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Everything posted by ABlotOfInk

  1. Grant Innes Rift of the Selkie - Troubled Father Secret pain: "I measure my worth in how I'm useful to others because I'm not worthy myself." Personal Details Name: Grant Innes Age: 45 Occupation: Firefighter Hobbies: home improvement, basketball, true crime, cooking Likes: the beach, night walks, classical music, getting a drink, fried food Dislikes: hot nights, being watched/stared at, dressing up, paperwork Backstory: Grant was raised in a Awakening Wip Defining Relationship 🎭 Crumbling Marriage β–½β–½β–½ Crack Attention β–³β–³β–³ Identity: "I would do anything for my children." Grant's wife Alysia, and his two daughters Samantha (14) and Aster (10). The recent revelations related to Grant's awakening has put his marriage on the rocks. It was never wonderful on Grant's end, but he could at least call Alysia a friend and confidant. But now things are tense between them and she's suspicions of his every move. If it weren't for his children, he'd free both himself and Alysia from the crumbling marriage. However, Grant would do anything for them, and has had long practice pretending to be who he's not. He's determined to stick together and make things as smooth as possible, at least until his daughters are in college. Power Tags πŸ”₯ A. Why is this relationship so important to you? Loves his kids unconditionally β—¦ C. What were you forced to learn because of this relationship? Concealing his feelings. β—¦ To deal with them you need to be: A negotiator of needs β—¦ Weakness Tags B. What negative effect do they have on you? Constant anxiety over their opinions β—¦ Routine 🎭 Firefighter β–½β–½β–½ Crack Attention β–³β–³β–³ Identity: "I make the world a safer place for everyone." Grant is a firefighter, training others and working with the community when there's nothing burning. But no time is truly his own, as even with lax official hours he's always on-call should a fire break out. Power Tags πŸ”₯ A. What do you do with your time? Firefighter β—¦ C. What sort of tools do you use? An axe β—¦ F. What specific activity do you engage in as part of your main occupation Basic first aid β—¦ G. What trick have you picked up doing what you do? Navigating dangerous environments β—¦ Weakness Tags B. What are the mundane limits or down-sides of your routine? Always on call β—¦ C. Who or what can interfere with your routine? Understaffed and low budget β—¦ Personality 🎭 Pensive and Pent up β–½β–½β–½ Crack Attention β–³β–³β–³ Identity: "I need to do something good with my life worth before it's too late." Grant's defined his life in service to others. It's perhaps from deep rooted guilt pertaining to his identity, but wherever it's from, he seeks to do good and protect others over satisfying himself. He firmly believes in doing good for the world as a way to measure one's worth. His willpower has recently begun to crack, and his longing and unhappiness has deepened. He's still a dad who helps out with the house and shows devotion to his kids, and a firefighter who serves the community. But is that enough anymore? Power Tags πŸ”₯ A. What lies at the core of your personality? Others before self. β—¦ D. What special skill or status did you pursue because of your personality DIY Repairs β—¦ H. What useful habit or routine have you cultivated thanks to your personality Hiding personal details β—¦ Weakness Tags A. What happens when you let yourself go too far? Desperation for validation β—¦ Relic ⚑ Pelt of the Selkie β–½β–½β–½ Fade Attention β–³β–³β–³ Mystery: "How do you bring harmony to the pieces of yourself in opposition?" In the irish folklore, selkies are a type of merfolk in the form of seals that transform into people by shedding their pelts, and return to the ocean by donning them. In the mists, Grant's pelt takes the form of a fur coat, and allows him a range of seal transformations, from a full seal to hybrid much like a werewolf, to simple webbed fingers - birth defects that were associated with selkie parentage in olden times. Like the myths however, this half of Grant is inaccessible without his pelt. Power Tags πŸ”₯ A. What is the main useful feature or part of your relic? Seal forms β—¦ D. What cosmetic attributes does your relic posses? An undeniably expensive fur coat in mundane form. β—¦ E. What other feature, part or item does your relic include? Tough skin and thick blubber β—¦ Weakness Tags B. What can interfere with the powers of your relic? Very dry conditions β—¦
  2. Just found this and really loving what I see of this system. Going to be whipping up a character when I get the chance!
