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As Khaine steps back, his opponent falls to the ground, gasping for air.

The crowd is shocked, and from the murmurs Khaine overhears, sounds like they're a little less impressed by the recruits and their demonstration than they were earlier in the day.

As the crowd disperses, Master Gault looks furious and walks away. Doesn't look like he's planning on making good on his word.

But just as Khaine is considering whether to pursue the manner, another man in uniform, this one looking older and more grizzled than captain Gault steps up to Khaine and introduces himself, "You made your point, if not many friends. I'm Captain Merrs."

CapMerrs.jpg.ddda57fc89564df2ae4fa837e99d38ff.jpg"Here's your reward," he says, handing Khaine a handful of coins (3 crowns/gp). "Come with me to my office, and I'll make sure you get a writ from me as well. You were polite and restrained in your conversation with Master Gault, and taught Sig an important lesson. I appreciate that. What's your name, son?"

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Khaine - Human Monk 1

HP: 21/21 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 

Perception: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :


Khaine helps Sig to his feet.

"Sig! Thank you for the spar. I will need to put something cold where you struck me. You have reminded me that defence is as important as offence."

He gave the big man a bow and rolled his shoulders and cool down as he master had shown him. As Master Gault stormed off, Khaine was a little put out. In truth it had never been about the gold, but a man who didn't keep his word was troubling. When the older man aproached, Khaine gave him a small smile and a gentle bow to show his respect.

He took the gold coins with a thank you and responded to the man.

"I guess there are better ways to make friends, something I have to learn now I am out in the world. It is good to meet you Captain. I am called Khaine, I only just recently arrived in town. You have my thanks for the writ and the compliements. I hope that Master Gault takes on board what i said. I was only trying to help."

He trotted alongside the older man, hoping the writ would help him get work later in the week. This would show he could handle himself.

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Khaine - Human Monk 1

HP: 21/21 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 

Perception: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :


Khaine grinned at Sig.

"I trained with a man called Kurnous. He was a skilled man, makes me look like the complete amateur that I am. He spoke of a school that he had lost during the shifting of the worlds. He was hoping to find it again, and I am hoping I can find him. Maybe one day I will found a school of my own, but right now I am the one in need of schoolin'. I feel better about the safety of the town having gone toe to toe with you. I just wish Master Gault was a bit less hard on ye all. A few minor changes and ye all would be fighting like demons! You been training long?"


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  • 3 weeks later...

4th of Renewal, year 20 - evening at Lumber Jane's

As the group relaxes after the performance, Khaine realizes Kek seems to have missed the play.

While in the common room afterwards, Khaine does manage to hear his voice from the kitchen.

It may or may not be his business, but Weylin is talking to a very colorful looking (halfling?)

There are a few hours left til sleep, exploring this new town isn't completely out of order, is it?

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Khaine - Human Monk 1

HP: 21/21 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 

Perception: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :


Khaine didn't want to get under the orc's buisness. Both of them could handle themselves if things went awry, and he didn't want to get in their way. So instead he decided to explore the town, eager to see how these people lived compared to his own life on the farm. And if anyone had heard the name of Kurnous, he might learn another clue as to where the man had gone. He wouldn't wander too far or stay out too late. He was looking forward to a warm bed for the evening.


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OOC - If he wasn't here, maybe someone met him elsewhere and remembers, but if not, then that is fine too. It is just something Khaine will do in every settlement he goes to, until (if ever) he gets a solid lead!


Khaine wanders about, talking to anyone who looks like they know how to carry themselves, to gossips and other folk of the land. He asks them about the harvest, about what they grow, how the weather is expected to be for the next week and if any have heard of his old master. He also asks if there is any strange goings on in the area, or those looking for adventurers. Just in case there is a job to help get more experience with his allies while they are in the area.


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1d20 17
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Khaine has a reasonably quiet walk, despite realizing he is being stalked. After a half hour, he spots the stalker - a young filthy looking boy who is looking for an opportunity to catch Khaine off guard, probably to snatch something off him. For being a small town, Aldpine doesn't seem to sleep at night. So many people out and about, but Khaine doesn't let it take his attention of potential dangers, even the young stalker. He manages to turn and face the stalker just as the boy tries to make his move. Twice, and that's enough for the lad to move onto another mark.

Khaine learns about the various businesses frantically trying to make a living at the edge of the human world, the success stories, and the many failures. There are a lot of people in this town just scraping by, and so very few people like Jane keeping an eye out for others. The lumber industry in peculiar seems to be exploiting the situation as much as they can, hiring people for low wages for the hard work they do, and much of those wages seem to disappear quickly on alcohol.

No word of Kurnous in this town though.

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Khaine - Human Monk 1

HP: 21/21 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 0/3 | Focus: 1/1 

Perception: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :

Khaine was a little disappointed, though not at all surprised not to hear news of his old master. It was a long shot, but you never know if you don't ask. He scared off the kid, but was feeling a little sorry for him. He was too young to be living like this, looking out for himself and stealing to survive. It reminded Khaine how lucky he had been to grow up on the farm. He had had to work hard of course, but he never wanted for food or shelter, and didn't need to worry about keeping his clothing clean. He didn't know how to help this boy, so he decided it was best to move on, and perhaps on the way back he might have a better plan.

To hear that the lumber industry was exploiting the people here trying to survive angered him! It certainly explained why the boy was forced to beg and steal, but it also meant it was a bigger problem than just some wayward youth. Khaine was a stranger here, he didn't have the knowledge or power to bring about much change. But perhaps once he was further along the path, he might be wise enough to help this place become more than what it was now.

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  • 9 months later...

Khaine - Human Monk 3

HP: 47/47 | AC: 21 | Speed: 35ft | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 1/1 

Perception: +6 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +11 | Will: +8 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :

Khaine slipped to the fore and crouched before the door, he slipped out a knife he had taken from the dinner the night before. He probably should get better tools for breaking locks, but he hadn't expected the need for them when he first became an adventurer.

Pick Lock

Critical failure would probably mean the knife breaks off in the lock, preventing a quiet entrance. So I will use a hero point to reroll.

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Khaine - Human Monk 4

HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 | Speed: 35ft | Hero: 1/3 | Focus: 2/2 

Perception: +7 | Fort: +10 | Ref: +12 | Will: +9 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :


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