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Fort Smith, Arkansas Early June 1880

Black Wyvern

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You received a telegraph from the Colonel two weeks ago. It contents were:

Ft. Smith, Arkansas Stop Isaac Charles Parker Stop Equipment secured at Barlow's Livery Stop

You arrive at Little Rock during the course of the day. The afternoon train to Fort Smith leaves at 3:00. At around 2:40 each of you wanders into the frontier train station. The Firm must have liked the way you did business in Colorado, as all of you have been commissioned for this mission. Only one new face though even he is familiar. The Australian. Elara and Dalton traveled here together from Virginia, where they were convalescing in a Firm medical facility. The remainder of you came from scattered locations.

Two hours later the Little Rock - Ft Smith train pulls into a large frontier town. Isaac Charles Parker, it is doubtful the Judge would be in court this late in the evening. An envelope was locked up in the Station Safe for each of you. It contained the customary four gold eagles, for expenses incurred. It is doubtful that anyone beyond a boy to take care of horses is at Barlow's either. Tonight you are going to have to make the best out of Ft. Smith.

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Whisper disembarked from the train, standing close with Dalton. As usual, Whisper had spent much of the trip from Virginia either sleeping or playing cards. It was an activity that Dalton and Whisper had bonded over somewhat while they were both in hospital, as they were both fair hands with cards and it was something to while away the time. It was a welcome sight to see the whole Baker's Park crew come onto the train one-by-one.

Emerging from the train, Whisper had a hand rested on a pistol at their hip as they suspiciously eyed the nearby rooftops. In their customary hoarse whisper they say, "Judge is probably at the saloon or at home. Folks at the saloon probably know where that home is. Maybe we'll get lucky and our targets will just announce themselves like Baker's Park."

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Dalton nodded to Whisper. The terror of battle and the sterile convalescence had a curious bonding effect when combined. The typical thing to do in a new town is while away the hours in the saloon, I reckon. And if we don't do that, we are labeling ourselves as thoroughly atypical. Which we are. But don't want folk to savvy onto that just so promptly.

Besides, it'll be a good evening's diversion. A few drinks, hands of cards, and some small talk and information gathering. If you can't tell already, I'm in for it.

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Handsome Bob steps off the train into the hot spring sun. "What a difference a month makes. Glad to see you two have healed up and are ready for action. I am all anticipation on what job the Hanging Judge has for us. And a might nervous about job that Bass Reeves can't handle. He is... efficient." Bob says walking along with the rest of the group of hired troubleshooters.

"Drinks and cards sounds good to me as well." He says lifting his eyebrows.

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Charlie had spent the majority of his time off with his brother, making arrangements for a doctor to visit him regularly and administer to him. Though he hated having to travel so far afield, he couldn't afford to pass up the work The Firm offered to him. So it was with little hesitation that he answered the telegraph.

As he joined with the others from the Baker's Park job, his tips his hat to Whisper, Dalton and Bob.

"I am pleased to see you all well. Though I will not partake in the Devil's water with you, I would be happy for a friendly game of cards to pass the time."

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First thing Reed did was check to make sure his horse had been tended to. Being raised on a cattle station his father had always impressed the importance of caring for your gear and horse. They were your livelihood and in the outback, they were your lifeline. Having seen Texas and Oklahoma territory, he suspected the same adage held true here.

That done, he headed to the saloon to meet the others. Approaching the group, "G'day all. Names Sheridan, Reed Sheridan, pleased to meet ya", he said. He spoke slower here in America, some folk had a hard time with his accent, especially when he had too much to drink.

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Whisper gave Sheridan a nod and a hoarse and quiet "Whisper, a pleasure." and led the way to the saloon, waving any other Firm agents to follow along. Coming inside, Whisper finds an open table and grabs a seat, a deck of cards moving from their pocket to the table almost like magic.

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Charlie gave Reed a stoic look, then finally nodded to him.

"You have come far, friend. I hope you find what you are looking for here."

With that (somewhat cryptic) comment, he followed after Whisper into the saloon and sat opposite them, resting his treasured rifle against the table and sitting straight-backed as they began to shuffle the cards.

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There are a few saloons in Ft. Smith. The closest to the rail station is Quatre Rois, a large fancy joint by frontier accounts. The front room has a half dozen square four seat dining tables. A long bar sweeps the entire right wall as you enter. Mirrors and carved wooden statuary dominate the wall behind the bar. Four poker tables and two billiard tables take up the back room which is open to the front except for four statue pillars carved in the likeness of card kings. The kings hold up a balcony over the main bar area.

The owner is raven-haired Élisabeth Dubois. Her black eyes flash around the room taking each of you in as you enter. The dark beauty speaks in a husky New Orlean Creole accent. "Welcome! Welcome! Come gamble, drink, and enjoy the Southern hospitality of the Four Kings."

The saloon is quite full with over two dozen frontier types and a half dozen sultry dressed young ladies. Two of the poker tables have three players. The other two are full up with five. One billiards table is open. Only one dining table is free, but most of the occupants are drinking. There are a couple of wide standing spaces in front of the bar.

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Dalton politely nods to the hostess and proprietor. I thank you kindly, we just arrived in town and I for one have a need to fill my stomach and wet my throat.

He will procure food and a whiskey and take a seat at the open table. I'll join the festivities in a moment certainly, but for now I'd like to enjoy this hearty meal and take in the ambiance as they say. I'm up for a few hands of poker to shoot the breeze over. What about you fellows?

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Whisper smiles, barely noticeable behind the thick beard and mustache, "Beginner's luck is a real thing, Reed, this may be the best time to play for you." They also order a whiskey as they start to deal out the first hand. "Who all's in? A quick hand of just the Firm while we eat, then maybe we join some of the other tables to spread see what's what around here?"

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Dalton chuckles. All in? Curious turn of words. One way or another, that'll make for a quick game. Let's take it easy, get a hang of things and then branch out. Get comfortable like travelers naturally would in new environs, I say.

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