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Chapter 02a: Shadow of War (Arriving in Kalaman)


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Hill Dwarf Outlander Wild Magic Barbarian

AC: 17 (+1Dex + 4Con + 2Shield ) | HP: 57/61 (4d12+16+8+1) | Speed: 25'
Senses: passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 10
Str: 16Save: +5

Athletics: +5
(+3) | Dex: 13Save: +1

Acrobatics: +1
Slight-of-Hand: +1
Stealth: +1
(+1) | Con: 18Save: +6 (+4) | Int: 10Save: +0

Arcana: +0
History: +0
Investigation: +0
Nature: +2
Religion: +0
(+0) | Wis: 12Save: +1

Animal Handling: +3
Insight: +1
Medicine: +1
Perception: +1
Survival: +3
(+1) | Cha: 8Save: -1

Deception: -1
Intimidation: +1
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Rages: 3/3 | Magic Awareness: 2/2

Folketh Barony

Modri grins as Michelle's people show themselves to have some fight and grit in them, not wanting to back away from a challenge. He stands quietly, eagerly awaiting whoever they intend to challenge him. His expression becomes more neutral as Cap sizes the Dwarf up and launches his first assault.

The man is quick. That's impressive. It's when Modri feels a string of pain that a fiery glint comes to his eyes... and he starts to glow.

Literally. His chest alights, and from it bursts a blinding light that his opponent is able to dodge. Still, the surreal image of a savage Dwarf shooting light from his body is enough distraction for Modri to close in with both fists. Both connect.

"Been awhile since anyone challenged me with only their fists."

Modri's chest is still glowing.



Bonus Action: Rage

Wild Surge Result: A bolt of light shoots from your chest. Another creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage and be blinded until the start of your next turn. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action.

Action: Unarmed Strikes


Edited by Peacemonger (see edit history)
Wild Surge
1d8 8
Cappy Con Save (DC 14)
1d20+2 14
First Attack
1d20+5 12
Second Attack
1d20+5 16
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token_1.png.ba18d35c074c2d2a05b1e13a8e573631.pngDecimus - Initiate of High Sorcery | Bladesinger Wizard | Human

AC: 13 [+4 Bladesong] [+5 Shield/Absorb Elements]  | HP: 18/21 | Speed: 40 ft | Spell-casting: +6 / DC 14
Senses: Passive Perception 12, Insight 12, Investigation 16
STR: Score: -1
Athletics: -1
| DEXScore: +3
Acrobatics: +3
Stealth: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
 16 | CONScore: 214 | INTScore: +4
Arcana: +6
History: +6
Investigation: +6
Nature: +4
Religion: +6
 18 | WISScore: 0

Animal Handling: 0
Insight: +2
Medicine: 0
Perception: +2
Survival: 0
 10 | CHAScore: -1

Deception: -1
Intimidation: -1
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Primordial

FeatsWar CasterPrerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
You have practiced casting Spells in the midst of Combat, learning Techniques that grant you the following benefits:
You have advantage on Constitution Saving Throws that you make to maintain your Concentration on a spell when you take damage.
You can perform the somatic Components of Spells even when you have Weapons or a Shield in one or both hands.
When a Hostile creature’s Movement provokes an opportunity Attack from you, you can use your Reaction to Cast a Spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity Attack. The spell must have a Casting Time of 1 Action and must target only that creature.

Initiate of High SorceryPrerequisite: Dragonlance Campaign, plus Sorcerer, Wizard, or Mage of High Sorcery
You’ve received training from magic-users affiliated with the Mages of High Sorcery.

Choose one of the three moons of Krynn to influence your magic: the black moon, Nuitari; the red moon, Lunitari; or the white moon, Solinari. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list and two 1st-level spells based on the moon you choose, as specified in the Lunar Spells table.

Lunar Spells
Moon 1st-Level Spell
Solinari Comprehend Languages | Shield

You can cast each of the chosen 1st-level spells without a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast them in this way again. You can also cast the spells using any spell slots you have.

Your spellcasting ability for this feat’s spells is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose when you select this feat).

Source: DSotDQ, page 32

Adept of White RobesPrerequisite: 4th level, initiate of high sorcery (solinari) feat
You chose the moon Solinari to influence your magic, and your oath to use magic to make the world a better place has been recognized by the Order of the White Robes, granting you these benefits:

Protective Magic. You learn one 2nd-level spell of your choice. The 2nd-level spell must be from the abjuration or divination school of magic. You can cast this feat’s 2nd-level spell without a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. You can also cast this spell using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spell’s spellcasting ability is the one chosen when you gained the Initiate of High Sorcery feat. [Aid]

Protective Ward. When you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot and weave protective magic around the target. Roll a number of d6s equal to the level of the spell slot expended and reduce the damage the target takes by the total rolled on those dice + your spellcasting ability modifier.

 | FeaturesRitual CastingYou can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don’t need to have the spell prepared.
Arcane RecoverYou have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. For example, if you’re a 4th-level wizard, you can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots.
BladesongYou can invoke an elven magic called the Bladesong, provided that you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield. It graces you with supernatural speed, agility, and focus. You can use a bonus action to start the Bladesong, which lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. You can also dismiss the Bladesong at any time (no action required). While your Bladesong is active, you gain the following benefits: You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throw you make to maintain your concentration on a spell. The bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
Protective WardWhen you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot and weave protective magic around the target. Roll a number of d6s equal to the level of the spell slot expended and reduce the damage the target takes by the total rolled on those dice + your spellcasting ability modifier.

 | ActionsRapierATTACK: DEX [3]+ Proficiency [2]
RANGE: 5ft
DAMAGE: 1d8 + DEX [3]
TYPE: Piercing
DESCRIPTION: melee weapon (martial, sword)

Bladesinging Rapier StrikeATTACK: DEX [3]+ Proficiency [2]
RANGE: 5ft
DAMAGE: 1d8 + DEX [3]
TYPE: Piercing
DESCRIPTION: melee weapon (martial, sword) 

 | SpellsCantrips
Blade WardBlade Ward
Abjuration cantrip
Casting Time:1 action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V S
Duration: 1 round
Description:You extend your hand and trace a sigil of warding in the air. Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.

Booming BladeBooming Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time:1 action
Range: Self (5ft radius)
Target: One creature within the spell’s range
Components: V, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)
Duration: 1 round
Description:You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves 5 feet or more before then, it immediately takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends. This spell’s damage increases when you reach certain levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target on a hit, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 3d8) and again at 17th level (3d8 and 4d8).

Green Flame Blade1st Level Evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (5-foot radius)
Target: One creature within the spell’s range
Components: V, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Description: You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects, and you can cause green fire to leap from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell’s damage increases when you reach certain levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target on a hit, and the fire damage to the second creature increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 2d8) and 17th level (3d8 and 3d8).

Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time:1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V S
Duration: 1 Hour
Description: This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. You create one of the following magical effects within range:

• You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
• You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
• You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
• You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
• You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
• You create a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

1st-Level <2/4>
Expeditious Retreat1st Level Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Description: This spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. When you cast this spell, and then as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can take the Dash action.

Magic Missile1st Level Evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120ft
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Description: You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for each slot level above 1st.

Tensors Floating Disk1st Level Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Target: An unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V S M (A drop of mercury)
Duration: 1 Hour
Classes: Wizard
Description: This spell creates a circular, horizontal plane of force, 3 feet in diameter and 1 inch thick, that floats 3 feet above the ground in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range. The disk remains for the duration, and can hold up to 500 pounds. If more weight is placed on it, the spell ends, and everything on the disk falls to the ground. The disk is immobile while you are within 20 feet of it. If you move more than 20 feet away from it, the disk follows you so that it remains within 20 feet of you. It can move across uneven terrain, up or down stairs, slopes and the like, but it can’t cross an elevation change of 10 feet or more. For example, the disk can’t move across a 10-foot-deep pit, nor could it leave such a pit if it was created at the bottom. If you move more than 100 feet from the disk (typically because it can’t move around an obstacle to follow you), the spell ends.

Tash's Hideous Laughter1st Level Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V S M (Tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the air)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Bard, Wizard
Description: A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laughter if this spell affects it. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or less isn’t affected. At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it’s triggered by damage. On a success, the spell ends.

