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Lady Serpentine

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Everything posted by Lady Serpentine

  1. The Twilight League Round 6 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 10 Economy: 5 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 Actions: [Diplomacy] Attend Mageball! Accept Tesseratic Storage from in exchange for an IOU. Accept Hyperlight Transceivers from the Castaways of the Loop in exchange for an IOU. Donate 1 Treasure to EMP for Extraordinary Research Grants Approval. [Economy] Buyout TP 2 of Gold in Et Cetera HQ (TP 91.2), spending 1 Treasure and gaining the benefit of Union HQ. [Economy] Buyout TP 1 of Tripedal Mecha in the Steel Baronies (TP 61.1). [Faith] Convert the Orochon Shieldplains (Region 63) to Death's Wheel. [Faith] Convert the Steel Baronies (Region 61) to Death's Wheel. Nonactions News and Rumours Statistics Unit Count: 4 Ground, 2 Space Treasure: 2 (Spending 2 this round) Country Information Special Actions Available: Special Actions Used: Military 5, Faith 5, Economy 5 Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions) Diplomacy Reputation/Favours Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 1, -1 Favours (Expected Change: +1 Rep, +1 Favor) Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, -1 Favours (Expected Change: None) International Renown: Renown 0 Organisation Bases Guildhall in Vesper. Embassies None Cultural Identities None Great Works None Military Unit Cap: 7 (4 + 2 regions + 1 support) Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 1 Government Support: 58 Generals None Admirals Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.) Perfected Tactical Doctrines None Fortresses None Military Technologies Active Military Techs Man-Portable Weapons Infantry Equipment Combat Drugs and Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Spacecraft Propulsion Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Special Forces Logistics and Morale Economy Treasure: 1 (Expected Change: +4) Treasure Cap: 5 Trade Posts Effective Total TPs: 4 Treasure Rate: 0 Mercantile Support 58 Arcologies None Trade Routes None Faith Media Support: 58 Faith Size: 3 Organised Faith Bonuses None Artefacts None Holy Orders None Miracles None Intrigue Espionage Agency: No Claims 58 - Integration Total Passive Effects Traversal: Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water Actions:Defence: Misc:
  2. The Twilight League Round 6 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 10 Economy: 5 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 Actions: [Military] Attack Region 55 wih two ground units commanded by Lilium (Heir, Mil 6) using Measured Advance (-10% all casualties) traveling overland via Region 61 to Planum Khassia, and one space unit commanded by Void-leader Seraphine (Admiral, Mil 9) using Master of Arms (+1 to battle), assisting the Soom Clan. Deferring to the Soom Clan as regards leadership decisions and tactical doctrines. [Military] Attack Region 103 with two ground units commanded by Violetta (Ruler, Mil 10) using Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to Battle, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties), transported by one space unit commanded by Void-second Izumi (Subcommander, Mil 5) using Measured Advance (-10% all casualties). Deferring to the Black Cloud Coalition as regards command of the space front. Details Space Front: Admiral Hǎi Píng & Dǎo-Māo (BCC, +10) establishes Orbital Superiority - +2 BCC space units, +2 RRE space units, +1 TWI space unit, +2 WTP Space Units, total +17 before Tactical Maneuvering. Tactical Doctrine: Electronic Bombardment (Orbital Superiority bonus applies to ground front Tactical Maneuvering) Ground Front led by Ruler League Coordinator Violetta (TWI, +10): +10 Commander, +4 BCC grount units, +2 TWI ground units, total +16 before Tactical Maneuvering and Orbital Superiority. Tactical Doctrine: Measured Advance (-10% all casualties) [Econom [Economy] Establish an Arcology in Region 61 - Dustwell Factory Complex: +1 to Offensive Ground Battles. [Economy] Pay the WTU 5 treasure to repay a favor. [Faith] Create Artifact - The Charnel Heart: +2 to own leader loss rolls. Nonactions Pay the WTU 5 treasure to repay their loan. News and Rumours Statistics Unit Count: 4 Ground, 2 Space Treasure: 5 (Spending 5 this round) Country Information Special Actions Available: Faith 5, Economy 5 Special Actions Used: Military 5 Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions) Diplomacy Reputation/Favours Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 1, -1 Favours (Expected Change: +1 Rep, +1 Favor) Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, -1 Favours (Expected Change: None) International Renown: Renown 0 Organisation Bases Guildhall in Vesper. Embassies None Cultural Identities None Great Works None Military Unit Cap: 7 (4 + 2 regions + 1 support) Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 1 Government Support: 58 Generals None Admirals Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.) Perfected Tactical Doctrines None Fortresses None Military Technologies Active Military Techs Man-Portable Weapons Infantry Equipment Combat Drugs and Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Spacecraft Propulsion Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Special Forces Logistics and Morale Economy Treasure: 1 (Expected Change: +4) Treasure Cap: 5 Trade Posts Effective Total TPs: 4 Treasure Rate: 0 Mercantile Support 58 Arcologies None Trade Routes None Faith Media Support: 58 Faith Size: 3 Organised Faith Bonuses None Artefacts None Holy Orders None Miracles None Intrigue Espionage Agency: No Claims 58 - Integration Total Passive Effects Traversal: Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water Actions:Defence: Misc:
