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Blue Jay

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  1. Dragonrise! Downtown: Kronin Kronin reaches the alley beside the Emporium, and he just catches sight of the rogue as he darts eastward towards the side street again. Both Maps: Objects ((No animated objects are currently in position to attack any PCs, so I'll just narrate their turn.)) The apple wagon is cornered by Sir Alastair and his men, but it continues fighting back to the best of its ability. The lamp post at the Market Corner is trying to scoot after Xixok, but it's much too far away and too slow to find him. It loses interest and instead tries to go after someone closer, but that someone is a knight, who promptly stomps on it to put it down. The lamp post at Downtown is still happily lighting fires, and panicked people are running away from it. Some of the guards seem to be moving to intercept it, but they're baffled and wary about it. Map: Market Corner Map: Downtown Initiative and Status To Post: Ogryn ( @DragonFriend ), Xixok ( @MrNeech ) Special Actions: --
  2. I don't know what's going on with this, so I started a Support topic for it. I'll need a volunteer (maybe @Sylas ). Can someone let @Grudge make and save a minor change to their character sheet? You can use one of mine if you have access to it (Let me know which sheet you edit). Then @Eric can hopefully trace the change and see if he can deal with the "breach"? I @-ed Sylas, because Eric asked for this too:
  3. Dragonrise! Market Corner: Malger Malger blasts up the road ahead of the dragon float. The dragon doesn't seem to pay him any mind and certainly doesn't take an attack of opportunity: it's currently stomping boards on a storefront porch. ((You're between maps, so we'll go "theater of the mind" for a couple rounds. You can easily move past the dragon float and line up opposite it. If you were Small size, you could perhaps squeeze through the gaps at the "hips" or "armpits". You know there's a hatch on the underside you can use, but you can anticipate that it will still be rather cramped inside that thing. Next round, you'll have a couple options for how to get on or inside the dragon. You can Climb on it as if it were terrain, or you can duck underneath to go through the hatch. Either way, there are some hazards, which will require saves to address. Of, if you have a teleportation option, that could work too.)) Downtown: Oscar Oscar reaches the Emporium's front door and looks inside. You see shelves of books and scrolls and cabinets of potions. You see several wide-eyed customers looking back at you at the doorway. There's a rather cross-looking gnome behind the proprietor's desk. As you walk in, he glances towards the back of the store, and you hear the back door swing shut. It looks like you were right: the rogue has simply run out the back door, perhaps abandoning whatever he had planned to do in there originally? ((I should have @-ed Kronin last post to. Sorry.)) Map: Market Corner Map: Downtown Initiative and Status To Post: Kronin ( @darlis moonbeam ) Special Actions: --
  4. Dragonrise! Market Corner: Ogryn and Xixok Ogryn and Xixok both rush to follow the dragon float, Ogryn essentially ignoring the trampling the animated lamp post as he does. Market Corner: Dragon Float As you barrel ahead, you see that the dragon is moving a bit erratically. Sometimes it seems dead-set on plowing forward, ignoring any people or animals in its way. Other times it seems to meander distractedly, veering right or left to smash another object. Each object it smashes comes to life. A wicker bushel basket scatters a trail of barley behind it as it tries to plant itself beneath your feet to trip you, but you easily avoid it. A coil of rope in a wagon snakes out and tries to grab at your legs, but it isn't strong enough to hold on. A wooden sign reading "Fresh potatoes 1 cp for a pound" is dangling from a booth by a single eyelet hinge, flailing about ineffectually in your direction as you go by. Clearly, something has caused this dragon to animate, and to then animate every other object it touches. But, its meandering path means that Ogryn and Malger should be able to catch up to it next round with a double move (Xixok will remain a little bit behind). Downtown: Rogues The rogues do not re-emerge on their turn. From your current positions, you don't see them waiting right inside the doors or anything, but you imagine they're still inside, unless they've headed towards a back door or something (You do recall that there was a backdoor to the Emporium, at least, so you probably want to watch that). Map: Market Corner Map: Downtown Initiative and Status To Post: Oscar ( @Thramzorean ), Malger ( @Sohala ) Special Actions: --
  5. Slam AoO vs Ogryn (atk; dmg) (+1 fire damage again) (miss) ((The lamp has +2 Str, but it's been broken in half, so it's in a bad position to resist you, so I'll give it -2 for a flat roll. By RAW, Overrun is a standard action that you're allowed to take in the middle of your movement; but I think it's justified to just count it as part your movement. So, in this case, I'll let you double move if you succeed.)) Lamp Str vs Overrun (overrun succeeds)
  6. Oh, okay. This thread is really only for DMs to request rewards and players to make WBL requests: there's no need for a player to post loot.
