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image.png.2587d0b06e1242f14ea0db999690cd49.pngAge: 5,0821  Give or take a century.
Height: 160cm
Weight: 60kg
Gender: Female
Race: Succubus
Class: Warlocke
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Homeland: Sigil


Character Sheet Link HERE


Attributes Before Race Adjustments (32 Point Buy)

STR-12 DEX-14 CON-14 INT-14 WIS-08 CHA-16

Attributes After Race Adjustments (+2 Dex +6 Cha)

STR-12 DEX-16 CON-14 INT-14 WIS-08 CHA-22

Attributes After Leveling Adjustments

STR-12 DEX-16 CON-14 INT-16 WIS-08 CHA-24

2nd Level = +2 Int | 3rd Level = +2 Cha




1 Feat - Mortal Bane (Book of Vile Darkness Page 49) SLA does +2d6 Damage 5/day

2 Claws (1d3)

Alternate Form (4)

+4 Natural Armor

Acid - Cold - Electricity - Fire Resistance 05

Flight (50ft) (30minutes)(1/Day)

Divination Spell of 3rd Level or Less TBD

Darkvision 60ft

Immune to Poison

Abyssal Celestial Draconic

8+Int Mod (10)=10(x4)=40 Skill Points

(44 Skill Points if Int Boost at 2nd is retroactive)

+2 Int

Telepathy to 100ft

8+Int Mod (10)=11 Skill Points

Once a Day:

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance - Darkness - Desecrate - Detect Good - Detect Thoughts - Doom - Suggestion

+2 Cha

+3 Alternate Forms

+3 Natural Armor


Prime Bound Fiend

image.png.9ad394c744e1d24ec5e39374901ec7c2.pngOutsider progression for HD type, saves, BAB, skills

Fast Healing 1 per minute.  Combat useless, but means you pretty much heal up out of combat

Immune to dismissal, banishment, cannot be hedged by protection spells etc.

Not bound by the blood war

You have a medallion which is engraved with your true name. This item is effectively indestructible. I advise against losing it.

You have some memories of your previous selves. You receive a +15 racial bonus to knowledge, the old planes. This skill is of no help whatsoever regards the Prime plane.

You will never gain the summon ability of your races

To go up a level, a Prime Bound Fiend must eat it's body weight in freshly killed good aligned creatures of at least half it's level (round down). After eating, you go into a cocoon state for a number of days equal to your new level, during which time you are kind of helpless.

You gain the ability to polymorph into a humanoid form. 

Unlike outsider natives, prime bound fiends need to eat and drink like regular folk


Warlocke Class Abilities 


Eldritch Blast - 2d6 - 250ft Range Touch Attack

1st Level Feat - Mortal Bane (Book of Vile Darkness Page 49) SLA does +2d6 Damage 5/day

DR/1 vs Cold Iron

Detect Magic at Will

2 Invocations

Eldritch Spear - Increase Blast Range to 250 feet.

Dark One's Own Luck - (+3)

Apply CHA Bonus to One Save for 24 Hours. Changeable at Will






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Tracking Level Changes and Character Updates 

Basic Attributes - STR-12 DEX-14 CON-14 INT-14 WIS-08 CHA-16

Special Polymorph (1/Day)(1 Hour) | +15 racial bonus to knowledge, the old planes | Fast Healing 1/Minute

First Level  Hit Points 1d8 (Max)+Con Bonus = 8+2 = 10

Race Adjustments (Flight 50ft speed - 10 minutes - 1/day)

(+2 Dex +6 Cha) = STR-12 DEX-16 CON-14 INT-14 WIS-08 CHA-22 | BAB +1 | Fort Save +2 | Reflex Save +2 | Will Save +2

d8 Hit Dice | 2 Claws (1d3) | +1 Natural Armor | Darkvision 60ft | See Invisible (Replaces Tongues)

Alternate Form (1) | Acid - Cold - Electricity - Fire Resistance 05 | Immune to Poison

Bonus Feat Force of Personality | Automatic Languages = Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic + 2 for Intelligence = Infernal & Gith

Martial Familiarity = All Simple and Martial Weapons. No Armor or Shields.