  3. The Twilight League Round 4 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 8 Economy: 5 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 %5BSpoiler%3DHistory%5DThe%20history%20of%20Vesper%20began%20in%20fire.%20The%20War%20of%20Eternal%20Bombardment%20came%20to%20what%20went%20before%2C%20and%20the%20world%20burned.%20Cities%20broke.%20The%20sky%20turned%20black%20with%20smoke%20that%20still%20has%20yet%20to%20clear.%20By%20all%20rights%2C%20it%20should%20be%20haunted%20a%20dozen%20times%20over%2C%20howling%20ghosts%20dogging%20the%20steps%20of%20any%20who%20dare%20disturb%20the%20unhallowed%20mass%20grave%20of%20a%20dozen%20cities.%0A%0AIt%20is%20perhaps%20even%20more%20concerning%20that%20it%20is%20not.%0A%0AThere%20is%20not%20a%20single%20ghost%20in%20Vesper%3B%20there%20are%20no%20petty%20tyrants%20who%20cannot%20conceive%20of%20a%20world%20that%20permits%20of%20their%20own%20death%2C%20no%20lost%20children%20wandering%20their%20broken%20homes%2C%20not%20a%20single%20sister%20who%20has%20clung%20to%20the%20world%20that%20she%20might%20visit%20vengeance%20for%20her%20fallen%20kin%20on%20any%20flesh%20within%20her%20grasp.%0A%0AFor%20a%20thousand%20years%20it%20was%20a%20land%20of%20storms%20and%20little%20more%2C%20the%20barest%20fragments%20slowly%2C%20slowly%20reclaimed%20by%20whatever%20the%20endless%20wind%20blew%20in%20from%20those%20lands%20that%20still%20knew%20life%20-%20or%20at%20least%20remembered%20how%20it%20was%20that%20they%20might%20rot.%0A%0AThen%20a%20nameless%20thing%20roused%20itself%20from%20long%20contemplation%2C%20and%20began%20to%20act.%20Long-buried%20machines%20hummed%20to%20life%3B%20from%20a%20stock%20that%20was%20meant%20to%20be%20an%20army%2C%20once%2C%20so%20very%20long%20ago%2C%20the%20first%20modern%20Vesperites%20were%20grown%20and%20decanted%2C%20waking%20in%20their%20coffins%20and%20slowly%20spreading%20across%20the%20land.%20Communities%20swiftly%20formed%2C%20but%20found%20themselves%20lacking%20necessities%2C%20even%20with%20what%20remained%20to%20scavenge%20after%20a%20thousand%20years%3B%20placed%20into%20a%20pit%20with%20no%20escape%20in%20sight%20and%20with%20one%20of%20their%20few%20instincts%20being%20that%20others%20were%20a%20viable%20food%20source%2C%20peaceful%20communities%20found%20themselves%20either%20fractured%20by%20internal%20divisions%20or%20overtaken%20by%20those%20with%20a%20more%20proactive%20approach%20to%20resource%20acquisition.%0A%0ASome%20Vesperites%20also%20sought%20to%20flee%20during%20this%20time%2C%20though%20relatively%20few%20due%20to%20the%20fact%20that%20trekking%20across%20truly%20vast%20expanses%20of%20Veehra%20on%20foot%20is%20a%20rather%20uninviting%20prospect%20and%20vehicles%20were%20few%20and%20far%20between%20in%20Vesper%20for%20much%20of%20its%20history.%20Most%20were%20presumably%20lost%20to%20the%20desert%2C%20desperate%20and%20foolish%20and%20doomed%2C%20but%20a%20few%20of%20the%20true%20monsters%20that%20deemed%20themselves%20strong%20enough%20for%20the%20trek%20may%20have%20succeeded.%20Unfortunately%2C%20as%20the%20most%20likely%20to%20be%20able%20to%20survive%20were%20those%20most%20changed%2C%20and%20thereby%20those%20who%20had%20most%20readily%20embraced%20the%20horror%20that%20Vesper%20in%20many%20ways%20had%20been%20molded%20into%2C%20it%20is%20likely%20that%20any%20who%20did%20would%20have%20been%20recorded%20only%20as%20a%20terrifying%20technothaumaturgic%20beast%20with%20an%20unusual%20fondness%20for%20eating%20people.%0A%0AThings%20stabilized%2C%20eventually%2C%20in%20a%20sense.%20What%20began%20as%20loose%20affiliations%20of%20those%20banded%20together%20for%20protection%20or%20to%20hunt%20developed%20ideologies%20and%20identities.%20Many%20of%20these%20would%20not%20survive%20the%20loss%20of%20their%20first%20leader%2C%20but%20others%20proved%20more%20resilient.%20And%2C%20of%20course%2C%20the%20first%20of%20those%20slain%20returned%20in%20the%20decades%20to%20follow%2C%20though%20it%20was%20rare%20that%20they%20could%20simply%20take%20up%20their%20old%20mantle%20once%20more.%0A%0AThis%2C%20then%2C%20is%20what%20led%20into%20the%20newest%20development%3A%20The%20Twilight%20League.%20It%20is%20not%20the%20first%20attempt%20to%20unify%20Vesper%2C%20precisely%2C%20but%20it%20is%20the%20most%20successful%20in%20a%20thousand%20years%20of%20blood%20and%20death%20and%20hunger%2C%20and%20it%20is%20bolstered%20by%20the%20fact%20that%20on%20the%20heels%20of%20finally%20constructing%20a%20large-scale%20communication%20system%20hardened%20to%20the%20constant%20interference%20caused%20by%20the%20fluctuations%20of%20the%20local%20magnetosphere%20and%20being%20able%20to%20reach%20beyond%20their%20borders%20in%20that%20sense%2C%20the%20Emperor%20saw%20fit%20to%20grant%20them%20the%20ability%20to%20do%20so%20rather%20more%20directly.%5B%2Fspoiler%5D%0A%0A%5Bspoiler%3DGeography%5D%5BLIST%5D%0A%5B*%5DLargely%20desert%3B%20significant%20ruined%20structures%2C%20some%20intact%20ones%20(largely%20underground%20for%20multiple%20reasons).%0A%5B*%5DContains%20terraforming%20equipment%20originally%20for%20creating%20and%20maintaining%20an%20artificial%20magnetosphere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20Specialists)%20is%20a%20rapidly%20growing%20source%20of%20income%20for%20the%20various%20factions%20that%20comprise%20the%20Twilight%20League.%20%20%0A%5Bu%5DDesired%20Import%3A%5B%2Fu%5D%20Given%20the%20precarious%20position%20in%20which%20most%20Vesperites%20find%20themselves%2C%20external%20means%20of%20easing%20that%20tension%20are%20highly%20sought%20after.%20As%20such%2C%20%5BB%5DCybernetics%20and%20Prosthetics%5B%2FB%5D%20are%20one%20of%20the%20primary%20imports%2C%20due%20to%20reducing%20the%20nanite%20burden%20that%20injuries%20present%20and%20offering%20an%20alternative%20route%20to%20increasing%20one's%20personal%20relevance%20through%20self-modification.%5B%2Fspoiler%5D%0A%0A%5Bspoiler%3DTechnology%5DStarting%20Technology%3A%20In%20Vivo%20Modification%20-%20While%20distinctly%20unusual%20in%20their%20methods%2C%20the%20modification%20of%20their%20bodies%20is%20intimately%20familiar%20to%20everyone%20in%20Vesper.%0ARegional%20Starting%20Technology%3A%20Dust%20Hardening%20-%20The%20Everstorm%20makes%20this%20even%20more%20of%20a%20necessity%20than%20usual%20for%20the%20Veehran%20desert%2C%20and%20those%20in%20Vesper%20are%20intimately%20familiar%20with%20a%20variety%20of%20methods%20to%20mitigate%20the%20impacts%20of%20the%20ever-present%20dust.%5B%2Fspoiler%5D History The history of Vesper began in fire. The War of Eternal Bombardment came to what went before, and the world burned. Cities broke. The sky turned black with smoke that still has yet to clear. By all rights, it should be haunted a dozen times over, howling ghosts dogging the steps of any who dare disturb the unhallowed mass grave of a dozen cities. It is perhaps even more concerning that it is not. There is not a single ghost in Vesper; there are no petty tyrants who cannot conceive of a world that permits of their own death, no lost children wandering their broken homes, not a single sister who has clung to the world that she might visit vengeance for her fallen kin on any flesh within her grasp. For a thousand years it was a land of storms and little more, the barest fragments slowly, slowly reclaimed by whatever the endless wind blew in from those lands that still knew life - or at least remembered how it was that they might rot. Then a nameless thing roused itself from long contemplation, and began to act. Long-buried machines hummed to life; from a stock that was meant to be an army, once, so very long ago, the first modern Vesperites were grown and decanted, waking in their coffins and slowly spreading across the land. Communities swiftly formed, but found themselves lacking necessities, even with what remained to scavenge after a thousand years; placed into a pit with no escape in sight and with one of