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  1. Turns out she didn't actually make it home, and went back in for an op. She is recovering well now and we hope she'll be released tomorrow (Monday).
  2. Sorry folks, my mum was rushed to hospital last week and so life has been a bit fraught recently. She's home again now and making a good recovery; hopefully IC update tomorrow.
  3. This. Where a Feat is provided as part of a Class Feature then it is fixed; it cannot be trained away like a normal feat might, it is part of being that Class. They do count for meeting pre-requisites for other feats though.
  4. I definitely did not plan Cufwell; he sort of developed organically, although I was fairly sure I was going to stick to Ranger||Barbarian/Scout anyway; but I chose feats in the fly!
  5. Just swooping back to the question on Flaws: Flaws are taken at Level 1, therefore the Feat must be available to you at Level 1. Retraining options exist that would allow you to swap that Feat later (no one wants to be stuck with Toughness for 4HP at Level 15!)
  6. Welcome to the RFT! I think you have made a good start by having a clear idea of who/what you want your character to be. 'Bigger weapons than they ought to be able to wield' is a great theme; I've successfully run a half-orc Barbarian/Ranger who dual-wields battle-axes as if they were light weapons, just because the visual aspect (in my mind) was so clear!
  7. Sorry for the extended delay; back to school and heading in to end of quarter at work has kept me a bit busy of late. Post is up, hopefully some people are still around (and interested in carrying on)? I completely understand if you've lost interest/the thread.
  8. Where did it go? It's right there, see?! Altreyis feels his flesh shrivel slightly as the creatures gazes upon him from the darkness, but it is not enough to prevent his keen senses from spotting the creature under the bridge pressed up against the sides of the ravine. Yasei shimmers slightly and begins to fade, perhaps the magic of the RFT has other things in mind for her? OOC: Altreyis takes 8 damage. Grudge and Altreyis can see the creature is 1 square West of its position here, crammed under the bridge against the ravine wall. Faith and Yasei cannot make it out in the shadows.
  9. Where you following the link from please? I'll hunt down the broken link and update it.
  10. Sorry to hear that, but sometimes RL gets in the way and needs our focus. I hope it gets a little better for you soon. As and when you find the time, the RFT will be waiting for you again.
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