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  1. I agree! Thanks Whitleyrr for coming back to let us know what's happening and to end the game formally. Further, I'd also be curious for a glimpse behind the curtain if you have time.
  2. Yes, it seems we may be lost forever. In a way, it's a not a bad moment for a game to fall (if it has fallen). It feels poetic... teetering on the edge of so many possibilities and having none apparate. It has been wonderful to play with you all. I hope (if not this game) to see you in another! P.S. Whitleyrr, I hope all is well. Thank you for the game!
  3. Broom Clever: 2 | Fierce: 1 | Sly: 2 | Quick: 1 | Danger: 1 | Tidy, clean and mend Waiting for a safe moment, Broom returned to Dash and the other familiars to tell them what he and Elora had seen. "Another white house, his house, we saw. It had the white lines, the powder, but no rabbits in the yard. The other two-legs left him, left to the stables or something. He entered the house alone, alone. Perhaps there we can do something? A trap?" "It's here, here." With his talons, Broom scratched a tidy map to the house in the ground. "Elora is watching... I must go back. Will you come?" After ensuring they had memorized the route to the other house, Broom passed his wing over the ground and the earth was tidied back to its orginal state. He answered any of their further questions then started heading back to Elora.
  4. Broom Clever: 2 | Fierce: 1 | Sly: 2 | Quick: 1 | Danger: 1 | Tidy, clean and mend "Alone. He might be alone? Should I go tell our friends? Maybe they should see? If we want to lay a trap... perhaps here, when he sleeps? He should sleep, yes? He must?" The crow looked quizzically at Elora for a moment. He then hesitated, feeling his old bones yearn for a nap. But, not yet. No, not yet. "Do you want to stay and watch? To see if he leaves or if others come?" When Elora's choiceTo either stay and watch the house or return to the others with Broom was made, Broom once again took to the air return to the other familiars and tell them what he saw.
  5. Broom Clever: 2 | Fierce: 1 | Sly: 2 | Quick: 1 | Danger: 1 | Tidy, clean and mend "Maybe my toad-legged friend! I wonder how he caught our Witch... closed in from all sides? The horror!" If a crow can spit, Broom did right then. "We will get his eyes, one way or another."
  6. She's a bit odd. I don't think she would be a great "face" despite her charisma. I've even thought about trading her persuasion skill for something else, perhaps another knowledge or maybe intimidation? Also, if you have other suggestions for magic items, I'd be happy to hear them. She's got weird stats, nothing I've experienced before with a 6, 8... then 18 and 20. A 9 AC!?! Her prime motivation during a fight would be to survive it, I think... 😅
  7. Oops, I realize now that it sounded like Broom wanted everyone to follow. My mistake, I just meant he would follow the group of hunters. Y'all can wait for him and Elora or come back (or you can follow whatever you prefer)! :)
  8. Broom Clever: 2 | Fierce: 1 | Sly: 2 | Quick: 1 | Danger: 1 | Tidy, clean and mend "Ok, follow follow." Broom's feathers ruffled in anticipation and he bowed toward the toad, to offer Elora a lift. As he took to the air, he squawked back. "I wonder if they are hunting for another witch... tsk tsk..." OOC Broom will follow on the cautious side, just keeping the group, particularly the old man in sight.