  3. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely check it out!
  4. Yeah, tbh comment was a bit premature, and it is Hasbro not wizards doing it. Wizards has said that their 2024 releases are all human artists, but honestly, after the OSR debacle it just leaves me with way less confidence in them doing the right thing in the future.
  5. Makes sense! I guess I was thinking it had more tools to help with the crafting of the mystery itself on the GM's side. I can get what you're saying about not finding clues being pointless. Pointing out that the pool is limited is good too I had forgotten that since the last time I looked at the rules.Thanks!
  6. Yeah, I'm someone on the anti-hasbro train so I don't intend to upgrade to the latest version once it comes out. Abusing the open license, firing all their artists to use AI, and just generally being shitty has been enough for me to swear all their stuff off. I won't be going back to D&D unless there's a whole lot of changes in leadership. Plus, it's a really good excuse to finally convince my table to try other games :P
  7. I've been super interested in Gumshoe and finally went and downloaded the rules, but after looking it over something isn't clicking for me. What makes it so great at investigations? It seems to me like the sort of auto-succeed mechanic would make it a little less interesting for players and having to come up with clues on the spot a bit hard on the GM potentially. I totally just might be misinterpreting and not getting it.
  8. Great examples Actana! Yeah, Masks' high praise is definitely earned. It's amazingly well constructed and focused. It's honestly the best of the handful of pbta games I've played. There have been a lot of games that have taken it as more inspiration than the original Apocalypse World. Narrative games aren't always for new players! Sure you have a lot fewer numbers to keep track of, but roleplay in and of itself is a skill you have to build. There are a lot of people who flounder with what to do when given games that are too open, and struggle maintaining a character distinct from themselves. Narrative games ushine when players know how to balance pushing the envelope and pulling back for the sake of the collaborative storytelling. That's advanced stuff! Some people are better eased in with games that are crunchier and can sort of ease them in with more structure to start off with.
  9. No worries! Narrative mechanics are still mechanics! They still set up expectations and reward/punish certain behaviors, it's just usually focused on crafting a particular kind of story or theme or mood rather than being generally simulationist. Not that there isn't generalist narrative systems as well. I'd describe fate as a generalist narrative system, though I haven't played it merely read the basics, and Masks is specifically tuned to superhero teenage melodrama. A good genre specific narrative system assists you getting into the specific mindset for the game and helps you fulfill the "promise" of the genre it's trying to emulate. For example, Masks has conditions that penalize your rolls. There are generic ways to relieve these conditions, but each condition also has a specific narrative requirement a player can fulfill to relieve them, and they've all been tailored to the idea that you're playing teenage superheroes. For example; You can cure the insecure condition by acting rashly without checking in with your teammates, and the other conditions all have similarl cures that are destructive to the PC in a roleplay sense if they just tackle them straight on without help. They create a problem in-story as you relieve the mechanical problem. However, you could relieve your insecurity condition if a teammate uses a move called Comfort or Support, where your characters have a heart to heart. For all these methods, you have to actually narratively act out and rp the scene before the dice, which is one of the reasons these are still narrative mechanics. This give and take helps solidify a theme within the mechanics themselves: it's a balance between the destructive teenage coping mechanisms, and learning to rely on and bond with others as a team is a healthier way of dealing with your trauma and emotions. That's a simplification obviously. There's other ways to cure conditions but the overall idea is that the slight pressure of conditions penalizing rolls is used to specifically steer players and the GM towards specific themes and scenes that fulfill the superhero genre expectations. Something super generic like FATE doesn't apply that pressure because it's so open that the tools you have to solve problems are not so specifically tailored to a kind of game. It puts the weight of driving the narrative and meeting genre expectations totally on the players and GM's shoulders. More open, but less directed as a result. It's not a bad thing, as Masks being specifically themed does mean it's much less flexible for even small thematic or genre shifts like making it more violent/mature or having adult superheroes (where acting desctructively/rashly is less understandable than it is with teenagers.) FATE wouldn't have an issue like that, and some tables don't want or need the extra mechanics pressure to conform to the conceit of the genre they're playing. Once again, I've only glanced over FATE's rules not played it so if I'm off base on my analysis please yell at me.