  7. Thanks for supporting RFT by running a mission, Grudge! But where did you get the gold? DMs don't get gold rewards for running missions: you get XP rewards for running missions. The opening post in this thread explains how much XP you get. If that bumps you up to the next level, you can request WBL.
  8. Well, they have a net bonus to ability scores, which was usually seen as grounds for LA +1 by itself; and I imagine the alternate form, amphibiousness and immunities were regarded as sufficient to warrant another +1. Also, they're an Underdark race that lacks Darkvision, which seems pretty nonsensical to me. They're even supposed to be from the lower levels of the Underdark! Personally, I agree that slyth is roughly on par with aasimar and tiefling, which the RLA Project reduced to LA +0. I don't agree any longer with how low the RLA Project went on most things, but they weren't accounting for gestalt rules in their ratings, so it's my own fault for bringing the RLAs here.
  9. Dragonrise! Market Corner: Malger As Malger rushes, he sees several of the wounded knights on the ground. One of them, with a broken leg, points at a skittish horse that stands nearby. "Take my horse!" he suggests, "He's fast, even in barding!" Downtown: Kronin and Oscar ((I think Kronin should still have a minute or so of levitate, so you can get down easily enough.)0 Before dropping to street level, Kronin scans the crowd. There is evidence of panic beginning to spread as strange things seem to be happening several blocks west of Kronin's current position. There are also a lot of wary eyes looking in Kronin's direction, but the populace seems to have gathered that none of them are in danger of being targeted by an arrow. Oscar calls out to some nearby guards, who have already cued in to the commotion. One of them swears in annoyance, clearly not happy that the party has acted so openly without her permission. But, she draws her weapon and dutifully leads her people towards the Apothecary door. Meanwhile, Kronin and Oscar begin to converge on the Emporium's door. Market Corner: Objects From Xixok's position in the middle of the Market Corner, he can see that the situation has kind of broken down into a general equilibrium. People are still panicking and rushing every which way, but it looks like most of the civilians have managed to get out of the way of the main dangers, and the guards have settled in to a steady melee with the remaining objects. Band members have tossed down their possessed instruments and fled, the crowd has cleared around the apple wagon, and the dragon float is well off down the road. It would be foolish to say that the danger is over, but it looks like the center of the danger is moving away from this location. The last animated wheel is finally battered down by Sir Alastair. Lissandra is using magic of some kind to suppress some of the wild instruments. The apple wagon still seems to have some fight left in it, but Sir Alastair and the town guards have moved to engage it, and they currently have its attention. It pounds on one of the guards, but takes some heavy hacks from several swords in return. The animated lamp post (basically lying pathetically on the ground) attempts to hit Ogryn again: Slam (atk; dmg) (+1 fire damage) (miss) Ogryn steps back in time to avoid getting his shin caught on fire. ((If it hits, Ogryn will catch fire, unless he succeeds on a DC 12 Reflex save.)) Downtown: Objects Kronin and Oscar will probably have noticed that a building to the west has caught fire. There's a plume of smoke rising from the building, and people running away from it in panic. It's hard to see over the crowd at this point, but it almost looks like a lamp post is moving about. Is something carrying a lamp post, or... or is it moving on its own? Map: Market Corner Map: Downtown Initiative and Status To Post: Ogryn ( @DragonFriend ), Xixok ( @MrNeech ) Special Actions: --
  10. No. Your knowledge of the spell is contingent on you having the feat. If you give up the feat, you lose the spell. Period. Even if you write it in your spellbook, it disappears from your spellbook when you trade out the feat. Please don't try to farm free spells with bullshit tricks: build your characters honestly, pay for your shit honestly, and play the game honestly.
