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  1. RAW Sudden Strike is different to Sneak Attack, specifically it does not affect targets who are flanked unless they are also denied their Dec Bonus to AC (e.g. flat-footed). The damage stacks (where both can be applied) but they progress separately based on the classes taken.
  2. The 'stacking' in RAW relates to non-gestallt, and so it means if you switch from Rogue to Arcane Trickster you keep progressing the Sneak Attack. In gestallt at each level each class you take has a question 'improved SA this level?' With a Yes/No answer. You then get to take the best of either class, No/No = No, Yes/No (and No/Yes) = Yes, and Yes/Yes =Yes. This is common to all elements of a build. Skirmish is not SA; it is extra damage but has different pre-requisites (move 10'). It does not stack with SA as a progression and therefore can be advanced at each level alongside Rogue.
  3. There is a Ranger without Spells (I used it for Cufwell when I created him back in 2015 as I didn't want a caster). I enjoy using it, but the internet is very critical of it. I'm sure I don't use all of the benefits nearly enough, but I wanted Dual-Wielding and Rangers are cool! 😁
  4. Yes, sorry; my bad. Late night/long days with Army Reserve work have prevented me from getting a post up after using what time I had to move the story along in the Tavern Room IC thread. I'll get an update done today; thanks for your patience!
  5. The Fury Women The four women all seem to speak at once; "Reggie, is that you?" As Leofric appears and assesses the scene they continue to look at each other and around the room. Reg Fury The craggy-looking man sees the interaction between the newly arrived scholar and the fiery-looking Bard and a strange look passes across his face. When the scholar makes a comment about all being in the same place he calls out again; "You all know we shouldn't be together, we can't be together, how we came to be and what might happen if anyone got that power!" Mariana Fury The sparkly (or should that be sparking?) one clicks her fingers, as if coming to some realisation. "Ah brother, but perhaps now is the time for us to come together again after all? Strange powers are at work here, perhaps we aren't part of the problem but part of the solution?"
  6. Reg Fury As the room returns to normal conversations, despite four young women appearing so dramatically, a glass starts to judder on a table. It wobbles sideways until it reaches the edge and then falls off towards the floor. Just as it would hit the stones a hand reaches up through the ground and catches it gently, the rest of the body of a large man made of earth and rock rising behind hit. He places the glass gently on the table and turns to face the room, shrinking as he does so to return to something approaching human size if humans routinely blocked doorways with their bulk. "There's something wrong with the Forge, I can't get in to the lava pool; what's going on?" Spotting the women he says, "Is this anything to do with you four? You should know not to come here!"
  7. Mariana Fury There is a distinct 'glut' sound as the Moon Pool in the corner of the room re-fills after the room returns to normal. Almost instantly a water spout erupts from the surface and splashes on the to flagstone floor of the bar room. Instead of spreading around as might be expected the water starts to, what can only be described as, pile up as if filling an invisible statue. In a few seconds a young, pale woman with hair like seaweed is standing in the bar. "What was that? It caused a sea-surge that drained the bay before it re-filled rather dangerously." Whisp Fury At the same time a window blows open as if there is a storm outside, leaves blow in and swirl about the room, forming a small wind spout in the open space which gradually coalesces in to the shape of a young woman. "Who did that? Who did that? What's going on?" Ember Fury The flames in the fire places flicker and dance, perhaps driven by the apparent storm outside the window. A flame leaps from the hearth on to the floor and rises to take the form of yet another young woman, this one with firey hair and a harp in her hands. "It's happening isn't it? Leofric, they're doing it again!" Jules Fury From the stairs to the Attic Library a fourth young woman comes running in. Some women are described as glowing, but this woman really is giving off a soft blue light as sparks run along the length of her hair and between her fingers. "Did anyone else feel that? What's going on?" She looks around the room at the disturbances to the furniture etc, and sees the other young women; "What are you three doing here?"
  8. As the room pops back to whatever passes for reality here at the RFT, a figure stands from her seat in the corner and races towards the stairs, β€œWhat in the planes was that?”
  9. Thanks for trying dude! - great story-telling, Cufwell really is stretching the boundaries of the RFT reality with his recent deaths!
  10. Cufwell and Tanu are both at negative-lots HP and so totally dead, but Jarren is near the corpse of Grugurg (North of it I think last I could see a map?)
  11. Cufwell Greenskin Statblock AC 29 (Touch 16 FF 24) HP -40ish/270 Cufwell takes the huge greenskin down quickly, but watches in horror as his death throes take down Tanu; "No!" he roars, "What have you done?" He watches the warrior change form to a dragon and calls out to the world at large; "You should know by now I am not scared by that!" His eyes glaze over as he begins to succumb to the murderous rage he holds in check most of the time, the sight of his fallen friend and the threat to the others too great for him to maintain control. However, the dragon-man is too quick and Cufwell's body slumps to the floor pouring blood from multiple, deeps wounds; he reaches towards his best friend as the light fades from his eyes.
  12. The attack that did 9 damage took Cufwell down to 1 HP; so the next hit takes him well below -10. I hadn't been paying enough attention to the cumulative damage across the adventure; but I'm glad he got a big hit on Grugurg before he went down though.
  13. Awesome; Cufwell has a history with dragons! So much so that he took the ACF to be immune to dragon fear many levels ago. Also, I don't think the map has worked properly?
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