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  1. Molly lights up at Asher's words. "They've got rodeo's out here? Hoo boy, I wonder what kinda bulls they'll have out in these parts. Are they all alien-like, with a buncha eyes?" He looks over at Asher questioningly. Elly wriggles free from Molly's hold, and skulks over to gathering group of Pokémon, glaring even as she seems curious about the lot; fortunately, she does not seem to be getting ready to fight. Even still, Smarts is hovering anxiously nearby, trying his best to split his attention between Molly's conversation and Elly's introduction to the rest of the Pokémon.
  2. Molly straightens up, remembering something. He raises his arm holding Elly slightly, the Stunky sputtering in protest. "This is Elly. Don't mind her none, she's a sweetie" - Elly glares, managing to convey exactly what havoc she would wreak on anyone that dared write her off as 'sweet' - "and this is my Smarts," Molly gestures to the Solosis with his free arm. The Solosis chirps in a faintly muddled, echoing voice and ungulates his body to vaguely produce a greeting arm. "Isn't this great? I've never seen real stars from this close up 'fore. Only the phony ones down on Earth, and these are loads shinier."
  3. Like a creeping glacier, the massive man in the corner shifts into motion. Molly shakes his head, surprised Ma had let him anywhere near the Croagunk Juice again - since the last time he'd had the spirits, he ended up wrecking two engines, traumatizing Benny, plus it had taken three men and old Hoss, Ma's Mudsdale, to get him off of the scrap heap he'd ended up on - before remembering the past couple of days and realising what he felt weren't the aftermaths of unreasonably high proof probably toxic moonshine. He wasn't even burping limericks or seeing into the fifth layer! Properly reoriented, Molly takes in his surroundings, quickly zoning in on the window with a clear view of the stars! Real stars, just like the lady had said. Not the phony ones back on Earth and everything! Transfixed by the sight for a few moments, his attention is diverted when he feels a faint tugging at the back of his mind. Turning around, he sees his Smarts, floating close to a slowly awakening Elly, indicating (somehow) to the other two humans in the room. Grinning widely, Molly walks over to Elly, carefully scooping her up in his arms, before turning to the people, waving with the hand not holding a glaring Stunky. "Hi! Nice to meet y'all! I'm Donovan, but most folk just call me Molly. So... y'all can call me Molly too! How do you do?"
  4. This check you called for at the police precinct.
  5. Posted. Also, I could've sworn there were results from the Insight check from earlier, but I can't seem to find them anymore, that correct Jedaii? 👍  
  6. Custodian Morgan leaves the rest of the group to get the ground tour as he flies up to hover several hundred feet above the facility, figuring he can get the layout and defenses from the rest later. As he quietly enjoys the solitude and rush of wind up high, he scans the surrounding area, looking for likely directions of attack and easily defended chokepoints. Once he's done his survey, he meets back up with the others to share his findings, and get an update on what they've seen.  After this, he flies off, taking a somewhat circuitous route to throw off any potential trackers, and heads back home, deactivating the armor well before he's there and walking the rest of the way. He spends the rest of the day spending some time with his family, and doing research on the Crushers, trying his best to find out more about any of their strategies or weaknesses.  
  7. Custodian Custodian had been quiet, trying his best to observe the complex. He looks over at the security officer as he talks, expressionless mask staring at him. "Do you guys have any anti air defences up? I'd like to take a bird's eye view of the area, and I'd rather not be shut out of the sky."  If given confirmation that he's good to fly, Custodian flies up until he has a good overview of the immediate area, and he scans the area for a good view minutes, trying to discern any likely avenues of attack that the Crushers might take.  
  8. Custodian "I'd like to do some prep work on my own at some point today, but I'm good to join you for an initial scouting mission."  
  9. I'll get a post up sometime today, but for now, Insight check!
  10. I mostly meant that I would be able to keep the airspace clear. Vulture is pretty much only useful midair, while the FIST is still a walking tank on ground level. Assuming we want to actually capture the Crushers, not just thwart them, taking out the folk that are both the most manoeuvrable and prone to fleeing first seems the most sensible. Beyond that though, we probably shouldn't focus fire too much, and try and focus on keeping the Crushers from reaching their target.    
  11. Custodian Morgan thinks for a moment, while trying his best to remain his cool at being singled out. "I should be able to handle the Vulture without too much trouble. He's likely to flee if we leave him out too long and the tides start turning against him anyway, so taking him out quickly is probably for the best if we want to capture him. FIST isn't likely to stick around if his armor gets wrecked either, but he's a more experienced pilot than me, so I'm not sure how well I'd be able to handle him in a straight up dogfight. He's also potentially the most vulnerable, if we have a way of bypassing his armor's defenses, target him directly past it somehow, if anyone has any way of doing that." He goes over the map. "What're the buildings defenses like? Any reinforced walls, active defenses? Or do they usually just rely on security personnel?"     
  12. What would Morgan know of the actual capabilities and tactics of the Vulture and FIST? I imagine Streeter has been active for a lot longer than Morgan has, and is a lot more experienced pilot than him, but if the Vulture is limited to winged flight and like... claws, Custodian actually has a decent amount of experience fighting that sort of enemy, technically.
  13. Custodian Custodian leans over, more fluidly than could be expected judging by his armour, to look at the pictures. "Haven't had any run ins with any of them, but... I've done my research, I know who they are and what they can do... mostly." Morgan taps the picture Titan indicated. "That would be the Bull, and hardly a cutie. You'd probably be the best to handle him straight on, yeah, though you'd have to be careful. You and Aegis both." He glances between the two, "He goes by Bull for more reasons than just his physique. Not a big fan of red, he is. Deadly, too, in a 'will happily kill' kind of manner, that is. All of the Crushers are deadly in their own right, really..."  
  14. Let's see if my luck with the dice roller will turn.
  15. I have posted. My apologies for the delay, I've been super distracted this weekend, will try to stay on top of things a bit more. The pace is mostly fine, I just suffer from living-on-the-other-side-of-the-world syndrome.
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