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  1. So I think I might run a series of supers one shots using the big list of rpg plots to randomly generate adventures, that way players won't be tied down to a single character, and hopefully won't be crushed under the anxiety of committing to potentially years of posting in a game they hate with a character they're bored of. 2 to 3 players, ideally. If I get any (positive) replies here I'll put up a real interest check
  2. Prowlers and Paragons is the system I use I'm still trying to figure out what sort of game I actually want to run
  3. Since this is a thread all about people not wanting to run, how about playing? I have been trying without success for about 18 months and perhaps a dozen attempts to run / play a superhero game. If that sounds interesting, let me know. Obviously I have no track record as a GM on this site so I don't blame you at all if you're hesitant.
  4. If the PCs should never die, why do they have hit points?
  5. That's because D&D just isn't a very good system. There are plenty of point buy systems in which there is no optimal build and every character feels different. None of this follows. Using point buy or rolling has no effect on whether you can have a cinematic experience, nor does either prevent you from developing and exploring a character.
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