Identify1st Level Divination [Ritual]
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: Touch
Target: One object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell
Components: V S M (A pearl worth at least 100 gp and an owl feather)
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Artificer, Bard, Wizard
Description: You choose one object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it. If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it.

Detect Magic1st Level Divination
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
Description: For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any. The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

Absorb Elements1st Level Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
Description: The spell captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type, and the spell ends. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Charm Person1st Level Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Target: A humanoid you can see within range
Components: V S
Duration: 1 Hour
Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Description: You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Comprehend Languages1st Level Divination [Ritual]
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V S M (A pinch of soot and salt)
Duration: 1 Hour
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Description: For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text. This spell doesn’t decode secret messages in a text or a glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn’t part of a written language.
[Initiate of High Sorcery Feat]
Shield1st Level Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V S
Duration: 1 Round
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Description: An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.
[Initiate of High Sorcery Feat]
2nd-Level <2/2>
Misty Step2nd Level Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Description: Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.

Shadow Blade2nd Level Illusion
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: ConcentrationUp to 1 minute/em>
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Description: You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand. This magic sword lasts until the spell ends. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d8 psychic damage on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60). In addition, when you use the sword to attack a target that is in dim light or darkness, you make the attack roll with advantage.
If you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates at the end of the turn. Thereafter, while the spell persists, you can use a bonus action to cause the sword to reappear in your hand.
At Higher Levels When you cast this spell using a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, the damage increases to 3d8. When you cast it using a 5th- or 6th-level spell slot, the damage increases to 4d8. When you cast it using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases to 5d8.

Aid Aid
2nd Level Abjuration
Casting Time:1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V S, M
Duration: 8 hours
Description:Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, a target’s hit points increase by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.
[Adept of the White Robes]
Mirror ImageMirror Image
2nd Level Illusion
Casting Time:1 action
Range: Self
Components: V S
Duration: 1 Minute
Description: Three illusory duplicates of yourself appear in your space. Until the spell ends, the duplicates move with you and mimic your actions, shifting position so it’s impossible to track which image is real. You can use your action to dismiss the illusory duplicates.

Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the spell’s duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead targets one of your duplicates.

If you have three duplicates, you must roll a 6 or higher to change the attack’s target to a duplicate. With two duplicates, you must roll an 8 or higher. With one duplicate, you must roll an 11 or higher.

A duplicate’s AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier. If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A duplicate can be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage and effects. The spell ends when all three duplicates are destroyed.

A creature is unaffected by this spell if it can’t see, if it relies on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if it can perceive illusions as false, as with truesight.


Decimus’ jaw tightens as she mockingly recounts his past without hesitation or care. The troll had been a shameful defeat, but he his pride was a superficial thing he did not hesitate to shirk in matters such as those, yet his heart? Love lost through deliberation and considerations of his own place in the world, a selfishness and self-absorbedness so great that there was never any room for anyone else in his heart simply to due to an obsession with self. More specifically a love of hatred for his self, a twisted form of a lack of pride so great that he could never be worthy of anything. All of which coalescing into a passiveness that prevented him from living in the past or the future for fear of making a choice that could taint anything else with his unworthiness. Perpetually living in the present, floating atop a turgid current, allowing it to take him wherever it chose. Too much of a coward to die, too unworthy to live.

All negative feelings compounded by the fact even Hunni did not feel he was trustworthy enough to hear her answer, someone he considered his closest friend. Though the shameful realization becomes clear to him that his following and passive existence beside her would certainly mean far less to her than it would to him. Her having a past full of love and friendship and family certainly gave her a larger pool of experience to draw from, and in comparison, Decimus would seem to more of a pathetic little puppy of sorts. What did the others think? Modri, Coltan and Artanis were all confident men of action and principle, even Merituuli was young and headstrong with his heart aching to prove himself to his people. Maryelle, wounded as she was in her heart used that pain to drive her forward. He was here with Them now not by choice, simply by circumstance, and how long would it be until they realized he was dead weight.

As Hunni makes a small mess on her way to speak in the back room, Decimus casts a small Prestidigitation spell to clean up behind her, and realizes the answer to the question Wyhan presented him, and his discomfort grows further still. Her manipulation of them is quite apparent and though he understands everything he is feeling and thinking is known and orchestrated by the black robe, he cannot help but languish in the dark emotions broiling in his chest. His casual casting of magic to solve the most minor of problems had desensitized him to the sheer power of magic simply through its convenience, reminding him of why he donned the white cloak in the first place. His feelings of which were ready but the time Wyhan returns from the back, with Hunni’s answer in tow.

Magic is a burden…

Her opinion be damned, he was about to spill his guts, for better or worse.

If I were to lose it right now… I would be free to live… To enjoy the beauty of the world… Instead, I have the responsibility to protect beauty… To help it flourish… Every time I manipulate the weave to help or to hinder… I must consider the implications of my actions and it’s impact on those around me… If I become complacent… The beauty around me disappears and I become numb to the concerns of others… I wear this White Cloak not because I want to, but because I must, for without this constant reminder…. I may one day allow myself to come unworthy of this…

With the same fingers he had grasped the scroll, he held the pink kimono outstretched. If Wyhan knew as much about him as he suspected, she would understand the flowery fabric was a eulogy to his lost love, a reminder of beauty that existed and was worth protecting, whether or not he deserved to hold it or love it.
It’s all I have





Bonus Action:



Edited by tyrtaeus (see edit history)
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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

At Wyhan’s

(Decimus & Hunni)

   Wyhan appraises Decimus and his . . . unconventional answers. She ponders his words before speaking.

   “Spoken as a true White-Robe!” she says, finally. “Now . . .” she continues, “Take these critiques for what they are—practical advice for a worthy initiate.”

   “First: Although the Black-Robes, like myself, do not share your estimation of magic as a burden; it is, nonetheless, a very astute, humble, and wise answer. Many Black-Robes would do to remember just such. So many treat magic like a tool or a toy, forgetting that a tool can injure the craftsman if wielded without caution or care—sometimes permanently and disastrously so. Thus, I must laud your estimation.”

   “Next: You must have more confidence in yourself, your worthiness, and your abilities. Approaching magic with too much caution, too much care for those around you will be your undoing. Magic is fickle, wild, capricious, and by its very essence, arrogant and bold. Magic literally re-writes reality and ignores the immutable laws that govern the mundane. To approach casting a spell with any less arrogance is to give yourself over to its hungry maw. It will consume you if you are unwilling to tame it.”

   “At the same time, you cannot allow yourself to be so paralyzed by concern that you don’t act when you must! If my calling you out on your missed opportunities boiled your blood, then revel in it and learn from it. You must be driven. You cannot be a feather on the wind—for the wind will blow you to places you cannot thrive.”

   “Finally,” she says, her arrogance melting into an oddly kind and compassionate visage, “I must laud your goal of bringing beauty into this world and protecting the beauty that already exists. There isn’t enough beauty to behold as it is, and not nearly enough time for many of us to bask in it.”

She twists her finger—blood dripping from it—in the air and suddenly a small chrysanthemum blossom embroidered into Decimus’s haori un-embroiders itself from the pink cloth and the magenta thread of it straightens into a long, straight needle. The thread fires through Decimus’s finger and the blood-soaked thread comes out the other side. It flies over embroiders itself into the shape of Wyhan’s signature on the seemingly blank scroll. The scroll re-rolls, and in the air, it’s engulfed in pink, white, and golden flames before disappearing in a flash. Then, Decimus finds the flower re-embroidered in his haori, as if it never happened at all, though blood still drips from his finger where the thread had gone through.

   “Welcome to the White Robes, Decimus MorifoliumLooking at the picture you provided in your character thread, I noticed that he had chrysanthemums on it and looked up the type. It’s ‘Chrysanthemum × morifolium’.

“Generally, chrysanthemums symbolize friendship, trust, joy, optimism, longevity, and fidelity.”—https://www.petalrepublic.com/chrysanthemum-meaning/
. I shall contact my fellow Mages of High Sorcery and petition for your inclusion. I promise to contact you when I hear back from the Mages’ leaders at the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth. I also agree to aid you in obtaining transport to Wayreth so you can undertake the Test of High Sorcery (detailed in the “Mages of High Sorcery” section of Organizations).”






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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

(Mery, Modri, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

   ‘Cap’ takes Modri’s strikes in stride and jumps back as the dwarf begins to glow. Assessing him for a moment, he grins and jumps right back into the fray! “Don’t think no silly little conjurations are gonna scare Ol’e Cappy!”