Warloke Class Features 

Save DC if Applicable for Eldritch Blast and Invocations = 10+(Level/2)+Cha Bonus = 10+1+6=17

Eldritch Blast (1d6) | 1st Invocation = Eldritch Spear - Increase Blast Range to 250 feet.

Feat - Mortal Bane (Book of Vile Darkness Page 49) SLA does +2d6 Damage 5/day

Martial Familiarity = All Simple Weapons. Light Armor.

Second Level  Hit Points = Roll(07)+Con Bonus(02)+Previous(10)=7+2+10=19


Race Adjustments (Flight 50ft speed - 20 minutes - 1/day)

(+2 Int) =INT-16

BAB +2 | Fort Save +3 | Reflex Save +3 | Will Save +3

Telepathy 100ft | Lessor Powers - Once a Day

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance - Darkness - Desecrate - Detect Good - Detect Thoughts - Doom - Suggestion - See Invisible

Warloke Class Features 

Save DC if Applicable for Eldritch Blast and Invocations = 10+(Level/2)+Cha Bonus = 10+1+6=17

Eldritch Blast (1d6) | 2nd Invocation = Dark One's Own Luck - Apply CHA Bonus to Save - Changeable as Standard Action - Max = Warlocke Level

Detect Magic at Will.

Third Level  Hit Points = Roll(08)+Con Bonus(02)+Previous(19)=8+2+19=29

+1 Feat

Race Adjustments (Flight 50ft speed - 30 minutes - 1/day)

(+2 Cha) = CHA-24

No Changes to BAB or Saves from Succubus

+3 Natural AC

+2 Alternate Forms

Warloke Class Features 

Save DC if Applicable for Eldritch Blast and Invocations = 10+(Level/2)+Cha Bonus = 10+2+7=19

DR/1 vs Cold Iron

No New Invocations

Eldritch Blast +1d6 (2d6)

+1 BAB | +1 Fort Save | +1 Reflex Save | +0 Willpower Save


Hit Points at 2nd Level
1d4+4 3
Hit Points at 3rd Level
1d4+4 4
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Siberys is The Dragon Above | Eberron is The Dragon Between | Khyber is The Dragon Below

They had some kind of fight a long time ago. The dragons produce dragon shards, which can be used for various magical purposes.

We need a dark shard extracted from a cache here in Sharn, one unapproachable by mortal inhabitants of the Dragon Between

Dark Shard = Dragon Shard corrupted by magic.


This new world has an evil pantheon consisting of 6 gods, and you met a council representing them.

Matron Daria Nettle, gnome female, cleric of the Mockery

Archen Janus Darkfinger, half elf male, follower of the Devourer

Warlord Krassus, male hobgoblin, follower of the Fury

Dark Savant Jessup, gender unknown (diseased?) half gnoll, follower of the Keeper

Archmage Araene Wieller, human female wizard, follower of the Shadow

Presense, race/gender indeterminate (doppleganger? shifter?) priest of the Traveler

Dash'ken the Lich King on the Frozen Throne.

Why does he not care about the rock?

What does the Scepter do? -Besides Curse the User.

Maybe ask him about Dragon Stones. Should have checked my notes before ending conversation.

Artur is location of one gate.

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"What do you mean I don't want to be a warlock?" The (defrocked)Cleric asked. "I thought the whole point of the last two years was schooling me to be your warlock."

"Yes, but you've been too useful. Channeling tithes to my projects. Confessional information for blackmail. And the nuns, the way you've corrupted those sweet little nuns and orphans. There are better things out there, I hate to see you end up a warlock." The Lilitu said, nestling closer in their bed.

"End up a..."

"Yes. Shush. There are a million and six different demon lords. I am sure one of them would take your worship and you could still be a cleric."

"But you're a warlock."