their few instincts being that others were a viable food source, peaceful communities found themselves either fractured by internal divisions or overtaken by those with a more proactive approach to resource acquisition. Some Vesperites also sought to flee during this time, though relatively few due to the fact that trekking across truly vast expanses of Veehra on foot is a rather uninviting prospect and vehicles were few and far between in Vesper for much of its history. Most were presumably lost to the desert, desperate and foolish and doomed, but a few of the true monsters that deemed themselves strong enough for the trek may have succeeded. Unfortunately, as the most likely to be able to survive were those most changed, and thereby those who had most readily embraced the horror that Vesper in many ways had been molded into, it is likely that any who did would have been recorded only as a terrifying technothaumaturgic beast with an unusual fondness for eating people. Things stabilized, eventually, in a sense. What began as loose affiliations of those banded together for protection or to hunt developed ideologies and identities. Many of these would not survive the loss of their first leader, but others proved more resilient. And, of course, the first of those slain returned in the decades to follow, though it was rare that they could simply take up their old mantle once more. This, then, is what led into the newest development: The Twilight League. It is not the first attempt to unify Vesper, precisely, but it is the most successful in a thousand years of blood and death and hunger, and it is bolstered by the fact that on the heels of finally constructing a large-scale communication system hardened to the constant interference caused by the fluctuations of the local magnetosphere and being able to reach beyond their borders in that sense, the Emperor saw fit to grant them the ability to do so rather more directly. Geography Largely desert; significant ruined structures, some intact ones (largely underground for multiple reasons). Contains terraforming equipment originally for creating and maintaining an artificial magnetosphere. Currently appears to be malfunctioning, and is responsible for a perpetual storm that hides Ophon save as a red glow behind the clouds. Ecosystem is deeply screwed up; native flora and fauna were annihilated and two thousand years of recovery that had to be fueled entirely by the surrounding desert has not made a lot of progress. Underground life fared better, but until significant amounts of biomass were actually present (in the form of people), recolonization from those sources was heavily limited. Attempts are being made to design new flora and fauna or reintroduce old ones in hopes of potentially stabilizing Vesperite society marginally; hampered by nanite reliance and how badly screwed up the baseline is. Landscape is dotted with various "tombs"; largely underground, surface structures are highly resilient and seal themselves when not actively in use. Largest is believed to house the Gravekeeper, a semi-deified and highly rampant pre-war AI that is responsible for the deeply weird nature of Vesper's people. People Most residents of Vesper fall into a general “approximately human” umbrella, at least in terms of appearance - additional limbs, heavy use of other forms of cybernetics, and the integration of animalistic features through means both genetic and mechanical are common, but humanity remains the basic template onto which these things are overlaid. Beneath the surface, things are more complicated. Vesperites are grown, not born; they awaken with certain knowledge (speech, memories that seem to be of lives before Vesper which match to no known periods of history, and little else) within self-maintaining complexes that seal themselves against any intrusion when they are not in active operation, and are cast into the world with only that and whatever the complex chooses to provide for their perusal. They are also entirely sterile (something which has thus far been unaddressable by even intensive interventions, albeit only with the tools and techniques available within Vesper) - the tombs they rise from are their sole source of new bodies, and while they open regularly enough to maintain and even grow the population, this is a matter of some concern now that they have made contact with the outside world and found that other areas have exponential rather than fixed growth. More strangely, and in many ways more importantly to the day to day experiences of Vesperites, their bodies contain nanite colonies spread throughout their flesh (and indeed their metal and pseudo-flesh). In theory, these nanites are capable of rebuilding their bodies into nearly any form they can conceive of, rapidly healing injuries, and producing various useful items directly from their bodies. It is believed this also protects them from old age, and certainly none are known for sure to have died of it - but, as the standard joke goes, how would you tell in a place like this? In practice this encounters two major barriers that there is no known means to surmount. Firstly, speed. It does not matter than you can make your fingers into claws if you have already been shot long before the transformation is complete. It does not matter if you can heal cuts as though they were months-old scars in a day if you bleed out in minutes, nor that you can heal a broken bone in a week if your skull has been shattered and you died in seconds. Secondly, the process is not free. One cannot simply hide in a basement with a mushroom farm for a century and emerge a god. One needs materials, and in particular, one needs more nanites. This is even more true the more complex a change one wishes to make; one who wishes only to grow claws would find it far easier than one who wishes to grow an entire cybernetic arm for those claws to sit upon, and both would find it easier than someone who wished to craft a coilgun within their arm instead. More complicated projects may take months or even years of stockpiling before one has the necessary resources to properly make the change. It is unfortunate, then, that save for raiding a tomb when it opens, the only source of suitable nanites is other Vesperites. It is even more unfortunate that they are in many ways dependent on them for survival, for they have been integrated so well that their bodies fare poorly without them, and that they are expended every time that they are used. This combines to render cannibalism more-or-less obligate; any Vesperite who wishes to grow beyond their baseline (more or less a necessity considering all the other Vesperites who may be less squeamish) or maintain proper functionality in the face of repeated injury (an inevitability on Veehra, particularly in a notably stormy area) will eventually resort to it. This is exacerbated