   His first strike sails right out of Modri’s guard, missing by a mile. His follow-up similarly misses, but his third strike seems to sneak in, dealing a whopping 10 bludgeoning damage, which Modri’s RAGE reduces to 5 bludgeoning, instead. With the hit connected, he attempts to Suplex Modri to knock him prone, Modri twists out of his grasp like lightning!

   Cap decides to play it a little safer and sacrifices his reaction to use his clever fighter ability. His AC is now 17 until his next turn (the wording of the ability is very weird, but I’m making an interpretation as a DM).


   I forgot you have advantage on Str Saves, but it’s a moot point, here, because you passed the single throw you’d’ve had to have made (see that 22 in the dice rolls, below).





“Cap” or “Cappy”

“Cap” or “Cappy”

Medium Humanoid (human)

Armor Class 15 (unarmored defense)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)


Speed 40 ft.

STR +3, DEX +2, CON +2, INT +2, WIS +3, CHA –1

Saving Throws Str +5, Wis +5

Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +5, Perception +5

Senses passive Perception 15

Languages Common

Unarmored Defense. While Cap is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, his AC includes his Wisdom modifier.


Multiattack. Cap makes three unarmed strikes.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, Cap can choose one of the following additional effects:

  • Bruise. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, its speed is reduced by 5 feet until it receives at least 1 point of magical healing. A creature can use its action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check to heal an affected creature within 5 feet of it (including itself), restoring any lost speed on a success.
  • Disarm. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or drop one item it is holding. Cap can choose which item is dropped, and can pick it up.
  • Suplex. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Clever Fighter. When Cap hits with an attack or is targeted by an attack, he can add his Intelligence modifier (+2) to his damage rolls or AC until the end of his turn.

Endurance (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). When Cap takes damage, he can reduce the damage by 8 (1d12 + 2).

Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
Cap Unarmed Strike #1 vs Modri (AC 17) + Suplex (DC 13)
12; 11; 4; 16
1d20+5;1d8+3;1d8;1d20+5 [7]; [7,8]; [7,8,4]; [7,8,4,11]
Cap Unarmed Strike #2 vs Modri (AC 17) + Suplex (DC 13)
14; 5; 8; 11
1d20+5;1d8+3;1d8;1d20+5 [9]; [9,2]; [9,2,8]; [9,2,8,6]
Cap Unarmed Strike #2 vs Modri (AC 17) + Suplex (DC 13)
23; 10; 3; 22
1d20+5;1d8+3;1d8;1d20+5 [18]; [18,7]; [18,7,3]; [18,7,3,17]
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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

(Mery, Modri, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/12/2023 at 3:17 PM, tbgg said:

Mery steps up next to the 'representative' farmer and pulls him to the side, a short way away from where Modri and the Cap are fighting. Hands empty and manner relaxed, she says, "All the questions you ask are more than reasonable, but the whole thing is kind of a long story. Let me give you the highlights, then let's let Modri and your Cappy fight, then afterward, I'll try and answer whatever additional questions you might have."

On 10/13/2023 at 9:03 AM, PhoenixSlayer said:

Fearing that she may be misunderstanding the mood and could be stabbed by a pitchfork at any moment for even approaching, Merituuli follows closely behind, keeping a watchful eye on the gathered men. He does shoot a quick glance and grin over to Booker, saying, "Good observations. Maybe we can settle things down here and have a nice talk?"

   “Stay back!” the man says. “State your peace over there, loud ’n’ clear, so’s everyone can hear!! Once Cap’s done with yer dwarf friend, you can get off this land!”

   A number of arrows get nocked, and pitchforks raised.

On 10/12/2023 at 3:17 PM, tbgg said:

"About 3 years ago, Lord Michael and Michelle were forced to join this army of Takhisis that showed up where they were living in exile, and then promptly separated into different fighting groups. A year or so ago, Lord Michael passed away when his group was sent to invade Elven lands. The group that Lady Michelle was in currently has plans to invade Kalaman, and in fact, if it weren't for my group - Modri, the Sea Elf here with us, 4 others inside the city, and me - interfering with their plans for a small fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here, that army would be invading Kalaman as we speak. All we managed to do was buy some time - they still have their sights set on invading this city. During our time in Vogler, the army judged Lady Michelle as worthy of death due to her unwillingness to compromise her honor and she is currently with two of my group in the city warning the city's leaders of that army's plans for Kalaman. I believe she will be sharing what she knows of them from her time serving them, and this need to help start the defense of the city is why she's not here right now."

"As for proof, we know that Lord Michael hid proof of the family's identity within the city, and Lady Michelle has charged me personally with retrieving it - I just haven't done so yet due to the need to start on another task she authorized - the one that has brought us here beyond just telling you about her return. If you mean proof that what I am saying is true, then I don't have anything like that, but I expect we can probably arrange something that will satisfy you."

"There's a bit more to this story and why we're here, but this is a beginning."

“Lord Michel’s Dead!?” someone cried out, shocked.

“Mimi’s back!?” another one shouts, a hopeful tone. “Who’d want li’l Mimi dead?! What kin’na bastards would want that?!”

   “Button’s back!?” another cry! “She’s gonna set things to rights, then?”

“Stevren Ferroe’s dead, so I guess Mimi ain’t gotta worry about that contract no more, so it’s natural she’d come back.”

“Who could possibly want Button dead?!”

“It’s ‘Lady Michelle’ ’r ‘the Young Lady’, you idiots! Stop callin’er ‘Mimi’ ’n’ ‘Button’! F’r all y’know, she’s hidin’ under the guise o’ one o’ them old farts over there quiverin’ behin’ blue-man! She’d be so disappointed with how the barony’s been kept . . .”

   “Herder, the only one who’d be hidin’ under the guise of one o’ them old farts is you. And for someone who’s always bitchin’ about the walls, why don’t you ever fix’em since you’re the only one who ever goes out there with the sheep?”

   “I’m a shepherd, not a stone mason, Steward!” the man called ‘Herder’ bit back. “And ain’t overseein’ upkeep yer job, anyways?”

   “Yeah, well, shuddup, Herder! ’N’ you know Mimi’d be like, 23, now, right? She ain’ no ‘Young Lady’! She’s pro’lly comin’ere with a husband ’n’ a kid or three!” the ‘representative’ named ‘Steward’ shouts back at the other man. He turns back to Mery and says, “A’ight, so lessay we belives you that Mimi’s over at the Keep, tellin’em’bout this army comin’. An’ lessay we believes you ’bout the proof that it is in fact Mimi and not some imposter is hidden in the City. Who the hell’er those old quiverin’ farts behind’ja? . . . ’N’ jus’ta be sure . . . She ain’ hidin’ unner none’a them ol’ men cloaks, is she?

   As they watch Cap fight and fail two-thirds of the time with Modri, their confidence begins to ebb.

   Finally, Steward turns to Booker. “Booker, go take the ol’ farts up to the big house and serve’m some tea or some’in before they shit’emselves ’r fall over in a stiff breeze. You can take the elf-lady here, ’n’ blue-man, too. I wanna finish watchin’ this fight.”

   “Y-yessir,” Booker says before motioning for Mery, Merituuli, and the village elders of Vogler to follow him.

   It’s a slight hill to climb, but once you’re sufficiently away from the noise, Booker relaxes a bit and turns towards you, walking backwards towards the house. “So, is the Young Lady really with you? I really hope so. I’ve missed her so much. I’m not so useful on the farm, but because the books don’t really need doing like they used to—oh, sorry, I’m Sam, Sam Booker—my family’s been keeping the books for the Folketh’s for generations—anyway, I’m expected to help out where I can. The Young Lady and I used to spend hours reading or studying in the library. . .” his face grows dark, “Until her traitor of a mother ran off with that thrice damned Ferroe and started all that mess . . . then The Young Lady and Lord Michel had to leave . . .”

   “Anyway, so, Mr. Elf from Dimernesti, I’ve always wanted to travel and see such exotic places! I’ve read all about them. Esepcially the Elven lands . . . I’d so love to see Qualinesti, Dimernesti, and Silvanesti!”

   Booker babbles on until he leads you to a grand dining room. A couple of maids in their 50s each carries a tray of tea-cups and a few tea pots.