  9. Leia (half-elf, sorceress of storm, 6th level) AC: 9 | HP: 32/32 | Spells: 4/3/3 | Passive Perception: 11 Text goes here. "Speech like this." Thoughts like this. Statblock Leia: half-elf (aquatic) sorcerer (storm) 6 CG-ish AC 9 HP 32 Speed 25ft Abilities Str 6 (-2) Dex 8 (-1) Con 12 (1) Wis 12 (1) Int 18 (4) Cha 20 (5) (Saves: Con, Cha) Languages Common, Elf, Orc, Primoridal (can understand Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran) Proficiencies Flute Attacks gust (str) 5ft push shocking grasp +8 2d8+no reaction witch bolt +8 1d12/rd Half-elf darkvision advantage agains charm & cannot be put to sleep Smuggler Down Low: You are acquainted with a network of smugglers who are willing to help you out of tight situations. Sorcerer Font of magic: 6 sorcery points Meta magic: extended spell, seeking spell Slots: 4/3/3 Known spells// Cantrips * bladeward * gust * prestidigitation * message * shocking grasp // 1 * detect magic * expeditious retreat * witch bolt // 2 * two of: enhance ability OR misty step OR invisibility (TBD) // 3 * gaseous form * dispel magic Storm Origin Tempestuous magic: Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you cast a spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. Heart of the Storm: At 6th level, you gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever you start casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage, stormy magic erupts from you. This eruption causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage (choose each time this ability activates) equal to half your sorcerer level. Storm Guide: At 6th level, you gain the ability to subtly control the weather around you. If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain to stop falling in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you. You can end this effect as a bonus action. If it is windy, you can use a bonus action each round to choose the direction that the wind blows in a 100-foot-radius sphere centered on you. The wind blows in that direction until the end of your next turn. This feature doesn't alter the speed of the wind. Items 2 healing potions Cloak of Many Fashions Pearl of Power
  10. Broom Clever: 2 | Fierce: 1 | Sly: 2 | Quick: 1 | Danger: 1 | Tidy, clean and mend The crow hopped down to be closer to the others. "A circle of salt? Strings of feet? Now a copper coin? Ruled by ritual, rituals? Can we use that to make them do what we want?" Broom hopped exactly three times, excited by the idea, but then he stopped. "What do want them to do? If we need the eyes of the old man, do we need to kill him first?" Broom didn't seem perturbed by the idea, but it did seem like the first time it occurred to him. "For now, we follow? I guide from above, from above, yes?"
  11. Just dropping in to say "hello"! I presume everyone is busy, but I am looking forward to finding out what's behind the door... :D
  12. Basic Info Name: Leia (AKA, Leia the Broken, Previously known as "Zephyr") Race: Half-elf (aquatic) Class: Sorcerer (Storm) Alignment: Chaotic good-ish, but not above a bit a thievery Religion: Minor faith in the god of sailors/oceans Background: Smuggler (slightly customized) Description Leia has dark hair, almost raven black, which contrasts strikingly with her light blue eyes and pale skin. She must have been beautiful. But, that was before the "accident". Now, her face and body hold the ruin of what happened to her. Her nose must have been broken (and then set poorly) and there is jagged scar which traces across her face and slips under the edge of her collar to her chest. Her shoulders lay uneven to the world and there is an awkward hitch, a limp, to her step. She often wears a mask, or deep hood, to hide her face. Personality Leia has never said the same thing twice when asked about what happened to her. She once said she was trampled by a horse, another time it was an attack by a pack of dogs. A lie from her lips sounds so close to truth that she can be hard to get close to. However, when she pins you with her electric gaze, you want to believe. Whatever happened to her, she is now full of steely determination. She tends to be reserved, but can evidence changable moods. A dark moment can fall quickly to joy and then back again. She has a fondness for music, both her own and that of others. She envies beauty and is a defender of the personal freedom. Her speech is like her beauty, broken. She is intelligent and surprisingly well-read, but she has spent years aboard a ship and has a habit of speaking, well, like a sailor. History As soon as the half-elf showed signs of power over sky, she was enticed, through the lure of adventure and riches, by Captain Ferris to leave her remote seaside home and join his crew. She had been a capricious teenager and her morals were soft enough that they did not break on finding out the Captain was a smuggler of stolen goods out of Tremont. On the ship, she was called "Zephyr". Her role was unique. She didn't hoist sails or tie knots, but she would use her powers to assist the crew in their tasks. She was also useful in a fight or on shore when receiving or selling