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  1. "I see another door further down at end of hallway. Lots of places to explore. Maybe someday ve even find end of crazy place, yes?"
  2. Selina will let out a sigh of relief. "I vasn't sure they vould ever die.", she mutters. She will join the others in looking about the room, and will cast guidance on Garrick, who can probably benefit from the added searching capability.
  3. Selina keeps her eye on the half-orc, since he's taken a bit of punishment, but decides he's ok at the moment. She'll focus her efforts on the blue gargoyle, since it seems to be much more damaged. spiritual weapon attack spir. weapon dmg warhammer attack warhammer dmg
  4. "Such strange creatures!" She will continue her attack. Spiritual Weapon attack:1d20+6 Spiritual Weapon Damage:1d8+4 Warhammer attack:1d20+4 Warhammer damage:1d8+2
  5. Selina will move her spiritual weapon over to the blue gargoyle and attack it, as a bonus action. She will also attack the same gargoyle with her warhammer. spiritual weapon attack Spiritual weapon damage warhammer attack warhammer damage
  6. ooc: Not super comfortable editing that above post, since I'm not familiar enough with Baldr to do that, so here's her action based on her init. Selina will bonus action cast spiritual weapon and attack the closest gargoyle with it. A shimmering blue hammer appears and hurls itself towards its target. She will then burst into the room attempting to interpose herself between Garrick and the creature (1 square NE of Garrick), putting up her shield in the process, and will take the dodge action. spiritual weapon damage
  7. Initiative "Garrick, look out! They are heading right for you!"
  8. Selina turns to Paaras to address his interest in his fortune-telling abilities, "I vas gyspy vanderer for years. My people passed these skills down generation to generation. My mother, and her mother before her. Many gifted vomen had these gifts. The cards are simple tool for what Celestian can reveal. For me, this is easy. But I think the magic is mostly Celestian's. It is his hand that decides the card before it is drawn. Old gypsy saying... hard to translate, but basically, only the gods know what is on card before it is turned over." Selina turns her attention to the room at hand. "Strange, such a large room for one single desk. I'll temper my curiosity until after you've had a chance to check it out first, Garrick."
  9. Selina will try and move in behind Garrick, in case he needs support. She'll go ahead and cast Guidance on him in case he needs to check for more traps. "More hallways...", she says, dryly.
  10. Selina seems pleased with herself, "Yea, closing the door is a bad idea. Let us not do this."
  11. Selina looks worried. "I do not like this. I vould like to turn to new magic that might help us make choice, yes?" Selina will lay out her cards, and cast augury. "Is shutting door bad idea?", she asks.
  12. Nah, scratch that. She'll take Augury instead of Aid. More on-brand.
  13. Selina will cautiously stand by the door, holding it open, if necessary. "There is so much death in this place. No telling what story this man could tell, if ve could speak to him. Alas, it is not magic I have at my disposal. Perhaps some day...", she says, drifting off in thought.
  14. Divine domain spells gained: Moonbeam and See Invisibility. As for non-domain spells, Selina will prepare Aid and Spiritual Weapon.
  15. Well, that sucks. +5 total hit points, since she has a crazy good con.
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