   Eventually, he takes a seat and an older gentleman who bears a resemblance to Steward plods in on a cane. “I hope Bastion hasn’t given you too hard a time,” he says, “We’ve had no less than three different baronets attempt to start taking this land thinking the Folkeths won’t ever return. My son’s been jumpy lately ’cause of it. I’m Sebston, by the way. Sebston Steward. My family’s been the Stewards and Majordomos of the House Folketh for generations. I’m sure you’ve heard a couple of other names like Herder, Cooper, Cobbler, Viner, and the like. They’ll all tell you the same thing: ‘My family’s been the XYZ of House Folketh for generations.’ Well, we all have.”

   “The latest—and most persistent—are those Duskridges. We’re all getting older, here, and getting by, but without the Lord here to run things and make legal decisions, we’re kind of in limbo. Fortunately, the Marquess and Lord Michel go back a long ways, and Count Lybridge—he’s the one who oversees Folketh, Duskridge, and a few others—doesn’t let them get by with their incursions once we let him know about it . . . well, the others stopped. The Duskridges seem determined—maybe they think Count Lybridge will just shrug and let sleeping dogs lie once they’ve taken control? He he he . . . if I know Lybridge, I know he won’t! Stubborn old coot!” He pauses and wisfully adds, “I think he’s holding out hope, like all of us, here. Once the last of the Ferroes was killed—that shitstain Stevren found choked on his own vomit outside a bar in Kalaman a few years ago—we figured they’d come back.”

   “Alright, so I’ve been told a few things, but could you explain?” he asks Mery. “Something about Lord Michel and Lady Michelle being forced to join some army . . . the proof of her liniage . . . and now we’ve got what appears to be a delegation of elders, here . . . so, what’s going on?”

Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
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spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery inwardly breathes a sigh of relief when Steward the younger sends her and Kai to the main house with Booker. She'd been about to rouse herself to use what her sister Tiqi teasingly referred to as her 'Lady Mery' voice, and is glad not to have to do that, especially with people who are in essence still strangers.

As they walk, she tells Booker, "I am from the city of Palanthas, and have spent more than a little time in the Great Library there. Very nearly joined the order of monks who run the place, too, about 5 years ago. Never be ashamed of your love of learning." She smiles at the man.

"But to answer your question, yes, Lady Michelle really is with others from my group in the city."

When Sebston explains the situation, Mery demurs, "Oh, I think your son being on edge is completely understandable under the circumstances. To be honest, the way I handled things probably didn't help very much, and I apologize. I was trying to present Modri - he's the Dwarf fighting from my group - as a tough potential ally against these Duskridges and not a tough threat against your people, but somehow that got lost in the translation. But I've never introduced a fight before, so clearly, I have a few things to learn there." She gives a rueful laugh. "By the way, I'm Mery and the Sea Elf here with me is Merituuli Kaiutin, but since it gets confusing if he's Meri-with-an-i and I'm Mery-with-a-y and I just refuse to open him up to the possibility of being called 'Tuuli from the tulies', I call him Kai, and he graciously answers to that." She winks at the Sea Elf and gives a wide grin to Sebston.

"Your people have answered some of the things I've been wondering about - like what the disagreement between the Ferroes and Folkeths was about and where Lady Michelle's mother was in all of this, but I wonder if I may ask one thing: if this Stevren Ferroe has died and that's who Lady Michelle's mother ran off with, what happened to her? Does Lady Michelle need to be prepared for the possibility of seeing her mother again?"

Proof of Lineage Recap

"Now to answer your questions. Let me start with the proof of lineage since that's the easiest to answer. Lord Michael hid the proof of lineage within Kalaman, and Lady Michelle charged me with retrieving it, since we weren't certain how long she is going to be tied up in the city. We only just arrived in Kalaman this morning, and as you may have heard, we all felt warning the local leaders about this business with Lady Michelle's former army took precedence over everything else."

About the RDA (Recap)


"As for this army that Lord Michael and Lady Michelle were forced to join, yes, that's true. It seems the old gods are stirring on Krynn. Soldiers from that army walk about wearing about the star of Takhisis, and even the god Reorx has appeared to a priest in my group. I'm sure in time there will be similar stirrings about the gods' return in other places if there aren't already. We believe that Takhisis' army has branches that correspond to all the colors of chromatic dragons: red, green, blue, black, and white. The branch that Lady Michelle and Lord Michael were forced to serve has the red dragon as its symbol, and Lady Michelle tells how the priests that serve the army are able to imbue both armor and weapons with the power of red dragons."

Elders/Planning (some recap)

"As for the elders with me, that's the longest part of this story." She pauses to introduce Jarnathan and the other elders. "We came to Kalaman from a little fishing village called Vogler about 30 miles up the Vingaard River from here. These here are the elders from that village." She then goes on to recount how she and her group had come to Vogler for the funeral of Ispin Greenshield and all the events that took place there, from the betrayal at High Hill, the discovery of the army nearby, meeting Lady Michelle and her subsequent capture, then the destruction of Vogler and evacuation to Kalaman. Upon finishing, Mery pauses to take a sip of her tea.

"Lady Michelle indicates that this was the first time she'd ever seen her own army attack ordinary people, that every other combat she'd been involved in was between her group and opposing ones like militias - people who all had some form of combat training and consented to the fight - and she was incensed by the lack of honor her own side showed. She conducted herself with a great deal of honor while our prisoner, and then received a vision from Takhisis in which the members of her platoon were slain because the leaders feared her honor had rubbed off on them. At this point, she hates that army as much as the rest of us do and has said explicitly that she's willing to help fight them. However, since she initially surrendered to a knight of Solamnia in my group, he felt obligated to turn her over as a military prisoner to the Order of the Rose here in Kalaman - a Ser Marbleheart, I believe. We're not really sure what's going to happen to her or how quickly the Order of the Rose might make their judgment, but if need be, I plan to let the Order know in clear terms how honorably she's conducted herself and make a case that she merits clemency."

"Given that my group helped approximately 350 residents of Vogler to escape their burning village and they now need a place to stay in Kalaman and Lady Michelle's lands have lain unworked for these past several years and are in clear need of some repair and sprucing up, it seemed like a mutually beneficial arrangement for both sides to have her offer to shelter them here, plus it's a way for her to do what she can to make amends for the evil her former army committed against their village. That's why these elders are here - to start figuring out where and how to house the Voglerites. Lady Michelle suggested tents, and that seems a reasonable idea under the circumstances until the roofs of enough of the buildings can be repaired or replaced. I'm hoping maybe the Kalaman military might have some extras they'd be willing to loan us."

"She also offered to allow my group of 7 to stay here. We feel an obligation to help get the Voglerites settled, but I'm honestly not sure what's next for us once we warn the city leaders and the villagers are settled in. I'm not even certain whether everyone from my group is going to want to stay here. I can only say that I for one will definitely be staying here."

"Oh, and one more thing. The noblewoman who served as the Mayor of Vogler was also displaced. We figured that with Lady Michelle having been away for so long and never having had full training in running an estate, aid from this noblewoman - a Baronetess Raven uth Vogler - would be useful in getting things going around here, so we've recruited her. I'm not sure what the exact arrangement is going to be, but that can be sorted out later."

When she finishes, Mery says, "I apologize for speaking for so long - there was just a lot of news to cover. Is there anything you have any particular questions about?"



Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.

Edited by tbgg (see edit history)
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token1.png.1f361b5b69f15cd7a9ff716bb787caee.pngHunni Ravenwing, of clan Collic

Gully Dwarf Mage of High Sorcery Hexblade Warlock

AC: 18 (Scale Mail+2 Shield +2 Dex) | HP: 33/33(hd 4d8) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: Darkvision, passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 9
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+2) | Con: 15 (+2) | Int: 8 (-1) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 19 (+4)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Gullytalk, Elven, and Dwarven


At Wyhan’s

Along with Wyhan, Hunni comes skipping out, and smiles at Decimus warmly. She gives him a big thumbs-up behind the Master Mage's back. As he answers, and calls magic a burden, she looks more than a little alarmed. "Oh, no, Decimus..." she comments, reaching out for her friend, even from across the room.


As he makes his speech, tears well up in her eyes, and at the end, she is hanging more on her staff than standing under her own power. Hunni holds herself back, but after Wyhan makes her proclamation, signs the scroll, and says she will help him get to the Tower when the time comes, she drops her staff, which goes crashing to the ground, and runs up to Decimus to try to hug him with all of her might, if he allows.