  10. I'm another Masks lover. I feel like in a superhero game where you want to try to emulate the wide spread of "power levels" and themes of a kitchen sink superhero world, focus on narrative mechanics is really key, especially if you don't want the player who chose to play Green Arrow feeling like the Superman player is outshining them. Admittedly I've only ever played M&M versus Masks, and M&M isn't known for it's amazing balance haha.
  11. 14/14/13/13/13/11 is stronger than a point buy build. It racks up 32 points out of the usual 27 you're suggested to be allotted in 5e. If you're talking about your stats after racial bonuses it's equal to a point buy build. Also you've got a +2 in your highest stat and someone else has +3 (or +3 and +4 if you're both putting your racial bonus into them.) Does that single +1 for someone else really ruin your game? You're on the same team if you're worried about effectiveness the extra +1 is an overall boon. If you're worried about someone overshadowing you in game that's something that should be discussed between players and managed by the gm rather than needing to be strictly mechanically optimized. I know some people absolutely can't stand being non-optimized, and that's just different play preferences. Personally I'm in it far more for the rp experience and stats don't impact that too much. Honestly, I like point buy sometimes because it lets me set a low score. It can be fun to give your character a clear flaw or weakness haha. It's also way more of a rush for everyone around the table when a character is forced to do something they're bad at and succeed anyways. Some of my most memorable moments at the table have been situations like the barbarian having to make an int save and succeeding or the wizard managing to pull the rest of the group up off a dangling rope.
  12. I've got my own freeform rp stuff going on that keeps me busy enough in that realm that I probably wouldn't join the one here myself, but random universe tavern rps are an absolute staple of casual freeform rp! Hard to go wrong with them if you find enough people who are interested!
  13. If we're talking about 5e, which seems to be the biggest angle people are coming from, the only character choices I could see possibly be restricted is multiclassing if you don't have enough stats over 13? The chances of that are super low (I attempted the math but eh.) Which, if you don't have a single stat over 13 it would be extremely weird if your DM didn't let you reroll your stats again?
  14. Sounds fun! I could definitely crank out a 5e character every day, and even maybe some other systems. I'm not a mechanics minded person though so they'd be pretty much vibes based. Maybe we could make teams and have people alternate what days they post, give everyone a few days or a week or something haha.
  15. Hey thanks so much for the welcome! Definitely might take a look at the discord after I settle in a bit! I took a glance at the User Guide but should probably take a second look at it. I totally only accidentally hit join game once! I was actually a part of the OG-Mythweavers forum but I've lost access to the old email I used and don't even remember what my username was way back when so I decided to start fresh here haha. So I'm not a complete newbie!
  16. Share The Furious Knight Wrathful Berserker Eidolon Abilities STR: +4 DEX: +2 CON: +3 INT: -1 WIS: +0 CHA: +1 Hit Points: 18 Armor Class: 17 Size: Medium Speed: 25 ft Perception: +3 β—† Darkvision Fort Save: +8 β—†β—† Ref Save: +5 β—† Will Save: +5 β—†β—† Languages: Elvish Evolution Feats Advanced Weaponry (Grapple) Skills Trained: β—† | Expert: β—†β—† | Master: β—†β—†β—† | Legendary: β—†β—†β—†β—† Acrobatics: +2 Arcana: -1 Athletics: +7 β—† Crafting: -1 Deception: +4 β—† Diplomacy: +4 β—† Intimidation: +4 β—† Medicine +0 Nature: +0 Occultism: +2 β—† Performance: +1 Religion: +0 Society: +2 β—† Stealth: +5 β—† Survival: +0 Thievery: +2 Attacks MELEE RANGE Unarmed "Whip" β—†, Disarm, Grapple, +7 1d8+4 B Unarmed "Rapier" β—†, Agile, Finesse,+7 1d6+4 S Special Actions Furious Strike β—†β—† Act Together β—† >β—†β—†> β—†β—†β—† Your eidolon channels its anger into a furious attack. It makes a melee Strike. This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty. If this Strike hits, your eidolon deals an extra die of weapon damage and gains a +1 circumstance bonus to the damage roll. If you're at least 10th level, increase this to two extra dice with a +2 circumstance bonus, and if you're at least 18th level, increase it to three extra dice with a +3 circumstance bonus. You and your eidolon act as one. Either you or your eidolon takes an action or activity using the same number of actions as Act Together, and the other takes a single action. For example, if you spent 2 actions to Act Together, you could cast burning hands (2 actions) and your eidolon could Strike (1 action), or your eidolon could use its Breath Weapon (2 actions) and you could Stride (1 action). This lets you each use separate exploration activities like Avoid Notice as you travel. Eidolon Rules BasicsYou have a connection with a powerful and usually otherworldly entity called an eidolon, and you can use your life force as a conduit to manifest this ephemeral entity into the mortal world. Magic also flows through this conduit from