Muse bonus) Illusory Object Soothe {S} Spell Slots: 1/3 | Rank 2Dispel Magic {S} Invisibility Illusory Creature Spell Slots: 3/3 | Rank 3Phantom Pain [H+2] {S} Gravity Well Loose Time's Arrow [H+1] Spell Slots: 3/3 | Spell/Class DC: 22 Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (15 ft): +1 status vs fear Baldric keeps uncharacteristically quiet during the exchange, since he has no ability to comprehend the content of the discussion. His diplomatic missions had relied largely on negotiating with those who already spoke Taldane, or the Elven language. He really ought to get around to mastering new tongues. He stifles a snicker. The half-elf waits until the discussion is summarized in common, then considers the strategy going in. "I'm not generally fond of trapping enemies in a building and burning them alive, Arionne. It is barbaric despite its efficacy. However..." he drags out the moment, "In times of war, sometimes a touch of brutality is called for. These Cinderclaws are no innocents, and with their goals in mind, they bear no mercy." He grins broadly as he turns to Vharag as he resolves to holding back on some of his instinctual show of force. "My, my, Vharag! You are full of surprises! Weeks ago, I would not have expected such deference from you, but as I have come to know you more I have learned to see your layers. I am honored to unlearn old prejudices as a result of knowing you!" In his mind, Baldric thinks he is being courteous, though it may not come across as he intends. N/A
  13. The nearby game trail Lin-Na found supposedly takes us back to town, which Kwan determined is west of where we are (we're in a clearing east of town, on a hill). The trail is supposedly somewhat unstable, though, due to rock slides, which may make hustling difficult.
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