"I didn't know magic was like that for you! Decimus, we will be Mages, but if you don't want it, you shouldn't. But I want you to. I need you. But if you don't want to, you should become a secret Duke. I'll help you do it. Or a fisherman, you were good at that. But after we kill the dragon people, I guess, because they are bad, but if Magic is a curse to you, I will help you break it. Let's break it!" she exclaims, with a sniff. "You don't need to carry the weight of the world, Decimus. Give me some of it. I'll help you."




Bonus Action:



Actions and Resources


Eldritch Blast (cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: + 6 to hit, range 120 ft, one target.
Hit: (1d10 + cha) force damage.

Infestation (cantrip). Spell: Constitution Save DC 14, range 30 ft, one target.
On failed save: (1d6) poison damage, and target must move 5' in a random direction (d4; 1-North, 2-South, 3-East, 4-West). 

Improved Pact Weapon varies, usually whip (+1 to hit, damage, spell focus)

Whip (finesse, reach). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: (1d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Battleaxe (versatile). Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: (1d8 - 1) slashing damage.
Versatile: (1d10 - 1) slashing damage.

Staff of the Python (versatile). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: (1d6 +4) bludgeoning damage.
Versatile: (1d8 +4) bludgeoning damage.

☆ Note:  With Hex Warrior, can set one weapon to use Charisma instead of Strength or Dexterity for to-hit and damage.  Normally Staff of the Python, but also always Pact Weapon.

Bonus Actions

Hexblade's Curse.

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
  • Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
  • If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).

You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Grovel, Cower, and Beg (Reskinned Draconic Cry).

As a bonus action, you let out a cry at your enemies within 10 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies have advantage on attack rolls against any of those enemies who could hear you. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Spell Slots:  2 / 2, cast at 2nd level, refreshed at short rest

Free Spells from Feats: 1/long rest - Hex, Dissonant Whispers, Suggestion

Hunni is a spellcaster.  Her spell slots are at 2nd level.  She has 2 spell slots.  Her spellcasting attribute is Charisma.  Spell Save DC 14.  Spell Attack Modifier +6.  She can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus.

  • Cantrips:  Eldritch Blast, Infestation, Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion
  • Spells Known:  Armor of Agathys, Wrathful Smite, Hex (feat), Dissonant Whispers (feat), Unseen Servant, Blur, Misty Step, Suggestion (feat)
  • Invocations:  Improved Pact Weapon, Agonizing Blast

Life Channel. You can channel your life force into the power of your magic. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you fails a saving throw against a spell that deals damage that you cast, you can expend a number of Hit Dice equal to the level of the spell. Roll the expended Hit Dice and add them together. The damage that the creature takes increases by an amount equal to that total.



Edited by KingGoblin (see edit history)
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Hill Dwarf Outlander Wild Magic Barbarian

AC: 17 (+1Dex + 4Con + 2Shield ) | HP: 52/61 (4d12+16+8+1) | Speed: 25'
Senses: passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 10
Str: 16 (+3) | Dex: 13 (+1) | Con: 18 (+4) | Int: 10 (+0) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 8 (-1)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Rages: 3/3 | Magic Awareness: 2/2

Folketh Barony

"Ahar! Conjuration? It's just Modri!" As if to emphasize, another bolt shoots out, and the Cap is more than ready for it. What he's less ready for is Modri's own tactics. Now that he's been sized up his opponent and is having fun, he recklessly throws himself in with a headbutt to the human's chest.

"So. Good news or bad news first about your Lady Folketh? I mean about her as a person."



Bonus Action: Bolt

Action: Unarmed Strike (Reckless, so the Cap now gets advantage next round)

Note: I actually shouldn't have given Modri two attacks in the first round (I'm level 5 in a couple other games and got it mixed up.) He hit this round though, so it should cancel out.


Edited by Peacemonger (see edit history)
Cap Con Save vs. Bolt
1d20+2 18
Reckless Unarmed Strike
drop(2d20,lowest)+5 7,17
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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/14/2023 at 2:54 AM, tbgg said:

"Your people have answered some of the things I've been wondering about - like what the disagreement between the Ferroes and Folkeths was about and where Lady Michelle's mother was in all of this, but I wonder if I may ask one thing: if this Stevren Ferroe has died and that's who Lady Michelle's mother ran off with, what happened to her? Does Lady Michelle need to be prepared for the possibility of seeing her mother again?"

   “Oh . . .” Stebson muses, “You seem to have gotten bits and pieces. Lady Michelle’s mother Joziveene, ran off with the Lord Ferroe, after his wife died. Joziveene was an ardent socialite who rather resented having to take care of a child at home, so as soon as Lady Michelle was old enough not to need constant attention, Joziveene went right back to attending tea-parties, balls, and any other high-class social function she could manage an invitation to.”

   “Of course, unbeknownst to anyone here, until it was entirely too late, the widower, Ferroe was also attending many such events and the two hooked up. Ferroe had a son, Stevren. Joziveene and Ferroe concocted a contract to marry the son to Lady Michelle. Of course Lord Michael immediately protested, but the Knights of the Rose heard the case and determined that in fact, the contract was binding as both his seal and signature were on the contract. That was when we discovered that Lord Michael’s seal was missing. Then the assassination attempts came. When Lord Michael retaliated in the open—because he’s not some coward who hires assassins in the night!—the Knights of the Rose again stepped in and sentenced him to a year’s banishment, and three years’ worth of the barony’s revenue was to be paid in compensation.”

   “When Joziveene attempted to claim Lady Michelle, Lord Michael was having none of it. He took Lady Michelle with him off to Nordmaar. That’s when he resorted to hiring some . . . underhanded types . . . to steal back his seal. I remember him telling us he hid them somewhere in town, but he didn’t say where. Needless to say, I’d recognize the items immediately.”

   “He kept up with us on with rare letters, but those stopped and we hadn’t heard from them for quite some time. Then one day, we got a letter from him about a year or so ago asking for a status update. The letter came all the way from some place called Shalimsha way down in Khur! I hope Lord Michael didn’t mind us selling that jeweled pendant from up in the master bedroom to pay that pretty penny we spent sending him a response! Well, by that time, a plague had run its course in Kalaman and it took the Ferroes with it. Stevren survived, but he was a gambler and a drunkard. He gambled away the family fortune, the entire Farroe barony, and then managed to suffocate in his own vomit in an alleyway just outside a tavern! Good riddence to so much trash!”

   “Unfortuantely, without the seal, without Lord Michael’s signature—or Lady Michelle’s—we can’t get anything legally done. Much of the disrepair of the walls, lack of work—all of it has to do with that. Seed for the harvest is bought with the money in the coffers. Contracts to get the repair work done would all have to be done with it. Heck, we can’t even hire new folks to help work the land and harvest! What you see here is the little work we’re legally allowed to do with what seed we had leftover. It’s enough to sustain us, but there’s no way we can do 23 square miles of farmland   The Barony Folketh is a mostly hexagonal plot of land that is a total of 6 miles across (from a side the center, it can be as little as about 2.6 miles, but it’s 3 miles from corner to center), giving a total area of 23.38 square miles.

Radius: 3 miles.

That gives a perpendicular altitude from center to side of (3 ÷ 2) × (√3) = ((3√3) ÷ 2) miles
≈ 2.6 miles

Area of the equilateral triangle of sides 3 miles = (((3√3) ÷ 2) × 3) ÷ 2 = ((9√3) ÷ 4) square miles

6 such triangles = 6 × ((9√3) ÷ 4) = ((27√3) ÷ 2) square miles
≈ 23.38 square miles
, grazing pastures, and all the rest.”

   He considers the other things you told him. “I’m afraid that we’re now dealing with something I can’t help you with until Lady Michelle is here. And even if I could make the decision in her stead—if I had her seal—I would not. Not for something this monumental in scope. Once she is here, we can continue this. Until then, I shan’t turn away guests coming in good faith.”

   Here, he directs the staff to make you and the rest of the elders comfortable in their own guest rooms. A feat that is easily accomplished in this huge house.

   “Ms. Mery, we have a library. Sam Booker can show you the way. I would ask that you stay out of the adjoining offices, though. Just let one of the staff know you’re headed to there, and they’ll escort you.”

   The staff escorts you to nice rooms.

Outside the Manor House


On 10/14/2023 at 11:21 AM, Peacemonger said:

"So. Good news or bad news first about your Lady Folketh? I mean about her as a person."