goods. Given her talents, her position held some privilege and she had many hours to fill on the ship. She spent them reading and playing her flute. After a sucessful job, she often played for the crew as they soaked up their winnings with ale and song. As she grew more powerful and more valuable to the Captain, she was taken into his inner council and learned that the ship was to start smuggling people, slaves. It would be much more "lucrative", she was told. It was then that she found her limit. She rebelled against the Captain and was severely beaten for it. She was thrown off the stern into the ocean as dead. But, she wasn't dead. It's a soft blur now, but battered and bloody, she made it to shore. Was it purely the will to live? Was it a boon from a god? Was it luck? Was the wind's kindness? She's not sure. Recent Days Broken, alone and not wanting to involve her first family, Leia sought out Dargon One-EyeThis could be any leader in the Low Council. I picked one that seemed natural, but she could have sought out someone not so obvious. who, perhaps from some kinship of the sea, helped her. He gave her time, space and a safe place to recover. She's now healed, but not whole. Her body is ruined shell. Still, she is indebted to the First Chairman of The Low Table and would do much to repay him. And how does she feel about the Captain and his ship, The Blue Scythe? She does not hide from them. If they find her, so be it. She will hide her face, but not her existence. A taste of revenge would be sweet. Quotes What she says about her appearance... "Worst of it is how people look at me. Can't stand the sorry in their stare." What she says about the sea... "Can take it or leave it. It's nothing but rain laying down for a long sleep." What she says about her first family... "Not the same person anymore. They wouldn't even recognize me. I don't recognize myself most days." What she says about her time on the ship... "Liked it, til I found out I had no choice. Was a slave, all dressed up with a comfy bed." What she says about reading... "Can cram a lot more life into your minutes with books." What she says about music... "It's like magic. Ain't nothing else natural that can shape a person's day like that." What she says about beauty (although she feels differently)... "Just a show. You can't take it with you and it doesn't mean nothing when the sun goes down." What she says about magic... "Dunno, but when a storm moves through me, I feel whole." Build thoughts Initial stats: 6, 8, 12, 17, 11, 16 (by 6th level: 6, 8, 12, 18, 12, 20) Feat: Skilled: Nature, Investigation, Performance Race: Half-elf * +2 cha, +1 int, +1 wis * darkvision * advantage agains charm & cannot be put to sleep * languages: common, elven + orc Background: Smuggler (modified) Proficiencies: Athletics, Deception Tool Proficiencies: Flute (replacing vehicles (water)) Feat: Down Low Equipment: * Leather boots and vest * Flute (swapping for above) * a lucky charm: a gold plated button, torn from the waistcoat of the Captain as she was beaten * a set of common clothes * a pouch containing 10gp Class: Sorcerer Hit Dice: 1d6 HP: 32 Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Skills: Arcana, Persuasion Equipment * staff (used for walking only, no proficiency) * an arcane focus : a compass whose needle spins constantly while she carries it (on a chain around her neck) * an explorer's pack * two daggers one dagger (typically unused) Spellcasting: 5 cantrips / 7 spells / slots: 4/3/3 Font of Magic: 6 sorcery points Metamagic: extended spell and seeking spell Ability score (4th level): +2 cha Origin: Storm Wind speaker *speak Primordial, understood by Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran Tempestuous Magic * may fly 10ft as bonus action upon casting a spell (1+) with no aoo Heart of the Storm * resist lightning and thunder damage * may causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage (choose each time this ability activates) equal to half your sorcerer level upon casting a spell (+1) Storm guide * If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain to stop falling in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you. You can end this effect as a bonus action. * If it is windy, you can use a bonus action each round to choose the direction that the wind blows in a 100-foot-radius sphere centered on you. The wind blows in that direction until the end of your next turn. This feature doesn't alter the speed of the wind. Magic items: * healing potions (2) * cloak of many fashions * pearl of power Other items: * Explorer pack: Includes a backpack, (replace with "satchel") a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it. Modified: 5 candles, 5 days of rations, no tinderbox, no rope * caltrops (1gp) * playing cards (5sp) * a book (5sp): The Life and Research of Adrian Carroll: A Natural history of Tremont * 118gp (a "loan" from Dargon to help get her started) Character sheet:
  13. Just pondering at the moment...so many fun options! Posting here to express interest and to see if the dice reveal anything...
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