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Rouge Rogue

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  1. "Mama is a friend to no one right now, save perhaps those pups," Kimber whispers softly to Ellu. "Best to make no sudden moves." After the strix-wolf's howl, Kimber's focus quickly shifts to keeping the horses as calm as possible. A panicked horse could turn this situation from tense to potentially fatal very quickly. By their reasoning, whether the wagon's occupants were killed by the strix-wolves or not is a matter to address after navigating the immediate situation. "We may not have greater numbers for much longer," Kimber mutters to Verris. "I don't know much about these creatures specifically, but wolf pack behavior would be to sneak up behind you while another keeps your attention -- so be on guard." (OOC: Kimber's background involves bonding with wolves and dogs, so I assume they would know this)
  2. (OOC: strip what you want from this, but writing it was fun) As Kimber glances around, they notice something: the flora surrounding them, much like the fauna, appear to be strange hybrids of two very different plants. They can't quite remember when the more familiar trees and underbrush gave way to this, however. Trees that resemble the descriptions Kimber has heard of ‘Weeping Sable’ line the road. They stand tall yet bowed, drooping boughs intertwined with dark, whisper-thin needles, a strange combination of weeping willow and spruce with dark and knotted bark. Although they looked mildly unsettling during the day, in the dimming light they’ve now become spooky, bordering on sinister. The light from the rising moon dances through their branches, and a light evening breeze brushes the ropes of delicate needles in a motion that casts fluid shadows across the uneven dirt road. Less frequently along the roadside, here and there, are what must be the infamous Bleeding Pines. Their long, wickedly-sharp needles are the rusty color of dried blood, their sap sticky and red. As the colors around them fade into the deepening night, the red remains oddly saturated to Kimber’s eyes. Their mouth tightens into a slight frown as they try to understand how these strange plants fit into the natural order of things.
  3. Kimber shifts uncomfortably in the cramped box seat, only half-registering their companions' conversation, eyes locked on the road ahead. They grip the reins tightly and regularly scan the deepening shadows stretching long across the forest, blinking in an attempt to clear bouts of dusk-blindness caused by the sun's descent. As they focus on sussing out whether a rustle of leaves might be the rustle of something else, they pay special mind to the draft animals pulling the carriage and any subtle changes in their demeanor— such as the uneasy flick of an ear, or the nervous twitch of a tail. "It's dark, and getting darker. Are we laying up for the night?" they call back quietly over their shoulder. "Our friends pulling the carriage will need rest and tending soon, either way."
  4. (OOC: Kimber’s Finesse and Instinct are decent, I’ll volunteer to drive if nobody else wants to)
  5. I like this. If we wanted to get fancy, maybe we could switch the spelling up a bit or use a rough translation from a constructed language (Solresol , Esperanto, etc). Or just leave it as-is. After all, we basically call our planet "dirt" in English.
  6. 1) Kimber doesn't know all of Ivy's background, but still recognizes a potential kindred spirit when they see one - someone who has maybe made less than ideal decisions, but is working with what they've got. They respect Ivy a great deal, although they would be hard-pressed to admit it. 2) Kimber admires Yhen's fearlessness, wishing they could be so bold and fearless, although somewhat irritated by the boldness that such fearlessness can occasionally lead to. A combination of being afraid someone is better than them, wanting to be more like them, and needing to put their opinion about their "rashness" (if it even is such a thing) aside in order to get the job done. 3) Kurith's bearing and behavior might seem like they'd bother Kimber, but then genuinely don't. Kimber trusts Kurith the most out of any of the crew members, although he does need to be talked out of some intensely stupid decisions from time to time. But, point of respect, Kurith generally CAN be talked out of intensely stupid decisions, which is not the case for many people. Either way, by Kimber's reasoning, Kurith is very much ride-or-die, which they consider a positive thing.
  7. Kimber stares pensively into their drink for a bit, then glances over at Kurith. "I'd rather travel with a small, solid crew than a disorganized caravan any day. Can't say I disagree about potentially shady cargo, but fewer bodies is fewer people who need to keep a secret, I guess. And we all know how to hold our tongues. That's why we got the job, I'd imagine." They take a swig and pause, considering. "Now, whether the trouble's worth the money... that, I don't know. Yhen's right on that one, can't spend money if we're dead."
  8. Kimber the Druid Kimber Orderborne Human Druid Orderborne "In the heart of defiance, I find my peace." Veiled in cynicism, Kimber's unwavering loyalty belies a deeply ingrained sense of duty, propelling them into the fray with a gruff exterior that masks an unexpected compassion for their sometimes-foolhardy companions. Mechanical Space Mechanical Information goes here. Credits Art by Rouge Rogue (@saveVSink)
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