by the fact that the instincts they are imprinted with are well aware of this fact, and loudly inform most Vesperites of exactly where they can get what they need whenever they begin to require more. The final oddity of Vesperic physiology is this: They do not, precisely, die. They can be slain and butchered and they will not return as a ghost to trouble you, nor will they rise again from their corpse. They will seem to die, to pass beyond the veil just as any outsider would, and they regard it with a similar sort of fear. But in time, if they wish to, they may return. It takes at least a decade or two at the shortest interval that any know of, and intervals of a century are not unknown, but some day they may simply step out of another tomb in another body. Some regard this as an opportunity to reinvent themselves, taking on new names with each incarnation. Others attempt to force themselves back into their old lives, or as close as they can achieve. Most fall somewhere between these two extremes. The same person, but thrust into radically different circumstances and with no guarantee that they will ever see any of the people they once knew again. (It is unknown whether it is possible to simply refuse to return. Certainly, it seems as though it might be, but it is also impossible to verify. One cannot prove that a soul will not be plucked out of death by force if it tarries too long, becaus there is always the chance it simply has not been long enough. But it is believed, at least, that if one truly cannot find a reason to return, and is not offered one by the gods beyond the veil, they will not.) Culturally, Vesper is highly diverse due to the rather extreme differences in backgrounds that many firstborn seem to possess (though there is extensive debate over if they are truly the dead of the distant past dragged forward to now, if those memories are rather of the lands beyond death, or if they are simply the fabrications of a freshborn mind or some fabrication of the Gravekeeper), but adaptations to Veehra and the constant friction of dealing with one's neighbors have forced certain norms to become widespread. Face-concealing helmets, breathing apparatus, eyepieces, and similar attire are extremely common, and most Vesperites find going without them in open areas at least somewhat uncomfortable. That being said, facial augmentation is also common, and once it is sufficiently extreme to protect one from the dust, many find it easier to dispense with such things, or to wear masks (often simpler technologically, but generally no less elaborate) instead. Hospitality is also an important norm, albeit in a complex way. It is not expected to be offered, nor to be granted when requested outside of specific circumstances, such as an envoy or an active storm. When it is offered or granted, however, betraying it is thoroughly reviled - whether on the part of the guest or the host, one who has betrayed it can expect that to haunt them for at least one lifetime unless there is compelling proof of truly extenuating circumstances. Further complicating matters is that unless a guest is injured or operating directly as a part of the group (unusual, but not unheard of), taking food (defined primarily by it is considered to create an obligation to contribute at least as much, or some payment considered to be of equivalent value. Generally, if opting for the latter approach, it is wise to negotiate that payment beforehand, as differences of opinion over exactly what was owed have contributed some of the more memorable stories that have entered the Vesperic canon of legends. Historically, most Vesperite groups have been nomadic, save for those who had some reason to seek to hold specific territory and were strong enough to truly enforce that claim. Given that this required being not only strong enough to withstand attempts to take it, but secure enough to send parties out to hunt when your territory became shunned, and having a sufficienly stable source of new members to replace one's losses, this was no small feat, and primarily centered around attempting to live near enough to a tomb to reap the benefits of semi-regular crops of the newly decanted and the higher background concentration of nanites, without falling afoul of its defenses when it is sealed and thus inclined to repel those who would seek to enter with what some might consider rather excessive measures. With the recent division of Vesper amongst the members of the Twilight League, this has shifted somewhat. This has had certain immediately obvious benefits, as they have been able to begin a more focused campaign of resource extraction, and in turn, to at least cobble together somewhat functional factories in the pre-War vein rather than ones based entirely on specialized mutations and cybernetics to turn members of the group into living ammunition factories, drug synthesizers, and the like. However, as many of the same pressures are still at play, this may prove to be an unstable change. For now, it is holding, as a vast amount of effort that is largely invisible from outside the League goes to ensuring that there is as equitable a distribution of supplies - and when necessary and feasible, redeployment of personnel - as possible in order to avert the collapse of any of its members. Government Structure and Supports A unified government is a recent addition to Vesper’s political landscape. It is also, in many ways, a polite fiction. The faction that calls itself the Twilight League certainly exists, and it is the largest single faction in Vesper, but the face it presents to the world is a great deal more cohesive than it truly is. In actuality, the Twilight League is more of a loose confederation of warlords who have banded together in an uneasy alliance than a true state. Their command of their followers is more or less absolute, as is their control of their immediate territory. Beyond that, there are significant gaps in state legibility, and many territories are only nominally under the control of any group - the Twilight League has divide the whole of Vesper between them, but in practice, many areas may not even be aware that they supposedly have a new government. Vesper’s government faction is composed of both the immediate membership of the Twilight League and the direct adherents of those groups, in a pseudo-feudal arrangement. Currently, they support the Twilight League itself - or, more accurately, they are the League and support the current head of it. Vesper’s Merchant faction primarily consists of scavengers, those who have repurposed their bodies (or arranged for others to do so) in a way that permits for the production of useful resources, or those few warlords whose territory contains a functioning pre-War factory. The local Media is a chaotic melange of intranets, radio broadcasts, public forums, public or pseudopublic