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Aveza Vithindrar, Shadar-Kai Arbiter Druid


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Aveza Vithindrar



Gender: Female
Race: Shadar-Kai
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Class: Druid
Background: Far Traveler

Background Feature: All Eyes On YouYour accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign.
Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go,
which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands,
to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.

You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in
hearing about your distant homeland and people

Languages: Common, Elvish, Druidic

Passive Perception/Investigation: 16
Passive Insight:  


HP: 11
Hit Dice: 1d8
AC: 14
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.


skill-1-512.png Abilities & Skills
Proficiency Bonus: +2
+0 Saves
+1 Saves
+3 Saves
+1 Saves
+4 Saves
+1 Saves
+0 Athletics

+1 Acrobatics
+1 Sleight of Hand
+1 Stealth (Expert)

  +1 Arcana
+1 History
+1 Investigation
+1 Nature
+1 Religion
+6 Animal Handling
+6 Insight
+4 Medicine
+6 Perception
+6 Survival
+1 Deception
+1 Intimidation
+1 Performance
+1 Persuasion

Proficiencies Languages Class Feats Race & Feats

Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields

Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, m aces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears

Tools: Herbalism kit, one musical instrument (dulcimer)



Ability Score IncreaseWhen determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. You can't raise any of your scores above 20. (+1 wis, +2 con)

Blessing of the Raven QueenAs a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Starting at 3rd level, you also gain resistance to all damage when you teleport using this trait. The resistance lasts until the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear ghostly and translucent.

DarkvisionYou can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.

Fey AncestryYou have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.

Keen SensesYou have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Necrotic ResistanceYou have resistance to necrotic damage.


8437-200.png Attacks

Weapon To Hit Damage Type/(Range)





money-dollar-circle-512.png Money

Copper: 0 Silver: 0 Gold: 5 Platinum: 0 (15 Coins * .02 lbs. = 0.30 lbs. Total Weight)
Encumbrance, heaviness, load, mass, sinker, stowage, weight icon - Download  on Iconfinder Encumbrance

Weight:  lbs.
Status: Unencumbered
Penalty: None
688885-200.png Equipment Readied

Equipped Items: ( lbs.)
Armor ( lbs.) Weapons ( lbs.) Readied Items ( lbs.)
Leather Armor


education_icons_IF-06-512.png Equipment Stored

Stored Items: ( lbs.)
In Backpack  * Includes 5 lbs. for backpack Strapped To Backpack
Item_necklace_9.png Magic Items

Magic Items: (0.0 lbs.)
Non-Attuned (0.0 lbs.) Attuned 0/3 (0.0 lbs.)



5386-200.png Character Overview



A lean, pale elven woman with equally pale, wild hair, clad in dark leathers fashioned like a dress. She wears jewelry in odd, muted metals, bearing a multitude of piercings on her ears and one along the center of her lips. An mostly featureless mask, just as pale as the woman herself, hangs from one hip. Her most striking feature aside from her pallor are her eyes- pale and blue-violet on black, keenly sharp and observant.

She carries herself with a certain kind of intent, though whether good or ill is difficult to ascertain simply by observation. When she chooses to speak, her voice is lightly accented (though the accent is hard to place) and more often than not dry and bordering on sardonic.

It's been long enough since she was last 'alive' that everything before her current incarnation is little more than a vague haze of memory. What she does recall is that she overreached- did more than she was actually capable of and has been recuperating under the grace of her lady's not-so-tender mercies ever since. She has no pretenses that her Goddess is kind, but she does believe that she is necessary- sometimes things must die to better nourish the environs, after all.

As such, she knows that whatever she is told she must do, she cannot waver.

It's why she's spent the last few years among the Arbiters- a stretch of time that is nothing to a Shadar-Kai. As a sect, the Arbiters are secretive and self-important, barely understanding the provenance of their own powers. They are unaware that the Arbiter which they serve is nothing more than another aspect of her Queen- a truth that she herself grasped only by the grace of her monarch. Favored as she thus appears, she has been granted clemency- leniency- to travel where she is bid, seeking to right the wrongs caused by mortal folly. The Balance must be kept- and she will be the one to help keep it.



SCAG: Far Traveler

Personality Trait(s):

I have different assumptions from those around me concerning personal space, blithely invading others' space in innocence, or reacting to ignorant invasion of my own.


Reserved. As someone new to these strange lands, I am cautious and respectful in my dealings.


I hold no greater cause than my service to my people.


I pretend not to understand the local language in order to avoid interactions I would rather not have.

a warning: arbiter form has lots and lots of eyes



Wild & Arbiter Shapes



Edited by astronavigatrix (see edit history)
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yeehaw guys, gals and other pals-


Score Rolls

Edited by astronavigatrix (see edit history)
Score Rolls
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 3,3,5,5,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,2,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,1,2,2,3
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 1,4,5,5,2,3,3,4,1,3,4,6,2,5,6,6,3,4,4,5,4,4,4,4
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Given that the general state of the Raven Queen is perpetually in flux depending on the source, I've gone with the more... neutral/benevolent reading of my favorite corvid queen. The Shadar-Kai are her followers for a reason and given that they were once her people- who would follow her to the ends of the realms and further still- they understand their Queen's intent, even if they cannot fathom the scope of her methods. Of course, you are more than welcome to flavor her as you please and have her people have been either ensorcelled or tricked by her with regards to her methods, but I do so love her as a neutral agent of keeping other gods from f***ing things up unnecessarily.

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26 minutes ago, The Eyeball Kid said:

Thanks for the app.

I'm not familiar with Arbiter Druid. From what does it derive? A quick search suggests Morgrave Miscellany which isn't an official sourcebook.

It is in fact from Morgrave's which... I honestly forgot isn't official oops. I can always pick another subclass (or class entirely) but I'm a little attached to this one. That said if there's a preference you might have for something you haven't seen I'm more than glad to tweak things as needed.

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Well, I'd need to see the specifics of the class first, I don't have Morgrave's.

As long as you're willing to consider another subclass (or class if you rather), everything else looks good. We can call it reviewed and cleared for now anyway.

Why the caravan job? There's not really much promise of righting wrongs in it, though it's conceivable that she might have heard rumors of trouble in Phandalin itself.

You can join in the pre-game rp thread if you wish.

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17 minutes ago, The Eyeball Kid said:

Well, I'd need to see the specifics of the class first, I don't have Morgrave's.

As long as you're willing to consider another subclass (or class if you rather), everything else looks good. We can call it reviewed and cleared for now anyway.

Why the caravan job? There's not really much promise of righting wrongs in it, though it's conceivable that she might have heard rumors of trouble in Phandalin itself.

You can join in the pre-game rp thread if you wish.

I can help with that acquisition, if you'd like (it's got some pretty great stuff but I'm also aware that eberron is not everyone's cup of tea, it's just become one of mine due to exposure therapy from my partner).

I'm definitely willing to change, cause Druid has some pretty good subclasses regardless.

As far as the caravan job- the way I picture it is her thinking about passing it over only to have some omen crop up and push her in that direction- be it her continuing to run into talk about it or perhaps a raven dropping a copy of the handbill into her possession. You know, spooky 'her majesty has spoken' kind of stuff.

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