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  1. I m down to play, or if there's a pre-written chronicle I can run too
  2. Just got my hands on Athens Chronicles, which takes a coterie from DAV to full final nights, dealing with various stuff in no particular order like Original Anarch rebellion, formation of Sabbat, the convention of thorns, Ashhira invasion, Becoming elders, all the way to final nights in V20 I am looking to see if there might be interest in a game that is that long, where the game slowly transitions form DaV20 system to Victorian Vtm to V20.
  3. I am interested but I haven't read Dune for a while so don't remember much from it at all
  4. I want to really get into games that are based on PBTA systems like the City of Mists, MASKS, Avatar Legends etc. They seem really fun but I never could get into how the system works or how it will interact with PbP
  5. I mean I ran WotR AP on discord once it took us a month to get through the first section of book 1 the underground part
  6. I have run WoD stuff before mostly VtM 20 and V5 a single one shot of W5, but M20 is a beast on it's own that is very hard to tackle as an ST
  7. It's my experience from having run it and the game ending cuz players just couldn't handle that they weren't the main characters but it's all table to table thing but JR is one AP I will not touch , other than that I am good with running/playing them all Azlant one I won't run too because it needs underwater rules later but that's dealable
  8. Later in the game, it start seeming like PC aren't the main characters, they aren't the ones choosing the story Ameiko is, and that turn a LOT of players off they railroad the story a bunch in later books too, all centered on Ameiko etc, and players start to feel like it's Ameiko which is doing stuff while they are the companions she has just chosen to tag along with her, plus the whole start in Cool Viking lands and then forced into Tian thing is also something my players complained about they made characters set in that setting, tied it into the place made connections and then they are fish out of water following a Mary Sue into lands unknown
  9. Quite a bit Hard quite afew skills don't carry over, many things that exist in CWoD don't in OWoD and Vice-versa
  10. There are so many APs I would love to play/run but they are a pretty long commitment. Some APs like Jade Regent just suck esp with us having a mary sue NPC with us and Reign of Winter is all Railroady but other than that I love them all
  11. I tried to get into M20 but god knows how complicated it is to understand, running a game in it is very hard
  12. OOOH Sri Lanka is such an untouched part of VtM other than Kartariya basically just sleeping there
  13. Once I get used to forum games I sure will, I am more of a ST/GM at heart than a player the last game I was a player in was 3 years ago
  14. Hey, I'm new to forum play but I have been playing Play-by-Post RP since 2017, I got here to get into maybe new systems and slower games of systems I do play as Discord games tend to run in timezones that people post in when I am asleep I have played and Run D&D5e, Pathfinder 1e,VtM 20th Anniversary and V5, and have like tons of others that I have read but never got to play
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