your eidolon into you, so your eidolon determines the type of spells you cast and the spell list you choose from (as described in Summoner Spellcasting below). Choose a type of eidolon from the options starting on page 59 and other eidolons you have access to. When you choose your eidolon, you also determine its appearance and general form, within the parameters for that particular type of eidolon. Once you establish your eidolon's type and general appearance, these features can't be changed later, except by selecting special evolution feats that can cause your eidolon to develop new features. Your magical connection with your eidolon takes the form of a sigil on each of your bodies. As long as your eidolon is manifested, the sigil glows with light and can't be covered or disguised via any means; it will shine through clothing, appear over cloaks, and remain unaffected by obfuscating magic. This, combined with the way that the two of you clearly act in tandem, makes it readily apparent to an intelligent observer that the two of you are connected in some way, even if the person has never encountered a summoner before. You bring your eidolon into reality with the Manifest Eidolon action. ActionsYour eidolon is no mere minion. It doesn't have the minion or summoned trait, and the two of you work together and coordinate your actions. You and your eidolon share your actions and multiple attack penalty. Each round, you can use any of your actions (including reactions and free actions) for yourself or your eidolon. You coordinate your actions with your eidolon more efficiently when you Act Together. CommunicationYour connection with your eidolon allows you to communicate with it telepathically at all times, even when it isn't manifested. You also gain the Share Senses action. Damage and HealingLastly, the connection between you and your eidolon means you both share a single pool of Hit Points. Damage taken by either you or the eidolon reduces your Hit Points, while healing either of you recovers your Hit Points. Like with your actions, if you and your eidolon are both subject to the same effect that affects your Hit Points, you apply those effects only once (applying the greater effect, if applicable). For instance, if you and your eidolon get caught in an area effect that would heal or damage you both, only the greater amount of healing or damage applies. GearYour eidolon can't wear or use magic items, except for items with the eidolon trait. An eidolon can have up to two items invested. Your eidolon's link to you means it can benefit from certain magic items invested by you. Your eidolon gains item bonuses to Perception and skills from any magical items that you have invested. Your eidolon increases its item bonus to AC based on your armor's armor potency rune or bracers of armor. It also gains an item bonus to its saves from the resilient rune on your armor or from your bracers of armor. Other permanent items that grant or increase item bonuses to AC and saves might convey a similar benefit, as determined by the GM. Your eidolon's Strikes benefit from the fundamental and property runes on your handwraps of mighty blows. Alternatively, you can Invest a magic weapon (even though magic weapons can't normally be Invested) to share its fundamental and property runes with your eidolon. You share these benefits only while you're holding the weapon, and you can have no more than one weapon invested in this way at a time. In either case, the eidolon gains only the benefits that can apply to its attacks, with the same limitations noted in handwraps of mighty blows. Lost and Altered ActionsIf you or your eidolon becomes slowed, stunned, quickened, or otherwise affected by something that changes the actions you gain at the start of each turn, it affects your shared actions. However, if you are both subject to such an effect, apply only the more severe one. For instance, if you or your eidolon were slowed 1, you would start your turn with one fewer action, but if you were both slowed 1, you would still lose only one action, rather than adding the two slowed effects together. However, if you were slowed 1 and your eidolon slowed 2, you'd have two fewer actions, because that's the more severe effect. If only one of you becomes restricted in how you can spend your actions, that restriction doesn't automatically extend to the other; for example, if your eidolon became immobilized or petrified, it wouldn't be able to move, but you could still use your actions to move. The GM resolves any situation that's unclear. You, as the player, control both your summoner and your eidolon, and the two are generally considered to cooperate unless you decide for them not to. While a summoner's link with an eidolon is a partnership, ultimately the eidolon is linked to you, not the other way around. If there's ever a conflict of who should act, you win out over your eidolon. This means that if the eidolon comes under an effect that would take its actions out of your control, such as the confused or controlled condition, you can use all of your shared actions so your eidolon doesn't have any actions remaining to cause trouble (as long as you are able to act). However, if you came under such an effect, you would simply use all of your shared actions, preventing your eidolon from acting.