chatrooms, and, of course, InterPlanNet chatter, though the last is surprisingly uncommon, as much of the local infrastructure was damaged and connections to it have only recent begun to spread with the League’s ascension to the Elect. Religion Those reborn to Vesper have, as one might expect, been shaped by the conditions they have lived, and died, and been reborn to live and die once more in. While nearly every Vesperine who is not freshly born has their own opinion and those who have newly clawed themselves back from death are generally swiftly forming one, there are some broad ideas that have taken root and spread, whether through the mundane transmission of concepts or shared experiences. The broad tenets are that the only gods worth mentioning are those beyond the veil; these control when and if you may return, by means of the bargains that they offer. Some come with gifts, some only with life, but all come with a price. This is the shared experience; firstborn are plucked from death and have no say in it, but to return again is to accept such an offer, or perhaps seek a god and make it yourself. Memory of the lands beyond death is hazy, dreamlike, and not always consistent. More broadly, many believe that there is little difference, if any, between this world and the afterlife. Does one leave it when one dies? Of course, in a sense; that is obvious to any who has been reborn more than once. In another sense, however, being shuttled off the field for a while is no reason to think one has left entirely, and when one has been reborn even once, it often seems quite logical to think that this is simply the nature of the world one inhabits after one’s death. The potential inconsistency of this worldview with the way literally everywhere that is not Vesper functions is often reconciled by pointing out that those places which are not Vesper lack a Gravekeeper, the Vesperian name for the AI that governs each complex within which Vesperites are “born”. It is only natural, then, that certain processes might be different, particularly as they are not even produced in the same fashion. Majority: Death’s Wheel Minorities: Skull Sisterhood, Soulbound Dance Resources Resource: The primary thing that Vesper has both large numbers of and reliable access to is Vesperites. Fortunately, given the nature of Vesperites, this is hardly an unmarketable resource, and those who are at the midpoint between "fresh coffin-meat" and "terrifying nightmare abominations that roam the wastes and are probably not thinking remotely like a human anymore" are those both most likely to be more than ready to leave and those most suitable to taking up positions elsewhere. All this combines to mean that contracting Vesperite Rangers (Soldiers and Specialists) is a rapidly growing source of income for the various factions that comprise the Twilight League. Desired Import: Given the precarious position in which most Vesperites find themselves, external means of easing that tension are highly sought after. As such, Cybernetics and Prosthetics are one of the primary imports, due to reducing the nanite burden that injuries present and offering an alternative route to increasing one's personal relevance through self-modification. Technology Starting Technology: In Vivo Modification - While distinctly unusual in their methods, the modification of their bodies is intimately familiar to everyone in Vesper. Regional Starting Technology: Dust Hardening - The Everstorm makes this even more of a necessity than usual for the Veehran desert, and those in Vesper are intimately familiar with a variety of methods to mitigate the impacts of the ever-present dust.
  4. The Twilight League Round 4 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 8 Economy: 5 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 Actions: [Economy] Buyout TP1 of Implanted HUDs in Region 75 (TP 75.1) [Military] Raise one space unit. [Military] Raise one ground unit. [Military] Raise one ground unit. [Military] Dispatch a team of Vesperite soldiers to breach the bunker in Region 63. Nonactions It's time for blood! Honor duel fluff goes here. News and Rumours Statistics Unit Count: 3 Ground, 1 Space Treasure: 4 (Spending 4 this round) Country Information Special Actions Available: Faith 5, Economy 5 Special Actions Used: Military 5 Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions) Diplomacy Reputation/Favours Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 1, -1 Favours (Expected Change: +1 Rep, +1 Favor) Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, -1 Favours (Expected Change: None) International Renown: Renown 0 Organisation Bases Guildhall in Vesper. Embassies None Cultural Identities None Great Works None Military Unit Cap: 7 (4 + 2 regions + 1 support) Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 1 Government Support: 58 Generals None Admirals Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.) Perfected Tactical Doctrines None Fortresses None Military Technologies Active Military Techs Man-Portable Weapons Infantry Equipment Combat Drugs and Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Spacecraft Propulsion Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Special Forces Logistics and Morale Economy Treasure: 1 (Expected Change: +4) Treasure Cap: 5 Trade Posts Effective Total TPs: 4 Treasure Rate: 0 Mercantile Support 58 Arcologies None Trade Routes None Faith Media Support: 58 Faith Size: 3 Organised Faith Bonuses None Artefacts None Holy Orders None Miracles None Intrigue Espionage Agency: No Claims 58 - Integration Total Passive Effects Traversal: Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water Actions:Defence: Misc:
  5. The blank black surface of Seraphine's helmet hides whatever reaction she might have to Console Prisca's sudden demise. Judging by the fact that mere moments after the fatal fist lands she begins to walk a calm, methodical, and quite probably overkill line of shots from the base of Pugilarch's spine all the way to the back of his head, however, it can be surmised that they were at the very least not uncomplicatedly positive.
  6. With Eighbris, if not out of the fight, at least significantly slowed, Seraphine turns her attention directly to the other melee combatant charging directly at her. So far she's barely moved from her starting position in the arena, standing apparently unconcerned amidst the chaotic massacre that this round of the deathmatch is quickly evolving into and permitting her opponents to come to her. Pugilator, for all his hulking mass and surprising turn of speed, is no exception, and she simply pivots to unleash another withering hail of metal on the abomination of science(?) in an attempt to punish his miscalculation. Mechanics Seraphine is uninjured and rolls at +9. She is armed with an automatic shotgun and an electrified sword paired with a pistol.