  11. There's a Dark Sun page out there that claims to be recognized by WotC as the "official Dark Sun page" or something, but it's all derivative work and not official TM content. I wouldn't be surprised if the Monk of the Dark Moon comes from there. Just avoid it. Correct. If the feat is temporary, the benefit of the feat is also temporary. I made a spreadsheet with RLAs for every monster in all official WotC sources that I've been able to access. There are 4330 entries on my list (including 1000+ dragons, with one entry for each age category). The RLAs were just quickly assigned by me, not by the "official" LA-Assignment group on GiantITP, so I haven't shared it publicly and it isn't accepted for use at RFT. But, on that sheet, I pegged the Element Creature (Ooze) template at LA +1. That was a couple years ago: my mind might have changed since then. Anyway, I think the "Reflex-or-armor-is-destroyed" aspect of the acid is a bit much, but nothing else seems problematic. LA +4 is pretty extreme. You could also consider the slyth race from Underdark: it's an LA +2 oozy humanoid that can become amorphous with Alternate Form mechanics. ((I've just noticed that the races from Underdark were not included in my RLA spreadsheet, so I don't have an entry for slyths.))
  12. I think the "flails and chains" group already covers what you're looking for. Drow scorpion chain can be considered an exotic weapon associated with "flails and chains". I didn't know there was a plain ol' "chain" weapon, but if that's real, it should also fit in "flails and chains".
  13. One of our rules for Oslecamo classes is that we only consider remakes of canon D&D monsters. To my knowledge, there was never an official 3e version of a tanuki; so the Oslecamo tanuki is a pure homebrew creation and isn't grounded in D&D canon. So unfortunately, it won't be allowed at RFT.
  14. Dragonrise! Market Corner: Ogryn As the wheelbarrow comes careening across the way, with Malger in tow, Ogryn swings his massive weapon. It slams hard into the side of the wheelbarrow, smashing wood and caving in the side of the barrow. It wobbles clumsily for the last several feet as it continues mindlessly on its path towards collision with the ogre. Ogryn them slams down hard on the thing with his shield. The whole thing collapses under the attack, the axle snapping off and the wheel wobbling away. Malger lands on the ground at Ogryn's feet, sitting among a pile of still-twitching wooden parts. ((The wheelbarrow had AC 14 and 28 hit points, so that was just about perfect.)) Market Corner: Dragon The massive dragon float continues lumbering away to the north, now completely off the map. It stops to slam (and animate) another object on its way. Downtown: Rogues Rogue A surreptitiously pulls a small crossbow from beneath his cloak as he takes minimal cover in the apothecary doorway, and scans his surroundings to identify who or what is attacking his companion with arrows and grease: Spot He has more-or-less pinpointed Kronin's location. He also seems to have some uncomfortably good intuition about where the spellcaster likely is (though he hasn't picked Oscar out of the crowd). He decides to step into the Apothecary to cover himself from more angles. --- Rogue B tries again to right himself on the slippery grease and crawl into the Emporium: Balance (DC 10) He slips and slides as he tries to crawl into the Emporium, but he does manage to tuck himself far enough inside to be covered from further attacks. ((Mechanically, he's crawled 5 feet, and is out of the grease and inside the building. Currently, neither Kronin nor Oscar has line of sight to either rogue.)) Map: Market Corner Map: Downtown Initiative and Status 22 - Kronin 20 - ObjectsApple Wagon (Market, 10/20 hp) Street Lamp A (Market, 3/20 hp; speed halved) Street Lamp B (Downtown, 20/20 hp) Wheel B (Market, 5/20 hp) 17 - Ogryn 17 - Xixok 13 - Dragon (23 damage; 40 feet north of the Market Corner; 200 feet from Downtown) 12 - RoguesA (20/20 hp, hexblade curse -2, cover) B (4/20 hp, cover, flat-footed) C (20/20 hp, not currently visible) 9 - Oscar 4 - Malger To Post: Oscar ( ), Malger ( ), Kronin ( ) Special Actions: --
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