  17. Share Level: 1 Class: Summoner Role: Melee (Eidolon), Support Background: Servant Deity: Cayden Cailean Height: 1.69m Weight: 65kg Ethnicity: Varisian Ancestry: Half-elf Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Male Age: 22 yrs Traits: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Humanoid Languages: Common, Elvish, Halfling Abilities STR: +0 DEX: +3 CON: +0 INT: +1 WIS: +1 CHA: +4 Hit Points: 18 Armor Class: 16 Size: Medium Speed: 25 ft Perception: +4 β—† (Low-light Vision) Fort Save: +5 β—† Ref Save: +6 β—† Will Save: +6 β—†β—† Spell Attack Modifier: +7β—† Spell DC: 17β—† Marin is a Varisian half-elf. His traveling community was attacked by bandits when he was young, leaving him orphaned as the only survivor. Eventually he was brought to a sympathetic merchant family, becoming a servant β€” not the worst fate for a young helpless orphan stranded in a strange nation. Marin was too young to make his situation better, but old enough to remember his old life, and chafe against the limitations and restrictions. With only his tattoos to remember where he came form, Marin settled into a life of vague dissatisfaction. That was Marin's life, until he was chosen as the retainer who would be attending Lahara, the scion daughter of the family and an already accomplished Magus. An elf, she had spent over a decade growing her reputation and her skills with magic, before finally leaving to attend the Magaambya. Marin was supposed to just bring her her tea, attend to her needs during her travels. She was haughty, demanding, and over-confident, but once the journey was over Marin was going "home." He was looking forward to going back to the quiet diplomatic life rather than being pulled along on a trip for someone else's glory. Death struck the night they were on the steps of the Magaambya school, targeting Lahara, for unknown reasons. Whether they were from a rival family, or had darker intentions, they succeeded. Marin had been bringing dinner to the young lady and was caught in the crossfire. He watched, bleeding on the floor, as his mistress died to the assassins. His dying blood mixed with her dead blood, and the dense magical energies of the landscape and his slumbering tattoo. Something clicked, and magic was in Marin's grasp, and a swirling mass of magic and rage in the shape of the fallen magus materialized and fended off the remaining assassins. Marin was saved, but he was no longer the same, his soul and the final angry impressions of the once-scion entangled together spiritually and magically. Wounded, Marin finished the last leg of the trek alone, but found himself on the steps of the Magammbya. He plead for a place to stay, and the curiosity of his sudden mystical awakening and passion of his plea were enough to grant him admittance, a tenuous one. He took Lahara's place in the school. Marin is self-conscious of his position in the academy, and still bitter about being forever shackled to his former employer, and mentally still coming to terms with his new magic powers. Marin is suddenly having to come to terms with the fact that he has potential; his chance at freedom and forging his own path did not end with the death of his family all those years ago. It certainly doesn't help that he and his Eidolon, the mess of magical energies and Lahara's lingering emotion/spirit, don't get along very well. While Marin, like all Summoners, is firmly in control of their bond, is still finding his feet pushing back and using the spirit's magic, and it often puts him in a bad mood. Abilities Summoner Class Features Initial ProficienciesPerception: Trained (β—†) Saves: Fortitude: Expert (β—†β—†), Reflex: Trained (β—†), Will: Expert (β—†β—†) Skills: Trained in one or more skills determined by your eidolon: Intimidation (β—†), Occultism (β—†) Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier: Athletics(β—†), Deception(β—†), Diplomacy(β—†), Stealth(β—†) Attacks: Simple Weapons: Trained (β—†), Unarmed Attack:Trained (β—†) Defenses: Unarmed Defense: Trained (β—†) Trained in spell attack rolls of your spellcasting tradition, determined by your eidolon: Occult, Trained (β—†) Trained in spell DCs of your spellcasting tradition, determined by your eidolon: Occult, Trained (β—†) | Summoner SpellcastingYour link to your eidolon grants you limited magic connected to your eidolon's nature. You can cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity, and you can supply material, somatic, and verbal components when casting spells. Because of the magic you draw from your eidolon, you can usually replace material components with somatic components, so you don't need a material component pouch. Each day, you can cast one 1st-level spell and five cantrips. You must know spells to cast them, and you learn them via the spell repertoire class feature. The number of spells you can cast each day is called your spell slots. As you increase in level as a summoner, the magical link with your eidolon grants you additional, more powerful spell slots. Your total number of spell slots and the highest level of spells you can cast are shown in Table 2–4: Summoner Spells per Day. Because of the way you draw magic from your connection to your eidolon, you begin to lose lower-level spell slots once you reach 5th level. The maximum number of spell slots you get from the summoner class is four, starting when you reach 4th level. Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is Charisma, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use your Charisma modifier. Details on calculating these statistics appear in Spell Attack Roll. | Eidolon (Anger Phantom)You have a connection with a powerful and usually otherworldly entity called an eidolon, and you can use your life force as a conduit to manifest this ephemeral entity into the mortal world. Magic also flows through this conduit from your eidolon into you, so your eidolon determines the type of spells you cast and the spell list you choose from (as described in Summoner Spellcasting below). Choose a type of eidolon from the options starting on page 59 and other eidolons you have access to. When you choose your eidolon, you also determine its appearance and general form, within the parameters for that particular type of eidolon. Once you establish your eidolon's type and general appearance, these features can't be changed later, except by selecting special evolution feats that can cause your eidolon to develop new features. Your magical connection with your eidolon takes the form of a sigil on each of your bodies. As long as your eidolon is manifested, the sigil glows with light and can't be covered or disguised via any means; it will shine through clothing, appear over cloaks, and remain unaffected by obfuscating magic. This, combined with the way that the two of you clearly act in tandem, makes it readily apparent to an intelligent observer that the two of you are connected in some way, even if the person has never encountered a summoner before. You bring your eidolon into reality with the MANIFEST EIDOLON action. Your eidolon is no mere minion. It doesn't have the minion or summoned trait, and the two of you work together and coordinate your actions. You and your eidolon share your actions and multiple attack penalty. Each round, you can use any of your actions (including reactions and free actions) for yourself or your eidolon. You coordinate your actions with your eidolon more efficiently when you ACT TOGETHER Your connection with your eidolon allows you to communicate with it telepathically at all times, even when it isn't manifested. You also gain the SHARE SENSES action. Lastly, the connection between you and your eidolon means you both share a single pool of Hit Points. Damage taken by either you or the eidolon reduces your Hit Points, while healing either of you recovers your Hit Points. Like with your actions, if you and your eidolon are both subject to the same effect that affects your Hit Points, you apply those effects only once (applying the greater effect, if applicable). For instance, if you and your eidolon get caught in an area effect that would heal or damage you both, only the greater amount of healing or damage applies. Your eidolon can't wear or use magic items, except for items with the eidolon trait. An eidolon can have up to two items invested. Your eidolon's link to you means it can benefit from certain magic items invested by you. Your eidolon gains item bonuses to Perception and skills from any magical items that you have invested. - Your eidolon increases its item bonus to AC based on your armor's armor potency rune or bracers of armor. It also gains an item bonus to its saves from the resilient rune on your armor or from your bracers of armor. Other permanent items that grant or increase item bonuses to AC and saves might convey a similar benefit, as determined by the GM. - Your eidolon's Strikes benefit from the fundamental and property runes on your handwraps of mighty blows. Alternatively, you can Invest a magic weapon (even though magic weapons can't normally be Invested) to share its fundamental and property runes with your eidolon. You share these benefits only while you're holding the weapon, and you can have no more than one weapon invested in this way at a time. In either case, the eidolon gains only the benefits that can apply to its attacks, with the same limitations noted in handwraps of mighty blows. If you or your eidolon becomes slowed, stunned, quickened, or otherwise affected by something that changes the actions you gain at the start of