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Having a discussion with Scarecrow71 and found myself wondering about a few things the Classic Site can do.  I do not know if these are available here.  If they are implemented or if there are plans to implement them.  I guess it is just some things I am curious about.


The "Private From" function on Classic Mythweavers.  Most people don't even know about it, which makes it even more useful really.  You can use Private Tags to make a message which only a few others can read.  You can also use "Private From" and then everyone except those persons listed can read it.  Super useful for short and snarky comments...  which of course I *never* used it for.....  But also useful for games where one character was separated from the others and the GM is required to cut one person out of the information but still allow visitors and readers to see what is going on.


I really like the Merge function on the Classic site.  I use it a lot to clean up notes to myself or to handle timing errors when someone's post requires an action from someone else.


I love playing with the language function on the old site.  Most people don't use it, but it is so much fun when playing an Oracle with the Curse of Tongues.


When you edit your post, the previous information is lost to the void.  On the Classic Site, all of your 'saved edits' of a post were stored and you could review your own edits and even 'roll back' to them if you wanted.  


Quoting other people is annoying here.  I can only quote in that thread.  Cross posting it to a different thread, for instance if someone has a question which I have seen answered somewhere else, required me to go into the Source function where on the other site I can just copy/paste multiple bits from multiple threads pretty easily.  


Again, not specifically complaints, and for all I know these are intended to be addressed/implemented.  There is still a lot being built here.  Just things I am curious about.



Okay, how do you do the 'shout out' thing which notifies someone you invoked their name?  All I seem to be able to do is put Scarecrow71's name in as a link to his profile.


2nd Edit

The "sort by" function for the Game Advertisements doesn't stick.  I would prefer it be organized by latest post but it wants to default to latest created.

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@Roughtrade (Oh, and it’s @ and the name to get the shout out ping, then select the name from the drop down list that pops up as you type) good news is that many of these items are on the dev list to be handled during the beta!


Private (text/post/thread) and language functionality is in the works, a bit behind in the priority list after the Dice Tower updates (possibly before the Tower upgrades, but TBD, plans fluid, etc). Specific form they’ll take is a touch unknown, but there are already ideas on how to approach the add-ins for them. We are absolutely not leaving out these functionalities, because it’s important. I use private text/threads a lot, and can’t wait to get the ability for my game on Baldr.


On the quotes, the previous info isn’t lost to the void, but right now it’s only visible to staff. I’ll dig into the settings to see if we can set it so users can see the edit history on their own posts, but my memory says that it’s a “by group” option. I’ll add a card in the Trello feature requests so that we’ve got a note to look at how to make it so user edit history is visible. This will most likely fall into the category of “make a plug-in” and thus get slapped with an “eventually” timeline, but it’s definitely a core feature that hasn’t been recognized, so thanks for pointing it out.


With quoting, you can move the quote blocks to other threads it turns out! Just tested to be sure, check the spoiler for the walkthrough. It’s just like copying other blocks, for the TL;DR version. 🙂


How to Copy Quotes

1) Select the desired text.



2) Hit the “Quote Selection” button.

3) Select the title bar of the quote block that appears in the post field.



4) Use Ctrl + C (Or CMD + C on Mac) to copy the block.

5) Go to the desired thread and use Ctrl + V (Or CMD + V on Mac) to paste the block in the editor for the target thread.



I’m adding that “How To” portion to the guide as well, in case others have that question. The User Guide is getting fleshed out as questions like these get asked.


Oh, and the Game Advertisements bit is what’s currently baked into Baldr as part of Invision Community. That is not how we’re leaving things for Game Advertisements, but we have to make the setup to have a proper “Game Ads” section that works more like OGMW still. Plug-ins, not enough time in a day, etc. We’ll get there though!

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Under the Help Articles, Using the Dice Roller.


It only explains FATE dice.  Admittedly, it didn't take long to take a chance and type in 2d20 and see what happened....


With all the options available on the old site, this was a bit disappointing, but I assume all the fancy stuff is being worked on. 


In the meantime, for the easily confused, would it be possible to cover basic dice rolling in the New User Guide?

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2 hours ago, Roughtrade said:

It only explains FATE dice.


Yep, a better write up is pending, promise. We'll be making an article just for the Tower info, at least according to the current plan. The Tower getting the full features of the OGMW Roller is a high priority item, before we expand past that. The past couple weeks have been slightly busy with life for the dev team, and right now the Tower UI (appearance and location) are under review.

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6 hours ago, Butchern said:

I can add a few lines to the New User Guide to tide us over until the Tower is done. Other than Fate dice and [number]d[dice size]+[modifier] does the current dice roller support any other functions?

It can handle multipliers (eg xd6*y) and adding multiple rolls together (eg xdy + mdn). I didn't actually try division and subtraction, but I imagine those as well. 

Edited by PigLickJF (see edit history)
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