"Say that again and I might just feed you your manhood on a stick. No. I am much more, but I know some things because I teach mortals how to become warlocks. Part of the whole deal making and trading your soul for power and all that rot." She sighed. "Warlocks have their purpose. Great fun. Give a mortal all sorts of power, handfuls of power. But in the end, it's cheap power with, well, you get what you pay for. It lacks subtlety, it has no variety and against our real enemies it is nearly useless as are most spells, because it is resisted by their very nature."

"So .. Eldritch energies do not harm angels?"

"Angels? What? Who's talking about angels?"

"Angels aren't your enemies?"

"Oh, hell no. Angels are the opposition. Devils are the enemy."

In the end, he chose quick and easy over real power. Well, that was how she had been able to corrupt him to begin with. Mortals, so short sighted. Her efforts brought many souls to damnation. Bolstering the forces of the abyss with cannon fodder, suborned clerics, fallen nuns and yes, even warlocks. More of those than really were useful but it is what it is.

After the Gates Fell

Stripped down to her most essential self, a Lilitu begins as a Succubus after all. Soul shredded, thousands of years of power torn away and lost. Slowly she stirred, kicking at the shell of her chrysalis. Rolling out naked in the goo Shillereese came to her feet and stretched out her wings.

"Dammit! I'm a CENSORED warlock!"

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Hey as we are both late entries and both champions of the CE corner happy (if you are) to assume we know each other, have worked together.

Nizell collects skins and the top of her list is good mortals and the top of that good magic users. Maybe some of your "projects" in the mortal realm could have had her interest..or..


......also optionally jointly play a bit on the CE vs LE. It's one thing to drop a blood feud but another for us to not still despise them being as they are enemy comrades of convenience and all.

Not saying we disrupt the "party" flow or anything just add a bit of spice .

PS love the icon

Edited by Grand Poobah (see edit history)
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The “history“ which I have worked up in my head is that Shill is a bit less focused on the “Hate ‘‘em because they’re Lawful” shtick. Malcanthet, the Succubus Queen, was once an envoy to Asmodeus (According to the Forgotten Realms wiki) It was my thought that Shill was one of her attendants at that time so as to have a better working relationship with the group.  It won’t stop her from being snarky and disruptive, but it will be more reflexive or playing to stereotype than actual animosity.


On 11/23/2023 at 3:42 AM, Michael said:

You're all in the room together. Either you have been "in the background" the whole time or a late hatching egg the cult found in the cave and moved to the current location, your call.

Also, I am going with the option Mike offered of “Been in the Background”. Unless there is significant push back from the others, it just seems less disruptive. Prevents a useless round of “who are you people, and where are my pants?” Type of posts.

I could be persuaded to be “Late” if Michael had a plot hook which really suited it.

1 hour ago, Grand Poobah said:

we know each other, have worked together.

Always like to work out these sorts of connections. Before the Gate-a-Geddeon, Shill was a full on Lilitu - Making her much closer in social status to a Marilith. Her assignments of corrupting mortals brought her into contact with Primes more often than most demons and she also ( GM Willing ) spent time in Sigil, working an informational brokerage and blackmail farm.

“Skin the Corpses when they die. Sure. But not before I’ve corrupted them…”. So most of Shills victims would be evil by the time she was through with them. Lilitu specialize in divine casters, so you could have any arcane caster friends or associates.

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You asked for...

On 11/20/2023 at 2:58 AM, Michael said:

Please add a new post in your recruitment thread which details your gestalt classes, save/bab, HD details, class features e.g.

I am updating all changes and tracking Hit Point Rolls in my thread at This Location so that, if there is a question, it is all in one place.

At this minute, it is almost finished. I have a feat to figure out, and a replacement spell for Tongues to decide.

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  • 8 months later...
On 11/30/2023 at 10:41 AM, Roughtrade said:

I have a feat to figure out, and a replacement spell for Tongues to decide.

See Invisible to Replace Tongues.

I still need to decide on a Feat, but otherwise leveling is done.

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