   Cap backs off, taking the disengage action from Modri and putting five feet between the two of you. He narrows his eyes a little. The crowd goes silent.

   Finally, ‘Steward’ says, “What about Lady Michelle? What do you mean, ‘bad news’? Speak your words carefully. You all got everyone’s hopes up about Mimi returnin’, so you best not be about to talk trash.”

Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
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spacer.png                       Meryelle "Mery" Keryndon

                         Level 4 Half-Elf Sage College of Lore Bard

AC: 13 (Leather Armor) | HP: 30/30 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses:  Darkvision 60 ft; Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11, Passive Investigation 14
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 14 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 11 (+0) | Cha: 18 (+6)
Languages:  Common, Elven, Solamnic, Kharolian, and Draconic
Spell-casting: +6 or DC 141st 4/4 2nd 3/3 | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4

 “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions


At the Folketh Barony

Mery asks to be taken to a guest room with a writing desk if one exists and is delighted when she is led to one. She immediately takes out the gown, cloak, and slipper ensemble she had offered Lady Michelle and hangs it in the room's small wardrobe. She also removes all of her other belongings from her backpack and finds places for those items she doesn't strictly have to carry with her, notably her chest of writing supplies, then repacks only the essential items. She decides to visit the library later.

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

Once Sebston answers those questions, she asks him to point out the female servant with the most authority. Mery says to this woman, "Lady Michelle has no decent clothing, as the gown she was loaned got damaged and dirty on the way here. She has been serving as a soldier and I am pretty sure that for daily use she'll prefer functional clothing that she can wear armor over and fight in. Can you tell me what shop in town would make something like that that would be suitable for a noblewoman? She'll need other clothing as well, but that can wait until after she's back. I'm heading into town shortly anyway to collect the proof of lineage, and was thinking that maybe I'd grab one good daily wear outfit that she can change into upon her return. I've got some money, and she can repay me when she can." She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."




Bonus Action:



Object Interaction:

Mount Action:


Actions & Resources


   Shortbow (simple, ranged, ammunition, two-handed). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target.
                                                                                   Hit:  (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 

   Dagger (light, ranged or melee). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/80 ft., one target.
                                                   Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
                                                                   Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

                                                  Hit: (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions:

   Healing Word

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

  Bardic Inspiration (3 per long rest, for 1d6)

As a bonus action, a creature (other than yourself) within 60 ft. that can hear you gains an inspiration die (1d6). For 10 minutes, the creature can add it to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This can be added after seeing the roll, but before knowing the outcome.

  Heat Metal

Until the spell ends (up to 1 minute), you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage (1d8 fire damage for each level the spell is cast at, minimum 2nd level) again.


   14 arrows in quiver, 0 arrow bundles in backpack.


   Mery is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells available for spontaneous casting: 

  • Cantrips (3/3 slots): prestidigitation, vicious mockery, message
  • 1st level (4/4 slots): healing word, hideous laughter, cure wounds, unseen servant
  • 2nd (3/3 slots): invisibility, heat metal, enhance ability

Class Features:

  • 3/3 Bardic Inspiration, recovered after a long rest
  • Song of Rest (Use on any short rest - anyone who hears her performance and chooses to regain a hit die gains an extra 1d6 of HP.)
  • Jack of All Trades (add 1/2 proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.)
  • Bardic College = College of Lore. Gain expertise in 2 skills you already have proficiency in, and proficiency in 3 new skills. (Choosing Persuasion and Deception for Expertise, adding Nature, Stealth, and Religion for Proficiency.)


OOC comments, if I have them, go here.

Edited by tbgg (see edit history)
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image.png.f43e797dc98446c97baef5b972307405.pngArtanis Brightblade

Human Knight of Solamnia 

AC: 19 (Chainmail, Shield +1) | HP: 31/31 () | HD: 4/4 | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 11, Insight 13, Investigation 9
Str: 18 (+4) | Dex: 8 (–1) | Con: 13 (+1) | Int: 8 (-1) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Solamnic

DR3 vs nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing, piercing. Force all attacks targeted at mount to target Artanis instead. Mount has Evasion

My words,  | My thoughts,’  | My actions . . .


Artanis sighs in relief when Ser Marbleheart bursts out laughing at Ser Becklin's joke - visions exactly the same as the Governor's swimming around his mind. Of course he trusted Ser Becklin not to have him save anything that would stain his honour, but it still doesn't stop that frisson of anxiety.

He witnesses the knighting of Ser Darrett with a wide smile, affixing his mark with pride beneath the seals. Clasping the new knight by his forearm he claps him on the back warmly, "Congratulations Ser Darrett, I'm sure you'll make Ser Becklin proud. I'm certainly happy to have you by my side with what's to come!"

After Darrett has left, the discussion turns serious once more, and with it Artanis expression to match. His frown deepens, drawing uncharacteristically thick furrows across his normally smooth brow when the Marshall describes similar stories from around the region. As Mayor Raven struggles to contain her emotions, he smoothly steps forward to take over the narrative, standing proud and rigid before his betters as Ser Brightheart had taught.

"Indeed, this is Ser Michelle Folketh. She is, or rather we believe was, a Lieutenant in the Red Dragon Army that subjugated and subsequently pillaged the town of Vogler," he reports, briefly interrupting his story to provide explanation of their happenstance, "My comrades and I happened to have been staying to attend the funeral of an old friend, but when this erupted attended to the clear duty." He continues again in tone far more formal than Coltan is familiar with - the farmer's lad clearly having had to undergo the same transformation as the dwarf is currently grappling with in the past.

"She had presented the army's orders to the town, before being forced back to report the unexpected news of the Apprentice's presence. When she returned we were able to subdue and capture her. Initially she behaved as expected, supplying only unit and personnel details, however on witnessing the army's atrocities had a change of heart towards co-operation - she had been led to believe Takhisis' forces would act within the bounds of honour rather than as they did. This was supplemented with further renouncement following a vision shared by Ser Michelle, the Apprentice, and the magically inclined members of our party, which I believe showed the execution of all soldiers under her command as punishment for her presumed defection. Coltan can tell you more regarding that if needed. Despite the understandably strong emotions of Baronets Raven Uth Vogler, I do feel compelled to add that throughout her time as my prisoner Ser Michelle has acted entirely honourably, going as far as to refuse rescue from traitorous mercenary forces."

"Given her actions and stated intentions, I'm sure she is more than willing to co-operate fully with whatever questions you may have regarding the Red Dragon Army and its disposition, Marshall," he nods towards the military commander.

"Finally, I'm sure her surname has not escaped your notice. Whilst not strictly relevant to her prior actions, during her capture our bard, Meryelle Keryndon of Palanthas' Great Library - discovered a hidden message within Ser Michelle's handkerchief that the prisoner was previously unaware of. The handkerchief was the last gift from her father, and the decoded message revealed that her father was in fact Ser Michael Folketh - a name I believe familiar to yourselves - who had been pressed into service alongside Ser Michelle during their exile. It also alluded to proof of these claims within the city."

"I obviously - and somewhat gratefully - leave judgement in the hands of the Rose," he gestures towards Ser Marbleheart, "I'm not really cut out for all this ambiguity, but to my mind she has demonstrated so far only the utmost willingness to undo the damage the Red Army has wrought..."

Having presented his report, Artanis remains at attention, one hand resting on the old hilt of Ser Britghtblade's for moral support.





Bonus Action: 



Object Interaction: 

Mount Action: 

Mount Movement: 

Actions & Resources


   Longsword (versatile). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage. Versatile damage: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.

   Javelin (range, thrown) [3]. Thrown Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, ranged 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

  RDA Javelin (range, thrown) [10]. Thrown Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, ranged 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, 1d4 fire damage.

  Lance (special). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) piercing damage, 1d4 Fire damage.

  Battlefield Presence.

Bonus Actions:

   Rallying Mark

   Urgent Orders  

   Helpful Word

Class Features:

  Precise Strike. 2/2 (Long Rest)

Commanding Rally. 2/2 (Long Rest)

  Leadership Dice (d6). 4/4 (Short Rest, 1/turn)

  Lead the Charge. When you roll initiative you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus (5 THP).

Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

   “For now, it would be best if you purchased your own arrows,” Sebston says. “Once we can get everything calmed down, we’ve got an archery range with practice arrows you can use to practice. I can have that idiot son of mine show you over there.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

   “My apologies, Ms. Mery,” Stebson says, “But I implied that Joziveene died of the plague, but I can see where my lack of explicitness would lead to that question. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can see that you and Lady Michelle have clicked and perhaps that might have contributed to it.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."

   “In heraldic terms, the Folketh coat of arms is ‘Or, a ciquefoil azure a chief acorns topped vert’, or in plain terms, gold with a five-petaled blue flower with a top line of green. The border between the two—green and gold—is alternating up-and-downward-pointing acorns.”

Castle Kalaman

Artanis, Coltan, Michelle, Marquess Miat (Governor), Marshal Vendri, Ser Corpher

   The governor, Ser Corpher, and Marshal Vendri all excuse themselves to speak in another room. The thick, oaken door shuts and two guards will prevent you from approaching it.

   One of them pokes their head out—it’s Ser Corpher. He has one of the guards bring Lady Michelle into their room.

   Eventually, after 15 to 20 minutes, they come back in.

   “Thank you for bringing the prisoner to me,” Ser Corpher says to Ser Artanis. “I will take her into the custody of the Order of the Rose. Marshal Vendri and Marquess Miat will debrief her. Then, I, and the other members of the Order, will decide her fate.”

   “Marquess Miat recognizes her, but would like the proof of her legitimacy—just to verify—presented to us as soon as possible. I think you understand that means not dallying.”

   “The Prisoner explained a number of things to us that is very alarming, and requires immediate attention. Normally, we’d have her locked in a holding cell, but in this case, we would like to send you, her, and several guards to the barony. She’s to be held under house arrest in her bedroom. However, I’ve been given to understand we have so many refugees on the riverbank and your friends have gone ahead to the barony. His grace laughed and said that might not go so well for your friends.”

   Marquest Miat approaches Artanis. “Ser Artanis,” he says, handing him a scroll with his seal on it, “I need you to deliver this to a Stebson Steward. If his son, Bastion, tries to stop you, gives you a hard time, hold this scroll aloft and tell him you’re there ‘to get three horses groomed by the morrow and not a day sooner’. Assuming he doesn’t shit himself where he stands, you’ll never see another person scramble to get out of your way faster.”

   “I’m sending some of my men along with you to ensure the prisoner is remanded to her room, but also to assess the situation and report back to me. They’ll be making a head-count, and figuring out who needs what, as well as surveying the barony for where they can put them all, and what will need to be done for them.”

   “I’ve sent for your two friends—one of our knights informed us that they’re over at the Black-Robe’s? Mages, I take it?”

   “Ironically enough, it’ll be faster to walk back to the banks where everyone is then walk over to the barony, rather than go to the barony from here—just the way the roads curve.”

   Marshal Vendri steps forward and hands each of you a badge. “For now, you, Ser Artanis, and your friends, are allowed to come and go as you please. Make sure to show these badges to the gate guards. I’ll ensure Ser Derrett receives his, too.”

   “Until we can try her, the prisoner is to fulfill all of her responsibilities as Lady of House Folketh—once her lineage is proven and her seal is back in her hands—but enjoy none of the privileges or benefits thereof! She is allowed to leave her room for a half-an-hour for each of three meals at 6, 12, and 18 bells. Her candles are to be snuffed and confiscated no later than 9 bells, and she must be up at 5 bells. She may spend 1 hour in the mornings and 1 hour in the afternoons helping the people of Vogler to rebuild their lives on her land, however temporary. Two guards will be posted at her door—they will record the names of all visitors, and we will be sending regular rotations. She will of course be allowed to bathe twice per week.”

   Marquess Miat says, “Baronetess Raven uth Vogler, you, Ser Artanis, the Apprentice of Reorx, and whomever Ser Artanis wishes to invite, are requested to join us on the morrow—after lunch—to be part of the council that ultimately decides what happens with the people of Vogler. Unfortunately, that pipsqueak of a turd, Bakaris, will be there, too. He’s got too many connections within the council, and far too many supporters.”

   On your way to pick up Decimus and Hunni, you all hear a bard busking in the streets, surrounded by a crowd.

♪ ♫

In the year three-fifty-one AC,
A tale of valor and heroic strife,
Lord Bakaris uth Estide set us free,
From the clutches of the Red Dragon's life.

♫ ♪

Though hindrance lurked in every step he made,
Wild gully dwarf, a stumbling, foolish soul,
Clumsy, wet, pink wizard cast spells astray,
Yet Bakaris pressed on, his heart still whole.

♪ ♫

The green knight challenged, with his sword so keen,
But Bakaris stood strong, his shield held high,
The blue bard sang, though notes were far from clean,
Yet his voice couldn't drown Lord Bakaris's cry.

♫ ♪

The blue elf, with a shell so grand and wide,
Stood by his side, in battle, side by side.

♪ ♫

The false prophet whispered lies in the dark,
But Bakaris saw through the veil of deceit,
Unwavering, he held to his true mark,
Guided by honor, his quest could not be beat.

♪ ♫

The drunken gambling dwarf, a foolish pawn,
Yet Bakaris forged ahead, never dismayed,
The stupid old hag, pretender knight, withdrawn,
Could not hinder the path he had surveyed.

♫ ♪

And even the betrayer mercenaries,
Could not break the spirit of our Lord,
For in his heart, justice burned like a fiery breeze,
With strength, he wielded his mighty sword.

♪ ♫

In spite of all odds, Bakaris would prevail,
A hero's heart, a legend to regale.

♫ ♪

Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
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Hill Dwarf Outlander Wild Magic Barbarian

AC: 17 (+1Dex + 4Con + 2Shield ) | HP: 52/61 (4d12+16+8+1) | Speed: 25'
Senses: passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 10
Str: 16 (+3) | Dex: 13 (+1) | Con: 18 (+4) | Int: 10 (+0) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 8 (-1)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Rages: 2/3 | Magic Awareness: 2/2

Folketh Barony

"Huh? This mean we're done sparring? Bah, thought we'd have a friendly conversation to go with the fun." As if to emphasize the calming moment, Modri stops glowing. He thinks for a moment, scratching the back of his ear. It's not so much that he's afair of the mob, and more that he's concerned he'll say the wrong thing and spoil things for Michelle's return.

"All right, bad news first it is. Your... uh... Mimi? I tell you she's far more grown than to be a Mimi. Anyways, the bad news she's a bit mixed up in her head. Been fighting the wrong fight, and it's got her twisted into knots. I don't think any amount of compliments and excuses will untie it either. No, the lioness needs something to do, something to do right by and help I think. Don't know whether it's fixing this old place, or digging the dirt, or fighting off whoever needs fighting off, but she needs something to do."

He looks around, and seeing that no one is rushing at him with fists or pitchforks just yet. "Good news is she grew up tough and full of honor. More grit there than a dire boar and more stubborn than an old goat." It may not exactly sound like a compliment, but his smile and his own rugged appearance show it at least a good attempt. "Seriously, when my companions chucked her off that horse and were all ready to pile in and kill her, I had the sense to know better. Just planted my foot on her and talked some good sense that she was better of not dying."

He gives a satisfied nod.



Action: -


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 spacer.pngColtan Bluetemper

Level 4 Neidar Folk Hero Forge Cleric

AC: 19 (Splint armor +2 Shield) | HP: 42/42 (4d8+12+4) | Speed: 25 ft.
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15, Insight 13, Investigation 12
Str: 14 (+2) | Dex: 8 (–1) | Con: 16 (+3) | Int: 10 (+0) | Wis: 18 (+4) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: Speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish

Coltan shrugs at the verdict. He has never cared for the politics of nobles who lord above the common folk. On the other hand, he is polite and thanks the lords for their time. Manners maketh the character.


Hearing the bard's song along the way, the Apprentice separates from the group and approaches the bard politely pushing through the crowd to confront him. "Aye, you there. How much is Bakaris paying you to sing those lies? Because I would be that false prophet in that verse."

After igniting his holy hammer in heatless, blue flames, he announces, "And, I assure you that I am an Apprentice of Reorx. The Worldsmith has returned. As have the other gods. He positioned me in Vogler to defend and escort the refugees from the dragon armies of Takhisis."

Speaking more to the crowd, he continues, "On the other hand, Bakasis ran away without helping the Voglerites. I was there and saw Bakaris leave Vogler without helping."