  7. Seraphine is ready for Eighbris's charge - indeed, she had already focused her attention on him before it even began, eager to reopen the question of which of them is the better fighter. She may have tied him on points in the Bironian Bash, but he bested her in the duel, and she's not eager to simply let the record stand at that. That's not to say that attempting to close the gap has suddenly become a poor strategy; if anything it only reinforces the need for Eighbris to make sure the fight happens on his terms. But it does make it rather more troublesome for him to accomplish. The dull, thudding roar of her shotgun rings out across the arena, the sound echoing confusingly and blending with itself as she raises the weapon to her shoulder and fires three times in quick succession, aiming for the Knight's legs in the hopes of a pellet slipping through a vulnerable joint and stopping his advance. Not that she's certain the joints are especially vulnerable, but in the absence of a primer on chitincraft she can call a quick timeout to read, it's as good a theory to be going on with as any.
  8. [Pregame Drinks] Seraphine of Vesper likewise makes an appearance in the same armor that she wore at the the Bironian Bash - void black save for an intricately detailed lightning bolt stretching from neck to ankle. This time, however, her helmet is not in evidence, revealing her face to the world beyond her homeland for the first time since her appearance on the world stage. Or at least as much of her face as can be expected of most Veehrans: A red veil that seems to be made of something not quite silk, set with small ovals of hematite, obscures her mouth and nose. Above that, those attending the pre-game celebration can see mismatched eyes - one a cluster of black lenses, the other a smooth sphere of titanium with a swirling dust storm where one might expect to see a pupil - set in a pale blue face that might at first make the Badalians present believe her to be a Bironian who is very rogue indeed. That impression is quickly dispelled by a glance slightly further up, however; her head has no sign of any horns, only a mass of slender black braids decorated with silver beads and pale green gems. She raises her drink in response to Eighbris's toast, the gloves that usually make up part of her armor replaced for the evening by a pair in pale leather with gold stitching. Presumably, they afford her greater dexterity for such precise tasks as 'holding a glass while potentially drunk" than that offered by even the finest servos and synthetic grip coating. She nods grimly at the toast and lifts the glass to her lips, sliding it under her veil with the practiced ease of one long accustomed to doing so. "To Shi Lithium! May the Wheel turn swiftly to return her to us, and slow for her slayer." [The Arena] Seraphine offers the crowd a shallow bow, but otherwise makes no attempt to mug for either the audience here or those watching the broadcast. Even if her reasons for attending weren't largely unrelated to the spectacle, which they are, her faceless armor makes her rather better suited to play the part of the mysterious and aloof fighter whose only concern is the arena. Whether that makes her a heel or a clean favorite for her lack of malice, well... That remains to be seen. Details Void-leader Seraphine will be fighting on behalf of the Twilight League. She rolls with 2d6+9 and will be using an automatic shotgun and an electrified sword wielded alongside a pistol.
  9. At the same time as the steady stream of far more prominent diplomatic vessels, a merchant convoy (from distant Veehra, of all places!) makes its approach to the North Way Cluster, bypassing the airways set aside for the festivities entirely in favor of seeking out the nearest market. Entirely, that is, save for one small personnel carrier that peels off from the larger group. Like the ships it accompanied, it’s clearly been retrofitted for the Badalian atmosphere by hands well-used to hostile atmospheres, but with little direct experience with the unique challenges posed by Badal. The harsh light of the Badalian sun gleams off a glassy black surface as it drifts towards one of the landing platforms, thrusters occasionally flaring an acidic green as some blast of wind tries to throw it off course. While the specifics are unfamiliar, it’s clearly armed; on the upper hull, a large single-barreled turret with a bulbous blue-tinted canopy at the back of it swivels to track any nearby craft, and beneath the vessel at the rear, a smaller bubble with three comparatively slim barrels set on either side of it does the same. A ramp folds out from the side of the transport the moment it’s settled onto its spidery, oddly articulated landing legs. Five figures in full environmentally sealed infantry armor quickly make their way down it, and it swings shut again the moment the last one steps off - as much work as went into ensuring it would be as capable of withstanding Badal’s atmosphere as possible, it’s best not to put that to the test any more than can be avoided. All five’s armor has the same glassy black sheen as the transport itself. Where four sets are unadorned, however, the leader’s has the emblem of the Twilight League emblazoned on the left breast, and an elaborate lightning bolt runs from the base of their neck to their right foot. Their helmet is also in a different style, with an elaborate filtration apparatus painted in crimson and hold in place of the the understated vents on the rest. Each of them also has a pistol prominently displayed on their hip, opposite a pair of long knives. No heavier weapons are in immediate evidence… Though the rearmost two are holding a heavy case between them that is most likely serving as a polite fiction. It might just be dueling equipment, of course, and indeed some of it probably is. But between the size and the general reputation of Vesper, there’s almost certainly something inside that packs more of a punch too. The turrets’ continued movement hints at the presence of further crew aboard, though if so, they seem to have no intention of making themselves known, at least as yet. Regardless of if that’s truly the case or they’re automated, the upper one remains much the same as it was in the air. The one at the rear, on the other hand - whether because it now lacks angles on any other targets or as a deliberate priority - swivels to track the ground crews as they move in, lingering uncomfortably on them. The five wordlessly (though not soundlessly; it may not be full powered armor, but their current attire is still relatively heavy and unsubtle) make their across the landing pad to the nearest sky shuttle. Once inside, the leader does finally speak, her voice distorted slightly by her helmet speakers and competing with the faint hiss of her air system, but otherwise surprisingly clear and pleasant. “Seraphine of the Twilight League, and escort. I am here to compete in the tournament?” Knightly Duel: Military +9 - Seraphine was well-versed in combat (including a dueling tradition) in her first life, both on and off the ground, and the time since her rebirth in Vesper has only honed her skills - at both forms, since her recent victory against the Cloudburst Confederation. Still, it’s the former that’s the most relevant. For all that one might intuitively expect fighting aboard an aerostat to resemble a boarding action, the formal structure and relatively open arena means very little actually translates to Bironian dueling. She fights with a straight sword that crackles with electricity, an unanticipated counterpart to the Sword of Revolutions - albeit one far less storied - that assuredly catches the attention of some in the crowd. Pirate Brawl: Military +9 (Admiral’s exception) - Much of Seraphine’s life in Vesper has been more or less a protracted series of gang fights, if gang fights tended to result in the losers being eaten. It’s experience that serves her in good stead in the cramped conditions of the Brawl, particularly in combination with a natural talent for improvisation that lends her an upper hand against opponents less willing to be flexible in what they consider a potential weapon. Caged Streetfight: Military +9 - Seraphine brings the same sword she wielded in the Knightly Duel once more, but this time supplements it with an array of knives and a pistol wielded in her offhand. Perhaps not the best she could do, were she to truly take a no-holds-barred approach… But bringing a grenade launcher to a duel seems in poor taste, and even something like a rifle with armor-piercing rounds runs the risk of piercing the aerostat itself.