each turn, it affects your shared actions. However, if you are both subject to such an effect, apply only the more severe one. For instance, if you or your eidolon were slowed 1, you would start your turn with one fewer action, but if you were both slowed 1, you would still lose only one action, rather than adding the two slowed effects together. However, if you were slowed 1 and your eidolon slowed 2, you'd have two fewer actions, because that's the more severe effect. If only one of you becomes restricted in how you can spend your actions, that restriction doesn't automatically extend to the other; for example, if your eidolon became immobilized or petrified, it wouldn't be able to move, but you could still use your actions to move. The GM resolves any situation that's unclear. You, as the player, control both your summoner and your eidolon, and the two are generally considered to cooperate unless you decide for them not to. While a summoner's link with an eidolon is a partnership, ultimately the eidolon is linked to you, not the other way around. If there's ever a conflict of who should act, you win out over your eidolon. This means that if the eidolon comes under an effect that would take its actions out of your control, such as the confused or controlled condition, you can use all of your shared actions so your eidolon doesn't have any actions remaining to cause trouble (as long as you are able to act). However, if you came under such an effect, you would simply use all of your shared actions, preventing your eidolon from acting. | Link SpellsYour connection to your eidolon allows you to cast link spells, special spells that have been forged through your shared connection with your eidolon. Link spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to specifically connect with your eidolon, such as by having a heart-to-heart conversation, playing together, or meditating in unison on the nature of your bond. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don't require spell slots, and you can't cast them using spell slots. Taking feats can give you more focus spells and increase the size of your focus pool, though your focus pool can never hold more than 3 Focus Points. The full rules for focus spells appear here. You learn the evolution surge link spell, which allows you to grant your eidolon one of several useful benefits. Heritage Half-Elf (Human)Either one of your parents was an elf, or one or both were half-elves. You have pointed ears and other telltale signs of elf heritage. You gain the elf trait and low-light vision. In addition, you can select elf, half-elf, and human feats whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Background ServantYou held a role of servitude, waiting on nobles and engendering their trust as one of the confidantes of the household. You might have walked away on good terms, or perhaps you know dangerous secrets about your former masters. Regardless, you’re adventuring for a change and finding that in this new role, the skills you’ve learned now serve you. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Society skill, and the Labor Lore skill. You gain the Read Lips skill feat. Feats Skill Feats Evolution Feats Class Feats Ancestry Feats General Feats Read LipsYou can read lips of others nearby who you can clearly see. When you're at your leisure, you can do this automatically. In encounter mode or when attempting a more difficult feat of lipreading, you're fascinated and flat-footed during each round in which you focus on lip movements, and you must succeed at a Society check (DC determined by the GM) to successfully read someone's lips. In either case, the language read must be one that you know. Advanced Weaponry (Grapple)Your eidolon's attack evolves. Choose one of your eidolon's starting melee unarmed attacks. It gains one of the following traits, chosen when you gain the feat: disarm, grapple, nonlethal, shove, trip, or versatile bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. SoM None Arcane Tattoos (Evocation)Access ethnicity or nationality requirement You have tattoos on your body. Choose one of the following schools of magic: abjuration (shield), conjuration (tanglefoot), enchantment (daze), evocation (electric arc), illusion (ghost sound), necromancy (chill touch), or transmutation (sigil). You can cast the associated cantrip (listed in parentheses) as an innate arcane spell at will. LO: CG None Skills Trained: β—† | Expert: β—†β—† | Master: β—†β—†β—† | Legendary: β—†β—†β—†β—† Acrobatics: +3 Arcana: +1 Athletics: +3 β—† Crafting: +1 Deception: +7 β—† Diplomacy: +7 Intimidation: +7 Lore (Labor): +7 β—† Medicine: +1 Nature: +1 Occultism: +4 β—† Performance: +4 Religion: +1 Society: +4 β—† Stealth: +6 β—† Survival: +1 Thievery: +3 Attacks MELEE RANGE