Looking back at the bard, he asks, "What would it take for you to learn and sing the truth of the burning of Vogler? Do you want to see the mechanical dragon that we defeated and brought with us to Kalaman as proof?"


Background Feature: Rustic Hospitality = Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease.


Bonus Action:



Use Object:

Actions and Resources


+1 Holy Warhammer (versatile). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d8 + 3 magic, fire damage.
Versatile damage: 1d10 + 3 magic, fire damage.

Warhammer (versatile). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d8 + 2 bludgeoning damage.
Versatile damage: 1d10 + 2 bludgeoning damage.

Handaxe (light, thrown). Melee & Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/60 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d6 + 2 slashing damage.

Dagger (light, thrown). Melee & Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 20/60 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d4 + 2 piercing damage.

Spell-casting: +6 or DC 14 | 1st 4/4 | 2nd 3/3


  1. Sacred Flame (V, S). Spell Attack: Dex DC 13, ranged 60 ft., one target.  Fail: 1d8 radiant damage.
  2. Word of Radiance (V, M). Spell Attack: Con DC 13, ranged 5 ft., each creature of your choice. Fail: 1d6 radiant damage.
  3. Light (V,M).  You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.  If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
  4. Mending (V,S,M). This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object.

1st level spells prepared

  • Forge Domain: Identify (V,S,M) Ritual. You choose one object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it. If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it.
  • Forge Domain: Searing Smite (V). The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during the spell's duration, your weapon flares with white-hot intensity, and the attack deals an extra 1d6 fire damage to the target and causes the target to ignite in flames. At the start of each of its turns until the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5 feet of it uses an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses the flames (such as the target being submerged in water), the spell ends.
  1. Bless (V,S,M).  You bless up to three creatures of your choice within 30 ft. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.  Concentration up to 1 minute.
  2. Cure Wounds (V,S).  A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
  3. Detect Magic (V,S) Concentration, Ritual. For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any.  The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.  Concentration up to 10 minutes.
  4. Healing Word (V) Bonus.  A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
  5. Guiding Bolt (V,S).  Make a ranged spell attack against the target within 120 feet. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage

2nd-Level Spells Prepared

  • Forge Domain: Heat Metal (V,S,M) Concentration. Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire damage when you cast the spell. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage again. If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn't drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.
  • Forge Domain: Magic Weapon (V,S) Concentration. You touch a nonmagical weapon. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
  • 6. Spiritual Weapon (V,S) Bonus. When you cast the spell, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.
  • 7. Lesser Restoration (V,S). You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
  • 8. Silence (V,S) Concentration, Ritual. For the duration, no sound can be created within or pass through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there.

Channel Divinity: 1/1 short rest

Turn Undead.  Expend a use of your Channel Divinity as an action to make each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom DC 13. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

Harness Divine Power.  As a bonus action, expend a use of your Channel Divinity to regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

Artisan's Blessing. You conduct an hour-long ritual that crafts a nonmagical item that must include some metal: a simple or martial weapon, a suit of armor, ten pieces of ammunition, a set of tools, or another metal object (see chapter 5, "Equipment," in the Player's Handbook for examples of these items). The creation is completed at the end of the hour, coalescing in an unoccupied space of your choice on a surface within 5 feet of you.  The thing you create can be something that is worth no more than 100 gp. As part of this ritual, you must lay out metal, which can include coins, with a value equal to the creation. The metal irretrievably coalesces and transforms into the creation at the ritual's end, magically forming even nonmetal parts of the creation. The ritual can create a duplicate of a nonmagical item that contains metal, such as a key, if you possess the original during the ritual.

War Caster

  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
  • You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
  • When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.
Edited by JubalBreakbottle (see edit history)
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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

At Wyhan’s

Decimus & Hunni

   Just outside the shop, you hear a bard set up with her lute and a hat to throw coins in. A crowd quickly gathers and she begins singing:

♪ ♫

In times of old, in lands of valor’s might,
There lived a hero, noble and renowned,
Lord Bakaris, his name a beacon bright,
A savior true, with honor deeply bound.

♫ ♪
High Hill, the realm where his brave heart did dwell,
Where treachery had sought to seize control,
Cudgel, the traitor, in her iron shell,
Her regiment, a force that would extol.

♪ ♫
But Bakaris, with strength unmatched and true,
Did face the foe, alone in battle’s fray,
He fought with courage, every stroke he threw,
To hold the line and keep the dark at bay.

♫ ♪
And as the Red Dragon Army drew near,
Bakaris stood firm, their wrath he did steer.

♪ ♫
The people of Vogler, they owed their flight,
To Bakaris, their hero, strong and bold,
Through smoke and flame, he fought with all his might,
Their lives he saved, their stories will be told.

♫ ♪
Yet in this tale, a wench of false pretense,
Ser Becklin, who sought glory she’d not earned,
Pretending to be knight, her grave offense,
Her folly paid, for death is what she earned.

♪ ♫
Oh, Bakaris, the legend in his name,
His honor shines, his deeds forever sung,
His sacrifice, his valor, all the same,
A hero’s anthem, from his heart was wrung.

♫ ♪
So let us raise our voices to the sky,
To Lord Bakaris, who dared to defy.

♪ ♫

   “Oh, lovely,” Wyhan drawls, “The buskers are out early today, it seems. Maybe some of the crowd will find their way into the shop and manage to spend some coin.”


On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Late Morning/Lunch


   This is a bit of a small time-skip. Just getting everyone back together. Feel free in subsequent posts to continue roleplaying previous events. Just know that, eventually, you will ultimately end up here, at the barony.

The Barony Folketh

Mery, Merituuli, Modri, et al.

23 hours ago, Peacemonger said:

He looks around, and seeing that no one is rushing at him with fists or pitchforks just yet. "Good news is she grew up tough and full of honor. More grit there than a dire boar and more stubborn than an old goat." It may not exactly sound like a compliment, but his smile and his own rugged appearance show it at least a good attempt. "Seriously, when my companions chucked her off that horse and were all ready to pile in and kill her, I had the sense to know better. Just planted my foot on her and talked some good sense that she was better of not dying."

“I’m sorry, what?!”

“They tried to kill her?!”

“A lady, digging in the dirt!?”

“Planted his foot on her?!”

“What sort of barbaria—oh great, there’re more people coming! A LOT MORE!”

   Modri turns and can see the blue and yellow uniforms of Kalaman knights approaching. Squinting, he spots a green shield, a man in an unmistakable pink, a gully dwarf, an Apprentice of Reorx in his white and gold vestments, and . . . a line of over three hundred people following behind them.

   Mery and Merituuli can see them approaching from their respective windows in the manor house.

   As the line approaches, someone behind Modri points out Lady Michelle in the crowd. “What’s she doin’ in fu’kin’ CHAINS!?”

   The group of Folketh residents knows better than to raise their bows to Kalaman knights, so just stand and wait peacefully, if very disgruntled. Bastion Steward saunters up to the group. “What is the meaning of this!? Did Kalaman decide to give us over to one of the other nobles? Who are all these people!? Is that really Mi—Lady Michelle?” He turns to the woman in question, who is in fact manacled. “Lady Michelle, is it really you?”

   “Bastion? Bastion Steward? . . .” she responds, shame-faced, “It’s been a long time . . . Yes. It is I. Your ‘Mimi’ has returned, but I bring back no glory nor any good tidings . . .”

“The dwarf wa’n’t kiddin’!”

“What’s happened? How could the gods let our Mimi come to this?”

“It certainly LOOKS like he planted his foot on her!”

   One of the Knights turns to Artanis with a knowing smirk. “Ser Artanis, I believe you have a message to deliver?”

   Another knight approaches Modri. “Are you the dwarf Ser Artanis and the Apprentice call ‘Modri’? I’ve got a badge for you . . . do you know where the woman called ‘Mery’ and the sea elf called ‘Merituuli’ are? We’ve got badges for them, as well.”

   Looking over, Modri can see Artanis, Coltan, Decimus, and Hunni all sporting a leather loop with a silver-and-gold circular badge with some writing and a fancy design on it riveted to the strap. The strap is long enough that Decimus can buckle it on his wrist, whereas Hunni might have it looped through a belt-loop, and Artanis might have looped through a small metal holder on his breastplate meant for holding medals and the like. (Players are free to decide where such a badge is displayed and/or how it is affixed to their person, just so long as it is prominently displayed and easily spotted by anyone who would be looking for it).

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