  10. The Twilight League Round 4 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 8 Economy: 4 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 Actions: [Diplomacy] Attend the Elven Conclave of 2044 Attending: Lilium Accept 1 Treasure and the Eye of the Storm from the Iron Masquerade (attaching the Eye of the Storm to Void-leader Seraphine). [Military] Invade Region 61 with 3 ground units, led by Violetta (Mil 8) using Overwhelming Tempo (+2 Battle, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties) and assisted by 2 ground units and 1 space unit provided by the Castways of the Loop. Battle Details Space Front (uncontested) led by Castaways of the Loop subcommander Tina 21135: +1 SEV Unit, +3 Commander, total +4. Tactical Doctrine Measured Advance (-10% all casualties). Ground Front led by League Coordinator Violetta: +3 TWI Units, +2 SEV Units, +8 Commander, +3 Orbital Superiority, total +19. Tactical Doctrine Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to battle, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties). [Economy] Buyout TP3 of Vesperite Rangers in Vesper (Region 58) with support, spending 1 treasure and gaining the effects of the WTU headquarters arcology. [Economy] Hoard Treasure. [Economy] Hoard Treasure. Nonactions Union inspectors are made welcome in Vesper, although the unusual nature of the Vesperite economic and manufacturing system is expected to pose certain regulatory challenges. News and Rumours Across several channels on the Snake News Network, the news contains some variation on “We take you now to Vesper for a live statement from Violetta, coordinator of the Twilight League, regarding recent hostilities between the League and the High Kingdom of Ishtahnos.” The camera cuts to an office. An abstract tapestry hangs behind a sturdy wooden desk, which is in turn flanked by shelves covered in an eclectic array of trinkets ranging from blown glass statues to salvaged treasures and hand weapons. A particularly keen observer - or, more likely, one rewatching the clip later for a rare look at Vesperite culture - might note that mixed in amongst the rest are several masks and pieces of body armor. All of these show signs of combat damage, though it’s impossible to say if they’re trophies or memorials for fallen comrades. On a first viewing, however, Violetta herself rather dominates the scene. Rather than being seated in the seemingly perfectly functional chair behind the desk, she is lounging atop the desk itself. She’s not an imposing figure, as such - especially not to Ishtahn eyes, given she comes in several inches short of six feet - but the brilliant crimson of the suit she’s wearing (offset by splashes of dark orange at the collar and wrists) stands in stark contrast to the tapestry framing her. As is usual for Veehra, she’s wearing a mask of sorts, though hers is rather more abbreviated than usual. Her eyes are hidden behind ruby lenses set in a metal visor that reaches down the bridge of her nose, but the rest of her face is bare. She takes a moment to lift a glass of some dark red liquid that seems unpleasantly thick to her lips and take a deep pull from it before she speaks. Her mouth is fixed in a friendly smile, and her voice never rises above a conversational volume, but her tone is raw venom - as is only appropriate, given her words. “To the Dishonorable Johnathon Royston Rageclaw, First Liar of the Petty Kingdom of Ishtahnos, May your poison tongue rot from your mouth that you might choke on it, and your sunless fingers be smashed for their perfidy. No apology shall be forthcoming for the hostilities that you initiated when you freely chose to take military action against the forces of the Twilight League. Nor will I be disavowing the actions of Lilium nor any other commander for retaliating in kind. Far from having the temerity to act as if you were blameless and offering to graciously permit me to shoot those who have served loyally in the back, you should count yourself lucky that the response was so measured as it was. If you desire to begin a war, as you have insinuated will be the case should you prove dissatisfied with the amount of groveling you recieve, you are welcome to declare one. One hopes that the families of the Ishtahn dead will know with whom to lodge their complaints.” Violetta starts to raise her hand in a deeply obscene gesture directed squarely at the camera before the broadcast cuts abruptly back to the studio. “That’s all from Vesper for now, folks! However, the Twilight League has provided us with a copy of the letter that Coordinator Violetta was responding to…” Shortly after the anticipated declaration of war by the Ishtahn, the same channels that released the live feed of Violetta run a followup segment. "Tensions continue to run high here on Veehra, with war between Elect looming on the horizon once again. Coordinator Violetta of the Twilight Leage seems unconcerned, however. When we contacted her for further comment on the recent escalation of hostilities, she had this to say: 'The Ishtahn are cordially invited to return to Vesper at any time that they are in possession of actual war goals and the stomach to prosecute them. In the meantime, a pissing contest in high orbit seems to serve no purpose save to ensure everyone is in the splash zone - particularly when you're borrowing someone else's dick to piss with. As such, I see no reason to participate.'" Statistics Unit Count: 3 Ground, 1 Space Treasure: 1 (Spending 1 this round) Country Information Special Actions Available: Faith 5 Special Actions Used: Military 5 Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions) Diplomacy Reputation/Favours Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) International Renown: Renown 0 Organisation Bases Guildhall in Vesper. Embassies None Cultural Identities None Great Works None Military Unit Cap: 6 (4 + 1 region + 1 support) Ground Units: 2 Space Units: 1 Government Support: 58 Generals None Admirals Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.) Perfected Tactical Doctrines None Fortresses None Military Technologies Active Military Techs Man-Portable Weapons Infantry Equipment Combat Drugs and Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Spacecraft Propulsion Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Special Forces Logistics and Morale Economy Treasure: 1 (Expected Change: +4) Treasure Cap: 5 Trade Posts Effective Total TPs: 4 Treasure Rate: 0 Mercantile Support 58 Arcologies None Trade Routes None Faith Media Support: 58 Faith Size: 3 Organised Faith Bonuses None Artefacts None Holy Orders None Miracles None Intrigue Espionage Agency: No Claims 58 - Integration Total Passive Effects Traversal: Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water Actions:Defence: Misc:
  11. The Twilight League Round 2 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 6 Economy: 2 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 Actions: [Diplomacy] Attend the Union of House Ebonne and the House of Fire. Event Subaction: Spend 1 treasure to pay taxes. [Military] Deploy 1 space unit to the Soom Clan space front responsible for the Soom Clan invasion of Regions 55 and 56 and the Cloudburst Confederation invasions of Regions 53 and 56, commanded by Void-leader Seraphine (Military 9). Details Space Front led by Twilight League Admiral Void-leader Seraphine(?) using Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to battle roll, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties): +1 SCM Unit, +3 SNK Units, +1 TWI Unit, +9 Commander, total +14 (+16 if TacMan triggers.) Action fluff to be added when the situation is less fluid. [Military] Sack Trading Post 1 in Region 66 (66.1), spending 1 treasure. [Military] Sack Trading Post 1 in Ishtahnos (65.1), spending 1 treasure. Action fluff to be added when the situation stabilizes. [Military] Raise 1 ground unit. Nonactions ??? News and Rumours Lilium of the Twilight League seen courting Alud Soom! See Snake News Network for more! Statistics Unit Count: 2 Ground, 1 Space Treasure: 3 (Spending 3 this round) Country Information Special Actions Available: Faith 5 Special Actions Used: Military 5 Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions) Diplomacy Reputation/Favours Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) International Renown: Renown 0 Organisation Bases Guildhall in Vesper. Embassies None Cultural Identities None Great Works None Military Unit Cap: 6 (4 + 1 region + 1 support) Ground Units: 2 Space Units: 1 Government Support: 58 Generals None Admirals Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.) Perfected Tactical Doctrines None Fortresses None Military Technologies Active Military Techs Man-Portable Weapons Infantry Equipment Combat Drugs and Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Spacecraft Propulsion Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Special Forces Logistics and Morale Economy Treasure: 4 (Expected Change: -1) Treasure Cap: 5 Trade Posts Effective Total TPs: 2 Treasure Rate: 0 Mercantile Support 58 Arcologies None Trade Routes None Faith Media Support: 58 Faith Size: 3 Organised Faith Bonuses None Artefacts None Holy Orders None Miracles None Intrigue Espionage Agency: No Claims 58 - Integration Total Passive Effects Traversal: Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water Actions:Defence: Misc:
  12. The Twilight League Round 2 Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58) Diplomacy: 1 Military: 6 Economy: 2 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 2 Heir: Lilium D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2 Actions: [Diplomacy] Attend the Mekhala Mad Dash of 2037. Lilium quietly attends the race, their presence only made clear after the fact save to a few interested parties. Despite the subdued and largely political nature of their visit, they return with a noted appreciation for the race itself, and it would be unsurprising to see at least Vesperite entrant next time it is held. [Economy] Buyout TP 2 of Vesperite Rangers in Vesper (58.2), spending one treasure. (Success.) The various warlords that form the primary power structures of the Twilight League always have a need for soldiers and other specialized roles, and with war just outside their borders and some very concerning rumors coming out of Narsai, that is truer than ever. [Economy] Construct a WTU base in Vesper (Region 58). [Economy] Construct a WTU base in Vesper. [Economy] Construct a WTU base in Vesper. It seems likely that a Trading Hall within a reasonable distance for a groundcar caravan from their headquarters was not precisely what the Union had in mind. It seems even more likely that construction of one in a sunless wasteland was not at all their intent. Nevertheless, in a bid for legitimacy, the Twilight League does just that. They also go one step further than strictly required, constructing an entire complex to house it in addition to the structure itself. As a neutral marketplace with rules strictly enforced by the Twilight League, the complex is an obvious hub for inter-faction trading, and quickly comes to house a small but growing number of businesses intended to cater to travelers and Union members alike - though it remains to be seen how many of the latter will find the fact that the various spirits for sale are produced by the employees offputting. Expected stat changes: +2 Economy Nonactions Enter favor debt with the Basu-Rahman Group for extraordinarily farious purposes. News and Rumours The Llort Society Protectorate's generous offer is readily accepted, Lilium having finalized the details between the end of the Mekhala Mad Dash and their return home. Statistics Unit Count: 2 Ground, 1 Space Treasure: 4 (Spending 1 this round) Country Information Special Actions Available: Faith 5 Special Actions Used: Military 5 Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions) Diplomacy Reputation/Favours Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None) International Renown: Renown 0 Organisation Bases None (Expected change: Trading Hall in Vesper) Embassies None Cultural Identities None Great Works None Military Unit Cap: 6 (4 + 1 region + 1 support) Ground Units: 2 Space Units: 1 Government Support: 58 Generals None Admirals Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.) Perfected Tactical Doctrines None Fortresses None Military Technologies Active Military Techs Man-Portable Weapons Infantry Equipment Combat Drugs and Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Spacecraft Propulsion Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures Special Forces Logistics and Morale Economy Treasure: 4 (Expected Change: -1) Treasure Cap: 5 Trade Posts Effective Total TPs: 2 Treasure Rate: 0 Mercantile Support 58 Arcologies None Trade Routes None Faith Media Support: 58 Faith Size: 3 Organised Faith Bonuses None Artefacts None Holy Orders None Miracles None Intrigue Espionage Agency: No Claims 58 - Integration Total Passive Effects Traversal: Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water Actions:Defence: Misc:
  13. Time to test some rolling: Number of arms Sirens or Satellites
  14. I'd like to request a change to Lady Serpentine, please.
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