Staff, Monk, Two Hand: D6 β—†, +3 1d4 B Dagger, Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10ft, Versatile S β—† +6 1d4 P Fist, Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed β—†, +6 1d4 B Dagger, Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft, Versatile S β—†, +6, 1d4 P Summoner Spells Wizard Spell Tradition: Arcane | Arcane Save DC: 17 | Arcane Spell Attack Modifier: +7 Cantrips: Guidance, Protect companion, Shield, Message, Detect Magic 1st Rank: Magic Weapon, Endure Special Actions Manifest Eidolon β—†β—†β—† Act Together β—† >β—†β—†> β—†β—†β—† Share Senses β—† Your eidolon appears in an open space adjacent to you, and can then take a single action. If your eidolon was already manifested, you unmanifest it instead. The conduit that allows your eidolon to manifest is also a tether between you. Your eidolon must remain within 100 feet of you at all times and can't willingly go beyond that limit. If forced beyond this distance, or if you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, your eidolon's physical form dissolves: your eidolon unmanifests, and you need to use Manifest Eidolon to manifest it again. Special This activity has the trait matching your eidolon's tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal) You and your eidolon act as one. Either you or your eidolon takes an action or activity using the same number of actions as Act Together, and the other takes a single action. For example, if you spent 2 actions to Act Together, you could cast burning hands (2 actions) and your eidolon could Strike (1 action), or your eidolon could use its Breath Weapon (2 actions) and you could Stride (1 action). This lets you each use separate exploration activities like Avoid Notice as you travel. You project your senses into your eidolon, allowing you to perceive through it. When you do, you lose all sensory information from your own body, but can sense through your eidolon's body for up to 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect. Special This action has the trait matching your eidolon's tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal). Your eidolon can also use this ability. When it does, it projects its senses into your body. INVENTORY Current Bulk: 2L Encumbered: 5 Maximum Bulk: 10 Currency: 0 Platinum, 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Copper Held: Staff, Worn: Clothing (Fine) Stowed: Writing Set (Extra Ink and Paper), Waterproof Journal, Lantern (Hooded), Hourglass, Rope, Waterskin, Chalk, Flint and Steel, Rations (x7), Torch, Bedroll, Soap
  18. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: 29 Skills Career: Spacer Position: Assistant Engineer Vacc Suit 3 Engineering 2 Security 1 Loader 1 Brawling 1 Psych Evaluation: Sensible, doesn't take risks Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str 8 Dex 7 End 4 Int 7 Edu 4 Soc 4
  19. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: 40 Skills Career: Technician Position: Head Engineer Electronics 2 Mechanical 3 Engineering 1 Comms 1 Computer 1 Vacc Suit 0 Psych Evaluation: Selfish, always thinking about reward Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str 6 Dex 5 End 7 Int 7 Edu 9 Soc 6
  20. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: 38 Skills Career: Scientist Position: Crewman Computer 2 Comms 3 Investigation 1 Vehicle (Land) 1 Gun Combat 1 Vacc Suit 0 Psych Evaluation: Comically Pessimistic and a paranoid Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str 7 Dex 7 End 7 Int 7 Edu 7 Soc 6
  21. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: 31 Skills Career: Spacer Position: Pilot Vacc Suit 1 Pilot 3 Navigation 2 Engineering 1 Brawling 1 Psych Evaluation: Joker who does not take life seriously. Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str 7 Dex 9 End 6 Int 7 Edu 3 Soc 4
  22. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: 23 Skills Career: Physician Position: Chief Doctor Medical 3 Liaison 2 Computer 1 Admin 1 Vacc Suit 0 Brawling 1 Psych Evaluation: Easy going and always relaxed... right? Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str 6 Dex 11 End 9 Int 9 Edu 11 Soc 12
  23. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: 46 Skills Career: Spacer Position: Captain Vacc Suit 2 Computer 2 Loader 1 Navigation 1 Pilot 1 Leader 1 Psych Evaluation: Stubborn and strong-willed Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str 6 Dex 4 End 7 Int 11 Edu 6 Soc 10
  24. PERSONNEL FORM Miami Office / 65-D45-25 (image here) Employee Name: x Age: x Skills Career: x Position: x Psych Evaluation: x Origins: x Appearance: x Professional Relationships Crew 1 - Crew 2 - Crew 3 - Crew 4 - Crew 5 - Inventory Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
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